Page 4-Wednesday, March 21, 1979-The Michigan Daily 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Eighty-Nine Years-of Editorial Freedom. Apartheid comes ho Students taste the ty Vol. LXXXIX, No. 135 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Smith's reply misses point EFENDING THE Regents' behavior in last week's confron- tation with more than 200 students, iterim University President Allan Smith has argued that "there is no legitimate basis for allegations that the Regents have failed to face up to the issde of divestment.' He claim§ the Board has consistently approached the divestment question in a manner "en- tirely consistent with the way of life which I believe decisions of this kind must be faced at the University of Michigan." Unfortunately, Smith is right in his latter point. The Regents' approach to the divestment controversy has been reminiscent of past policy decisions made by the Board. The Regents have not faced up to the issue of divestment since making their weak resolution in March which resulted in sending letters to banks and corporations holding University in- vestments. The Board, at the same time, promised it would review its divestiture policy within a year. The year passed and the Regents failed to discuss the issue. All they did was to acknowledge the responses from the banks and corporations during a meeting in October. But that review, which failed to evaluate the specific responses of the 47 corporations holding University in- vestments and analyze the effect of the Sullivan Principles within South Africa, can not be viewed as a serious and thorough discussion of the issue. Furthermore, Anne Fullerton's 22- page report gave the Regents significant new information regrding the Sullivan Principles. This report disputes the effectiveness of the Sullivan guidelines, information which should be very relevant and warrant further discussion of the issue. Smith, while criticizing the students' disruption of the meeting, said the "real issue at the meeting was not even whether the time had come for another look at the policy." But that was the point. By breaching its promise of a year ago, the Board was inviting the students to disrupt the- meeting as they rightfully did. By trying to push through compromise measures that wouldn't adequately deal with the issue, the Regents deser- ved the responses they received. On Monday, the Senate Assembly voted to condemn the actions of the protesters who disrupted the Regents meeting. But again, this opposition to the disruption avoids the central issue-why the students were protesting. The students had a just reason to protest, but unfortunately others in the University community have failed to see that view. Interim University President Allan Smith's "Report to The University Community," distributed Monday with the University Record and reprinted in yesterday's Daily, was an outrage to all democratically-minded individuals. Smith and others have asserted that the University is open to democratic in- put by students, and that last week's takeovers of the Regents meetings were therefore "lanentable" actions. In fact, the University is not open to such input; moreover, it was the University's lack of responsiveness that forced students into the only course of action left open to them-disruption. Smith contradicts himself when he writes, "a jarring and discordant note is struck when intimidation and disruption seek to displace ordered discussion and debate as the mode of operation in the University," for "order" to Smith and the Board of Regents means a lack of discussion and debate. OTHERS HAVE argued that last week's sprotestor's refused to engage the Regents in a meaningful dialogue, preferring instead to chant disruptive slogans until the Regents were forced to recess. These individuals must not have been at the meetings, for if they had, they surely would have seen that it was the Regents who refused to respond to the peaceful requests of the protestors. Only after it became painfully clear that the Regents were not going to respond did the protest become disruptive-again, the Regents had left the demonstrators no other option. In many ways, the University's governing system is hauntingly similar to the South African system the demonstrators were fighting against; a small group of people, in this case upper-level administrators, rule a much larger group of people, the students, through the instruments of tyranny. Thursday and Friday's events were the culmination of a long history of anti- democratic actions by the University. If you are a frequent reader of this newspaper, you should be familiar with these facts by now: that the University's Committee on Com- munications recommended divestiture of our South African holdings more than a year ago, that the Senate Advisory Committee of Financial Affairs (SACFA) recommended divestiture of corporations failing to uphold the Sullivan Principles, that 10,000 members of the University community have signed petitions favoring divestiture, and that students voted 3 to 1 for divestiture in last year's Michigan Student Assembly election. Yet the Regents voted against divestiture, although they vowed last March to review their stand within a year. LAST WEEK'S Regents' meeting marked a year since their anti-divestiture vote, but they seemed to have forgotten their promise. Thursday's disruptions, however, forced- Regent James Waters (D-Muskegon) to agree to placing the divestiture question' on the agenda of Friday's meeting, when he said he could't attend that meeting, Regent .Sarah Power (D-Ann Arbor), agreed to introduce the motion on Waters' behalf. By Mike Taylor Friday morning, more than 200 peaceful protestors were stunned to see Regent Thomas Roach (D-Grosse Point) introduce a motion that Power later said "goes even beyond the intent of Mr. Waters' resolution." But to the demonstrators, the motion, which referred the matter back to, SACFA for fur- ther review-with no deadline placed on the committee's report, was completely inadequate. With the hope of meaningful dialogue on divestiture shattered, the demon- strators resorted to the only option left open to them-renewed disruption. After protestors chanted "we want action and we want it now," the Regents made a quick exit. When they returned 25 minutes later, they gave graduate student Annie Fullerton 5 minutes to present a 22-page report on the 47 corporations in which the University holds stock that operate in South