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March 21, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-03-21

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jtfl 'IHigh-60
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Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXIX, No. 135 '

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 21, 1979

Ten Cents

Ten Pages



Israel, Egypt clash

Egypt a
yesterday o
and the Pale
clash sin
The clash
Prime Mini
in Parlia
state in the
Khalil saidl
doubts it w
Begin, in
treaty due b
return to pr
Khalil, in
said: "Eas
of the Jorda
and Israel1
the 1967 bor
Arab Leagu.
cy meeting

1 proposed I
From AP and Reuter discuss sanctions against Egypt for
nd Israel locked horns signing a treaty "with the enemy
ver the future of Jerusalem Israel." There were signs two
estinians in their first public moderates, Jordan and Saudi Arabia,
ce President Carter's would join in the sanctions.
gh visit to the Middle East. Approval of the treaty by a large
h was triggered by Israeli majority of the Israeli Parliament was
ster Menachem Begin's vow expected to come today or early Thur-
ment never to divide sday, clearing the way for Begin,
or permit a Palestinian President Anwar Sadat and Carter to
West Bank or Gaza Strip. sign the treaty at the White House.
0, Prime Minister Mustafa House Speaker Thomas O'Neill quoted
Begin's vow "spoils the at- Carter as saying the signing is set for 2
of the treaty but said he p.m. EST next Monday.
&ill prevent it from being Opening the debate, Begin pledged
never to re-divide Jerusalem or
the Knesset debate on the surrender its status as Israel's capital,
o be signed next Monday in never to withdraw to Israel's pre-1967
i, said: "Israel will never borders and never to let an independent
e-1967 lines." Palestinian state arise in the West Bank
n a speech last Saturday, and Gaza Strip. Some nations, in-
t (Arab) Jerusalem is part cluding the United States, do not
in West Bank borders of 1967 recognize Jerusalem as the capital.
has agreed to withdraw to ADDRESSING himself directly to
ders." Khalil, Begin declared: "My =dear,
AQ announced it had called honorable Dr. Khalil, write this down:
ie members to an emergen- Jerusalem, the one Jerusalem, is
in Baghdad March 27-29 to Israel's eternal capital. It will never be

divided again."
As for a Palestinian state, he said:
"We won't agree to it, we won't allow it,
we won't make it possible."
Begin said he was replying to Khalil's
statement last week that Israel would
have to withdraw to the 1967 borders,
accept Palestinian statehood and
surrender Arab Jerusalem. The issues
are not directly dealt with in published
versions of the treaty draft.
KHALIL, ON hearing of Begin's vow,
said: "As for the Palestinian question,
the Camp David accord clearly
stipulates the necessity of solving the
question from all its aspects, thus
taking into consideration the legal
rights of the Palestinians. It is along
this principle that they will decide their
Khalil, asked if the dispute could
block a treaty signing, said, "No. I
don't think so."
A Western diplomat in Cairo, who
asked not to be named, also said the
signing would not be affected, but ad-
ded, "I wish both sides would shut up."

A CAP AND GOWN bedecked Heidi Gottifried and demonstrator Geoff Cox protest the University's tenure process.
Part of the protest, held at noon yesterday on the Diag, involved a skit in which Gottfried portrayed a professor in the
Policical Science Department reviewing assistant professor Joel Samoff's tenure appeal.


Carter may remove oil price

'U' tenure poltCY hit

controls, price increai


More than 200 University students
and members of the Samoff Student
Support Committee held a day-long
protest yesterday, including a rally
on the Diag, to show their
dissatisfaction with the University's
tenure process.
About 50 students and Committee
members met in the Union at 10 a.m.
to criticize the University's tenure
policy. The group of protesters were
later joined by about 150 spectators
and supporters in a rally on the Diag
at noon. The students held another
two-hour meeting in the Union after
the rally.
DURING THE meetings, the
protesters complained that students
have no input in the University's
process which grants tenure to in-
structors. The protest was centered
around Political Science Prof. Joel
Samoff who has been denied tenure

several times.
At the rally, the protesters shouted
pro-Samoff slogans, held a short
skit, and tried to solicit student sup-
LSA Dean Billy Frye later said in
response to the protest that he is
against student input in tenure
decisions. "I would be opposed to
students participating in tenure
decisions. Only the most carefully
selected committees should make
these decisions and they should not
be diluted by inexperience," he said.
campus political organizations, in-
cluding the Literary College student
government (LSA-SG), and the
People's Action Coalition, criticized
the tenure process citing several
problems in the University's policy:
" There is a strong bias toward
granting tenure to professors who
are good researchers, but not in-

