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March 20, 1979 - Image 1

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Vol. LA AIAN, OI- 4

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 20, 1979

Ten Cents

Twelve Oages

S. Africa protest repercussions


R "
By an overwhelming majority the
Senate Assembly voted yesterday to
condemn the actions of the more than
200 students who disrupted last week's
Regents meetings. The demonstrators,
urging University divestiture from
South African corporations, prevented
the Regents from conducting their
regular meetings last Thursday and
The Assembly voted 32-2 to approve
the censure resolution, introduced by
Chairman Shaw Livermore during the
"new business" portion of the Assem-
bly meeting.
THE RESOLUTION "condemns the
actions of those who interrupted and
forced the cessation of regular
business" at the Regents meetings, and
acknowledges that "the Assembly was
disturbed by (a similar) planned in-
terruption of a lecture here by former
Israeli official Yigal Allon last Decem-
Livermore, the only faculty member
present at last Friday's restricted
Regents meeting, said he initiated and
drafted the resolution, 'but that it was
approved by the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs
(SACUA) yesterday afternoon prior to
the Assembly meeting.
SACUA member Larry Jones voted in
favor of the resolution. "I don't accept
the fact that disrupting a meeting is the
way to make voices heard. It is counter-
productive," he said.
NURSING Professor Patricia Scear-
se, one of the two dissenting Assembly
members, was concerned that the
resolution had not been distributed to
the Assembly. "Not having seen it, I
See SENATE, Page 5

Group to challenge closed
Regents meeting in court

18th District Democratic State Senator Edward Pierce (left) and Ann Arbor Democratic Representative Perry Bullard
(right) discussed University funding with the Senate Assembly yesterday. Assembly chairman Shaw Livermore (center),
later introduced a resolution, which passed 32-2, condemning last week's disruption of the Board of Regents meeting.
Students camp out for dorm lists

Washtenaw County Coalition Against
Apartheid (WCCAA) members have
taken . preliminary steps' toward
challenging the court order which
allowed the Univ.ersity Board of Regen-
ts to meet behind closed doors last
Friday. The initial meeting was disrup-
ted by demonstrators advocting
Universitydivestment from firms that
do business in South Africa.
Local attorney, Thomas O'Brien
agreed to represent the group after
meeting with several coalition mem-
bers Sunday.
THE TEMPORARY restraining or-
der, which banned over 200 protesters
from attending the Regents meeting
that afternoon, was granted after
testimony from only the University's
side of the conflict. The order, issued in
Washtenaw County Circuit Court by
visiting Judge Harold Van Domelen,
would probably allow the Regents to
hold semi-private meetings in similar
disruptive situations "unless there is a
hearing or further order of the court,"
according to University General Coun-
sel Roderick Daane.
Interim University President Allan
Smith recessed the public hearing in
the Administration Building for a
second and final time Friday after the
disruption made communiction among
the Regents impossible. Friday marked
the second day of protests at the
meeting by students and others opposed
to University investments in firms:
doing business in South Africa.
The order, issued at 2:05 p.m., was
read to the demonstrators as they oc-
cupied the Regents room. They then
peacefully left the building vowing to
return to the next meeting in April.
ALTHOUGH A hearing on the order
has not yet been scheduled, "you can
rest assured that we'll be going to court
about it," said O'Brien. "It strikes at
very fundamental rights," he added.
"You don't go around suspending the
Constitution on the basis of the
allegations of one side."
Possible consequences of the up-
coming hearing are unclear. Some ob-
servers speculate a decision in favor of
the coalition could void the business
transacted in the semi-private meeting,
to which only selected members of the

