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March 20, 1979 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-03-20

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Dialectic rock and roll
The Economics Rock & Roll Band may shatter Mick Jagger and
the Rolling Stones' lead in the music world. The Economics Band
members Dan Luria (Al Phabar is his stage name) and Ev Erlich
(Beta Hat) were University graduate students in economics in 1971;
who spent their time in Ann Arbor writing guerrilla theater. A few
years later they teamed up with Stephan Michelson (Delta X), from
Cambridge, Massachusetts, and began incorporating their radical
economic theories into songs. Their latest album, "Better Red,"
features songs such as "Labor is Value," a 1950 style melody;
"Grand Rapids," a spoof of Gerald Ford; "Mondo Condo," a poke at
real estate speculation in the Miami Beach condominium market; and
"Bloodsucker," which tells the story of a worker's plan to kill his boss.
"We don't endorse it," said Luria, "we just understand it." The back-
up musicians on "Better Red" include an MIT economics professor on
saxophone, a drummer identified only as Reebee, who claims to hold a
doctorate in education from Harvard, and The Economettes. "We're
certainly the most highly educated band in the world," noted
Demonstrators' arraignment postponed
Arraignment has been postponed for the two University students
arrested for assault and battery during a protest at the Regents'
meeting Friday. Literary College senior George Wilson and graduate
student David Kadlecek were taken into custody Friday morning
following a scuffle involving several University officials, demon-
strators, and police. Ann Arbor Police Lt. Dale Heath said the
required paperwork was not completed in time for the scheduled 9
a.m. hearing yesterday. Heath added the arraignment will be
rescheduled for some time later this week. The arrests came during
the second day of student protests against University investment in
companies doing business in South Africa. About twenty of the pro-
divestiture activists were also present at the courtroom in City Hall
yesterday, although there was no organized demonstration there.
Rackham elections
All graduate students enrolled in the Rackham School of Graduate
Studies are eligible to run in the Rackham Student Government (RSG)
elections to be held April 2-4. Candidates may apply for the presiden-
tial or vice-presidential posts, or for a position on the board of any of
the five divisions: biology and health sciences, physical sciences and
engineering, social sciences, humanities, and education. Applications
are available now at the RSG office, 2006 Rackham, and must be filed
by 5 p.m. on March 28, in the same office.
Take Ten
On March 20, 1969, the United Auto Workers (UAW) offered $1,000
towards support of a major rent strike in the city. Also on that day,
eight police officers and eight demonstrators were indicted by a
federal grand jury in Chicago on charges stemming from violence at
the 1968 Democratic National Convention. Among the demonstrators
indicted were David Dellinger, Rennie Davis,nThomas Hayden, Abbie
Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Lee Weiner, John Froines, and Bobby Seale.
Happenings . ..
... It is still not too late to get shot. Stop by the Michiganensian
office at 420 Maynard St. or call 764-0561 to sign up for your senior por-
Ann Arbor Film Co-op - Disney's Silly Symphonies, 7:00; Three
Stooges Shorts, 8:40; Reefer Madness, 10:20; Aud. A, Angell
Cinema Guild - Ray's Charulata: Old Arch. Aud., 7,9:05 p.m.
Poet Anselm Hollo will present a reading of his works at 8:00 in the
Bensinger Library in the Residential College, E. Quad.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society - Selections from HMS Pinafore.
League Cafeteria, 6:00 p.m.
Music School - Japanese Music recital: 8:00 Rackham.
Trumpet Students Recital - Recital Hall, 12:30 p.m.
Tuesday Luncheon Series: Prof. Harold Shapiro, Vice President
for Academic Affairs, "The University of Michigan: A Center for
Learning and Teaching," 12:00 noon at the International Center
Recreation Rm.
1979 Henry Russel Lecture - Francis Alloen, "The Law as a Path to

