Page 12-Sunday, March 18, 1979-The Michigan Daily
M. Cook restricts male visitation hours
(Continued from Page 1)
they will have to live. Hopefully, they
won't be able to find 153 women to live
Residents are also looking into the
possibility of signing leases on a con-
ditional basis, dependent on the action
College of Pharmacy,
The University College of Pharmacy
announced the receipt of an endowment
grant of $150,000 from the Warner-
Lambert Foundation of Morris Plains,
Income from the gift will support
Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis Grad-
uate Student Fellowships in the College.
In announcing the gift, University
Pharmacy Dean Dr. Ara Paul stated
"there is an increasing need to
recognize distinction within our cadre
of doctoral students who have
traditionally gone on after graduation
to distinguish themselves as scientists
in universities and industrial research
received grant
laboratories. The establishment of the
Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis Fellow-
ship fund will provide us the oppor-
tunity to reward excellence in scholar-
He also noted that graduate students
play an important role in the research
efforts in the College directed at
creating new and better drugs and in
understanding factors in the body
which affect circulation and absorption
of drugs.
Major areas of pharmacy faculty
research include cardiac disease, ar-
terioscleroisis, cancer, infectious
diseases, fertility and dental caries.
of the governors.
ONE WOMAN complained, "They
are forcing us to live under circum-
stances even our parents wouldn't
"The Board of Governors hasn't even
studied the impact of all this," another
student stated. "People are just going
to keep the guys in their rooms and
sneak them out when they are
finished." She explained that under the
new rule a resident will be unable to
continue studying with a male visitor
after hours without express permission
from the building director.
"Now people are discreet and rules
are getting broken, but next year will
be more blatant," said another student,
warning that women will now be more
encouraged to violate visitation hours.
MEMBERS OF the three-member
Board of Governors said they were
unaware of student sentiment regar-
ding the ruling. "Nobody has let me.
know," said Cook. "If they were that
unhappy, I would have received let-
ters . . . this is the first I've heard."
When informed that some of the women
were upset because even though they.
objected to the new rules, they had no
place else to live, Cook suggested,
"Maybe they should look elsewhere."
The Board dhairwoman admitted,
however, that she wasn't familiar with
the housing problem in Ann Arbor.
BOARD MEMBER Joan Iwasko said,
"No one has to live there, but there are
some people who prefer this type of life.
I really know very little about all this,"
she added.
Residents reaffirmed their objection
to the Governors' ruling in a survey
conducted by the dormitory's House
Board. The survey was answered by 102
of the 153 residents and, 97 of those ob-
jected to the governors' decision. Sixty-
three indicated that the ruling would in-
fluence their decision to return to Mar-
tha Cook in the fall, while 36 reported it
would not influence them.
Despite the Governors' concern for
the security of the building and residen-
ts, 96 of the women did not feel that
reducing male visitation hours on the
main and basement floors would end
security problems. Five women voted
that it would solve the security
The woman who tallied the survey
reported, "It shows overwhelming ob-
jection to the decision. People are now
aware of the problem, and rumors are
flying." The House Board plans to send
the results of the survey, along with
some student comments, to the Board
of Governors.
Daily Class ifieds
Bring Results
St. Patrick's Day celebrators take to the streets
(Continued from Page 1)
Ray Grace, a postgraduate law
student and Ireland native, compared
the American celebration to events in
his own country. "In Ireland, St.
Patrick's Day is not celebrated to the
same extent, there's nothing osten-
tatious," Grace said. He added that the
Irish celebration has a "definite
religious connotation," instead of a
more secular observance, as in the U.S.
The Ann Arbor Police Department
noted the event and as the parade
proceeded down State St., a squad car
pulled up and two officers got out. "Try
to stay off the streets," one officer said.
"And have a riot," he added with a
THE PARADE eventually adjourned
to Dooley's, where the participants par-
took of traditional green beer. "We
managed to harangue one free pitcher
from them," McDoogle said.
According to Dooley's manager Jim
Mills, "We can make anything green."
Mills said there were "free green pep-
pers on the pizza today," in honor of the
"I've doubled my staff just for
today," Mills said, indicating that he
expected some rowdy customers. He
added that he did have some problems
last night. Yesterday the crowd at
Dooley's, many of them watching the
Arkansas-Indiana State game on a wall
screen, appeared to be reasonably
sedate, although there was talk of
several parties planned for the evening.
