See editorial page
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See Today for details
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 84 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 11, 1979 Ten Cents Ten Pages
PIRGIM seeks to aid DES cancer victims
By BETH ROSENBERG The New York bill establishes a campaign to Doctors prescribed DES between 1940 and Jackson said a colposcopy-a microscopic
Iy bET R SE RG educate the public on DES's dangers and at- 1974 to prevent miscarriages, treat diabetes, examination of the vagina to check for abnor-
PIRGIM (Public Interest Research Group in tempts to reach those women who have been aid fertility, be used as morning-after birth mal tissue-is recommended. However,
Michigan) is writting a bill designed to aid exposed to it. The bill also establishes a controland rerJackson added that the test is not exclusively
education and treatment of women who may reinlsreig)ogrmfralDS A proxim ately 90 per cent of cotoadrplace hormones. o DS
have increased risk of cancer because thei regiona screening proram for all DES- Approximately 90 per cent of the estimated for DES.
mheinrased isofcancer bEaus thr xposed persons.s the estimated 2.1 to 3.5 million 2.1 to 3.5 million DES women have some kind of "We don't find many women asking about
mothers took Diethylstilbesterol (DES) during In addition, the bill provides training for genital abnormality, ranging from structural DES," the clinician said. "We usually ask
pregnancy, health care personnel connected with DES women have some kndfluof ireuatesocner them' Jackson said health service has not
PIRGIM is also hunting for a legislative programs, establishes a state-wide registry of genital abnormality, irregularities to cancer. at "ackonerse ithas
sponor.womn wh tok DS an thir ffs s r odgental bnomaltyranging TH E UNIVERSITY Hlealth Service's kept track of the number of DES cases it has
sponsor, women who took DES and their offspring, andGyeooyCicenurgsuhwmnto en.,_1 11
ACCORDING to Marian Langelier of prohibits insurance companies from denying from structural irregularities hGvnecoalto Cinicenecourae suc wanmen to sery Sexton, Washtenaw County Publi
PIRGIM's Ann Arbor office, PIRGIM's bill is policies to persons whose mothers took DES. smear every six months, according to nurse Health Department Family Planning office
patterned after a recently-passed New York LANGELIER SAID DES comes under 70 dif- to cancer.yHs
clinician Dorothy Jackson. However, Jackson worker, said very few statistics on the number;
DES related bill. Langelier said PIRGIM's bill ferent names. She recommended that women said that DESrelated problems do not appear of reported DES cases have been kept. Nursing
will be introduced to the state legislature later check out any drug taken by their mothers durink routine exams. department employee Betty Winkel said her
this year. during pregnancy. If a woman knows her mother took the drug, own department has no statistics at all.
'U' may raise
most housing
rates 6.9
Solitary Stroll Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
The snow and chilly temperatures practically assured this hiker of solitude as
he followed a trail near the University's Botanical Gardens. The County Park
Commission is sponsoring a series of winter nature walks- this weekend. See
story, Page 2.
Barring unlikely major revision by
University administrators and Regen-
ts, housing rates for single students will
probably increase next year an average
of 6.89 per cent, or $141.21 per student.
The increase was recommended to
Housing Director Robert Hughes
yesterday in the report of the Single'
Student Rate Study Committee, a group
of students and administrators.
THE COMMITTEE -also recommen-
ded weekend consolidation of food ser-
vices for several dormitories. If ap-
proved, the policy change would mean
West Quad residents would eat
weekend meals in South Quad, Mosher-
Jordan residents would go to Markley,
and Alice Lloyd residents would go to
Couzens Hall.
The report calls for average in-
creases of 6.4 per cent for dormitories, 8
per cent for Oxford Housing, 5.1 per
cent for Fletcher Hall, and 9.5 per cent
for Baits apartments. If the increases
are approved, dormitory doubles will
cost $1868.21 per year, up from $1759.50,
while singles will cost $2215.52, up from
After intense organized student op-
position, the Regents recently turned
down a Housing Division request to
proceed with plans for construction of a
full-time consolidation facility for four
Hill-area dorms. However, the
proposed weekend consolidation would
not require the construction of any new
SINCE DORM occupancy rates are
lower on weekends, housing officials
figured the dining rooms of South Quad,
Markley, and Couzens could handle the
influx of students from West Quad,
Mosher-Jordan, and Alice Lloyd.
According to Housing Division
calculations, the consolidation move
would save $12 per student system-wide
next year.
In addition, the committee, which
consisted of four voting students and
two voting administrators in addition to
several other non-voting members,
recommended the reestablishment of
free room and board -for dormitory
Resident Advisors (RAs).
RAs WERE required to pay $141.75
toward the cost of their room and board
'this year, but Housing official and
committee chairman Norm Snustad
said the group felt the RAs do a
",tremendous." job and merit the full
room and board renumeration.
The committee's recommendations
must be approved by a chain of Univer-
sity administrators before being
brought before the Regents.
Historically, the committee recom-
mendations have not usually been
altered. significantly before being ap-
The committee will conduct a public
hearing on its recommendations Jan. 16
at 7 p.m. in Markley Hall's North Pit.
Snustad said the committee could alter
some of its report after the hearing, but
indicated such a move would be
unlikely. Snustad said almost every
See RATE, Page 7
Bill on phone tappingvetoed
A recently vetoed bill that would have
prohibited the University and most
state businesses from monitoring phone
conversations between their employees
and clients will be resubmitted later
this year, according to Representative
Mark Clodfelter (D-Flint), one of the
bill's sponsors.
