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March 15, 1979 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-03-15

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Page 10-Thursday, March 15; 1979-The Michigan Raily
MfSA 19 79-8
The Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) Annual Elections will be
held April 2, 3, 4, 1979. All seats
up for election.
Candidate filing forms are avail-
able now at the MSA Offices, 3909
Michigan Union.


Automakers hit

WASHINGTON (AP) - Disgruntled
automakers told Congress yesterday
that impending gasoline mileage stan-
dards could prove far more costly than
the moon-landing program and still fail
to save precious fuel.
At issue are the Transportation
Department's requirements for
gradually doubling the fuel economy of
vehicles, from an average of less than
14 miles per gallon in 1974 to 27.5 mpg
by 1985.
"TO ACCOMPLISH all this,"
testified S. L. Terry, Chrysler's vice
president for consumer affairs, "the
American automobile industry will in-
vest nearly 180 billion in new plants,
tools, equipment and technology.
"That's more than double the amount
the industry spent in the previous eight
years, even after adjustment for in-
flation. It's three times what it cost to
put a man-on the moon, and it's more
than the combined profit of all
American corporations in 1975," Terry
His testimony came at a hearing of
the House Commerce subcommittee on
energy. A day earlier, several ad-
ministration witnesses indicated they
will review the fuel economy rules in
light of the industry complaints.
TERRY AND other industry
spokesmen did not quarrel so much
with the overall goal of reaching the
27.5 mpg standard by 1985. Rather, they
objected to the Transportation Depar-
tment's "front-loading" of the program

for 1980-85 period. As now written, the
rules require improvements of 2 mpg in
each of the first three years, then 1 mpg
and one-half mpg.
"The standards should increase by a
constant amount each year on a
straight-line basis to 1985," said Terry.
"Several recent studies have shown
that the front-loaded standards will add
seriously to inflation at a time when the
need is most urgent to hold prices
Because of the massive capital in-
vestment required to make larger im-
provements early in the program, he.
said, "the regulations in particular

uel standards
'favor the larger companies," and could our balance of trade by $5 billion" by
prove anti-competitive. forcing the industry to sell more impor-
BUT CLARENCE Ditlow, director fo ted cars.
the Center for Auto Safety, the con- Terry said the study also indicated a
sumer group founded by Ralph Nader, "cumulative loss of $220 billion in our
took issue with the automakers. gross national product between 1980
"Front loading of the standards is and 1990. For that heavy cost, the study
particularly important because of the estimates that the country will reduce
projected fuel shortages for 1980 and its annual oil usage at most' by three-
1981," he said. "I'm convinced the in- tenths of one per cent a year."
dustry has the ability." David Potter, vice president for
Terry said a Chase Manhattan Bank public affairs of General Motors, said
study showed that using the front- the "front-loaded" standards would
loaded standards "will raise our add $495 to the cost of the average GM
nation's unemployment by one per cent car in the 1985 model year, compared to
by 1984" and could "negatively affect that of the 1980 car.

Filing deadline-March
1979, 4:30 P.M.


Regents buck nationwide trend,
student board member unlikely
(Continued from Page 1)

The Michigan Student Assembly is the all-campus
student government of The University of Michigan.

dment to the state Constitution would
be necessary to provide for a voting
student representative. No such effort
has yet taken shape in Lansing.
According to Linda Einstein, coor-
dinator of the Information
Clearinghouse for the American Coun-
cil of Colleges in Washington, at least 11
states have passed provisions through

their legislatures for student trustees at
their state universities. Several more
are considering such resolutions.
Einstein said that about .7 per cent of
trustees on the 2,300 governing boards
in the U.S. are students.
While she said many boards also in-
clude faculty members, the number of
such representatives is slightly lower

Victorinox Swiss Army Knives
Ib~cfA'mq Swtp&tb
201 E. WASHINGTON-994-3572
Mon-Sat 9-6

Minimalism on reels
at A2 16mm Festival

(Continued from Page 5)
approach. It is essentially a film made
of moving snapshots. The filmmaker,
Edward Jones, took random, mundane,
amusing footage of a couple plane trips
to Mexico, his parents, his friends, and
the hotel he stayed in in Mexico while
visiting his sister, who was imprisoned
there for some unknown reason.
Although the main thrust of the film is
his pictures of his sister and her fellow
inmates, the film has a strangely light,
casual tone; you would think that he
was visiting his sister at her college
dorm. It is a very engaging film, very
skillfully put together; Jones narrates
the film in a voice-over track, and his
apparently careless remarks about the
footage gradually turns the viewer into
his intimate friend.
Labor Day-East Chicago is a
documentary about a group of working-
class Lions Club members on a holiday
outing. There are overweight, doughy

people in tank tops, kids in a bicycle
decorating contest, a beauty pageant -
a very kitschy situation, but, happily,
the filmmaker isn't low enough to laugh.
at his subjects. Although he doesn't get
too involved with these humble, un-
photogenic East Chicagoans, Tom
Palazzolo has a sensitive, observant
camera eye, and the situation is very
real to the viewer.
It is hard to describe so many films
which rely so heavily on the wordless
image for their impact upon the viewer.
Tom Haxton's Landscape and Room,
for instance, is so unusual in content
that I simply cannot tell you what it was
like; it was a play on perception using
"invisible" string which, when painted,
would become the outline of a lan-
dscape, a room, or a box. Suffice it to
say that you must see these films to
know what they are like, and I would
strongly recommend that you do so.

than that of student regents.
John Bedell, a trustee for the Florida
state cclIeges, said the student regent
The Regents' We make the
decisions and we'll tell you
about them' attitude (is) very
similar to the attitude (they
have) taken in the presiden-
tial selectionprocess.
-Eric Arnson
MSA president
on his board has worked well with her
colleagues. Bedell said there has yet tc
be an issue divided between the student
and the regents.
'A bdication'
tends curt
(Continued from Page5)
and feminine sides of the grown queen's
personality. While I've not seen the
script, there is clearly room here for
fascinating examination of just what in-
fluences society has in defining male
and female roles. Christina would seem
to be the ideal subject for such a study,
rebellious as she is against the societal
norm which insists on her finding a
STILL ANOTHER element manifests
itself in a subtle and secreted love
which begins to grow between cardinal
and queen.
The situation and the dual character
device explore some fascinating
territory: definitions of femininity, the
motif of forbidden love, and questions
of religious faith 'all come into play.
Success, of course, hinges upon the in-
telligence and grace with which plot
and characters are approached - and
judging from the Actors Ensemble's
past successes, notably Full Circle last
spring, intelligence and grace may well
be forthcoming.
The show runs tonightsthrough the
18th, 8:00 p.m., at Mendelssohn.



-meet lawyers, judges, lobbyists, govt. officials,
-find out job opportunities

The Actor's Ensemble presents
the Michigan Premiere of
The Abdication, a play by
Ruth Wolff about Queens,
Pontiffs, Power and Love.
March 15, 16, 17 & 18 at 8pm.
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre

Tickets $3.50 & 4.00 at UAC
Ticket Central in the Union.
The production is made
possible in part by Grants
from the Michigan Council
for the Arts, UAC & MSA.

8-10 pm

Refreshments Free

for more info.call 763-2227

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