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March 16, 1979 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-03-16

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 16, 1979-Page 5

America's Longest Running Musical

Protesters halt

(Continued from Page 1)
they would review within a year a
report on corporate compliance with
the Sullivan Principles, a set of
guidelines designed to discourage
discrimination. The Regents reviewed
such a statement in October, which
revealed compliance( with the prin-
ciples by most of the firms involved.
THE PROTESTERS, however, main-
tained the information is inadequate
and doesn't accurately portray com-
pany policies.
Entering the Regents' room just as
the meeting was to begin, the
divestiture advocatestyelled several
cheers responsively.
"What do we want?" one of the
protesters screamed.
"Divestment!" the crowd responded.
"When do we want it?" the leader
Interim President Smith, helplessly
stifled by the volume of the crowd,
motioned for quiet several times, only
to receive more resounding chants like
"What's the word? Johannesburg !"
from the crowd.

WHILE ONE white South African
cried out "You are all as guilty as the
whites of Africa!" most of the Regents
sat in their chairs quietly reading the
agenda. "I feel as if I am a
collaborator of murder. If your con-
sciences don't bother you, mine bothers
me," the man added.
Smith insisted several times that the
Board would proceed with its normal
order of business, and each time he was
met with strong defiance from the
One protester said the group
"demands that this be put on the agen-
da . . . we want action . . . and I'll be
damned if you get through the door,"
before moving on the matter.
TO THAT, Smith replied, "I don't
think this is the time for threats."
"It's not a threat, it's a commitment.
It's a promise," the student said.
After Smith once more insisted that
"there will not be any action item on the
agenda today aboutASouth Africa,"
graduate student Anne Fullerton
blasted the information given to the
Regents in October.
"WE FEEL YOUR update has been

inadequate. You should throw your
reports into the wastebasket, for that's
where they belong. We feel we have'
enough evidence to change your min-
ds," she said.
Smith, apparently realizing the
determination of the students, called
for an adjournment at 1:45 p.m., adding
that the Board would meet in the Union
ballroom at 4 o'clock as planned for the
public comments session.
Though several of the protesters said
the group should not attend the public
comments session, Vice-President for
Student Services Henry Johnson, the
lone officer remaining in the room, en-
courage the crowd to make, their
presence known in the ballroom.
"I DON'T KNOW whether you're
going to say fuck it' at four or come
back (to the public comments session).
You've achievedisomething ... You've
stopped the Regents from carrying on
their business, and they've stopped you
by saying 'no' to your demands," he
said. For the group to boycott the public
comments would only mean a "lose-
lose" situation, he added.
The group decided at their meeting to
attend the public comments session as
well as this morning's meeting, vowing
not to let the Regents go through the
agenda without first placing a South
Africa action request item on the agen-
da. The group vacated the room at
about 2:30.
Fifty minutes later, the Regents
reassembled and reconvened in the
Regents' room. Though state law
prohibits public bodies from recon-
vening within 18 hours of an official ad-
journment, the Regents may have been
exempt since at the time of the adjour-
nment Smith announced the Board
would regroup for the four o'clock
public comments session.
Daane instructed Robert Nederlander
(D-Birmingham) that a clarification
was in order to make the meeting legal.
The Board expediently passed a
resolution changing the break from an
adjournment to a recess.
It is unclear whether the move on the

me eting
part of the Regents actually violated
the law.
Because of time constraints,
however, the Board was able to get
through only a few items, which in-
cluded approval of the merger between
the Journalism and the Speech, Com-
munication and Theater Departments
(see related story).
Over 200 spectators, including many
of those who attended the Regents
meeting, offered more rousing cheers
at the public comments session.
"ONE, TWO, three, four, kick apar-
theid out the door," the group shouted
at the commencement of the ballroom
Graduate student Jemadari Kamara
spoke on behalf of the protesters,
demanding the Regents reopen the
issue. Kamara offered an emotional
speech which culminated in his
distribution of envelopes to each of the
Regents. On the backs of the envelopes
were written the identification numbers
of two dead South African miners.
"You hang up that suit, Mr. Roach,
and look at that card, because you are
'responsible for those deaths ... for
supporting the racist-fascist gover-
nment in South Africa," Kamara said.
'HE ALSO expanded on several
remarks offered earlier in the day at
the meeting, tyingathe South African
issue with an alleged generally
irresponsible attitude on the part of the
Regents on matters involving blacks.
The speaker pointed specifically to
what he called the University's
miserable failure to reach a quota of 10
per cent black enrollment set in 1970.
"You have reneged on your commit-
ment to black students less than ten
years ago," he told Smith. "Mr.
President, how long do you expect us to
be played for fools?"
Despite strong support from the
crowd, the Regents refused to take any
action in the matter after Kamara
finished speaking.
Neither Smith nor the Regents could
say what they would do if they meet the
same opposition today.

9 Thursday

e Friday
March 15, 16, 17-8 p.m.

