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Tuesday April 3
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Page 12-Thursday, March 22, 1979-The Michigan Daily
ISR to examine black life in America
Touted by its sponsors as the -single
most comprehensive survey ever con-
ducted on black Americans, an up-
coming study by the Institute for Social
Research (ISR) will examine virtually
all aspects of black life in America.
Nearly 5,000 black Americans will be
interviewed during the next several
months in the study, funded by the
National Institute of Mental Health and
National Institute on Aging. The
respondents will be questioned about
family and community life, religion,
employment, sexual relationships, and
PRINCIPAL investigator James
Jackson, associate professor of
psychology and ISR faculty associate,
said research on black Americans has
been "very, very poor." He said "this
study is taking a different framework.
"We are trying to come up with
questions and ideas that tap into the
black experience."
Two surveys will be conducted
simultaneously. One will poll a cross
section of adults 18 years and older
across the nation. The other will in-
volve a study of three generations of
black American families.
"This type of three-generational
study has never been done by anyone on
any group of people," said Jackson.
"We hope it will help show the tran-
smission of values from one generation
in a family to the next."
THE STUDY IS unique in that it will
be conducted nationwide. and inter-
views will take place in more than 100
communities across the country. Past
surveys have dealt with urban blacks or
rural blacks, but never with the
American black population as a whole,
Jackson said.
Jackson said stereotypes of black
Americans will be studied. "Common
myths are that they have more mental
health problems, or that blacks don't
feel good about themselves," he said.
He added that he hopes the study will go
deeper than examining stereotypes of
Whites and other minority groups will
not be contrasted with blacks in the
study, which will be conducted from a
black perspective. "We'll be doing no
comparisons," said Jackson. "And
we're not collecting any information
whatsoever on whites."
JACKSON EXPECTS the study to
shed some light on problems and
pressures peculiar to the black in the
study, which will be conducted from a
black perspective. "We'll be doing no
comparisons," said Jackson. "And
we're not collecting any information
whatsoever on whites."
JACKSON EXPECTS the study to
shed some light on problems and
pressures peculiar to the black
population. "We're hoping to see how
blacks are coping with day-to-day
stresses," he said.
More than 200 interviewers - trained
by the National Study of Black
Americans - will be questioning blacks
across the country between March and
April. Jackson said he probably will
have reports on the results early i
The study won't end there, though,
according to Jackson. He hopes that it
will create a national data base for
future work and comparisons.
"THE IMPORTANCE of a study of
this nature to black Americans across
the country cannot be overestimated.
We hope it will clear up certain miscon-
ceptions about the attitudes and
behaviors of blacks and provide a basis
for the development of policy and
programs helpful to blacks," Jackson
"This study is only the beginning," he
added. "In the future, we'll be able to
better examine the cultural unity and
the diversity of blacks in different
communities and nations."
reading from their works
Thurs., March 22-7:30 p.m.
GUILD HOUSE-so2 Monroe
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Oil shortage may threaten national security
A Masters Degree in
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Opportunities Available for:
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Interested students in engineering, physics, biology, chemis-
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sciences should write:
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Health, School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
-Do You Know What You Want?
-Do You Get What You Need?
-Are You Satisfied?
Peer Counselors of Counseling Services are
Offering a FREE WORKSHOP for Under-
graduates on Understanding Your Current
or Past Relationships.
Saturday, March 24, * 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
To Register or for More Information Call
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* Lunches not included
University of/Michigan Law School
Recruiting Conference
women and Legal Careers
Sat., March 24, 1979
10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Room 100 Hutchins Hall
Speakers-panels-informal discussion
Information on admissions requirement and pro-
cedures, the law school experience and career
Sponsored by the Women Law Students Assoc.
MSA19 79-80
The Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) Annual Elections will be
held April 2, 3, 4, 1979. All seats
up for election.
Candidate filing forms are avail-
able now at the MSA Offices, 3909
Michigan Union.
From Reuter and UPI
WASHINGTON - President Carter
has been warned by the Treasury that
U.S. oil imports now are so large and
come from such uncertain sources of
supply that they threaten national
security, a report released yesterday
The report on the oil import situation
recommended steps to cut overall oil
use and said increased domestic
production of oil and other types of
energy should be encouraged.