press and others invited by the Regents
were allowed to attend.
O'Brien said such a decision "is
within the realm of possibility," while
the University counsel Daane declined
to comment on the matter.
"I DON'T know what it would take to
tell the board 'You have to go back and
do it all over again,' " said Pat Murphy,
administrative assistant to state Attor-
ney General Frank Kelley.
Murphy added that the restricted ac-
cess meeting allowed under the court
order may be the first of its kind since
the 1977 enactment of the Michigan
Open Meetings Act.
Before the confrontation Friday en-
See WCCAA, page 5
orkers vote
,o extend
Meeting last Sunday afternon in the
Michigan Union Ballroom, members of
the American Federation of State,
Municipal, and County Employees
(AFSCME) Local 1583 approved their
bargaining team's request to extend for
15 days the terms of their present con\
tract, which expires today.
The bargaining team, led by
Bargaining Chairman Art Anderson
and union President Dwight Newman,
also outlined the union and University
econpmic proposals, which the two
sides exchanged late last week.
bargaining team said the negotiations
are going well up to this point, and
called the membership's action Sunday
a "vote of confidence" in. the
bargaining team's efforts. Dave Mit-
chell, representing AFSCME District
Council 25 in the talks, said more has
been accomplished in the 19 ,hours of
negotiations held so far this year than
in hundreds of hours spent talking at
the last contract talks, held in February
See AFSCME, Page 9

Students with sleeping bags and
pillows, armed with books and playing
cards camped in the lobby of many
University dormitories over the
weekend in hopes of being near' the top
of the waiting list to live in the dorm of
their choice in the fall.
The students - mostly dorm lottery
losers and dorm residents wishing to
transfer between residence halls - all
have leases at one of the Univetsity's
many housing units. But the students,
some of whom began their vigil as early
as Friday evening, were waiting in line
for the prime spots on the list that didn't

officially begin until yesterday morning
at 8:00.
ONCE AGAIN, more students wanted
to live in the dorms than there were
leases for those dorms. The University
reserves so many dorm leases for in-
coming freshpersons, and returning
students who wish to compete for the
remaining spaces must go through a
dorm lottery. The students who lost in
that lottery were mostly able to find
vacancies in other University housing,
like Oxford and Baits, but desire to
transfer the new lease back to their old
Other students who joined the long
lines for the wait list had won the lot-
teries in their present dorms, but wan-
ted to switch to a new dormitory.
Places in the dorms usually become
available due to transfers and drop-
IN PREVIOUS years, the Housing

Office controlled one, central line for
waiting lists for all the dorms. This
year, however, each dorm started its
own separate waiting list. "We thought
it might be easier for students," ex-
plained Housing Advisor Marlene Man-
tyk. With the new system, students
don't have to camp out weekends in one
long line outside of the Student Ac-
tivities Center.
Markley was the only residence hall
that reported any problems with the
new system. Despite an official
statement that no lines would be
recognized before 8:00 a.m. Monday,
lines were started on Friday evening in
the lounge next to the building directors
The first students in the line
organized a separate list and check-in
system for men and women. By Sunday
evening, 25 men and 10 women were
See STUDENTS, Page 9

Township signs pact
for new sewage plan

In the second major step in the city's
plan to officially define its boundaries,
city council last night approved a
resolution validating a boundary and
sewage treatment agreement with Scio
Township. A similar treaty was signed
earlier this year with Pittsfield Town-
Locking in the city's borders is one of
MayorLouis Belcher's pet projects,
which he said will be.completed when
the remaining townships adjacent to
the city have also signed peace treaties.
A map accompanying the resolution
indicates the land designated as Scio
Township property will be serviced by
Ann Arbor's soon-to-be-expanded
sewage treatment plant. The ownership
currently uses septic fields to dispose of
its sewage.
The agreement states the township
will pay the city a monthly service
charge, 103 per cent of the amount
charged Ann Arbor. The city will only
be responsible for the cost of the sewers
facilitating it and the township, under
the agreement. These sewers will be
constructed by Utilities Department
Scio Township would have to receive
approval from the city for any new
housing or commercial complexes that
" Saying Energy Secretary
James Schlesinger is shackled by
an "impossible" energy policy,
Congressional Republicans
yesterday proposed creation of
an energy czar. See story, Page 2.
" An unusually calm 16mm
Film Festival wound up Sunday,
night by screening the week's big
prize winners. See Review, Page
* Purdue demolished
Alabama. 87-68. in one NIT semi-

