Bush assails Soviet expansion The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, March 20, 1979-0age6 Support U of M's Young Poets (Continued from Page 1) ;private to the public sector. e That the president should ask for a mandatory or constitutional limit the .growth of federal spending. * The flow of private investment has to be turned on. Specific legislation from Congress must be adopted to raise the investment tax credit. oqDeregulation of energy industry so that America can become truly in- .dependent and self-sufficient in natural .gas and energy. * The government must remove many other regulations of industry that are currently imposed so the country can "regain the imput of investment." " Must revitalize the state of American technology by restoring tax incentives for research and develop- ment. BUSH, HOWEVER, said he has already seen the revival of the free en- 4erprise system begin, claiming that the American people have begun to perceive the huge waste in the federal bureaucracy and are calling for a drastic cut in federal spending. "I see the resurgence in the vote on. Proposition 13. I hear the resurgence in the voices for a constitutional amen- dment to limit the growth of federal spending and I feel that resurgence when people begin to demand spending cuts even more than tax cuts," said the 54-year-old Republican. During the morning news conference, the Texan elaborated on a number of subjects related to foreign policy, spen- ding the most time assailing the Carter Administration's weakness in Iran. While admitting that the United States could probably not have kept the Shah in power, Bush complained that a tougher stance in Iran might have been able to "shape events" differently, im- plying that the U.S. might have preven- ted Khoemini from seizing power. HE CRITICIZED the country's current defense posture, which he claims has been losing ground to the Russians. He said he believes the United States is entering the end of SALT II negotiations in an "inferior position" than during the first arms limitation talks in 1972. In a rare sign of support for the in- cumbent chief executive, Bush said he applauded President Carter's recent achievements in the Middle East, but cautioned that real peace won't be at- tained in that region until a solution can be found for the Palestinian problem. Bush, who guided the CIA from 1976 to 1977, repeatedly voiced his concern for the agency's future capability to provide the United States with crucial information from around the world. "We must retain a covert capability," said Bush, emphasizing that the Carter Adminsitration's moves to restrict certain powers of the agency had caused its* lack of sufficient early indications of the threat to the Shah. BUSH, WHO already has established a 1980 campaign committee with Gerald Ford's former campaign manger James Baker III as its chair- man and has attracted other past Ford backers, admitted he is starting his campaign from far back in the field but thinks he has a chance to duplicate Jimmy Carter's miraculous ,effort in 1976. "I know how Jimmy Carter felt when he sat back two years before the elec- tion. I am convinced that I can cam- paign in a way not to tear down some other Republican," he said. "I am convinced it can be done," he added confidently. To do it, he has decided to enter all of the early primaries where he admits his fate as a candidate will be deter- mined in less than a year from now. DOCTOR-LAWYER CHARLESTON, W. Va. (AP) - Richard Lindsay is one of an estimated 250 persons in the nation who have both a medical and a legal degree and the only one in West Virginia to be actively practicing both professions simultaneously. He received his medical degree in 1974 and law degree in 1978, both from West Virginia University. He is now employed by a law firm. He also puts in 40 hours a week practicin medicine in emergency rooms at hospitals. Lindsay, 29, if the father of three. RISING Buy one on the Diag On sale thi Sweek STAR Mic What's Nfw overni.ght COPIES at the Paper Chase Introducing our new 9400 2-sided duplicating system! higan Union open 7 days a week till 10 p.m. 665-8065 I1 Senate blasts Regent disruption Continued from Page 1) was unprepared to vote to censure," she said. Scearse noted that she did not Approve of the disruption, and obser- ved, "I'm not sure that they (the demonstrators) had exhausted all the possible choices open to them." Prior to its censure vote, the Assem- bly discussed University funding .problems with State Representatives Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) and Roy Smith (R-Ann Arbor) and State Senator Edward Pierce (D-18th District.) Music Professor Lewis Cooper asked whether some of the smaller state school campuses could be closed as projected enrollment declines continue