Presidential search
may last until July
THE UNITED States now uses bet-
ween 18 and 20 million barrels of oil a
day - easily the highest consumption
rate in the world - and imports just
under half of this amount.
Publication of the report coincided
with discussions which Carter has been
having with advisers on how to cut U.S.
oil imports and energy consumption.
He is planning a televised address to
Americans, probably on March 29, on
the issue.
The most popular option among Car-
ter's advisers, administration sources
said, appears to be a gradual lifting of a
federal ceiling on domestically-
produced oil.
IN RELATED energy developments
in Washington:
-A spokesman for Iran's
revolutionary government said Iranian
oil supplies to the United States would
continue after signing of the Israel-
Egypt treaty opposed by many Arab
-A secret CIA report quoted at a
Senate Energy Committee hearing said
that if Iranian oil output did not in-
crease soon to three to four million
barrels a day or U.S. consumption was
not restrained, stocks would be reduced
to an abnormally low level by mid
year. Iranian output now is about 2.
million barrels a day, half its rat
before crippling strikes during the tur
moil that caused the shah's fall fro
THE TREASURY report said that
U.S. oil imports increasingly come
from a small number of countries and
that the risk of interruption by civil
disturbances, terrorist acts and other
causes in these nations had not
diminished since 1975.
Treasure Secretary Michael Blumen-
thal said in a memorandum accom-
panying the report that "recent
developments in Iran have dramatized
the consequences of this excessive
dependence on foreign sources of
The memorandum pointed out to Car-
ter that in 1978 oil imports accounted
for 45 per cent of total U.S. consum-
ption, compared with 37 per cent in
Meanwhile, in Washington, Tran-
sportation Secretary Brock Adams said
that even modest cuts in automobile use
to save energy will overwhelm the
nation's mass transit system by forcing
it to handle additional riders.
(Continued from Page 1)
refused to speculate when the selection
might be made because, he said,
"target dates are illusory." Nederlan-
der said he did not like to set target
dates because if the date was not met
"it looks like we've failed."
Roach said he would "neither con-
firm nor deny" that a new president
would be chosen in April.
ALTHOUGH MOST of those involved
in the presidential search hoped to
choose someone to fill the position now
occupied by Interim President Allan
Smith, by late April or early May, they
took Laro's statement in stride.
"He may well be right," said student
advisory committee co-chairman Jeff
Supowit. "I guess we had in the backs of
our minds that it might go longer (than
April). Most of us will be around, so it
won't be like students will be shut out,"
he said.
"When you're talking about a term
that's going to last ten years at least,
another month or two won't make a dif-
ference," said alumni search panel
head Sam Krugliak.
student group had received a reduced
list of presidential nominees from the
Regents on Monday. While Supowit
refused to reveal how many names
were on the new list, co-chairwoman
Olivia Wesley said less than 100 names
"There will be more cuts," Supowit
said.,"It's not at an interviewing
Wesley also said the four student
committee members present at Mon-
day night's meeting reviewed the
Regents list and added "about a dozen"
names to it. Wesley said the additional
names were candidates the student
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP)-Pianist-
composer Marian McPartland and
singer Carmen McRae headline the
performers scheduled to take part in
the second annual Women's Jazz
Festival here March 23, 24 and 25.
Keyboardist-composer Joanne Bracken
will be making her debut at the festival.
The main concert, concluding three
days of high-school and big-band per-
formances, jam sessions, a gospel
songfest, scholarship awards and clinic
workshops, will be emceed by jazz
critic-historian Leonard Feather.
panel had recommended to the Regents
that the Board eliminated when it
reduced the initial pool of ap-
proximately 200. She explained the
student committee was seeking ad-
ditional information on the candidates
as well as reasons why the Regents had
cut the names from the list.
"THERE'S A couple we still think
would be worth looking over," Wesley
Supowit said the list was not "im-
mutable," and Regent Laro explained
that names taken off the list could
receive further consideration in the
Wesley also stressed that the Regen-
ts' reduced list reflected the student
committee's preferences on most can-
didates. She said the Regents list was
similar to the yanked roster of can-
didates the student committee submit-
ted to the Regents earlier this month.
