Former gold medalist speaks on motivation
The Michigan Daily-Saturday, March 24, 1979-Page 7
February inflation
highest In 4 2 'years
Motivation was the topic of Wilma
Rudolph's lecture last night at the
University Business School-a sub-
jet the 38-year-old knows a lot about.
Rudolph won three gold medals in
track during the 1960 Olympics, and
her record time of 11 seconds in the
100 meter dash still stands. But what
is remarkable about Rudolph's suc-
cess is that she had polio during her
childhood and could not walk
without braces until she was eight
years old.
MUCH OF Rudolph's motivation
came from her childhood experien-
ces, she told some 200 people at Hale
Auditorium who are participating in
Freshman Weekend, a .high-school
recruitment event.
Rudolph was the twentieth in a
family of 22 children,tbut because of
her handicap she said she was not
accepted by other children when it
came to sports and physical ac-
tivities. She said that at backyard
basketball'games, she was always
the scorekeeper because other
children didn't want her oon their
When she began walking without
braces, Rudolph didn't tell her
mother or doctor. Later she
developed so much strength in her
legs that as a seventh griader she
tried out for the eleventh and twelfth
grade girls' basketball team.
"The most important thing for me
was to win at that point in my
life-to participate," she said. "I
was determined that I was going to
play on that team."
RUDOLPH AND her best friend
were the star players on the team,
but her friend always managed to
beat her game total by a few points.
Rudolph recalled. Later, when her
high school started- a girls' track
team, Rudolph and her friend
joined-and Rudolph beat her
At the age of 14, Rudolph was in-
vited for a summer track program
at Tennessee State University,
where she met the coach of the
women's Olympic track team, Ed
Rudolph helped the 1956 women's
Olymic relay team win a bronze
medal when she was only 15 years
old. Later she attended Tennessee
State and carried a class load of
between 15 and 18 credits, worked
two hours a day, trained by herself
and with the team for about five
hours a day, and cared for her baby
AND SHE still kept alive her goal
of winning a gold medal. "Goal set-
ting is very important. Never lose
sight of it (your goal)," she told the
audience. Although her years of
training at the university were not
always easy, she said her early
determination helped her. "To stay
involved, you have to develop a love
(of a goal) very early."
She did win her gold medal, but
said that occasion was a fleeting
moment in her life. "You can never
go back. The most important thing is
what you do with your life after
(Continued from Page 1)
economic indicators were too mixed
now to determine if new policies were
KAHN SAID better weather gave
"every reason to believe the food price
increases will taper off, and substan-
Two of the nation's top labor leaders
said the administration's voluntary
wage and price guidelines are not
working and said workers cannot be
blamed for seeking wages that keep up
with prices. The February increase
came on the heels of an 0.9 per cent rise1
in prices in January.
"The only answer is full and complete
controls on the price of everything and
the income of everybody," said
President George Meany of the AFL-
CIO, who again demanded that
Congress approve mandatory wage and,
price controls.
of the Teamsters Union, which is
negotiating a contract with truckers,
issued a reminder that the union's
willingness to comply with the seven
per cent wage guideline depends on the
government's success in slowing rapid
price increases. ,
An Associated Press-NBC News poll,
meanwhile, showed that an over-
whelming 72 per cent of Americans ex-
pect inflation to get worse over the next
year. The poll of 1,600 persons was con-
ducted prior to the release of the
February price report.
Kahn declared the administration
will not resort to wage and price con-
trols, but he disclosed that it will soon
announce intensified monitoring of
price increases by business. He also
said the President will become more
active in the program.
KAHN ALSO said the administrion
would deny plans to impose wagelnd
price controls even if it planned to im-
pose them. "But I would not administer
such a program - period," he said.-
Gramley indicated the "ad-
ministration now believes inflation ay
be worse than its 7.4 per cent for st
for the year. ,
"IT IS possible the rise in prices-this
year will exceed our forecasts, but I
don't know how much," he said. Asked
if he thinks it could be as high as 10per
cent, he said: "No, I do not."
Mackinaw Island, MI
MAR. 27-28
Daily rhoto by PAM MARKS
WILMA RUDOLPH (center) was welcomed at a reception for Freshman Weekend
yesterday. The Olymoic gold medalist spoke last night about motivation and some
of her childhood experiences.
Smith speaks on 'U' divestiture
(Coninued from Page 1)
in the Law Quadrangle," has adjusted
to his new roles. They include providing
a link to the outside world, and acting
as communicator between the many
parts of a complex University.
SMITH SAID he has found that "well
over half" his duties fall in the area of
external relations of the University,
while the nuts and bolts of everyday
policy are determined by the vice-
"I have to know both the top line and
the bottom line for our institution,"
Smith said of formulating University
policy. "What happens in between,
that's their business."
While Smith denies taking a
deliberate behind-the-scenes role
during his short tenure, little was heard
from the third floor of the Ad-
ministration Building until last week's:
student takeover of the Regents' mon-v
thly meeting thrust Smith into the
limelight. Characteristically, he ap-
pears to have taken the surge of student
activism instride.
"I HAVE NOT made any conscious
decision to be either low-key or high-
key," he said. "I don't expect to be a
high-profile president. I don't think
there's any particular reason why any
interim president should be. If you get a
headline because of an incident, why,
you get a headline. That's just one
Smith said the Regents will hold an
open meeting again in April and that he
hopes students will not stage a sit-down
strike as some observers have
speculated they may. But he declined to
predict whether he would have students
removed by force as his predecessor
Fleming chose to do when students oc-
cupied the LSA Building in 1969.
For Smith, the divestiture controver-
sy raises the larger question of whether
a university should take a political
stance, on any issue, and he firmly
believes the answer is no.
"WHEN AN institution says 'This is
our position,' they areineffect saying,
'We don't want to talk about this
anymore'. We're imposing an or-
thodoxy on anybody who is around
here. And I just think, overall, that is
wrong for an institution that prides it-
self on continuously being willing tc
hear any idea.
"I think (the University) had better
try very hard to be apolitical," Smith
.continued. "I've seen politicized
universities in South America . . the:
are not educational institutions in an'
sense of the word that we would think of
them and we would want them to be.
And the reason is, when you push
politically, you get pushed bac
politically, and you get pushed bac
When Smith became interim leader
of the University in January he stepped
into the job in the middle of controversy
about the Michigan Union, as well as
the on-going issues of tenure decisions
and the status of the University's
Graduate Student Assistants. But his
most time-consuming work has gone in-
to a project that rarely made th
"IN TERMS of time commitment
and understanding, and being out of my
field, the building of a new hospital is
far and away the most difficult thing
I've had to try to educate myself on,'
he said.
Smith has also received an up-front
look at the issue that most directly af-
fects University students, and he offers
the same bleak predictions that.
everyone else is making about soaring
tuition and housing costs in the next few
years. Smith forecasts tough times for
the University because of inflation,
decreasing state aid, and decreasing
"There's no easy path that I can see
for the next two or three (years)," he
said. The economic situation in the near
future "means we're going to have to
struggle hard to stay even," he added.
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