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March 21, 1979 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-03-21

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, March 21, 1979-Page 7

VITA gives free
assistance on taxes,

H-bomb story should
be edited, gov't says

If you are becoming anxious about
filling out your income tax form,
there is an organization on campus
that intends to calm your fears.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
(VITA) is a free income tax service
manned by 80 University students
who have gone through training with
an Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
represeptative. Project Community,
VITA's services are designed to help
students, senior citizens, the han-
dicapped, and low-income residents
fill out any state or federal tax form.
ACCORDING TO coordinator
Gregg Nathanson, the five-year-old
program is becoming very popular.
"'It's going better than I expected.
Business is picking up sharply as in-
come tax time gets nearer,"
Nathanson said.
Del Rae Flannerty, one of VITA's
new customers, came to VITA after
having a tax firm do her taxes and
trying to do them herself. "First I
went to a professional tax service,
but they charged me for every form
I used," she explained. "Then I
began doing the forms by myself,
but it got to be quite time-
After seeing a VITA poster in a
local laundromat, Flannerty said
she "decided to check them out and
see if they were available." She said
she was quite satisfied with the ser-
vice she received at VITA.

and Amy Cole agreed the informal
atmosphere also helps draw
customers. "People aren't as
hesitant to come in once they know
that we're students," Cole said.
"They're not as intimidated by us
(as by professional services)."
Cole and Gold said the program
has positive benefits for the workers
as well as for the customers. "You
learn to fill out your own form this
way," Gold said. "It (working for
VITA) looks great on a resume, and
you really learn a lot about people by
doing this."
Both workers agreed that filling
out income tax forms is not as hard
as it looks. "The forms are made for
anyone," Gold said. "It's really not
bad once you sit down and do it."
OF THE SHORT and long forms,
the short form is much easier, ac-
cording to Gold. "Most people take
out the standard deduc-
tions . . . they can do the short
According to VITA co-chairperson
Gary Blitz, it is most important for
everyone to fill out a form. "Even if
you don't have the money to pay
your taxes, fill a form out anyway.
The penalties will be a lot worse if
you. don't file and don't pay than if
you file and don't pay," Blitz said.
VITA's customer drop-in centers
will be open until April 16. Drop-in
points are located at the Michigan
Union, married housing, the Ann
Arbor Public Library, and- several

From AP and Reuter
MADISON, Wis. - Substantial por-
tions of an affidavit supporting
publication of a controversial magazine
article dealing with the hydrogen bomb
should be deleted before the affidavit is
made public, government attorneys
said yesterday.
The proposed deletions, said editor
Erwin Knoll of The Progressive
magazine, "pushes the government in-
to the realm of the ludicrous."
KNOLL AND Thomas Fox, attorney
for the article's author, said the
magazine and the author, Howard
Morland, planned to go before U.S.
District Judge Robert Warren in
Milwaukee today to protest the gover-
nment's move to suppress portions of
the affidavit.
A hearing on the government's
petition for a permanent injunction
against publication of the article is
scheduled Monday before Warren.
THe Justice Department, which
earlier this month won a temporary
restraining order against publication of
the article, t contends it could lead to
proliferation of nuclear weapons. It ad-
ded that Morland's affidavit would pose
a threat to national security if it were
made public.
MORLAND AND The Progressive
argued the information on which he
based his article was taken from en-
cyclopedia and other publications. The
old, established magazine, which is

published from the Wisconsin state
capital of Madison and has a circulation
of about 40,000, has maintained that
Morland did not use any secret
material to write the article.
Government attorneys and scientists
met in private yesterday morning
before U.S. Attorney Frank
Tuerkheimer made the announcement
that portions of the article were objec-
tionable to the government.
"THEIR INSANE passion to censor
extends far beyond our imagination,"
Knoll said after Tuerkheimer's an-.
nouncement. "Some of the sources
deleted are commonly available for all
grade and highschool students."
He added that if the government suc-
ceeded in suppressing the material, it
would make it more difficult for
Morland "to get public understanding
of how easily the information on the
bomb can be obtained."
MOrland said later: "It just makes
my case again that the government is
using secrecy to suppress infor-
THE GOVERNMENT, however, has
branded the article a recipe for making
a hydrogen bomb but Knoll insisted it
was nothing like a blueprint for a bomb.
Two small U.S. magazines in recent
years have published stories on the
mechanics of a hydrogen bomb without
running into censorship problems. But
they did not submit their articles to the
government in advance like The

