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March 21, 1979 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-03-21

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MSA elections
The filing deadline for positions for the Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) is tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. The elections will be held April 2, 3
and 4. Filing forms can be picked up and turned in at the MSA offices,
3909 Michigan Union.r
Take ten
Just ten years ago students were still having to sign up for gym
classes as a graduation requirement. But on the first day of spring in
1969, the Regents said they'd retroactively abolish the physical
education requirements for all students. They also brought up
proposals to reduce the number of non-credit phy. ed. courses offered
and to introduce several new courses in the department.

The Michigan Daily-Wednesday,,March 21, 1979-Page 3

A2 housing projects
threaten woodlands

WUOM to link with satellite



Cinema II-The Trojan Women, 7 & 9 p.m., Aud. 3, MLB.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op-The Exorcist, 7 & 9 p.m., Aud. A, Angell.
Cinema Guild-Antonioni's Blow-Up, 7 & 9:05 p.m., Old Arch. Aud.
Washtenaw County Coalition against Apartheid-Last Graves at
Dimbaza, 6:30 p.m., Stockwell blue lounge.
Canterbury Loft-"The Anita Bryant Follies" 8 p.m., Canterbury
Loft, 332 S. State.
University Music Society-Guarneri String Quartet, 8:30 p.m.,
Rackham Aud.
PTP-O'Casey's "Red Roses for Me", 8 p.m., Arena Theatre,
Voice Recital-Leslye Skylar, BM soprano, 8 p.m., Recital Hall.
U-M Artists and Craftsmen Guild-Julie Hall, author of "Tradition
and Change: The New American Craftsman", 8 p.m., Kuenzel Room,
Lori Liptitz-"Ethics and Vegetarianism", 7:30 p.m., East Quad
Green Lounge.
WallenbergLecture Series-James Marston Fitch, Columbia U.,
3:30 p.m., Chrysler Center, North Campus.
Center for Russian & E. European studies-Virginia B. Hutcheson,
"Do You See What a Fellow He Is? Not Many Like Him in the World",
noon, Commons Room, Lane Hall.
Center for Research on Economic Development-M. Larry Her-
man, "Les Eleveurs et ]a Commercialisation du Betail en Afrique
Occidentale" 12:10 p.m., CRED Library Center.
International Center-Summer '79 Europe series, "Adventure
Ideas-Off the Beaten Track", noon, International Center Rec. Room.
Dept. of Political Science & Center for Russian & E. European
Studies-Tadeusz Szafar, "The Polish Opposition: Another Point of
View", 4 p.m., Rackham Bldg. E. Conf. Rm..
Kenpo Kathar Rinpoche, Tibetan Abbot-"Tibetan Buddhism:
Meditation and Philosophy" 8 p.m., Ann Arbor Friends Meeting
House, 1420 Hill St.
Academic Women's Caucus-George Johnson, "Earnings and
Promotion of Women Faculty", noon, 3050 Frieze.
Hispanic-American Lecture Series-Prof. Gilberto Cardenas, U. of
Texas, "Policy Implications of Undocumented Workers", 8 p.m., Aud.
Center for W. European Studies-Robert Cutler, "The View from
the Urals: West European 'Integration in Soviet Perspective &
Policy", noon, 5208 Angell.
Eastern Univ. accounting & Finance Club-Robert Mercer of
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., 3 p.m., 216 Pray.
Marketing Club-"Clio Awardsfor the Best Commercials of 1978",
noon, 140 Business School.
U. Dept. of Med. Care & Vets' Hospital-seminar of "Political
Economic Analysis of National Health Insurance: The U.S. and
Canadian Experiences", led by Dr. Joseph Marreale, U. of Pit-
tsburgh, 3 p.m., 3001 School of Public Health Bldg.
Pendleton Center-"Talking About What Matters", conversations
with Christian and Jewish Ministers, 4:30 p.m., Pendleton Arts Cen-
Student Legal Services-mini-course on Security Deposit Law, 2
p.m., 4304 Mich. Union.
Union of Students for Israel-Open meeting, 7:30 p.m., Hillel, 1429
U-M College of Architecture & Urban Planning-Exhibition of Seven
Catholic Ukrainian churches designd by Radoslav Zuk, 8 a.m.--11
p.m., Art. & Arch. Bldg., North Camps.
Michiganensian Senior Portraits-make appointment for yours, 9
a.m. to 9 p.m., 420 Maynard, or call 764-0561.
On the outside
Jf Sc bie If " d "p"" V" ' > R C'y~
n MR
prepares for balm
spring weather ahead ~' ~ ' '/i
by dancing with a
frisbee thrown by Jeff
Klein. Today, the first
day of spring, should be
a good day to let the
games begin as sun-
shine will be abundant
in the afternoon. The
high will be 600, and the
low 45.