The bill, which passed the state
House and Senate by a bare majority
before being vetoed last month by
Governor William Milliken, could have
had a major impact at the University.
Supervisors for University operators
and Institute for Social Research (ISR)
interviewers, in addition to many
Michigan businesses, regularly listen in
on conversations to improve the per-
formances of employees. In most cases,
the employee does not know the conver-
sation is being monitored.
HOUSE BILL 4372 would have
outlawed that practice, except in
police, fire, and medical emergencies.
Bell Telephone would also have had
permission to eavesdrop under the bill,
provided a beep tone during the conver-
sation informed participants the con-
versation was being monitored.
In a letter to Governor Milliken, ISR
Director F. Thomas Juster warned that
passage of the bill "would apparently
force us to eliminate or significantly
modify a research program with
roughly $800,000 worth of federal fun-
ding, or require relocation of the
program to a place where monitoring
was permitted." The program involves
research into the validity of data collec-
ted by phone.
University officials, while supporting
ISR's position, took no action against
the bill prior to the veto, though other
organizations lobbied intensely, both
for and against its passage.
"WE JUST didn't have any position
whatsoever on the bill," said Richard
Kennedy, vice-president for state
relations. "We were prepared to com-
ply with it had it been implemented,"
Madison St. closing may provide
land for new student housing
he added.
Kennedy said his office did not realize
monitoring of phone conversations took
place at the University until Juster's
letter came to his attention. He also
said that there is no standing Univer-
sity policy on such eavesdropping.
Kennedy said that if the bill passed,
his office would investigate the
possibility of arranging an exception
for research like that conducted at ISR.
He stressed that such an exception
would have to be "very, very specific."
position "indefensible," saying it
See BUGGING, Page 7
T'h ursday
F Iran's prime minister says
his country may face a military
coup. He added he still expects
the shah to leave. See story, Page
" The Wolverine wrestling
team staged a comeback against
fourth ranked Lehigh University.
See story, Page 9.
r Read the Today
column, Page 3
The Ann Arbor Planning Com-
mission's recommendation that
Madison St., between Packard and
Thompson be vacated and turned over
to the University, could provide the
University with a potential site for
student housing construction.
However, University intentions for
the area are unclear and planning of-
ficials say that no decision has been
made on the street's future. They
acknowledge, however, that it was
discussed last year as a possible site for
dorm construction.
housing director, said when dorm con-
struction was under Regents' con-
sideration last year, the Madison St.
area was discussed as a possible
location. However, the idea of building
additional student housing was shelved
by the Regents last December. Hughes
stressed that "there are no plans for
student housing being discussed now."
University vice president and chief
financial officer James Brinkerhoff
said acquisition of the area has exten-
ded University land' in the Madison
area so as to produce "a land parcel
large enough to build a housing struc-
ture if that becomes desirable."
Brinkerhoff added, though, that
nothing specific has been designated
for the area and the most likely use is
for additional recreational space in the
summer and parking in the winter.
OFFICIALS pointed out that another
advantage of closing off Madison St. is
that it would improve traffic problems
at the intersection of Packard, South
Division, and Madison.
By assembling this larger land par-
cel, the University can make use of the
"triangle" in that intersection, accor-
ding to assistant University planner
Ken Korman.
Korman said with the large student
See MADISON, Page 7
MICAR withdraws
drinking c
The Michigan Committee for the Age
of Responsibility (MICAR), one of the
organizations that filed a lawsuit
challenging the constitutionality of the
newly-passed 21-year-old drinking age
amendment, announced Tuesday its
withdrawal from an appeal of a federal
judge's ruling on the issue.
MICAR's collaborator in the appeal,
the Ad Hoc Committee for the Rights of
Young People, still plans to challenge
the decision in federal court.
MICAR coordinator Rick Buhr ex-
plained his group's action by saying
"Our attorneys don't think there's any
chance of success."
The original decision to appeal came
after U.S. District Judge Ralph Guy
ruled that drinking is not, as the com-
mittees challenging the law claimed, a
fundamental right, and that age is not a
"subject category" - such as race or
.ge appeal,
sex - which is immutable and thus not
a legitimate basis for discrimination.
While the Ad Hoc Committee con-
tinues its fight in court, MICAR plans to
petition to put a proposal to lower the
drinking age on the 1980 ballot; accor-
ding to Buhr. Ad Hoc Committee
chairman Rick McNeil said he will ap-
peal to the Supreme Court if the present
case is lost, but that if he fails a second
time his group will aid in MCIAR's
"It doesn't make any sense for us
both to pursue it legally," McNeil
declared. "Why pay twice for the same
ASSISTANT Attorney General
Deborah Devine said that since the
state had not yet received an appeal
brief from the plaintiffs, she was unable
to comment on it. Devine did say the
state's initial position on the issue was
to defend the right of the people to
___ _
UN to discuss Cambodia today
By Reuter and AP
Security Council members agreed yesterday to
hold a public meeting this afternoon on Cambodia,
following the Pol Pot government request to hear its
case against Vietnam.
A UN spokesman said the 15-nation council would
decide durin0 the meetine whether to hear Prince
The council members agreed in private con-
sultations last night to an agenda for today's meeting
which would include a telegraph sent by the Pol Pot
government requesting an urgent meeting of the
council to consider charges of Vietnamese
were "in the jungle" in Cambodia and were in daily
radio contact with Peking.
AT A NEWS CONFERENCE in Peking on his way
here, Sihanouk accused those leaders of denying
basic human rights to their people, but said he was
for them because they were patriots.
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