Page 6-Saturday, March 24, 1979-The Michigan Daily FOUND-Dark grey cat. Call 995-9473. Found on Friday near Walnut. dA328 GOLDEN, short haired female dog, about 45 lbs. Found on State Street near Ann. Call 663-9701. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT at a Jewish Single room in 3 bedroom apartment from May till rooming house, spring/summer discount prices, August. Swimming pool, laundry facilities, parking, fall/winter leases. 769-3078. pcCtc air conditioned. Very near Medical Center and LARGE BEDROOM in beautiful old 2 bedroom Krogers. Price negotiable. Call Cyrena 663-5891. NEEDED-RIDE from Brighton to Ann Arbor and back. Mon.-Fri. Call (313) 761-8556. 20G328 1974 BUICK CENTURY-Stereo FM, Cassette, new battery, starter, shocks. 663-6269, dinnertime. 48G327 1974 YAMAHA 360 RT set for dirt-have all street parts plus more. Bike has been redone. Asking $400.994-9252. 01B329 BARGAIN-New '79 Ford, window van. 4-speed overdrive. Captain's chairs. Many extras. Plush. practical, no problems. Burks, 662-9630. 95B324 FOR SALE-Sears Manual Typewriter. Excellent condition. $75. Call 482-1753. 10B327 NIKKOR F2 50 mm lens/caps and case, $60- SONY portable cassette recorder, $35. Both like newt Call Steve, 995-2662. 11 B324 FOR THE BEST IN WATER BEDS rememoer to come see Waterworks Waterbeds at 3066 Packard ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * «o~t _ mt '7T 1425 VOLVO-Superb, excellent condition. Re- built engine. Best offer. Call Dennis, 663-5552. 07B329 :3 SINGLE ROOMS available in fully furnished house. Fall option. $80. Evenings 668-6563. 31C328 AVAILABLE APRIL --Furnished 1-BDRM. apart- ment, AC, parking, patio, large windows, laundry facilities. Very close to campus. Call 994-0989. 13C331 LARGE BEDROOM in beautiful old 2 bdrm. apt. Immediate occupancy. Fall option. 763-2222. 662- 6638. p41 C325 2-BDRM. APARTMENT. unfurnished. Island Drive, from May 1. Air conditioning. swim pool, $330 ml. services. 662-4925. 22C325 SUBLETTERS NEEDED FOR COED HOUSE WITH FALL OPTION-3 singles and 1 very large double available. Semi-cooperative, semi-vegetar- ian, located on Catherine between State and Divi- sion. Call Dan or Katie at 996-0726. dC331 BROADVIEW APARTMENTS near North Campus. immediat'e occupancy, deluxe units, 2 bedroom from $320/month includes heat, bedroom from $270/ month, includes heat. No pets. 769-2256. 04C406 AVAILABLE-Two bedroom apartment in house for fall. MUST SUBLET. May-Sept. 996-0078. 890331 APARTMENT SUBLET. MAY 10. FURNISHED, AIR COND. NO PETS. 769-0853. 93C330 WE NEED ROOMMATES! Two quiet, non-smoking females are looking for two of the same to share apartment in a house beginning Fall '79. Features include off-street parking, large rooms, bay window, separate study. Located between central campus and downtown. Call Mary or Diana at 996-0628. dC407 LARGE BEDROOM in beautiful old 2 bedroom apt. Immediate occupancy. Fall option. 763-2222, 662-6638 p41C327 SUBSIDIZED SUBLET. 2-bdrm. at Island Drive Apartments. near Medical & Central campuses. Pool, laundry, parking. Available May 7 to Aug. 11. option to renew monthly/yearly. $290. You pay $200, we'll pay rest. 662-5026 eves 96C325 GRAND OPENING RENTAL HOMES Brand new homes with fireplace. cathedral ceiling, two-car garage with automatic opener, four bed- rooms or three bedrooms and family room, full basement, large wood deck, use of tennis' court and heated pool. Approx. 12 miles from campus oft W. Liberty. Dahlmann Apts. Ltd.. 761-7600. 00C415 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY One bedroom and two bedroom a ts. Now available. Furnished. Includes heat, water nd parking. Across from U of M Stadium. 