Africa. Although Fullerton proved that not one of the cor- poratigns listed meets the Sullivan principles fully, the Regents did not respond. That was the extent of their committment to "dialogue.", THE DISRUPTION resumed, forcing= the Regents to recess again. Rather than promise a full and open discussion of divestiture at the April meeting, as the protestors demanded, they secured a court order which allowed them to meet in private, thereby circumven- ting the Open Meedtings Act. The Board did agree not to place the divestiture on next month's agenda if SACFA's report is in by then, but this "promise" was meaningless. since they would guarantee that the report would be ready on time. (Of course, we know from the history of this case alone that the University does not always keep its promises.) Though the Regents' lack of responsiveness shocked many people, it should have come as no surprise to serious followers of University affairs. As indicated earlier, the University is not a democracy, and is not prepared to ac- cept informed input from students on issues that concern them. Students have several places to channel their opinions, but none of them have much relevance to University dec ision-making. Some students serve on low-level commit- tees in departments and in the schools and colleges but important decisions are made by high-level committees, including the Executive Committees of schools and colleges and meetings of the Executive Of- ficers of the University, which are conducted behind closed doors with no student input. STUDENTS CAN also voice their concerns at the public comments section of Regents meetings, but the Board invariably refuses to respond to these comments. In fact, decisions on virtually all issues have been made without significant input before students have a chance to tell their side of the story as a Regents meeting, for such meetings are more ime: ranny elaborate exercises in choreography than places where key University issues areJ resolved. Regental approval of "decisions made at lower 'levels is a mere formality; as the Residential College Student-Faculty Resear- ch Community's report on the workings of the University, "Conflict and Power on The Campus: Studies In The Political Economy of the University of Michigan," indicated, the Regents have only rejected the ad- ministration's recommendations three tinmes over the last nine years. Thus, when Smith talks about "order," he is really talking about an intricate system of deception that can't adjust to unexpected in- formation sources or demands for action. When Regents express apprehension about making a decision before consulting the "proper authorities," they mean that they are not really supposed to act before getting the word from the men (and they are, indeed,hall men) who really run the University-the _Uxecutive Officers. OF COURSE, it is within the power of the Regents to make changes in their scheduled agenda, and it was with this hope that last week's protestors acted. But an inherently undemocratic body usually ignores protest as last week's failure to respond clearly showed. Though support for divestiture on this cam- pus is widespread, though South Africans in- volved in the liberation of their country have called for complete U.S. corporate with- drawal, Smith and-the Regents continue to in- sist that they "know best." One wonders who the "knowledgeable persons" Smith mentions in his open letter are; they certainly are not very prevalent here on campus. What can be done? As long as the Univer- sity administration resists attempts to democratize decision-making, protests will always exist, and Smith will not have the peace and quiet he so clearly desires. Divestiture, of course, is not the only salient issue on campus; Professor Joel Samoff's tenure denial case continues to attract strong student support, and tuition may well be an important issue in the years to come as costs continue to skyrocket. The answer then, is obvious: give students equal say on all University committees, and make the selec- tion of the University President and the Board of Regents the responsibility of the University community (although the presence of a Presdent and Board of Regents in a democratic university is a qrestionable mat- ter), and the likelihood of further "in- timidation and disruption" will be greatly reduced. As students, we must continue to fight that struggle, though its eventual resolution does not seem close. In the meantime, we must let our concerns be known through the few chai- nels the'University provides, "and if tht doesn't work, as it usually doesn't, be prepared to disrupt a systerh that is not ours Mike Taylor is a Daily Arts Cellar group hurts IWW T HE UNIVERSITY Cellar Board of Directors has devised a commit- tee to discuss the Cellar's managerial structure outside of contract negotiations with the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) Local 60, which represents Cellar employees. The committee is a blatant attempt to undermine the union's purpose. It is a meager and belated offer to appease employees who"deiand input into a structure that would change their current collective method of decision- making at the store. The IWW opened its first contract negotiations last week. The employees have repeatedly expressed a desire to the Cellar Board of Directors to discuss the store's managerial struc- ture during the talks, a subject which has recently caused controversy and tension at the store. Last month, the board posted a hierarchical structure that would realign decision-making authority from employees to several managers, without consulting any employees. Cellar workers responded to the lack of their input in the decision with a two- day sick-in and*a written protest. The Michigan Student Assembly, which appoints students to the board, also protested. The board, three weeks af- ter posting the structure, agreed to set up a committee to talk about alter- native structures. The committee is composed of two managers, two student members of the board, and two non-union employees. The union opposes the committee. because it by-passes the bargaining process. Union leaders have main- tained that a change in the store's structure is a change in working con- ditions, and, should therefore be negotiated during bargaining talks. Union members often have stated that they are willing to hammer out a structure with management and the board, so that a compromise including input from all