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Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom
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Vol. LXXXIX, No. 136
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 22, 1979
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
Mayoral candidates take the ight to the streets
BY ELISA ISAACSON with encouraging a "shoddy" repair ci, Kenworthy declared, "if you built are being considered by Council, and a
The day after Mayor Louis Belcher's job, and said Belcher has done nothing roads properly, you wouldn't have to bond sale proposal to fix several roads
election last spring Ann Arborites were to keep local taxes down while fixing have so many laborers fixing just will appear on the April 2 ballot.
already half-seriously scrutinizing the the streets potholes." ACCORDING TO city Streets, Traffic
streets, in hopes that their neigh- The mayor said he intended the Pat- Belcher has called his road repair and Parking (STP) Director John Rob
g (TP)Dre rJnRb-l - --:....
Dor ood pothoies wouid soon be filed.
Potholes were a hot issue in the 1978
race between Belcher and incumbent
Democrat Albert Wheeler, and Belcher
promised to fix streets that year using
existing city revenues.
So after -taking office, the mayor in-
stituted the 1978 "Patching Program,"
a plan designed to patch or resurface
six city streets - Geddes, Georgetown,
Green, Liberty, Platt, and State.
POTHOLES HAVE been revived as a
campaign issue this year by Belcher's
opponent, Democrat James Kenwor-
thy. Kenworthy has charged the mayor
ching Program as a fix-it-quick plan to
satisfy voters who were expecting in-
stant results from his campaign
While many people are looking at the
current condition of the streets to
determine whether Belcher kept to his
pledge, Kenworthy said, "The debate
isn't are roads getting slightly better or
slightly worse - it's if money is being
spent wisely to insure they will be bet-
ter in the future."
SAYING THE Patching Program did
not meet certain "high design standar-
ds" previously accepted by City Coun-,
city elections '79
plan - launched with the Patching
Program - a "real on-going
program," but Kenworthy said the only
thing "on-going" about the project is
that the shoddy quality of the repairs
means that the potholes will continually
have to be filled.
Street repair programs more com-
prehensive than the Patching Program
bins, citizens have been filing "more
compliments than complaints" this
year about the condition of local
streets. John Dunkley, also of STP, said
that although a couple of. the streets
repaired under the program can be ex-
pected to break up again within a year,
other roads, such as Platt, should be
drivable for another four years.
Some of the potholes in the
designated streets were repaired with
cold patch, a material that can be used
all year round but which often results in
See MAYORAL, Page 5
...'patching program' poor
... an ongoing effort
may last
until July
A permanent University president
will almost certainly not be chosen by
the semester's end, but he or she will
probably be selected by "mid-summer
or earlier," according to University
Regent David Laro.
"It's my belief that there will be no
selection in the month of April," Laro
said in a phone interview Tuesday. "I
would anticipate that by no later than
July a selection would be made. To
predict other months (in which a new
president could be chosen) would be
pure speculation,"he added.
The search process progressed this
week when the Regents sent reduced
lists of presidential nominees to the
student, faculty, and alumni advisory
committees for their consideration.
(D-Birmingham) and Thomas Roach
(D-Grosse Pointe) refused to comment
on Laro's prediction that the search for
a successor to Robben Fleming could'
continue into the summer.
Nederlander, who is chairman of the
Regents committee in the search,
Knesset votes
approval of
peace, treaty
JERUSALEM (Reuter) - The
Israeli Knesset (parliament) last Might
overwhelmingly approved the treaty to
end 30 years of war between Israel and
The vote, after 28 hours of debate,
was 95 in favor, 18 against and two ab-
stentions. Three members walked out
before the vote and two others were ab-
THE VOTE cleared the way for
Prime Minister Menachem Begin to
travel to Washington and sign the
treaty with Presidents Carter and An-
war Sadat of Egypt.
In Washington, President Carter
praised the Knesset vote. "The Israeli
Knesset spoke with a voice heard
around the world today - a voice for
peace," Carter said in a statement
issued by the White House a few
minutes after the vote was announced.
Begin began the final session of the
debate by giving the Knesset a qualified
apology for what he described as minor
errors in the text of the treaty
documents presented Tuesday.
THE KNESSET vote came only nine
days after peace negotiations were
concluded successfully by Carter on a
personal mission to the Middle East.
The debate was, in the main, a
lackluster occasion, with little of the
excitement generated in Knesset
deliberations on the Camp David sum-
mit accords last September.
The treaty was opposed by nationalist
hard-liners, such as Geula Cohen,
whose strident interjections in the
Knesset last week disconcerted
President Carter. She called the treaty
"a retreat from the principles of
COMMUNIST members attacked the
treaty on grounds that it deprived the
Palestinians of their national rights.
Most members of the Labor Party,
the main opposition group, supported
the treaty, although they expressed
reservations. The party put up an un-
successful rival motion urging among
other things that self-rule on the West
Bank and in Gaza should be a transition
phase leading to partial withdrawal
from these areas.
Begin again stressed that Israel
never would permit a Palestinian state,
never withdraw to its pre-1967. borders
and never give East Jerusalem back to
the Arabs.
Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan and
Defense Minister Ezer Weizman, both
of whom bore the brunt of the long-
drawn-out negotiations folloring the
Camp David Summit, stronglyr suppor-
ted the treaty.