2 blocks from campus bus stop. Sans Souci Apts., 1036 S. Main. 994-3955. cCtc apt. Immediate occupancy. Fall option. 763-2222, 662-6638. p41C327 CAMPUS LOCATION Two floors containing three large rooms. Above Corilin Travel near Washtenaw and S. University. Great for counsulting firm or other professional use. Flexible terms. Available immediately. Long term lease preferred. Peter Allen, 995-5221. 78C401 ROOMS FOR RENT at a Jewish rooming house, spring/summer discount prices, fall/winter leases. 769-3078. pcCtc NEED A PLACE for next year? We need two responsible people to fill a double in our co-operative, co-ed six-member house. We are non-smoking omnivores. The house is furnished and carpeted, has a working fireplace and is very close to campus. Rent: $100 each plus utilities. May-May. Glenn at 663-7981 or Carolyn at 995-4398. dC325 AVAILABLE APRIL 1st. Cozy room in large com- fortable house. Friendly housemaker, female preferred. Low rent. Call Rosie 7-10 p.m., 995- 5490. 75C325 2-BDRMS. in 3-BDRM. house. Start May 1. 2 blocks from Campus and Campus Corners. 662-0969. 67C325 ONE BEDROOM unfurnished apartment. Near campus. Garage, fall option. Call after 5 p.m. 995- 2158. 13C331 FURNISHED TWO BEDROOM apartment. Just being redecorated, and sharp. 2 blocks from Law School. $400 including utilities. Phone 994-4500. 40C325 ARTISTS NEEDED to share studio on State Street. If interested, call Doug, 662-0159. 47C324 SUBLET-2 males to share 2 bedrom apartment w/one tenant. Albert Terrace Apartment, fall option. 662-7850. 60C324 SINGLE ROOM in 3 bedroom apartment from May till August. Swimming pool, laundry facilities, parking, air conditioned. Very near Medical Center and Kroger's. Price negotiable. Call Cyrena, 663- 5891. ,dCtc The Hi hlands LOCA DON NORTH CAMPUS One and two bedroom unfurnished apartments for immediate or fall occupancy. Featuring: security lock system, drapes, dishwasher, tennis courts and swimming pool. Buses to and from central campus daily. CALL 769-3672 Or visit the Resident Manager at 1693 Broadway, Apt. 302. MANAGED BY REAUME & DODDS Management Co. cCtc SINGLE ROOM in 3 bedroom apartment from May till August. Swimming pool, laundry facilities, park- ing, air conditioned. Very near Medical Center and Kroger's. Price negotiable. Call Cyrena, 663-5891. dCtc 3 MAN. 2 BEDROOM and study unfurnished house for fall near CCRB, $430 plus all utilities. Also efficiency and one bedroom furnished apart- ments in older buildings near campus for fall occupancy. Campus Management, Inc., 663-4101. cCtc SUMMER LEASES available. $70-140/month. Call Jim, 995-5374 between 5 and 7 p.m. 41C320 FALL 1979 CAMPUS We are currently leasing efficiencies and 1 bedroom modern, furnished apartments for next fall. Stop by or call Dahlmann Apartments, 543 Church. 761-7600 Daily 9-5. cCtc FALL 1979 4 and 5 Bedroom Apartments Newly remodeled units in Centennial House. All new carpet, drapes, furniture and appliances. Campus Rentals, Ltd. 1335 S. University 665-8825 cCtc MODERN two-bedroom furnished apartments four blocks north of Rackham available for fall, $335-$340 per month. Rent includes heat, water, parking, laundry facilities and disposals. Also modern two-bedroom unfurnished apartments one mile from campus available for fall. Rent $280 to $285 per month includes heat, water, parking, laun- dry facilities and disposal. Campus Management, Inc. 337 E. Huron St.-663-4101 dCtc MURRAY HOTEL-Mackinaw Island, MI needs summer cooks, bartenders, maintenance men, piano players, and personnel for rotation between food service, waitressing, and housekeeping. Send complete resume, work experience, and first and last day available to work to: 3969 Penberton, Ann Arbor, MI 48105. 