concerned parties can be reached. But management and the board have stubbornly refused to con- sider such a reasonable request. Therefore, the union's demand that the managerial structure be negotiated at the bargaining table is appropriate. Board members have claimed that negotiating the structure now will lock that issue into bargaining sessions for future contracts. They say this is a "dangerous precedent." It is a precedent, but it is not dangerous. In fact, setting this precedent now will ensure that input from management, the board, and employees will be the basis for Cellar policies in the future, and that any move to delete this issue from the negotiations agenda will be construed as an unfair labor practice. staffer. Letters Employee-o wned businesses maaeettriig n parll ndfnacalcn To the Daily: As a member of the State 'Legislature, I recently in- troduced House Bill 4119, which attacks Michigan's problem of unemployment and "runaway plants" by authorizing the Department of Labor to assist workers in establishing "em- ployee-owned corporations." Such corporations would buy-out and continue to operate businesses that are closing down or moving out of the state. Over 200,000 jobs were lost in Michigan due to the shutdown of some 4,000 plants between 1967 and 1973. In many cases, the closings were not because the companies could not make ,a profit, but for other reasons, in- cluding owner retirement, takeover of the local company by a multi-state conglomerate, and decisions to relocate in another state to maximize profits. In these situations, it is often feasible and certainly in the in- terest of the employees, their families, and the local com- munity, to keep the local business in operation. On numerous occasions in the last seveal years, employees and their local communities have ac- ted in these circumstances to form a corporation and buy the local facility, keeping their jobs and the payroll in their town. An example of this is found in the Lansing area where Mississippi Structural Steel Company was, purchased by its employees and kept in operation under a new name. There are a growing number of such firms in other states, such as Indiana's SoutheBend Lathe Company. With help from the city of South Bend, its employees received a $5 million federal sub- sidy to purchase and operate the company, which is now a going concern. The employees if Asbestos Group, Inc., with the help of the State of Vermont, ob- tained $1.5 million in federally guaranteed loans to buy their company's operations and stay in business. Experience in these and other .cases indicates that employees are willing and able to buy into employee-ownership in order to save their jobs. Communities are also anxious to keep local payrolls and financial con- tributions. Limited financing is also available through the Federal Development Ad- ministration and Federal tax exemption programs to fund em- ployee stock ownership plans. What is lacking most at this time is a state agency that can bring these elementsntogether in the face of a threatened shut- down. That is what my bill, House Bill 4119, would provide. This proposal would establish a "Program of Assistance to Worker-Owned Corporations" in the Department of Labor, mandating that two full-time positions and clerical support be assigned to staff this program. Department of Labor officials would meet with the employees, corporate officials, union representatives, and local com- munity leaders to investigate the possibility of converting to em- ployee-ownership when a com- pany decided to close. If em- ployee-ownership proved feasible, the Department would then work with the employees to establish a corporation, obtain financing, employee- management training, and provide other necessary resour- ces. The Department of Labor is already responsible for establishingsprograms of assistance to workers and local communities facing a loss of jobs. It is equally experienced in the area of finding federal financial support for assistance programs in its role as prime contractor for Federal Manpower Programs:. This act would provide the depar- tment with an additional option to use in assisting a community threatened by the loss of jobs. The saving of just a small num- ber of jobs would more than pay for the cost of the program. House Bill 4119 involves an in- novative approach to unem- ployment in Michigan and a pilot program to test that approach. The bill contains a fiveyear "sun- set" provision requiring the Department of Labor to evaluate the program's progress after four years and report to the Legislature -with recommen- dations for its continuation, im- provement, or termination. -Perry Bullard, State Representative China must avoid conflict T HE CHINESE withdrawal from Vietnam brings a long overdue conclusion to one of the most poten- tially dangerous conflicts in recent years. The Chinese retreat, after a merciless 17-day invasion, is only the first step in a series of moves that must occur in order to restore peace to that region. After Vietnam invaded PolPot's regime in Cambodia in December, the leaders of the People's Republic of China vowed their forces would "punish",the Vietnamese. DengXiao- ping and other Chinese officials didn't wait long to carry out their vow: Only a brief period to visit the United States and court Jimmy Carter delayed China's invasion. Carter's policy to normalize relations with China was certainly a responsible diplomatic initiative but if China wants to emerge as a self-reliant sunrnnwer and acqire world incursion into Cambodia. But that Vietnamese invasion does not justify China's response. The Vietnamese must also learn to restrain their aggressiveness or the chances for long- standing peace will be minimal. It is clear that one of the major ob- jectives of the Chinese offensive was to alleviate the military burden from toppled Pol Pot forces in Cambodia. Fortunately, though, the Chinese did not sustain the incursion in hopes of restoring the oppressive Pol Pot regime to power. Throughout the entire conflict in Southeast Asia, the Carter Ad- ministration had honorably main- tained a policy of non-intervention. Republican critics in Congress and hard-liners in the administration have appealed to Carter to assume a more active role in the region. But the president, to his credit, has kept the U. S nut of it and averted a possible . ,, IJAM TOe AT T1lMJ ~11PLt~ IN$N)S)TI'IE - 3-11 LHA A- PATH1, 7t1j nr)VsX, SMUG s K OF - THIO& jD py A e1 -4