.dge 4-Tuesday, March 20, 1 979-The Michigan Daily 4. 4- .- Brian Blanchard 4. . a .4 . 4Q There seem to have been at least three objectives on the min- ds of the large group of students, joined by some professors and area activists, who last week refused to allow the Regents to take care of scheduled business in public. The first was to use the politics of confrontation, hoping to shake up the governing body of the University. "People are tired of the system not responding," one protesting student said. "We thought a little more pressure, and action, could make something happen." Feeling disenfranchised in a broad range of campus issues, the group decided to revive the sixties-style non-violent, disruptive mass protest. TEN YEARS AGO this fall, students succeeded in establishing the University Cellar as a student-run-rather tive student voice is persuasive when the right tone is used. The second goal was to shame the Regents into reconsidering a decision made a year ago not to divest holdings in companies doing business in South Africa. "We have come as professors and students in this institution to give you some guidance," promised Jemadari Kamara, the graduate student who dominated the public comments session of the meeting. Kamara's speech turned out to be short on guidance, but long on vituperative rhetoric. Backed up by a chorus of hissing every time a Regent or Interim President Smith tried to speak, Kamara told Regent Thomas Roach, "You are directly responsible" for the deaths of two black miners in South Africa. ''That is not my opinion," he added dramatically, "that is fact." Kamara's argument that the MANVop: 9: 4$5e 6omar' -rE 5T4Y M/" 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109_ Eigh ty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom statement when they invested the money to begin with, and that by leaving their money in those companies they continue to sup- port a political system. Apartheid is an abominable practice that may very well be weakened by the withdrawal of American in- dustry. The third motive for the overt hostility, was, of coure, the request that the Regents put the divestiture question in the agen- da for next month's meeting. Af- ter all, the protestors said, the Regents had promised to review their stand this month and, moreover, they can simply vote to affirm their position if they get the issue out into the open again and force the Regents to justify their stand-pat policy. That seems reasonable. A commitment was made last Mar- ch to review the investment situation in a year's time and students have 'overwhelmingly voted their support for divestiture since that time. Even if they would consider it a pro forma vote, the Regents owe their constituents another vote. THE GOALS of the protest were neither out of line nor without precedent on campus. Its execution, however, was lamen- table. The protestors didn't come to speak with the Regents during the public comments session about their disappointment with the lack of responsiveness on the part of the Regents. They came to lecture' and chant while the Regents tried to carry on Univer- sity management. With one exception, they didn't come to tell the Regents why they think divestment is the proper route; they came to affront the Regents in personal terms. The exception was a 22-page report prepared by Anne Fullerton alleging that the anti- discriminatory Sullivan prin- ciples approved by the Regents are inadequate. Typically, though, her speech was followed by chanting which led to a recess of the meeting and the end of dialogue. THEY DIDN'T concentrate on trying to convince the Regents that the issue deserves time on the agenda next month. They came to berate the Regents for past actions. "We have learned," asserted Kamara, "that verbal commitments cannot be honored by the Regents." I've been told that the disrup-\ tion was the last resort, that the protestors felt there was no alternative to forcing the Regents to pay attention to the divestment issue last week. But there is little evidence that there has been the same sort of effort to gain broad- based support on campus, the same sort of attempts to win over the administration (Regent Dunn said he has received no correspondence about divestiture over the last year), that went into the campaigns to open the Union to students and to block food con- solidation in the Hill area dorms. 'It's somewhat unfair to compare local issues of this type to a problem so geographically removed as apartheid in South Africa since many on campus will never get interested on anything outside Ann Arbor. But that's all the more reason for those who are to work closely with the administration in a con- structive way. Like the demonstrators who heckled Vice President Mondale at graduation last spring, the protestors last week got the at- tention they 'wanted but did nothing to further understanding. Power was grasped and held for a few hours, but in an emotional at- tempt to frame the actions of the Regents as sinister and con- sciously oppressive the protestors lost a change to gain the broader support they need to advance their cause. It is naive to believe as Th Post editors seem to that the university "should not twist itself out o~f shape for any outside cause." Theanti-warand Civil Rights movements drew significant support from univer- sities. The protestors would like the University to respond to the South African question in the same way. But they will continue to strike out until they sharpen their arguments and talk about possible courses of action in.con- crete terms. 