24H408 COUNSELORS ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT CAMPS seeks qualified counselors for 90 member camps located N. Eastern U.S. July and August. Contact: Association of Independent Camps, 55 West 42nd St., New York. N.Y. 100:36 (212) 736- 6595. ,p5411502 NORTHERN MICH. Childrens Summer Camp has openings for Arts & Crafts directors-Teacher Certification required. Call (313) 355-3114. '78H329 EMPLOYMENT, AVAILABLE early May through Sept. 4th-Housekeeping, kitchen, busboy and maintenance. Send resume-Iroquois Hotel, Mack- inac Island, MI 49757. 14H401 RAPIDLY GROWING systems house seeks self- starters who respond to a challenging environment with excellent advancement potential. Opportunities are now available is software development, and field and bench service for hardware technicians. Contact Robert Kwasny, 995-7616 for an appoint- ment. 02H325 FRATERNITY LOOKING FOR FULL-TIME COOK (M-F, 11-6), Begin Sept. For interview call Al or Jack,665-2605 or 761-1345. 981329 NORTHERN MICH. Children's Summer Camp has openings for Arts -& Crafts directors-Teacher Certification required. Call (313) 355-3114. 78H329 FULL OR PART-TIME NOW for receptionist and order desk assistant. Full summer employment. Interesting field, light typing, customer contacts. Pleasant surroundings. No Saturday work. Paid holidays. Apply at once: Mr. Hawkins, Advertiser's Publishing Co.,,944 Wall St. 82H327 PHOTOGRAPHERS-We are now receiving port- folios for a position on the Michigan Daily photo staff, beginning spring and (or) fall term. Previous darkroom experience and an avid interest in photo- journalism necessary. Leave message at Daily office or 764-0552 for Maureen or Andy. dH329 THE SECRETARIAT Term Papers, Theses & Dissertations Typing, Copying & Binding 812 South State Street 994-3594 9-4 Mon.-Sat. DISSERTATION & MANUSCRIPT TYPING Outstanding quality, fast service. Donna, 973-0433. 23J407 TYPING, experienced, all kinds, reasonable. 971- 3699. 12J328 SMALL POTATOES MOVING COMPANY Apartment moving $15 and up, always reasonable. Fully licensed. Call 668-1994 or 769-2908. 15J325 TYPING, IBM Selectric. Fast, relible. Nancy, 662-9823. 36J327 TYPING reasonable and reliable. 971-9093 after 5p.m. 19J324 WANT HIGH QUALITY AND PRINTING AND COPYING? COME TO WORDPROCESSORS -We offer quick job turn around and clean, crisp copies. The widest range of special paper stocks in town. Many other specialty items and services available, also typing, graphic design, word pro- cessing, and type setting. 211S. State 662-3969 -jt- TYPING/BINDING * Dissertations - Theses/Term papers * Business/Letters/Resumes -Legal Judie Birdsall 665-9843 612 S. Forest Suite B cJtc Ite CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY AD deadline is 12 noon the day before publication (4 P.M. Fri. for Sun.) including corrections and cancellations. The Daily is not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad. Advertisements may be removed from publication but will be billed according to original, number of days ordered. This policy is also applicable to ads requiring pre-payment, i.e., no refunds. Information regarding content of classified ads cannot by disclosed prior to publication. Advertisers' names may never be revealed. Number of lines in advertisements is determined by total number of words- 7 words/line. "Help Wanted" ads cannot discriminate on the basis of sex, color, creed or national, origin to any extent (i.e. "preferably" is still discriminatory). "Found" ads are run free-of-charge to a maximum of 3 lines for 3 days. JEWISH GRAD students and singles-On Saturday, March 24, there will be wine-and-cheese party at 9 p.m. at Hillel Foundation, 1429 Hill St. with Uni- versity grad students from Canada. cF324 SPRING is, here' By the time you've knitted or crocheted that cotton, silk, or linen sweater or top it will be. Start your project now: we have everything you need-yarns, needles, patterns, and advice. The Wild Weft, Kerrytown. 