Fair weather fever Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Students on the diag bask in the warmth of the long-awaited sun and'listen to a couple of impromptu musicians hailing
the first official day of spring. Winter coats were left in the closet as hoardes of students came out of hibernation to enjoy
the seasonable temperatures.
Of three proposals to appear on the
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA)
election ballot, the most controversial
is one which would eliminate a
provision in the All-Campus Con-
stitution prohibiting MSA officers from
receiving salaries.
The proposal, as approved by the
Assembly Tuesday night, also sub-
stitutes that provision with an item
which would allow the next Assembly to
prepare a program of financial subsidy
for MSA officers.
THE BALLOT will also include
proposals asking students to reaffirm
ternal unding
support for a mandatory $2.92 per term question is being handled, or the entire
fee, and to back student participation in funding plan itself.
the tenure process. JOSEPH PELAVA, who introduced
The question on student participation the plan, cited a need for more accoun-
in the tenure process was referred to
committee for further discussion, and a
specific proposal to appear on the ballot ,
in the April 2, 3, and 4 election has not SAc o s 79
yet been drawn up.
The first ballot proposal would pave
the way for as much as $9,000 of the tability to students and improvement of
Assembly budget to be set aside for of- morale among Assembly members as
ficer salaries. Most members support reasons for internal funding. The job
this measure, and some have been descriptions of officers would probably
working on a plan for officer subsidies be expanded if the proposal is ap-
for several months. But others are proved.
either unhappy with the way the ballot Pelava and other Assembly members
into MSA's work. In truth, this will
create a stronger, more responsive
Assembly, they claim.
ALTHOUGH MSA President Eric
Arnson supports the idea of internal
funding, he was opposed to substituting
a constitutional item to replace the one
removing prohibitions on salaries. The
substitute specifically said, "MSA shall
devote no more than 3.9 per cent of the
total MSA assessment to the support of
a program of financial subsidy for
various members of the Assembly, the
details and procedures of which shall be
specified in the Compiled Code."
Arnson objected to specification of a
percentage amount, saying it would
limit options the Assembly could take in
the future. He feels the ballot question
should have been a simple question,
asking whether students do or do not
approve of compensation for work on
the Assembly.
See BALLOT, Page 12
Closed meetings hearing
postponed until Friday
Washtenaw County Circuit Court
Judge George Kent yesterday post-
poned a hearing concerning the
Washtenaw County Coalition Against
Apartheid's (WCCAA) challenge of a
restraining order issued last week
which allowed the University Regents
to meet behind closed doors. He has
rescheduled the hearings for 10 a.m.
tomorrow in the County Building.
Thomas O'Brien, the attorney
retained by the WCCAA, said he had
hoped to begin the proceedings
yesterday, but University attorney
Peter Davis requested some more
time to review the case. Davis was
also scheduled to appear in another
case yesterday.
AFTER NOISY demonstrators for-
ced the Regentsto call for three
recesses in two days last week, the
University obtained an ex-parte
restraining order from visiting Judge
Harold Van Domelen allowing the
Board to meet before only press
representatives and invited guests..
The WCCAA alleges the court order
violated the State's 1977 Open
Meetings Act. The group is
challenging the legality of the move
while attempting concurrently to see
that the University is barred from
taking such an action in the future.
GSA head Solomon
resigns from post
also feel that time constraints on of-
ficers, and their lack of ability to put
time in because they need a job is one of
the key motivations behind the
proposal. Assembly members contend
that with a funding plan, they would
have more time to put creative effort
WASHINGTON (AP) - Jay Solomon
resigned yesterday as administrator of
the scandal-marked General Services
Administration, effective March 31.
PresidentrCarter said he accepted it
"with regret."
Wh.ite House Press Secretary Jody
Powell told reporters the selection of a
new GSA chief "is very near" and could
come later this week.
Solomon, who had talked about quit-
ting before mid-year, became a focal
" A bill which would outlaw
third party searches was in-
point of controversy in January when
he learned from a reporter that the
White House had begun searching for a
successor without his knowledge.
At the time, Solomon said he wanted
to complete a GSA cleanup effort before
quitting. A number of Congress mem-
bers from both parties urged that he
remain on the job.
In announcing that Solomon tendered
his resignation at an unannounced
meeting with Carter yesterday mor-
ning, Powell said a decision on the
timing of Solomon's departure was "en-
tirely his own."
THE LETTER of resignation submit-
ted to Carter by the former Chat-
tanooga real : estate executive was
generally unemotional and straight-
forward, concluding, "Best wishes for
Student charges use
of photo unfair'
Literary College junior Yvonne Mc-
Clenney, a member of the Washtenaw
County Coalition Against Apartheid
(WCCAA), participated in a protest on
the Diag last Friday against University
investments in South Africa.
The next thing she knew, a
photograph of her protesting was prin-
ted in leaflets distributed all over cam-
pus by the Revolutionary Communist
Youth Brigade (RCYB). McClenney
said she didn't give permission to the
"I don't appreciate the RCYB using
my photograph in one of their pam-
phlets," McClenney said. "I don't like
being used and then labelled." She said
more than 30 people, some who she
hardly knows, have approached her
since the pamphlet was distributed, ex-
pressing surprise that she is associated
with the RCYB.
WHILE MCCLENNEY said she sup-
ported the goals of the rally, she doesn't
want to be associated with the RCYB.
But McClenney said since "the damage
has already been done," she won't take
any legal action against the RCYB.
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