0 University Editor Brian Blanchard's column appears every other Tuesday. I "With one exception, they didn 't come to tell the Regents why they think divestment is the Vol. LXXXIX, No. 134 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan proper route; front the Re, terms. " they gents came in personal to af- China policy still intact FTER PRESIDENT Carter engi- A neered his bold diplomatic initiative to normalize relations with the People's Republic of China, staun- eh conservatives in Congress were flabbergasted. They vowed to adopt legislation to insure that U.S. formal ties with Taiwan were not completely broken. But after several crucial weeks of debate, both houses of Congress have fortunately passed moderate legislation that will not seriously jeopardize the U.S. relations with Peking. It is a victory for the Carter administration and a victory for the American people. WHen Carter told the nation on December 15 that the .U.S. would soon establish normal diplomatic relations with China and abrogate the mutual defense treaty with Taiwan, right-wing politicians both in and out of gover- nment were horrified. A U.S.-China reconciliation was inevitable ever sin- ce Richard Nixon and Mao signed a joint communique in Shanghai in 1972, but Carter's announcement caught them off-guard. What irked many conservatives even more was the failure of Carter's tegotiating team, led by hard-liner Zbigniew Brzezinski, to get Peking to formally vow that they wouldn't attack Taiwan. Arizona Republican Senator Barry Goldwater and other Taiwan supporters argued that the Carter ad- ministration, in its hastiness to get an agreement, had buckled to China's demands without getting enough in ex- change. More importantly, Goldwater charged, the White House had thrown Taiwan into China's hands by abrogating the government's mutual F4 defense treaty with that country. When Goldwater and his conser- vative colleagues rallied in an effort to pass legislation that would require Carter to obtain a written pledge from Peking that China had no intentions of launching a military attack on Taiwan, White House aides became worried this legislation would provoke China to break the new "alliance." So Carter's aides lobbied on Capitol Hill to insure that.Congress would reject legislation that could cripple the country's new relationship with China. The lobbying effort was successful as Congress voted overwhelmingly that an attack against Taiwan would be of "grave concern" to the United States. While this language still clearly shows the legislature's interest in a peaceful settlement between Taiwan and China, it does not tie the future of U.S.-China relations to the success of than administration- run-operation, largely due to student involvement in the issue; they too swarmed to Regents meetings and publicized their cause across campus. And because students were dissatisfied with the orientation of the Union, the management of that building has started to shift towards student interests over the last year with the blessings of the administration. The collec- Regents have a moral obligation to divest is a tenable one. Last week the Washington Post editorialized that universities are, in effect, business and therefore apolitical. The Post editors agreed with Harvard President Derek Bok that non- involvement is the best policy for the academy. THIS CONTENTION ignores the fact that Harvard and Michigan made a political Smith defends the Regents The follo wing is a copy of a . , * . . .. that arrangement. The key to the votes that it allows Carter to in Congress is go ahead with his plans for an unofficial relationship with Taiwan, and full diplomatic recognition of Peking. It allows the President to proceed with one of the most important diplomatic achievements of the 1970s. Congress has averted a major con- frontation with the President and kept the momentum rolling for full normal relations with China. Although the legislation still considers a Chinese at- tack on Taiwan to be of "grave con- cern" and requires the U.S. to main- tain a "capacity" to defend Taiwan if necessary, it clearly does not force the U.S. to base its future relations on the success or failure of a peaceful set- tlement. letter submitted yesterday to students from Acting Univer- sity President Allan Smith defending the actions taken by the Regents last Thursday and Friday. UNIVERSITY INVESTMENT POLICIES In view of the events which oc- curred last week at the Regents' meeting, I think it is appropriate to provide the University com- munity with some background and some observations. The events remind us of what a jarring and discordant note is struck when intimidation and dcisruption seek to replace or- dered discussion and debate as the mode of operation in the University. I have always .some sense of failure when police ac- tion occurs, and I am sorry that events brought any arrests. WITH RESPECT to the matter which percipitated the con- troversy, in my judgment, there is no legitimate basis for allegations that the Regents have failed to face up to the issue of divestment. They received a report a year ago-a report produced after traditional thorough investigation and con- sideration of numerous viewpoin- ts-and they debated the issue of whether a policy of total divest- ment or some other policy was best for the University. The Senate Advisory Committtee on Financial Affairs report, inciden- tally, did not recommend a policy of immediate