415 N. Fifth Avenue.761-2466. cF324 NO CALORIES in these tarts! Patisserie from France. Extravagant gift for the one who has everything . . . Little Dipper Candles, 415 N. Fifth Ave. (adjacent to the Farmer's Market). cF324 WE SELL SEA SHEL SOAP (say that one aloud) made with jojoba oil-good for the skin, derine. Little Dipper Candles, 415 N. Fifth Ave. (adjacent to the Farmer's Market ). cF323 BE CREATIVE Are you a writer, photographer, artist, or business- person? Would you like to get first-hand experience in any of these areas? Join the MICHIGANENSIAN, U-M's Yearbook. Come to our New Staff Meeting, Monday, April 2 at 7:00 p.m., at 420 Maynard St. or call 764-0561 for more information. dF401 NOTICE NON-NATIVE SPEAKERS OF ENGLISH All Speakers of English as a second language* are invited to take part in an experimental test of English language proficiency to be given in AIVGELL HALL AT 7:00 P.M. ON MARCH 26 AND 27. you will receive $7.00 for approximately 11/2 hours of your time. In addition, test results will be made available to participants. If interested you must call and register which night you wish to take the test at the following number: 764-2413. *No EGI students currently enrolled in the Inten- RESERVE OFFICERS TO ASSIST ARMY ROTC AND EARN RETIREMENT POINTS. INFOR- MATION CALL 764-2400. 65H325 TEACH OVERSEAS! All fields, all levels. For details, send self-addressed, stamped, long envelope to: Teaching, Box 1049, San Diego, CA 92112. p3811403 NURSING STUDENT SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Come get familiarized with the largest health care service in the country. Veteran's Administration MedicalCenter, Ann Arbor, Mi. hiring nursing students as summer aides. $4.02-4.51 per hour. May 1- Sept. 1. Contact M. Schnettler, Nursing Service 769- 7100, ext. 371, 372or 373. An equal opportunity employer 75H331 DESK ATTENDANT-Afternoons. Contact Mr. Mc- Kinney, Ann Arbor Y,663-0536. 56H324 KEYPUNCH OPERATORS FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME We have openings for full-time and part-time operators on 'all three shifts. A number of part- time and full-time positions are available during the day and afternoon shifts on Saturday and Sunday. Experienced operators or recent keypunch school grads preferred. Will train accurate 55-60 wpm typists. Call Kate Arnold for more informa- tion and appointment. 665-2323. 0511325 CAMP Camp Al-Gon-Quian, located on Burt Lake in North- ern Michigan, needs to fill the following positions: archery, riding, riflery, and swimming instructors, nurse (R.N.), program director and trips director. Competitive salary, room and board, June 25- August 12. To apply, contact the Ann Arbor "Y," 350S. Fifth Avenue. 50H325 TYPING. IBM Selectric. Fast, reliable. Nancy, 662-9823. 29.1320 PROFESSIONAL TYPING and WORDPROCESSING The WORDPROCESSORS. We specialize in dissertations, manuscripts,: resumes' legal and term papers, Rackham quality guaran- teed. Also copying, printing and binding. Open 7 days. 211 S. State St. 662-3969 cJtc WRITING SERVICES. Creative. Technical, Editing.. Research. Typing. Experienced Professional. 996-' MAY-AUGUST-FALL Option. 1 bedroom apt. On campus, negotiable. 663-6458 after : p.m. 88u328 SUBLET AVAILABLE' now through April or May. 995-8901 or message at 764-6170. 87U325 ROOM IN HOUSE, May or June to Sept. Loft and ample study space. $75/mo. Parking, quiet area. 662-0969. 