and state funding decreases. Bullard explained that such action would be unlikely, because of the competing in- terests which legislators represent. "EACH DISTRICT of 80,000 people has representatives which will fight the closing of area institutions," said Bullard. Bullard said the more likely action on the part of the legislature would be across-the-board cuts for all state institutions as enrollments .decline. Cooper responded that many in- stitutions would then be under-utilized, and suggested that a more sensible op- tion would appear to be the closing of some schools. "The democratic process is not; capable of such rational planning," because it must represent so many op- posing, regional views, Bullard an- swered. PIERCE believes it will be almost impossible to convince the legislature and the taxpayers that the University deserves a greater differential share of the state education budget than other state schools. Although the University is acknowledged as a quality institution, Pierce said, taxpayers living in the WCCAA members may take case to court (Continued from Page 1) ded, the Regents agreed to commission another study of the South Africa situation for possible discussion and ac- tion at April's meeting. INTERIM PRESIDENT " Smith, meanwhile, issued a statement yester- day morning clarifying his position on the issue. The leaflet, which was distributed over campus, defended the Regents ac- tion and leveled some criticism at the Open Meetings Act. "I do not believe the law should be such as would require either abdication of responsibility for managing the af- fairs to the University or the use of for- ceful eviction," Smith said in the statement. "It was upon that basis that with counsel's advice, we sought the restraining order and the order of the court which would permit closing and securing the meeting to accomplish the Regents' business," he continued. Smith said last night the intent of the statement was only to point out a per- ceived "flaw" in the Open Meetings Act, not to generally criticize it. "I'm not fighting the Open Meetings Act," he said. neighborhoods of other institutions will be reluctant to direct a greater share of the funding here. "Very few ordinary citizens are willing to give taxes for training a visiting heart surgeon from Japan at the University of Michigan," he said. "I know that tomorrow I could go to Eastern(Eastern Michigan University) and get the same type of requests for additional funding," Pierce continued. "IF THE University is to be treated significantly differently than other state schools, then the other schools will have to tacitly allow this different treatment. A plan for higher education is needed, and it must come from the educators; the staking out and defen- ding of territory will not work," he said. Responding to a question of what the University faculty might do to persuade legislators that more funding is needed, Bullard said, "There is a real problem in the legislature with the general con- ception that faculty people have pretty cushy jobs. That makes it easy to ignore the needs of the faculty and the University." Frequent seminars in Lansing em- phasizing service aspects on the University, such as reports from the School of Public Health, or outlines of voting trends by the Political Science department, might improve the Legislature's image of the University, Bullard said. The U-M Center for Afroamerican and African Studies presents "FANON AND TROTSKY, PROBLEMS WITH REVOLUTIONARY UNIVERSALISM," with DR. CURTIS STOKES Assistant Professor of Political Science University of Michigan, Dearborn MARCH 21 12:00-1:30 P.M. 346 Old A & D BLDG. 909 Monroe St. .- - P- C4Break 4 ZDL the L Communication SBarrier f ID --1?fm~h :9 The Undergraduate Political Science Association/ Career Planning Placement present SHOP (Self-Help Opportunities Program) "What To Do With a Poli Sci Degree" Slide Show 7 pm-UGPSA Elections 8:30 pm-SHOP ALL WELCOME Tuesday, 7 pm-25 Angell Hall for more info, col 763-2227 It Let a leader in education and business communications solve your problems. 3M Company Attend the FREE PRODUCT SHOW 42q bidm~ 1 1 Tuesday, March 27th and T Wednesday, March 28th 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. MARRIOTT INN-ANN ARBOR L U.S. 23 and Plymouth Rd. INCLUDES INFORMATION AND DISPLAYS ON: [7E* Copying Machines - "Word Processing " Micro Film Systems LE. " Facsimile " Visual Products For More Information Call (313) 357-3830 ,; WOMEN'S CAREER FAIR Keynote Speaker: ALEXIS HERMAN Director of the W4omen 's Bureau, U. S. Depor1tmentlo(4 Labor Saturday, March 24 8:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. MODERN LANG. BLDG. (barrier fre;2) WORKSHOPS: Career planning, job hunting strategies, interviewing, resume writing, choosing a major and much more ...