divestment. The Regents heard student speakers advocating a policy of divest- ment. It is true that such an ny university rresiuent Alla n mi argument did not prevail. It is not true that there was no student in- put. The Regents at that time chose a policy which has received the support of the governing board of numerous fine univer- sities. It is a policy which is defensible in terms of rationality and in terms of being recommen- ded by knowledgeable persons. It is a policy which, in the judgment of some knowledgable persons, will better achieve the results sought than will a policy of total divestment. There is, of course, always the question of how frequently the Regents should review major policies once 'they have been thoroughly debated and put into effect. Surely, it is neither useful nor -desirable to review each month unless there are likely to be significant changes in circum- stances each month. It does not appear that this policy falls in this category. But the real issue at the meeting was not even whether the time had' come for another look at the policy. The Regents, after the public hearing, took ac- tion to accomplish that review. And the action they took was en- tirely consistent with the way of life which I believe decisions of this kind must be faced at The University of Michigan. They asked the Senate Advisory Com- mittee on Financial Affairs, which previously studied the ssue, to take pains to assure studeht participation, to review the matter, and make a report as it finds appropriate. That action, however, did not satisfy the protestors. Alternately, some in- sisted upon "Action now," by which they presumably meant "take a vote right now favoring divesment." Some asked that the matter be placed upon the Regen- ts' April agenda as an "action item"-by which they meant "Vote upon the policy of divest- ment in April whether or not the requested report is available." Neither of these actions would be appropriate. DURING THE course of recess, I spoke with the, students and indicated that I would per- sonally urge the committee to complete its report as quickly as is consistent with thorough in- vestigation from all interested and pertinent sources. I publicly indicated that the matter would be on the agenda at the Regents' meeting which follows the receipt of the report. If the report is received at the time the agenda is mailed to the Regents (about eight days before the meeting), it will be on the agenda. I hope we do not want Regents' action without there being time to review the documents. This was not satisfactory, and the disrup- tion continued, though some members of the group did seem to believe it was an adequate. response. In any event, I believe this University community wants its Board of Regents to pursue the course which it has followed: it does not make policy decisions in a vacuum or without consulting various groups at this University. It seeks a report from the best in- formed faculty-student group or administrative group, or both, for the particular policy in question. The events demonstrated another serious flaw in the Open Meetings Act, with the general purpose of which we are all in ac- cord. On its face, the Open Meetings Act seem to give to the public body only. two choices when disruptors refuse to permit business to proceed: . (1) quit and; adjourn, and fail to accomplish the matters for which they meeting was called; or, clear the room, under the provisions of the act which permit exclusion of those who are guilty of a breach. of the peace at the meeting. It is' obvious that to clear a room of 150 persons who have determined to, stay would probably require, massive police intervention. There may be times when cour ses of action would be proper, but* under the circumstances of this case, the Regents and I were not willing to accept either of those alternatives. I do not believe the law should be such as would, require either abdication of responsibility for managing the, affairs of the University or the, use of forceful eviction of studen-° ts. It was upon that basis that with counsel's advice, we sought. the restraining order and the or-; der of the court which would permit closing and securing the meeting to accomplish the' Regent's business. This was done, and the Hobson's choice. presented on the face of the bill, was averted. I fully expect the review of the investment policies to proceed in a proper fashion, and I hope the community will recognize that, fact. Letters Campus reaction to To the Daily: After the recent beginning of the border war between China and Viet Nam, I was anxious to see the reaction of various infor- med (and I use the term loosely) groups on campus. It didn't take long. The "Young Socialist Alliance" leaders have fits or pragmatism every now and then. But the best reaction yet ap- pears to come from the newly- formed "Ad Hoc Committee for Peace in Vietnam." The words "Ad Hoc" appear to be quite ap- propriate, applying not only to' the formation of the committee seems to be following this policy, the "Ad Hoc Committee" wants him to reverse his actions. How would they have him implement such a plan? Should he threaten to send troops into China if they dorn't withdraw? Secondly, the Chinese are in " Vietnami And finally, if the "Ad Hoc Committee" is so concerned about the U.S. implementing the Paris Peace Accords so that Vietnam can receive war reparations, I would suggest they write the, military leaders in Vietnam and urge them to spend their money at home instead of .Adink i