Page 2-Wednesday, March 14, 1979-The Michigan Daily
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NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) - Ugandan
President Idi Amin announced yester-
day that Palestinian soldiers were
fighting alongside Ugandan troops in
the battle to drive out Tanzanian in-
Amin, in a Uganda government radio
broadcast monitored in Nairobi, also
claimed Israeli soldiers and mer-
cenaries were fighting on the side of the
There has been no independent con-
firmation available of claims made by
either side.
AMIN PUT THE number of invaders
at 40,000, double his previous estimate.
Most independent observers believe the
figure is far lower, perhaps no more
than 8,000 Tanzanians and anti-Amin
Ugandan exiles. Amin is believed to
have about an equal number of defen-
ders around Kampala, the Ugandan
The radio reported Amin's speech
was made at the opening of a conferen-
ce of the 34-nation Islamic Develop-
ment Bank in Kampala.
"No matter what the sacrifice, the
armed forces are determined to crush
the aggressors," Amin said. He
described the enemy occupying part of
southern Uganda as "agents of im-
perialism, racism and Zionists."
DIPLOMATIC sources estimate the
Libyans at 1,400 men and the
Palestinians were believed to number
in the hundreds.
Neutral sources in East Africa with
access to top-level intelligence reports
said Amin appears increasingly
capable of carrying out his boast that
he'll win the four-month-old war that
started when he invaded and tried to
annex part of northwestern Tanzania.
The sources said Amin's augmented
military strength could make itself felt
within a few weeks, although in-
telligence reports say that for now, the
Taiizanians are advancing slowly on
Kampala from the south.
By most accounts, they are between
30 and 75 miles from Kampala.
"UGANDAN ARMED forces and
Palestinian forces are fighting side by
side on the front line and are acquiring
good experience in fighting against
Israeli soldiers and mercenaries;"
Amin told the tankers.
"Tanzanian forces alone could not in-
vade Uganda without Zionists and mer-
The Ugandan leader described his
enemies as "enemies of Islam and
Christianity, who are killing innocent
people and even raping Catholic nuns.
"We are fighting enemies who
illegally occupy Arab and Palestinian
land and who practice racial
discrimination in southern Africa," he
NOW speakers discus.
(Continued from Pagel1)
team against MSU last year,
discussed the events leading up to
her leaving MSU.
"I was asked to resign, and chose
to terminate my employment
because I felt I hadn't done anything
wrong," Pollack said. She men-
tioned a document, which she wrote,
on Title IX compliance (from 1972 to
last year). Pollack said she felt the
document clearly showed Title IX
infractions, and also that it may
have angered University ad-
IN RESPONSE to an audience
question regarding University Title
IX compliance, Pollack said that "a
court order is the only way to get
specific information on complian-
"In the MSU case, the facts only
came out in the courtroom," Pollack
said. "You'd better hire a lawyer
and sue the bastards, the battle lines
are drawn."
Geise advocated a somewhat dif-
ferent approach, stressing the im-
portance of "organizing state-by-
s Title IX p
state through community support
for Title IX."
with PEER, including working with
the Department of Health,
Education, and Welfare (HEW) on
investigation of Title IX complaints.
"We found that it wasn't a case of
not enough staff working on Title IX
complaints," Geise said. She noted
that one HEW investigator had nine
Title IX cases in one year, and
suggested that this type of in-
vestigation may be responsible for
the heavy backlog of uninvestigated
HEW complaints.
"We work with local school
districts trying to improve con-
ditions for our children." Geise said.
She showed the audience PEER's kit
on Title IX, which is called "Crack-
ing the Glass Slipper: PEER's
Guide to Ending Sex Bias in Your
Schools," and suggested that the use
of this could "enable one or two
people to do an investigation of Title
IX compliance in a school."
"We want people to know who they
should talk to and what kind of
questions they should ask to see if
Title IX is being enforced in their
school," Geise said. She added that
"PEER is working as fast as
possible, organizing at a local level,
doing workshops and talking about
how to organize at your school."
"We could do more if we had more
staff and more energy," Geise said.
"The response to our efforts has
been positive, and it's encouraging
to find people who want to support,
the project."
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Opinions divided on
newest marijuana bill
(Continued from Page 1)
cording to current federal guidelines
regulating marijuana for medical uses.
He said those with medical problems
are in a different category from general
pot users.
Opponents of the bill included the
president of the African Methodist
Timber Shores offers many areas of employment for you to choose
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Episcopal Organization of Detroit
(AME). He said, "As a Christian
organization we oppose the use of drugs
in any form." He also suggested use of
most hard drugs started with the use of
The speaker. expressed the AME's
concern that black youths cannot easily
find employment since factories now
test prospective employes to find out if
they use drugs.
A lab analyst for the Michigan State
Police began his argument by quoting
the selling price of an ounce of three
kinds of pot: local-grown is sold for $15
to $35; Colombian for $35 to $45; and
Hawaiian, for as much as $100. "No4
wonder young people areinterested in
selling," he said after stating his belief
that the lower penalties would make
potential users less reluctant to buy
A clergyman from a northeast
Detroit district consisting largely of
blacks and elderly people said the
Michigan Legislature should make
laws to stop big-time pushers. "It (drug
use) is destroying our people," he said,
citing that elderly people are often
harassed by users trying to finance
their habits.
The Senate Appropriations Commit-
tee, consisting of Senators Brown, John
Hertel (D-Harper Woods), John Kelly
(D-Detroit), Phil Athurhultz (R-
Whitehall), and Donald Bishop (R-
Rochester) will vote soon on whether or
not to release the bill to the Senate
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