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March 17, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-03-17

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In tomorrow's. SflI ddV Eflaahine: 1''

struggles for

The undauntable
spirit of
Mardi Gras

New York
jazz-from bars
to Broadway

.,.3 i. ~ aI

See Editorial page

Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom

E aiQ

High-Mid 60s
See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIX, No. 132

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 17, 1979

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

-s _,u

Demonstrators halt meeting


Court lets Regents
keep out protesters

A fiery crowd of 230
protesters advocating
divestiture from South Africa
yesterday disrupted the Regen-
ts meeting in the Ad-
ministration Building for the
second day in a row and forced
the University to obtain a court
order' allowing the Board to
reconvene behind closed doors.
The confrontation, which
resulted in a four-hour standoff
between the two groups,
reached peak intensity when
two student protesters were
arrested after a minor scuffle
(see related story).
prised mostly of students and members
of the Washtenaw County Coalition
Against Apartheid (WCCAA),
remained in the Regents' room, making
themselves comfortable for several
hours while the Regents were in recess.
Much of their time was spent speaking
of the problems of the apartheid regime
in South Africa. They also shouted
many cheers calling for University
divestiture from its stock in cor-
porations there.
According to a resolution last March,
the Regents decided to keep investmen-
ts in all corporations operating in South
Africa provided they take "reasonable
steps" in a "reasonable amount of
time" toward eliminating
discriminatory practices on the part of
the corporations.
Interim University President Allan
Smith decided to seek the court injun-

etion after the demonstrators, seeking
a commitment to have the South
African investment issue placed on the
April Regents agenda, forced the Board
to call its second recess within an hour.
WASHTENAW County Circuit Court
Judge Harold Domelen, after receiving
at two o'clock an official complaint
filed by Vice-President for State
Relations Richard Kennedy, ruled that
the WCCAA should be "restrained and
enjoined from in any way interfering"
See REGENTS, Page 2
Scu ffle
results in
Two University students were
arrested by Ann Arbor police yesterday
morning following a brief scuffle in the
Regents room after the protest-ridden
meeting was recessed for a second
Taken into custody and charged with
assault and battery were Literary
College senior George Wilson and
graduate student David Kadlecek,
police said. The two were released on
$25 bonds yesterday afternoon.
ALTHOUGH POLICE did not release
the identities of the persons allegedly
assaulted, the skirmish took place
about 11 a.m. as Interim University'
President Allan Smith was making his
See TUSSLE, Page 2

OVER 200 PROTESTORS demonstrate in the Regents conference room yester-
day, demanding the University divest its South African investments. The Regents

Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
recessed their meeting and later obtained a court ruling allowing them to recon-
vene in private.

Student groups gaining strength

A Daily News Analysis
This week's student takeover of the Regents
meeting may be a strong indication that student
groups have begun to take a forceful lead in deman-
ding increased student input in University decision-
In the past several years student involvement in
campus policy has been stymied by a lack of inter-
nal organization, an uncooperative University ad-
ministration, and failure among student groups to
work together on specific issues. But in the past
school year student activists within campus groups
have taken clear stops toward eliminating these
problems, although many of their long-range goals
still remain in the distant future.
THE INCREASED student activity of the past
year is due to the efforts of a relatively small core of
leaders who have managed to strengthen the inter-

nal organizations of their individual groups, while
at the same time cooperating with other students on
more general isues. Tired of facing frustration in
an attempt to work through administrative chan-
nels on a number of issues this year, many of the
students involved in this week's demonstration and
others this year, have frequently begun to talk of the
gains made by students during the 1960s.
Many of the issues confronted this year, such as
tenure, presidential selection, and student control of
the Michigan Union, as well as the divestment
question have been consistently thwarted in
travelling through the official University decision-
making process. Many have become embittered
towards the administration and say they have come
to think that the kinds of tactics used in the last two
days are the only viable ones open to them.
"People were tired of the system not respon-
ding," said one protesting student yesterday. "We

thought a little more pressure, and action, could
make something happen.".
"We had to do it or we would have seen ourselves
as having no commitment,"- added another, seated
on the floor of the occupied Regents Room. "Now
we feel we're being felt.'
"You try and work so hard, and you go home, and
you ask just 'Why in the hell are you doing it'? "
In the early seventies, the administration was
more likely to bend to student demands because of
the threat of demonstration or protest. As the
decade wore on, however, University ad-
ministrators saw students as less of a threat and felt
safe in granting fewer concessions. During that
time, student leaders have become exceedingly
frustrated with their role in University decisions.
See STUDENT, Page 8
Saturday ---
the"BakEgihcs, After two years of motions,
te"Black English case," a
g also demon- lawsuit alleging educational bias
sociating them- against black children who have
e, the grem- trouble understanding standard
e, the group English, will come to trial. See
d "Save the soy ae8
advocated but- s ',a8
luent children
h human-skin r
r at the rally
im a protest in 3md
he seal hunts Road the Today
is experience column. Page3