The fate of two Ann Arbor natural
areas hang between the opposing forces
of developers and neighborhood
residents. Both the Kimberly Hills
Woods and Newport Sunset Woods may
be torn down to pave the way for single
family unit housing.
Some living in the neighborhood
surrounding Kimberly Hills, on Glad-
stone and Packard, are now trying to
save the woods area through court
hearings. The final decision on how
much of the woods will be saved, if any,
is due today.
KIMBERLY HILLS is to be the site
for 68 single family homes and 12
duplexes, according to Robert Henry,
attorney for developers Harry and
Patricia Dion. Due to the zoning or-
dinance covering these 18 acres of
woods and brush, each lot will be a
minimum of 7,200 feet. Henry said the
developers would try to keep the cost
down to the $60,000 range.
Henry said the project would, "cut a
ldt of brush, but not any trees that
didn't have to be cut. The idea is to keep
it as rural as possible."
Construction onhthe first four lots
facing Gladstone has already begun.
The rest of the area is under a tem-
porary injunction, and may not be built
until a final decision is reached today.
The northern part of the land cannot be
developed until a city permit is granted
to extend the sewer lines, Henry said.
ACCORDING TO one of the owners,
Patricia Dion, the new housing would
benefit the housing shortage by
providing moderately priced housing.
The area was rezoned into smaller lots
for this purpose.
Lex Grapentine, an area resident
said, "The neighborhood argument has
been that that kind of development is
inconsistent with the nature of the
neighborhood. The neighborhood has a
lot of open space, the roads are dirt and
the streets are narrow and winding.
"The developer is going to take the
land and flood it with single family
units," Grapentine said.
THE KIMBERLY Hills neighborhood
has already tried to fight the project
through zoning but failed. It is now
fighting the plan under the Michigan
Environmental Act, Grapentine said.
"Our concern is that they'll be
destroying natural areas, areas that
can legitimately be regarded under the
Michigan Environmental Act as worthy
of protection." The Kimberly Hills area
harbours raccoons, skunks, possums,
pheasants, song birds, and a variety of
In response to neighborhood
pressure, the city has offered to pur-
chase part of the land from the
developers. Patricia Dion said they
were making no decisions until after
the court case has been decided.
Grapentine said the neighborhood back
Mayor Lou Belcher's plan.
ACCORDING TO Grapentine, the
judge today can decide in three ways.
The injunction against building can be
removed, the injunction will remain
permanent, or a compromise will be
reached and the plan modified.
Grapentine said the neighborhood
was willing to go along with
modifications depending on "the
ultimate size and configuration and
whether or not what the judge put aside
included what we feel could be crucial.
For instance, some of the larger trees
and the not-so-large trees serve as
habitat for birds and animals and part
of the area is lowland."
He said the neighborhood felt very