91 U325 MAY-AUGUST SUBLET. Furnished apartment. Bedroom, living room, kitc-en. Parking. 1108 Packard, No. 3. I pay $250/mo., will take best offer. (work> 764-2357 and (home) 995-0268. 92U330 APRIL-AUGUST SUBLET-Large 2 bedroom apartment near CCRB, Medical Center, and Central Campus. Rent incredibly -reasonable. Air condi- tioning and all utilities included. Call 663-5412 persistently, any time. Will accommodate 2-4 persons. dU:3:30 LARGE DOUBLE (huge single) in 2-BDRM. Apt., May/August. 4 min. to campus-5 min. to Arb. Free parking. Free laundry facilities. Furnished. Price negotiable. Call 662-5340. 71C324 AVAILABLE May-August. Large 4 bedroom 4-6 man apartment, located on campus. 2 full baths, dish- washer, air conditioning, parking, fully furnished and carpeted. Call 663-1832 or 662-3267. 44U401 SINGLE INA3BDRM. APT. From May through August Swimming pool, laundry facilities, parking, etc. Very near Medical Center and Kroger's. Close to Huron River and Park Price Negotiable - Call Cyrena: 663-5891 dU324 SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET. 3 rooms" available in 6-BDRM. house. Call soon, 995-1772. -f73U325 TWO BEDROOM Apartment, good location near I.M., Campus Corners, A/C, dishwasher, negoitable. 662-1169 70U327 SUMMER SUBLET- BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED HOME. 7 bed- rooms, 2 full baths. Washer/dryer/dishwasher. Fenced in yard. Fireplace. One block from campus. Price negotiable. Available May 1-August 31. Call 764-2848, 764-2847,or 662-9574. dU324 SUBLET 1 BEDROOM apartment, cheap rent exchange for care of cat. Furnished. 761-6904 eve- nings. Ask for Nancy. 25U324 SUBLET-2 Bedroom Apt. close to campus. A/C, sauna, laundry facilities. 668-2450. 63U404 SUBLET-Furnished efficiency, excellent location. 996-0617, 81U325 M USICA L MDSE., R ADIOS, R EP A IRS USED EPIPHONE 12 string guitar. $150 or best offer. 761-9431. cXtc ADVENT LOUDSPEAKERS. The Advent Com- pany's triumph of speaker technology over price. Yours for only $150/pr. 764-8900. 74X325 MARTIN GUITAR SALE, this month only. Apollo Music Center, 323 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. cXy. 14 FOR SALE Pioneer Project 60A speakers. Perfect condition. DOCTOR COUPLE and cats seek 2 bedroom house/ apt. near U Hospital, fireplace desired, start May/ June. Crocker, 317 King, Columbus, Ohio 43201. (614) 424-6069. 53L328 ARE YOU A PROFESSOR going on Sabbatical 1979-80? Responsible couple and dog seeking hous- ing starting in Sept. Call Bill, 668-7119. 99L325 NEED OWN ROOM near campus for summer AND FALL. Francese 662-1082. 662-5227. 816L327 sive English courses are eligible for the tes (It's MAKE LOVE!--NOTWAR good for our ' It's good for our busines8 st. 83F327 business) DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trude Jaffe ACROSS 1 Richardson novel, 1740 7 Kitchen utensils 13 Incarnation 14 Averell 16 Establish in a certain place 17 Dynamo part 18 Wood used for oars 19 One of the Beechers 21 Maxim 22 Linden tree 24 Of a projecting part 25 Jogger's path 26 Heating vessels 28 Witticism 29 Certain fraternity men 30 Metal urn 32 Flaw 33 Design 34 Argot 35 Inscrutable 38 Campmates 41 Yearns: Colloq. 42 High school adjunct 43 Ice pinnacle 45 Freedom for action O 1979 Los Ameles Times syndks 46 Pasture sound 48 Frances Hodgson Burnett heroine 49 Best friend 50 Peanuts 52 Doleful 53 Secret place 55 Headdress like a cowl 57 Kind of lava from Wyoming 58 Famous name in French fashions. 