MfSA I979-80~

Students rally on Diag,

MSA urg>s Re>g>nts to
honor Open Meetings Act
(Continued from Page 1)

attack 'U' ten
(Continued from Page 1)
"My investigation into promotion
problems shows no evidence that that's
true," Frye said, before adding the
demonstrators' charges were not "ap-
Frye said there was little chance the
faculty will respond favorably to a list
of tenure guidelines proposed by the
LSA-SG earlier this month.
stated at the protesters' morning
meeting that a contradiction exists in
the current tenure policy of the Univer-
sity. Stechuk said students, although
they are enrolled to learn new skills
have no influence in deciding who will
teach them those skills.
"The college advertises itself in of-
ficial publications as a place where
students can learn skills and ideas for
the future," Stechuk said. "But they
have no role in shaping the kind of
teaching they receive."
Under current University policy,
tenure is decided by the committee of
tenured faculty in the instructor's
department and by the LSA Executive

ure policy
MANY OF the critics of the Univer-
sity's current tenure policy argue it in-
volves a heavy bias toward considering
an instructor only on the basis of his or
her research. They claim this bias is
unfair and the instructor's teaching ef-
fectiveness should also be considered.
Samoff, who is currently appealing a
University decision denying him
tenure, was not present at yesterday's
protest, but later expressed his concern
over the tenure policy.
"The University is better serviced by
having a mix (of researchers and in-
structors)," Samoff said. One -of the
strong points of the larger University
departments, such as the political
science department, is that they in-
clude both researcher and particularly
skilled instructors, he added,,,
FRYE SAID the University does not
only consider an instructor's research
work when making a tenure decision.
"I suspect that at a research Univer-
sity like ours, researched and published
scholarships weigh heavily," Frye
said, but added it would be wrong to
draw a dichotomy between research
and teaching.

The Michigan Student Assembly
MSA) Annual Elections will be


needs and concerns of minority studen-
ts on campus.
THE RESOLUTION further urged
SACFA to complete its report for the
April Regents' meeting, and reaffirmed
its former position which urged ,the
Regents to divest all University stocks
and bonds in corporations and banks
with holdings in South Africa.
The resolution also commended WC-
CAA and the Black Students Union for
their success in generating significant
student concern and activism on an
"issue of major importance to the
University community."
In discussing the resolution - in-
troduced by MSA Vice President Kate
Rubin, a participant in the protest -
Howard Epstein, Legislative Relations
Coordinator, supported approval of the
Assembly's resolution and commented
on MSA's support of the groups in-
volved in the protest.
AS THEIR representative, we have
no choice but to represent the students
and to show support for their ac-
tivities," he said.
There was little additional discussion
on the resolution.

Last night, the Assembly also ap-
proved placing two ballot proposals on
the April ballot and referred another on
student participation in tenure
decisions to the Academic Affairs
committee to prepare a ballot question
to be presented to the Assembly for ap-
proval next week.
Prof. Robert Pehlke, chairman of
the University's department of
materials and metallurgical
engineering, was selected as the Howe
Memorial Lecturer for 1980 by the Iron
and Steel Society of Mining,
Metallurgical and Petroleum
Engineers, according to the University
Information Service.
The award is presented annually "for
outstanding contributions to the science
and practice of iron and steel
metallurgy or metallography."
Pehlke also received the 1978 Best
Paper Award from the American
Foundrymen's Society (AFS) Steel
The honor was shared with co-author
Arunachalam (Jey) Jeyarajan, a
University graduate student.

held April 2 3, 4, 1979. All seats
up for election.
Candidate filing forms are avail-
able now at the MSA Offices, 3909
Michigan Union.

Filing deadline-March
1979, 4:30 P.M.


The Michigan Student Assembly is the all-campus
student government of The University of Michigan.

Shapiro cites danger in school stands

(Continued from Page 1)
the institutions as valid learning cen-
ters, Shapiro said, adding universities
can take stances as long as they don't
'endanger the spirit of free inquiry.'
"Be conscious of what you may be
sacrificing," Shapiro warned.
As recently as the early fifties, it was
not popular for a student to express him
or herself at the University, Shapiro
THE ECONOMIC professor com-
pared today's American universities
with medieval learning institutions
which "were the pillar of the state and a
moral force in society." Shapiro said
today's universities are involved with
COmm unity
(Continued from Page 6)
University's offerings with them.
Ann Arbor's viewing audience is
estimated at 9,000, with a projected
audience of 22,000. Their present
operating times can be expanded once
their success is assured. According to
Laura Hahn, the channel's manager,
"This is a trial term to determine if this
is something the University wants."
CURRENTLY, programs are aired
on Channel 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., Monday
through Friday., The first half hour is
devoted to programs produced by
Michigan Media, formerlyrthe Univer-
sity's Television Center. The second
part of the hour is for other producers.
Hahn is constantly discovering new

progress, an idea earlier educational
institutions were not concerned with.
This idea of progress has dominated
Western culture since the 16th century,
he said. In comparison, "ancient
Greece looked on creativity as a diver-
sion - a recreational sport." This idea
hardly was visible when Western
civilization was established" he said.
"Universities slept through three or
four centuries during which the (scien-
tific and philosophical) framework of
Western society was laid down,''
Shapiro said. "Universities were
mainly irrelevant institutions . . . cer-
tainly unimportant institutions."
Most universities did not accept the
ongoing changes in society and

"remained centers of moral orthodox,"
Shapiro added.
IN THE 19th century, German
universities became innovators of
today's institutions when they began
training persons in scientific methods,
Shapiro said. "Univgrsities then began
to catch up on the idea of progress
which dominated Western minds," he
During this period, universities also
began moving away from strong
associations with the church, Shapiro
said. These institutions became a cen-
ter for the freedom of inquiry and
opinion, of high level criticisms of the
society, which led to existing social in-

A career in law-
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After just three months of study at The Institute for
Paralegal Training in exciting Philadelphia, you can have a
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