strongly about protecting the woods
and were willing to "incur whatever
legal expenses necessary to see this
thing through." He also said that they
would appeal the case if necessary and
were willing to help the city purchase
some of the land.
THE NEWPORT Sunset Woods area
covers less than 10 acres and acts as a
sound buffer to the neighborhood from
the M-14 expressway. According to
Eunice Hendrix, and environmental
education resource person in the Ann
Arbor Public Schools, "The woods, in
addition to it being a sight and sound
buffer and cleansing the air, are also
used by Forsythe to study geology, sin-
ce it is right on top of a glacial moraine
and has a view of the Huron River."
The plan for the Newport Sunset
Woods would build 18 single family
homes in the $75,000 range, leaving a
ten-foot tree buffer from the highway.
Part of the concern over this plan is
that the soil is very fragile and unstable
and would cause serious erosion and
flooding problems without the trees to
protect it.
According to Hendrix, the neigh-
borhood, hopes to convince the
developers to bring the housing density
down and build farther away from the
According to City Councilwoman and
resident, Susan Greenberg (D-First
Ward), City Council has been asked to
subdivide it but the matter has been
postponed until after the election. "This
is the time the neighborhood can have
the most say, before it's platted (sub-
divided). Once platting is done, the
neighborhood can only sit back and
watch that the developer adheres to the
standards set down by the city."
Daily Official Bulletin
Daily Calendar:
Center for Russian/E. European Studies: Virginia
B. Hutcheson, "Do You See What a Fellow He Is? Not
Many Like Him in the World," Commons Rm., Lane,
Center Research on Economic Development: M.
Larry Herman, "Les Eleveurs et al Commer-
cialisation du Betail en Afrique Occidentale," CRED
Librarym SCtr. Res. Econ. Development., 12:10p.m.
Ind./Oper. Eng.: William L. Maxwell, Cornell-U.,
"Co-ordinating Shipping and Production Schedules
in an Automotive Component Plant-Modeling with
Flow Networks and Control Networks," 229 W. Eng.,
4 p.m.
Statistics: Bill Krasker, "Recent Developments in
Bounded-Influence Estimation, 451 Masoh, 4 p.m.
Physics/Astronomy: N. Ramsey, Harvard-U.,
The Electric and Magnetic Moments of the
Neutron," 2038 Randall, 4 p.m.
3200 SAB "76-1ll?
Camp Echo Lake, N.Y. Coed. Will interview Wed.,
March 28 from 11:00 to 4:30. All general positions
open including specialists as - waterfront (WSI,
nature, athletics, arts, crafts, sports, etc. Register in
person or by phone.
Camp Niobe, Mi. Handicapped. Will interview
Fri., Mar. 23 from ito 5. Openings include waterfront
(WSI), art specialists, dance, drama, art, etc. and
general counselors. Register in person or by phone.
Camp Maplehurst, Mi. coed. Will interview Mon.,
Mar. 26 from I to 5. Openings - waterfront (WSI),
arts/crafts, nature, sports, athletics, and many
Camp Oakland, Mi. Handi. Will interview Tues.,
Mar. 27 from I to 5. Openings include - assistant
director, specialists in waterfront (WSI), archery,
arts/crafts and general counselors. Register in per-
son or by phone.
Camp Tamarack, Mi. Coed. Will interview Thurs.,
Mar. 29 from 9 to 5. Openings in many fields still
open. Register in person or by phone.
City of Oak Park, Mi. Will interview Thurs., Mar.
29 from 9 to 5. Openings in wide fields-day camp
counselors, playground leaders, arts/craft
specialists, tot-lot leaders, baseball/softball um-
pires. Register by phone or in person.

Last Friday the Regents authorized
the application for installation of a
satellite ground terminal for the
University's public radio station,
WUOM, University Information Ser-
vices stated.
The approval of the application
clears the way for construction of a 4.5
meter dish on the roof of the LSA
Building. The receiver facility will link

WUOM with the 200-member National
Public Radio (NPR) satellite system.
'The satellite communications
system, designed by Rockwell Inter-
national, will replace the monaural
system of microwave relays and land
lines currently used by NPR.
Construction of the ground terminal
is scheduled to begin this spring. The
nationwide system is expected to be in
operation by March, 1980.

Michael Cacoyannis Festival
With Katherine Hepburn, Vanessa Redgrave, Genevieve Bujold. Irene
Papas, Brian Blessed and Patrick Magee. Produced, written and directed
by Cacoyannis (director of Zorbo) and adapted from the great play by
Euripides which was first presented in Greece in 415 B.C., the film portrays
the dramatic story of the fall of Troy and the tragic fates of its women.
"Katherine Hepburn as Hecuba reaches moments of simple magnificence"-
Judith Crist. "Vanessa Redgrave gives the film its fierce heat of tragedy"-
CSM (102m)
SUN-The Band in Martin Scorcese's THE LAST WALTZ
SUN-Richard Benjamin Nite-GOODBYE COLUMBUS
TONITE at 7:00 & 9:00
MLB 3 $1.50



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t~*~ AI LN .9I,, iW.ftLi .. h. tL.L. ".p


[L nvw anywtng, uumpui Area DUTTOM91111 oneaTres ,

$1.50 until 5:301 TWO ADULTS ADMITTED

MON.-THURS. EVt. 5$.1


Wayside Theatre WALT DISNEY'S
3020 Washten w "North Avenue Irregulars"
Phone 434-17829

He was in his twenties.
So was she.
Both were Catholic, unmarried,
prayerful, creative.
Both cared about people
and cared for them.
How come he never thought
of the priesthood?
How come she never thought
of being a nun?
"No one ever asked me'
they said.
Is this your story?
No one ever asked you?
Well, we're asking.

MON., TUES., THURS. 7& 9
FRI. &9:25-SAT. 1-3-5-7-9:25
SUN. & WED. 1-3-5-7-9
Ellen Alan
Burstyn Aida
caiue 1Time,
Next Yar"

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