" Students have no input in the
process of choosing who is granted
" Those professors who are gran
ted tenure often lapse into what one
protester termed "on-the-job
" Professors who co innovative
research are often (rejected for
" Female instructors and
minority members are often
discriminated against when being
considered for tenure.
" Professors are not notified in
writing as to why they have been
denied tenure.
The protesters also charged that
tenure decisions are often influenced
by racism, sexism, and often involve
political repression.
FRYE, WHO has the power to in-
tervene in tenure decisions, called
the protesters' charges "nonsense."
See STUDENT, Page 7

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter plans to announce late this mon-
th a new energy plan that may remove
controls from crude oil prices and tax
excess oil industry orofits. it was
disclosed yesterday.
Members of Congress who par-
ticipated in a leadership breakfast with
Carter at the White House quoted the
president as saying he still hasn't made
up his mind on many details of the plan.
(D-Mass.) said Carter intends to con-

suit further with key lawmakers before
delivering his energy speech to the
nation March 29.
Meanwhile, a congressional staff
study suggested a presidential decision
to lift price controls from crude oil
could cost consumers from $5 billion to
$14 billion a year in higher fuel costs.
At the conclusion of the White House
session, House Democratic Leader Jim
Wright of Texas told reporters that
while Carter-didn't dwell on specifics,
"he mentioned the possibility of a tax,

Kahn criticizes huge
corporate profit jump

'U' Co-op tenants all

Tenants at the University Townhouse
Co-op are charging their manager with
racial discrimination, harassment, and
maintenance neglect, and are exploring
the possibility of initiating legal action.
Alonso Restreppo, the manager of the
Co-op on 3200 Braeburn Circle, has
denied all of the charges.
no direct legal action against Restrep-
po, court proceedings are currently
pending in one case. The plaintiff in
that case is charging that Restreppo
failed to comply with a verbal
agreement he made with her concer-
ning her late rental. payments. The
woman then issued a court summons
despite Restreppo's word that no such
order would be forthcoming.
The case is expected to go to trial
sometime in April and is being handled
by the University's Clinical Law
Restreppo said there is "no validity
to the charge. I do not make verbal
BUT SEVERAL other tenants at the
Co-op have accused Resptreppo of
making similar transactions with them.
Lorna Whitfield, who has lived in the
complex since 1973, said when she was
behind on her rent four years ago,
Restreppo made a similar verbal
agreement with her that she could pay

$50.00 a week until the rent was paid.
Despite Whitfield's contention that
she complied with the alleged
agreement, she said she received a bill
for $588.00 two months later, and a let-
ter threatening to evict her if she failed
to pay the bill. ,
"He (Restreppo) said that the money
I had been paying was for little main-
tenance things, but I never got any
notice that I owed money for anything
like that," said Whitfield.
Whifield was unable to come up with
Representatives for the Univer-
sity and the Washtenaw County
Coalition Against Apartheid (WC-
CAA) will meet in Washtenaw Coun-
ty Circuit Court in the County
Building at 11:15 today for a hearing,,
to determine the constitutionality of
a restraining order issued last
Friday by visiting Judge Harold Van
Domelen banning the WCCAA from
attending a semi-private Regents'
Several members of the group say
some of the 200 protesters who
halted the Board's meetings last
week will show up at the County
Building in support of the WCCAA.

ge neglect
the $588.00 and lost the case when it was
brought to court. Whitfield was con-
sequently forced to pay all of the
$588.00, plus court fees.
TENANTS HAVE said this non-
compliance with verbal agreements is
one of a number of discriminatory ac-
tions consistently utilized by Restreppo
against black tenants and residents
receiving Aid to Dependent Children
(ADC) funds.
See TOWNHOUSE, Page 10

WASHINGTON (AP) - Corporate
profits increased 26.4 per cent last year,
the biggest annual jump in nearly three
decades, and the Carter administration
said the leap puts the nation's
businesses "on trial in the eyes of the
American people."
"The very large increases in profits
of American corporations will
strengthen the widespread belief that
many American businesses aren't
assuming their full responsibility to
fight inflation," said Alfred Kahn, the
administration's chief inflation-fighter.
BUT THE CHIEF economist of the
U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Jack
Carlson, accused the administration of
trying to use the profits report as "a
scapegoat for bad government policies
that are causing inflation."