" Saturday

Tickets $3 at the door

322 S. StateSt.

A Benefit for the
Graduate Employees Organization
With Babies and Banners
Recently nominated for the 1979 Academy Awards "Best Documentary." A
film about the role of the Women's Emergency Brigade in the 1937 Flint
sit down strike which organized the autoworkers into the UAW. (45 Minutes).
The Fight Against Black Monday
A Documentary made by ABC in the summer of 1978 about the attempts of
the steelworkers in Youngstown, Ohio to have worker-managed steel mills
after the steel corporation left town and took their jobs. (30 min.).
A Song of the Canary
A new Documentary on occupational safety and health with special emphasis
on chemical and textile workers. (45 min.)
Saturday, March 17 7 & 9:15 pm
Aud. B Angell Hall $1.50

Journalism, speech

(Continued from Page 1) old prog
"The department should broaden one, he s
students' opportunities rather than PROF
narrow them," said Journalism Prof. tor of th
Peter Clarke, speaking of the Depar- creation
tment of Communication. Clarke is and D
currently chairman of the Journalism strength
department, and will be head of the Universi
Department of Communication. "At hoping fo
first, some students had apprehensions Bende
about how it would affect their choices, program
but now they see things they could do, stronger
not things they couldn't do," he added. creating
Clarke said the change will be at the Un
gradual, with most of the changes oc- Bender
curing in the fall of 1980. Those students been de%
already in a concentration program now in a
will have the option of continuing in the proval.

ram or going on with the new
. JACK Bender, interim direc-
he theater program, said the
of a Department of Theater
)rama will "decidedly"
en the theatre program at the
ty. "It's something we've been
or for a long time," he added.
r also said he hopes the
will attract more students and
faculty members, along with
more of an interest in theater
r said the theater program has
veloping plans for some time
anticipation of the merger ap-

Conference to explore careers

Students interested in exploring non-
traditional jobs and job 'hunting
strategies will have a chance to take
part in a careers conference all day
tomorrow and Sunday, which offers
participants an opportunity to discuss
occupations oriented towards spurring
social change.
The free conference, entitled
"Working for a Change: Careers for a
New Tomorrow," is predominantly
student organized. It is sponsored by
the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA)
and the Office of Student Development
and Activities and supported by other
campus groups.
"WE NEED something like this to
help people go into non-traditional
careers," said Jim Sullivan, MSA con-

ference coordinator. "It is possible to
make a living in the real worlfi if you
were an activist in college. This con-
ference lets people know it's possible.
Lisa Mitchell-Yellin, an Office of
Student Development and Activities
worker, said career planning office
representatives from several other
universities called her this week about
the program. More than 500 people at-
tended the single-day conference last
year and, because of its success, the
program was continued this year and
extended to two days.
Conference panels will include: Arts,
Business, Consumer Lobbying,
Education K-12, Education/Higher,
Fundraising, Government, Health,
Labor, Law, Media Organizing,
Religion, Research, Social Services,

and Technology.
During the conference, a Saturday
session at 12:30 on summer internships
will also be included from panelists
whose organizations are offering jobs
for the summer. Sunday afternoon,
Career Planning and Placement will
hold a resume-writing tips workshop.
Napoleon issued the Berlin Decree in
1806, to blockade and prohibit trade
with the United Kingdom.

Festival mostly fun

(Continued from Page 7)
that makes it a real disappointment.
There is a tendency for ideologues to
herald every work that comes along in
support of their political stance as
"art" - before the feminists cry
"Misogynist," let me say that I enjoyed
Claudia Weill's recent Girlfriends.
Women's Answer could learn from its
John Brister submitted a two and an
half minute film called Mandarin
Ballet shaky
(Continued from Page 7)
ford seems to recognize his dancers'
limitations, as the content is not too dif-
ficult, but part of what made the num-
ber so unsophisticated was his awk-
ward staging.
Concerto was redeemed by Nancy
Davis, who portrayed a saucy, im-
'petuous type, this time as the inevitable
woman in red. Her bravura performan-
ce was offset by an unfortunate
'ollision and occasional stumbling by
the other dancers.
While the Los Angeles Ballet boasts
some talented soloists, their pedestrian
chorus and unrigorous technique
prevent them from being truly first rate
troupe. Then again, they're only six
years old Given a few years to recruit
more competent performers and to ex-
pand their repertoire, they might even-
tually make thegrade.
Come browse
through our
Green House
a - - -- . ...E..

Orange. The pieces of fruit, naturally,
are accoutred in Chinese attire and
Mongoloid features, and partake in a
pageant of motion and color (animated,
of course). Bringing an Emperor
Orange into the scene was a clever
touch on Brister's part.
For the Road and I Can Breathe Un-
der Water composed the exhibition's
trash contingent - toying with the
celluloid art's capability without any
point or purpose, the former filmed a
few trains with alternate frames blank,
so that one simultaneously saw 'the
trains, and through them. Oh yes, a girl
walked in and out of the frame from
time to time.
And finally, Michelle Brager's six-
minute I Can Breathe was simply seven
minutes too long.

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This summer Parsons offers you the opportunity
to paint on the Rive Gauche, explore the
pre-historic caves of the Dordogne
region of France and study interior
design at the Musee des Arts

Parsonsjn Paris is a six week summer session designed
to provide art students with a broad-exposure to the' rich
heritage of art and design in France. Courses offered
this summer include:
Advanced Studio
The Writer Among Artists
French Painting from
Neoclassicism to Surrealism
French History
French Language
The History of French Fashion
The History of French Architecture*
Studies in Interiors and the
Decorative Arts*
Landscape Paintingt
In Search of Paleolithic Mant
*In collaboration with the Mus6e des
Arts Decoratifs.
tSpecial two-week sequence in the

I , = t l-1 m: O

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