might make use of the sewage
facilities, under the agreement. The
city reserves the right to restrict any
additional areas from using the
facilities, but promises to accept waste
material from the designated township
area, provided the daily flow does not
exceed 2.05 million gallons. To prevent
possible damage to the sewage facility,
only "normal" residential, commer-
cial, and industrial sewage will be ac-
In most cases, the sewage charged
.will be computed according to water
meter readings. Referring to the use of
the meters, Councilman David Fisher
(R-Fourth Ward) made a comment of
See A2, Page 9
Ann Street
City Council adopted an ordinance
last night designating the 500-600 block
of East Ann Street the "Ann Street
Historic Block," and, in further action,
passed a resolution in support of the
proposed University Hospital
Replacement Project.
The East Ann Street designation is
tIle culmination of a year and a half long
study by the Division Street Historic
District Study Committee and labels
the 500-600 block of the street and

// Bush criticizes
Marxist expansion
Special to the Daily
DETROIT-Republican presidential candidate George Bush warned
yesterday that American strength and prestige in the world have severely
declines, particularly in Asia and Africa, which has led to the proliferation of
Soviet-backed Marxist countries in those areas.
Addressing a packed luncheon crowd at the Detroit Economics Club,
Bush blamed the Carter Administration's "lack of resolution and strength"
for the emergence of communist satelittes in Angola, Ethiopia, Iran,
Yemen, and Afganaistan, and offered a "new era of leadership" that could
reverse that tide.
"FROM THE PLAINS of the Congo to the plateaus of Persia, we see the
'. advance of Marxist doctrines. From the sands of the Sahara to the snows of
>,y g the Himalayas, we see the Marxist-Soviet influence," Bush said.
Bush is one of the most versatile past employees of Republican ad-
ministrations. He was director of the Central Intelligence. Agency (CIA) and
was U.S. Ambssador to the United Nations under Richard Nixon. Bush, once
elected to Congress from Texas, expects to announce his formal candidacy
"within a couple of months," but yesterday's speech and earlier news con-
ference seemed to give an early peek into his campaign platform.
Displayhing the traditional Republican rhetoric, Bush outlined a series
of goals that he said the leaders of the American government must adopt to
reverse the flow toward communism and rebuild the country's power in
global affairs. The proposals dealt specifically with the economy and the
declining free enterprise system whose resurgence he insisted is integral to
a stronger America. He urged the government to move toward the following
Daily Photo by DAN OBERDORFER; goals:
y* TO ACHIEVE A balanced budget in order to stop the inflation which is
Presidential hopeful George Bush says U.S. influence has eroded under the eroding America's economic system and is diverting capital from the
Carter Administration. He addressed the Detroit Economics Club yesterday. See BUSH, Page 5
Dorm presidents pooi ideas

Dorm government leaders can now
swap housing woes and work out the
similar problems plaguing dorm
residents since the creation of the Dorm
Presidents Organization.
The organization, formed last month
in order to resolve some of the

University's 17 residence halls. "We
represent a quarter of the student body
right here," Singer said.
The Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) recognized the Dorm Presidents
Organization at its February 27
meeting, and appointed MSA member
Bill McNee to attend the organization's

At the first meeting, several dorm
presidents became excited and said
they realized that they could do
something about problems such as ob-
taining outside funding and collecting
unpaid dorm dues.
AT THAT first meeting, many said
they had problems organizing an effec-

tension, alcohol use, student apathy,
and money.
AT SUNDAY'S meeting, presidents
were told how to obtain MSA funding
and put hold credits on a student's ac-
count if he/she doesn't pay dorm dues.
Dorm presidents also agreed that dor-
ms ned a newsetter tn nulicize un-

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