59 Is impudent: Slang 60 Numbers DOWN 1 Roof of the mouth 2 Wading birds: Var. 3 Deus ex- 4 Airport abbr. 5 Plaster base 6 Of a region 7 Cowboy gear 8 Supplier of weapons 9 Mild expletive 10 Illuminated 11 Rival successfully 12 Name of three Adirondack lakes 14 Entertain as a guest 15 Latest 20 Most common printing type 23 Eel-like aquatic animal 25 Southpaw pitchers 27 Shoe parts 29 Swerves 31 Large tank 32 Family member 34 Greek colony in ancient Italy 35 Greek lyric poet 36 Dessert treats 37 Ancient Asian region 38 Tot's farewell ,9 Obliteration 40 Crusader's foe 42 Gazes with malicious satisfaction 44 Students at Colorado Springs 46 Alamo hero 47 Drums, cymbals, bells, etc. 50 Moves restlessly about 51 Wild plum 54 Nav. officer 56 Early in the 11th century: Rom. Austin Diamond 1209 S. University 663-7151 Specializing in custom engagement & wedding rings cFtc OFFSET AND XEROX FAST LOW COST DUPLICATING COPYQUICK-769-0560 1217 S. University cFtc PRIMAL/FEELING THERAPY-The Personal Growth Center, 403 Miller, 971-0102. eFtc SAVE 45% on attractive Lucite candle holders, perfect for any decor . . . Little Dipper Candles, 415 N. Fifth Ave. (adjacent to the Farmer's Market). cF325 IF YOU ATTENDED any of the free introductory lessons offered by Mental Dynartic Institutes. Inc., at the League Feb. 13-16 a-nd subsequently signed for a mind developing course, please contact Pete . or Lisa at 763-,3246. cF327 INVESTOR WILL PAY $200 reward for information leading to purchase of house or apartment building on or near campus. 995-0335. cFtc JUNIORS Don't be left out of your 1980 MICHIGANENSIAN Yearbook! Sign up for your portrait appointment TODAY by calling 764-0561, weekdays from 9 A.M.-9 P.M. Or stop by our office at 420 Maynard (next to SAB) These portraits will apper in the senior section of the 1980 Yearbook. dF329 SPRING IS HERE: but where are you? British Scholar--historian, 52-slightly weird but affec- tionate, cheerfully lecherous, considerate, creative-offers 30 year old body, mind, spirit (all in excellent working order) to one very special she- person (25-44?) in exchange for wildly funny, happy. sharing/caring lifelong partnership. Write, or phone (616) 342-2695 evenings, or MICH DAILY Box 75. 29F325 COPIES: 3-t each, overnight. Lowest Prices! Fastest Service! Accu-Copy,524 E. William, 769-8338 SUPPORT March of Dimes Run-a-thon Sat., March 31st. For more info call March of Dimes; 761-6331. Sponsored by MSA. 80M329 THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY in /Ann Arbor invites you to a talk "God's Geometry" by Ms. Winifred Wylie at Ann Arbor Library Conference Rm. Friday, March23 at7:30 p.m. 87M322 INTERVIEWS During the month of March the United States Marine Corps will be accepting interviews for its Officer Programs. Freshmen through Seniors are eligible. For more information call 1-800-292-5920 or stop by the Career, Engineering or Business Placement Offices and see Captain Bruce Roche. p25H329 VOCAL SOLOIST male or female to lead congre- gtion in Reform Jewish Temple. Familiarity with Jewish music preferred, not required. Friday eve- nings. Aug. '79-June '80 and holidays. 665-4744 days, 761-9390 after 5p.m. and weekends. 56H325 A FEW STUDENTS at U of M will make $977 a month THIS SUMMER. Call today to see how you can be one of them. 994-4326. 37H325 PART OR FULL TIME POSITIONS available at local marine dealership. For appointment call 663-4242. 43H1327 FRESHPERSONS AND SOPHOMORES will be paid $450 plus travel, food, lodging for attending six week summer camp. Information call 764-2401. 