the World": 4:00 p.m. Rackham Amph.
1979 Raoul Wallenberg Lecture - James Marston Fitch, Colum-
bia University, "The Curatorial Management of the Built World,"
Aud., Chrysler Center, North Campus,;3:30 p.m.
Prof. Hans Bock, University of Frankfurt, Germany, "The
General Applications of Graph Theory," 9-11:00 a.m. in room 1200
Chem. Bldg.
Prof. Raymond Tanter - "From Camp David to King David," 11:00
a.m., Aud. 3, MLB.
Gul Agha, Grad student in Psychology - "Vegetarianism and the
World Food Problem," Green Lounge, East Quad., 7:30 p.m.
Under Graduate Political Science Association Elections for next
fall, 7:00 p.m. Self Help Opportunity Program: "What to do With a
Political Science Degree," 8:30 p.m., Room 25, Angell Hall.
Student Legal Services Mini Course - Security Deposit Law, 2:00
p.m., 4304 Michigan Union.
"Quality Education and Us" - A workshop on tenure, teaching
and student rights. 10:00 a.m.-12:00 and 2:00-4:00, Michigan Union
Confrence Rooms 2,3, 4, and 5. Sponsored by MSA/PAC.
School of Education - Cross transfer orientation and general in-
formation meeting, Whitney Aud., 1309 SEB, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Ad Hoc Committee for Peace in Vietnam meeting, 8 p.m. at Guild
Lettuce protest
Davis Bates, a Hampshire College student is appealing his being
tossed from the college cafeteria staff. He was fired from his job after
refusing to stop dressing salads with slogans such as "No Nukes" in
carrot sticks and making wax hammer and sickle designs on cottage
cheese. Other Bates creations include sun designs for solar power
made with lemon and orange slices, and, on another occasion, red wax
lips smiled up from the salad bar. Bates claims the designs were never
intended to be categorical political statements, but were created sim-
ply to break up the boredom of the job and provide the cafeteria
patrons with some enjoyment. Campus groups claim that Bates' right
to free speech may have been violated. The Climax, the campus
paper, noted that the food service's position was that it should make
the-food appealing and not take a stand on any political issue. Ap-

The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, March 20, 1979-Page 3
Program studies job possibilities

Demonstrations are not the only
outlet for those interested in pursuing
social change. The Michigan Student
Assembly (MSA) careers conference,
whose panelists discussed jobs spurring
reforms, drew more than 300 active
participants at the Michigan Union this
weekend. Also sponsored by the Office
of Student Development and Activities,
the two-day conference, entitled
"Working for a Change: Careers for a
New Tomorrow," gave job-seekers an
opportunity to speak to 62 professionals
from all over the U.S. in both
traditional and non-traditional fields,
who covered such areas as media,
government and law.
CONFERENCE coordinator Lisa
Mitchell-Yellin said students are "con-
cerned, about political-social issues.
They want to get jobs but not lose sight
of (the issues)." Mitchell-Yellin added
that the conference was organized
because students need to know where
they can go for support for their
lifestyles. "They are asking 'What can I
learn from you'," said Mitchell-Yellin.
Higher Education Panelist Ann
Coleman said students were "in-
terested in how people maintain the
contradiction between working in an in-
stitution and in social change. (Studen-
ts) asked questions like 'Did the faculty
support apartheid'."
Truckers still
far from
new contract
WASHINGTON (AP) - The powerful
Teamsters union and the trucking in-
dustry launched a final two weeks of
contract talks yesterday amid swelling
government pressure for a modest
wage increase and ebbing hopes of
averting a national strike.
Union and industry bargainers were
reported far apart as they headed for a
March 31 deadline on a new three-year
contract covering nearly 300,000
drivers and warehouse workers.
zsimmons could order a strike to begin
at 12:01 a.m. EST April 1 if a settlement
is not reached by then. Union
spokesman Bernard Henderson said it
is premature to speculate about a
The administration sees the master
freight agreement that emerges from
the talks as the element ,that could
make or break the seven per cent
voluntary wage guideline portion of
President Carter's anti-inflation
If the Teamsters negotiate a pact far
in excess of the guidelines, other major
unions that bargain this year are likely
to try to do the same. The Teamsters
won wage and fringe benefit increases
of more than 11 per cent per year in
their current contract.
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Coleman said there is a "resurgence
of student activism" and that this ac-
tivism is apparent at other universities.
She said that the resurgence is due to
students' moral concern as well as
"care and concern about other human
Prof. William Hunt agreed with
Coleman. "The resurgence is not ab-
normal," he said, "but rather the silen-
ce of (the period) 1971-1976. What we're
seeing now (the resurgence of ac-
tivism) is normal."
The conference stressed the oppor-
tunity of alternative careers in
traditional fields, which pleased many
students. Sharon Bray, a junior in the
Near Eastern Studies Department said,
"It (the conference) has provided me
more with outlets that fit my needs.

Students need to be aware of social and
political issues and struggle against
factors that create apathy," she added.
Most students were interested in af-
fecting social change through their oc-
cupation. Environmental Engineering
senior John Freeman, who attended the
conference on government, said he
believed that "working within the
system is the only way to change the
system. Otherwise, you might alienate
mainstream America."
Panelists conveyed some of the
problems of social change careers.
"Most people in social chapge work are
visionaries," said government panelist
Jim Kosteva. "I have a good perception
of what my community should look like
when I'm through with it. But you must
realize the painting is being done by
others, too."

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