Begin delays cabinet
vote until Monday

Canadians recognize seal ra

Special to the Daily
DETROIT - The Greenpeace
Foundation's Save the Seals rally ended
successfully yesterday when the
Canadian Consulate officially
recognized the demonstration, accor-
ding to one of the Greenpeace chairper-
sons, John Findley, who met with
Canadian authorities after the rally.
Greenpeace sponsored the rally to
petition the Canadian government for a
one-year moratorium on seal-hunting.
Greenpeace is an international foun-
dation working to protect potentially
endangered species, such as the seal.
FINDLEY SAID the Canadian Coun-
selor General agreed to send the
petition with approximately 350
signatures to Canada's Prime Minister
Pierre Trudeau and to Minister for
State Fisheries Romeo LeBlanc. Harris
agreed to officially recognize the rally,
which was "our main reason for
meeting with him," Findley said.
About 300 demonstrators marched at

population studies (of the ni
babymseals)," said Minard. P
estimates range from 700,(
seals to 1.7 million. This
Canadian government set a
180,000 seals for the hunters, w
per cent of the total estimated
population, Minard said.
Each year Canadian seal hu
the baby seals for their white1
seals are only valuable to th
until they are three weeks c
their fur changes color.
The demonstrators chanted
slaughter, save the seals" an
signs reading "Death for Fast
"Their fate is sealed."

accurate Group/Eat the Rich Gan
umber of strated at the rally. Disas:
opulation selves with Greenpeac
000 baby distributed flyers title
year the Seals, Skin the Rich." It a
quota of chering and skinning aff
vhich is 75 to provide the poor wit
Jseal pup coats.
A Greenpeace membe
nters kill who recently returned fro
pelts. The Newfoundland, where ti
e hunters take place, described h
eld, when when Greenpeace tried
hunting ships from leavin
"Stop the "I jumped in the wate
d carried chain myself to the rudd(
hion" and Johnson II sealing vess
Kunz of Greenpeace Foi
diana. Kunz said he was]
Revenge with other Greeenpeace rr

JERUSALEM, Israel (UPI)-Israeli
Prime Minister Menachem Begin
yesterday postponed the Israeli
cabinet's second and final vote on a
proposed Mideast peace treaty from
Sunday to Monday.
Begin's postponement of the vote
came before President Anwar Sadat's
statement was made public in Cairo
yesterday that the treaty with Israel
should be signed only in Washington, as
a tribute to President Carter. Sadat
cautioned that would merely begin the
real test of peace.
SADAT SAID the issue of Palestinian
autonomy in the occupied territories
would decide the success or failure of
the treaty and he expected Israeli
Prime Minister Menachem Begin to be
a tough bargainer.-
The Israeli Parliament's con-
sideration of the treaty-the expected
affirmative vote is the final step before
a signing ceremony-is scheduled to
begin Tuesday.

yesterday dispatched special envoys to
seek Saudi and Jordanian support for
the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty and
made tentative plans to host a treaty-
signing summit a week from .Monday,
March 26.
Authoritative sources said officials
are "aiming at" that date for the
historic ceremony-leaving enough
time to work out multibillion dollar aid
packages while trying to dissuade
Saudi Arabia and Jordan from joining
any Arab backlash against Egypt and
the west.
In a move officially disclosed only
hours before its departure, a high-
powered delegation left yesterday for
Saudi Arabia and Jordan, in that order,
with the sensitive task of selling' the
U.S. view that this treaty is not a
separate peace and will lay the foun-
dation for a comprehensive Middle
East settlement.

to block the
g the harbor.
r and tried to
er of the Lady
el," said Jeff
rt Wayne, In-
later arrested



Quarrel results in
death of city resident

JapaeeAmrcn recall camps
Warning their audience of the
dangers of racial prejudice and em-
phasizing the necessity of keeping con-
stant watch over civil liberties, UCLA
sociology and social welfare professor
Harry Kitano and California
Congressman Norman Mineta spoke
last night to a crowd of over 200 at a
symposium on Japanese American in-
ternment experiences.
Both men related their experiences in
"relocation camos" during World War

A fight between two apartment
residents of a house at 436 S. Main

Police Department, who indicated that
the assailant was female.
"We have witnesses, and people have
been interviewed regarding the in-

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