The Commerce Department said
yesterday that before-tax profits during
the fourth quarter of 1978 were at an
annual rate of $225.3 billion, a gain of
$19.9 billion over the third quarter and
$47 billion over the final three months of
After-tax profits rose $26.3 billion
over the year, an increase of 25.2 per
cent. The increase in both before-tax
and after-tax profits was the largest
since 1950. t
KAHN, WHO earlier had said the
profits report was a "catastrophe" for
the anti-inflation program, said in a
new statement that "the large in-
crease. . . puts business on trial in the
eyes of the American people."
Carlson, however, said profits ac-
See KAHN, Page 10

ses likely
accompanied by decontrol of oil, over a
period of time."
of oil price deregulation, said such an
excess profits tax would likely contain a
"plowback" provision exempting
profits that oil companies funnel back
into the exploration for new U.S. sup-
plies of energy.
Existing law gives the president the
option of lifting price controls on oil on
June 1 or extending them until Septem-
ber 1981, when they come off
THE OIL PRICE study, by a.staff of
the House energy and power subcom-
mittee, indicated full immediate oil
control on June 1 would cost consumers
$14 billion the first year, 'increase
gasoline prices 4.7 cents a gallon, in-
crease inflation by half a percentage
point and the unemployment rate by
two-tenths of one per cent.
The study was released at a' Capitol
Hill news conference by Rep. Bob
Eckhardt (D-Texas), a foe of
deregulation. Eckhardt said phased
decontrol would have a less serious im-
pact on the economy, but could still
raise prices to consumes by at least $5
CARTER'S MARCH 29 energy
speech is generally expected to deal
with both long-range energy steps, like
oil decontrol, and more immediate
ways of offsetting the loss of Iranian oil.
MSA urges
Regents to
lift order
The Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) last night unanimously ap-
proved a resolution urging the Regents
to lift an injunction against the
Washtenaw County Coalition Against
Apartheid (WCCAA),the principle
demonstrators at the Regents'
meetings last week,'which authorizes
the Regents to hold meetings against
the Open Meetings Act.
In response to a regental resolution
passed Friday MSA last night appoin-
ted Anne Fullerton and Yvonne Mc-
Clenney to the Senate Advisory Com-
mittee for Financial Affairs (SACFA).
The committee will prepare a report bn
.University investments in South Africa
to be discussed by the Regents.
THE STUDENTS were appointed to
the committee to discuss University in-
vestment policies, because of demon-
strations last Thursday and Friday at
the Regents meeting advocating
divestment from banks and cor-
porations involved in activities in South
Africa. The appointments to the com-
mittee are for one year.
According to MSA President Eric Ar-
nson, the Assembly has been trying to


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Shapiro cites danger
in schools' stands

University Vice President for
Academic Affairs Harold Shapiro told
an audience of over 20 at the Inter-
national Center yesterday that univer-
sities should be wary of taking a
political stand on controversial political
issues, such as South African
"It's dangerous for universities, in-
cluding this one, to take stands on
political and moral issues. They run a

danger of becoming orthodox," Shapiro
sities should be a place where scholars
as well as students can learn. He said
universities should not become "guar-
dians of moral orthodox," but rather
institutions "where free inquiry and
high-level criticisms can take place."
Universities can lose their existing
roles in society if people stop respecting
See SHAPIRO, Page 7

keep politics out of 'U'

Kenworthy raps mayor on housing project

Democratic mayoral candidate James Kenworthy
yesterday charged Mayor Louis Belcher with
"secretly" rejecting a federally funded housing
project, and thereby potentially endangering $1.6
million of Community Development Block Grant

The housing project, proposed by the Glick build-
ing company, would have been constructed near
Eisenhowe rParkway and State Road, and would have
provided dwellings for 110 medium income-no more
than $16,000 per year-families. The project would
have been financed by the Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) through the
Mioin 4imio nd D-vinmetAnthnirit

the South Area-which includes Eisenhower and
State-for subsidized housing development. The
mayor pointed out that the areas designated by the
HAP "are big areas."
KENWORTHY EXPRESSED concern that the of-
fer and rejection of the project was not made known
to the public. "I personally have no idea whether this

-j m

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