06H401 TENNIS PROS WANTED-Excellent Summer seasonal and year-round positions available; good playing and teaching background required. Call &y01) 654-3770, or send 2 complete resumes, pic- tures to: K.J. Belknap, W.T.S., 8401 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 1011, Chevy Chase, MD 20015. p3311327 TYPISTS The Word Processors, a professional commercial service has morning shift positions open. Skills required are minimum 65 wpm and background in at least one of the following: transcription, type- setting, or computerized word processing equip- ment. Pleasant working environment, pay com- mensurate with skills and experience. Call Suzanne. 662-3969. clltc PAID VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The U-M Allegory Division needs male volunteers ages 18-35 to participate in a study to determine the optimal dosage of a drug which has been widely used in medical practice for many years. We need normal subjects without allergies or other serious medical problems. The study will take place from March-June 1979. Participants will be studied on 3 non-consecutive days on an outpatient basis. Renumeration will be $100. Call 763-3141 for further information. 55H1324 COUNSELORS ASSOCIATION OF INDEPEND- ENT CAMPS seeks qualified counselors for 90 mem- Pt STAL VAN, small. dependable. 994-4681 after 5. 06N:327 FOR SALE-1974 CAPRI, good condition. 4 speed, FM. new brakes. Call persistently, 996-0145. dN401 FOR SALE--- 1970 Pontiac L eMans. Needs work. Best offer. 662-0969. 90N325 FOR SALE-1970 Maverick, 2 door, AC, snow tires, few miles, good MPG. kept indoors past two winters, little rust. Call 996-0726. dN327 GOING TO SAN FRANCISCO? Air ticket for sale cheap. Leaves April 24th. 973-2165. 72P325 Qt:A)RKAIPlEGIC' from Ireland, planning to visit Boston, New York, Washington, l.C., possibly California, seeks companion for part or all of trip. Con act. Disabled Student Services, 763-3000, p84P29 AKC NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND PUPS. Good watch dogs, good with children, nice disposition. Reasonable! CAll 483-5973 evenings before 11. - - - - . - . - * - I - $ 9 10 11 12 1 22 16 18 22 3 4 5 6- 15 ' 1 1 T i r-- i - 21 ROOM with bay window and fireplace SUBLET May through Aug. $85. Including utilities. Call 663-2569 after6:0O p.m. -663-7877 before. 14U329 SUBLET SPRING/SUMMED. fall option. Two large bed- rooms. Furnished. Private parking. Prime location. 996-0536. 05U330 PASSION PIT :3 bdrm.. furnished. a/c, parking, utilities paid. balcony. 912 MARY ST., APT,4-662-5369. 25U327 SUMMER SUBLET--Own room, 2 bdrm. apt.. air, dishwasher, on campus. Call -Jeff, 663-5163. dU:325 MARIAN 2 Bedroom apartment. Furnished. A/C. Laundry. Parking. Now/August. $250. 761-9477. 0)9U325 CHALET APT. SUMMER SUBLET -TWO NON-SMOKING FEMALES needed for fall. Beautiful apt. 668-7386. 52Y325 FEMALE HOUSEMATE needed to share large double with six women. $135/month includes utilities. Close to campus, friendly housemates. Maggie, 995-, 5146; Donna-Julie,996-0238. May lease. 54Y324 FEMALE HOUSEMATE needed fall term only. Single in house with six women. $150/month includ- ing utilities. Maggie, 995-5146 or 668-9064. 55Y324 ONE BEDROOM available in 2 bedroom apt. for next fall. This Heritage House Apt. includes bal- conies, AC, wall-to-wall carpet, dishwasher, and two fine gentlemen for roommates. Call Jonathan or Randy at 995-3981. dY322 BA RGA IN CORNER Giant Flea Market Bargains, Furniture, Jewelry, Plants, Antiques and Collectables. 150 dealers. 214 E. Michigan at Park, Downtown Ypsilanti, every weekend 6 p.m.-10 p.m. Fri. eve., 10 a.m.-6 p.m.,Sat.and Sun. 46W325 is preserved on The Michigan Daily 23 33 37 25 -i Spaces Available for women at the INTERNA- TIONAL COOP. $150 monthly. This is a real International experience! Close to campus. Jean or Cecile, 761-7435._42E327 ANSWRTO PREVIOUS PUZZLE R I I S RAP S F F F I N U R EIS I GO T R 1 0 TRE E AT 0 F REE E S S 39 4o 41 44 35 7711 F ,L9