Wesley added, however, that the
student committee was not given copies
of the categorized lists submitted by the
faculty and alumni advisory commit-
"EXCEPT. FOR A half-dozen or
dozen that we're going to try to have
added ... it (the student list) matched
up very well (with the reduced list),"
Wesley said. "Many of the names we
said were highly qualified or qualified
were on there," she said.
Wesley added that most of the can-
didates the students felt were
unqualified were left off the new list.
Ballot proposal on MSA
officer sftiper
(Continued from Page 1)
Arnson sees the likelihood of only a
token salary for officers if internal fun-'
ding becomes a reality. He said he is'
unsure how students will react to the
proposal during the election.
tative from the Business School, said'
the ballot proposal is inappropriate,
and that the idea of internal funding is;
essentially a "me too" question.
"Everybody's trying to get an in-
fluential, credible Assembly," he said,
"but I don't think people are the
problem. I don't think it (no pay) affec-
ts the quality of the effort."
Student claims photograph
links her to leftist group
ids disputed
Arnson said, "People see no real in-
centive. They only see working on the
Assembly as something you have to
make great sacrifices for."
BUT WALLER said, "I don't think
it's a question of reform, I think it's a
question of a pay raise."
He also said, "I think it (compen-
sation) is a slight incentive for running
(for MSA(, but by no means is it
Pelava, who represents the School of
Natural Resources, said part of the
reason behind internal funding would
be to attract quality people to the
IN ANY CASE, they all said, "let the.
students decide."
The ballot proposal dealing with
mandatory funding is simply to ask
students whether or not they want to
see the funding, used for the first time
this year, continued. Ultimately, the
Regents will make the final decision,
according to Arnson. Last year, a
similar proposal was approved by 75
per cent of the students voting in the
MSA election.
Of the $2.92 fee, $1.74 goes to suppor-
ting Student Legal Services, $.15 ,to a
course evaluation project, $.06 to the
Tenants Union, and $.97 to all other
MSA programs and expenses.
MANDATORY funding is on the
Regents' agenda for April. Arnson said
he will ask the Regents to extend the
funding for three years, which would
allow the Assembly to do some long-
term planning.
Although last July, when mandatory
funding was approved, the Regents did
not specify whether mandatory funding
must be supported with a ballot
proposal, Arnson said he didn't want
there to be any confusion on the matter.
Arnson also said he feels the students
will reaffirm their support for man-
datory funding.
(Continued from Page 1)
person plural expressing the RCYB in-
terpretation of what happened at the
protest, according to Clark.
THE PARAGRAPH states: "It is in
this spirit that we should deal with
court injunctions and all other ob-
stacles that the Regents try to throw in
our path."
The leaflet not only makes it appear
that she is connected with the RCYB,
said McClenney, but it also makes it
appear that she said the words printed
next to the picture. Pointing to the pic-
ture, McClenney said, "It makes it
seem like this person, who unfor-
tunately was me, said that."
"The picture was reprinted," said
Clark, "because in all the news
coverage, this was the only picture
showing student participation in the
rally. This picture captures how
students felt at the rally."
"The word 'We' all the way through
(the leaflet) refers to the people,"
Clark said. "The view of the people has
got to be put out," she said.
"I don't think our position is extreme.
I would characterize it as the only way
that things are going to get changed in
this country," Clark added.
NEW YORK (AP)-Dr. Seymour
Slive has been awarded the 1979 Art
Dealers Association of America award
for outstanding achievement in the field
of art history.
Slive, Gleason professor of fine arts
and director of the Fogg Art Museum at
Harvard University, is to be presented
with the award May 2
PUBLIC Lecture
DENNIS PRAGER, the young and dynamic
Director of Brandeis Camp Institute will speak on
"Some Questions
People Ask
About Judaism"
from New Mexico
speaking on the
Rights of Indo-Hispanos
nt 7-00 nm. March 23
Filing deadline-March
1979, 4:30 P.M.