McDoogle said he was planning to
repeat the parade next year. "I have a
job in Brighton, so I'll be around, and
we're shooting for it;" he said.
Law, Med School application takes cash
(Continued from Page 1)
minimal. The re-take will be counted
alone only if the score is over 100 points
higher than that of the initial exam.
There are 800 points possible on these
Another costly variable involved in
students' scores is the preparation in-
vested before the test. Many students
spend up to $325 on preparation courses
such as those directed by the nation-
wide Stanley Kaplan program in an ef-
fort to beef up their scores.
According to Career Planning and
Placement pre-professional counselor
Louis Rice, these courses prove
beneficial for some students, but not
others. Rice emphasizes that the key to
studying for the tests is to study, and he
notes that these courses' claim to im-
prove scores may rest not so much on
the special services they offer but on
the amount of time the student spends
preparing for the course itself.
SAYS RICE, "Stanley Kaplan
theoretically expects 900 to 1,000 hours
in preparation. Any student who spent
that amount of time would be quite
likely to improve his chances whether
through a commercial
program or
Formidable costs really begin to
mount with the professional school ap-
plications themselves - priced bet-
ween $15 and $30 each - with the
average applicant filling out about ten.
In fact, each year a few University
students apply to over fifty schools.
Counselor Rice notes "it is only a rare
exception when a student gets into a
school by a 'fluke' - being accepted as
a result of having applied to a multitude
of possible schools." Fee waivers can
be requested but are difficult to obtain
except in "cases of extreme personal
RICE ADDS that "a large number of
applications by a student most often in-
dicates poor research into school
profiles and one's chances of getting in.
A student might apply to forty medical
schools and be accepted by five of them
- but he could've most likely been ac-
cepted to those same five if he had ap-
plied to ten carefully selected schools."
Many students don't feel this way,
however. One LSA senior - who asked
to be unnamed - applying to over 25
medical schools, stated, "The ad-
missions process is really a hit-or-miss
process, so I figured I'd increase my
chances by applying to as many schools
as possible. It's like playing '21' - the
more hands you play, the greater your
odds of getting a blackjack."
One might wonder if the admissions
officers of different schools check with
each other to discover if a student is
applying indiscriminately to a large
number of schools - but this does not
seem to be the case. Career counselor
Rice states that, "There is no evidence
that schools cross-check with one
another. Each school tends to look for
strong reasons which an applicant has
for applying to that particular school."
IT IS UNCERTAIN whether students
who can afford to reapply to the schools
from which they were rejected would
have an advantage over first-time ap-
plicants. One University Law School of-
ficial, who refused to identify herself,
says the law school does not follow any
specific guidelines regarding re-
applications. She added, however, that
the admissions officer decides whether
a candidate will benefit or suffer from a
second rejection.
The official also said there is only a
small percentage of re-applications ac-
cepted, but that this percentage may
not differ from that of first-time ap-
plication acceptances.
The final factor in the admissions
process that might give an advantage
to the financially well-off applicants is
the interview. Visiting schools for in-
terviews can quickly become a costly
THE ITINERARY goes something
like this: first, an applicant must pur-
chase the proper attire - a suit for
men, a dress or nice slacks for women
- then plunk down the bucks for tran-
sportation - airfare in many cases -
and finally, pay for food and lodging in
the city in which the interview is taking
place. The total easily runs a few hun
dred dollars.
The cost of visiting schools is clearly
harder for those students less finan-
cially able, though the importance of
the interview is not always so great in
the admissions decision. In general, ac-
cording to Career Planning and
Placement's Rice, medical schools
place a fairly high degree of significan-
ce on applicant interviews, whereas
law schools do not.
Many law schools, such as Yale and
Duke, advise that an interview is not
required unless to discus's "extraor-
dinary circumstances that cannot be
described in writing." The University
Law School recommends interviews in
some cases, depending on the par-
ticular qualifications of the candidate.
Medical schools generally consider a
personal interview almost a
prerequisite to admission, though many
provide the candidate, with the oppor-
tunity to undergo a regional interview
with an alumni representative.
Because the admissions process is
secretive, and also because students'
don't want to make waves with of-
ficials, it's hard to find persons willing
to say money is in fact a decisive factor
in admissions. But having it to spend
can't hurt.
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