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March 02, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-03-02

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irt an
FighIity-Nine Years of Editorial Free domi


High T 47O
Low - mid-20's
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Vol. LXXXIX, No. 127 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 2, 1979

Ten Cents

. Twelve Paaes

Ten Cents-T( vv[ PnanWCl~


Economic indicators signal slowdown

Ford criticizes foreign
policy inU' lectures

Steepest drop since


Carter remains optimistic

Greeted by enthusiastic students
and surrounded by grim-faced Secret'
Service agents, former President
Gerald Ford began a series of lectures
at the University yesterday morning by
criticizing President Carter's foreign
policy and calling for stronger
measures to curb the nation's soaring
inflation rate.
Ford said the United States' current
foreign policy is "inconsistent" and
changes must be made to ensure a
more respectable stance.
"IF WE DON'T alter our current
policies, I believe the United States will
be perceived, on a world-wide basis by
both friend and foe that we're im-
potent," said Ford at a press conferen-
ce immediately following a lecture to
political science students at Rackham
"You have to convince the rest of the
world that you mean what you say and do
what you say,'l he added. "With strong
leadership, the American people will
respond to that kind of determination."
Ford also attacked Carter's economic
policies saying that unless something is
done to stop soaring inflation, the'
national economy will suffer tremen-
"IF HE (CARTER) doesn't solve the
problem of inflation with the high in-
terest rates and the plummeting value
of the dollar, then the unemployment
problem is going to get significantly
worse," said Ford.
The former President spoke to four
political science classes as an adjunct
professor in his morning appearance,
and lectured to three more at a session
yesterday afternoon. Last night he ad-
dressed the Michigan Council of Foun-

dations at the Marriott Inn, and today
he will attend two graduate student
seminars, as well as formally lecturing
to more political science classes in the
Ford told students and reporters he
has not yet decided whether he will run
for President in 1980, but emphasized
he has not ruled out that possibility.
"I don't rule myself out and I don't
say that I'm in," he stated. "I have a
number of options-I don't want anyone
to jump to conclusions that I will or will
not be a candidate."
MANY STUDENTS who attended
Ford's morning lecture at Rackham
Auditorium said they were not im-
pressed by his statements, and said he
could have been more responsive to
student questions.
"I thought he touched on a lot of stuff
that mostly came down to burnt mat-
ches," said LSA Junior Brian Mathias.
I think he could have dealth with some
more timely experiences.
LSA Sophomore Laura Otto said Ford
was much more energetic when he lec-
tured at Rackham Auditorium in 1977.
"I thought he looked really strained
today," she said. "He didn't seem very
enthusiastic to be talking to the studen-
ts. He seemed to draw out his answers
just so he wouldn't have to answer as
many questions."
BEGINNING HIS lecture with a brief
review of his recent travels to the
Mideast, Ford said later at a press con-
ference that Carter had not dealt with
the Iranian crisis effectively.
"The United States should have been
more consistent in its policies towards
Iran," he said. "We certainly aban-
See FORD, Page 9

WASHINGTON (AP) - The gover-
nment's economic barometer fell for
the third straight month in January,
pointing to an economic slowdown later
this year.
Economists disagree over whether
there will be an orderly decline or a
deep recession at the end of 1979, and
President Carter was pictured as still
confident there'll be no recession.
THE 1.2 PER CENT drop in the
Commerce Department's index of
leading economic indicators was the
steepest since a three per cent decline
in January 1975, which occurred toward
the end of the nation's last recession.
The 1.2 per cent decline' followed
decreases of 0.4 per cent in November
and 0.1 per cent in December. The in-
dex also declined for three months in a
row in the summer of 1977 but the
economy kept growing rapidly. "
Press -Secretary Jody Powell said
yesterday's report was consistent with
the White House view that the rate of
growth would slow this year, but that
the new figures don't signal recession.
HE SAID there were other indicators

that show' improvement in the
economy, mentioning that orders for
durable goods rose and that em-
ployment grew in January.
William Cox, a Commerce Depar-
tment economist,' said the decline ac-
tually was welcome news. He said the
economy must slow down from last
fall's hectic pace if inflation is to be
brought under control.
"It would be .premature to conclude
that a recession is in the offing," Cox
NONETHELESS, many private
forecasters are sticking to their predic-
tions of .a recession late this year or
early next year.
Economists for the Business Council,
composed of corporate leaders, say
that as many as one million persons
may be thrown out of work.
Other economists say the indicators
show the direction in which the
economy is moving but cannot tell when
a slowdown will take place or hoW
severe it will be.
THE LEADING indicators report,
See ECONOMIC, Page 9,

'U'committee reports
on S. African affairs

ADaiy rho y YAM MA
AFTER PRESENTING A series of lectures yesterday, former President
Gerald Ford awaits questions at a news conference in the Rackham
Building. The former PresidIent will conclude his two-day visit to campus

A six-member committee which-will
sponsor events designed to improve
students' knowledge and understanding
of events in southern Africa was formed
late last month, Vice-President for
Academic Affairs Harold Sharpiro said


aXLThe members of the University
Committee on Southern Africa (UCSA)
are Political Science Profs. Azi azrui
Joel Samoff, and Raymond Tanter,
Law Prof. John Jackson, Economics
Prof. Richard Porter, and Journalism
Prof. Ben Yablonky

Nestled beside the modern Liberty
Plaza Park, in the midst of rundown
student housing, the sparkling white
house with the white picket fence seems
strangely out of place. This landmark
at 312 S. Division Street is ,known as
Kempf House and is the quarters of the
Ann Arbor Historic District Com-
mission. ,
And history is, itself, the foundation-
of the commission's home. Ann Arbor's
first concert grand piano rests on the
creaky wooden floor of the parlor. The
squared columns supporting the
brightly painted home are a reminder
of the temples of ancient Greece. A
magnolia tree sits in the garden - a
traditional harbinger of spring in Ann
BUILT BEFORE 1853, the house on
312 S. Division St. is a classic example
of Greek Revival architecture. In the
early 1960s, there was talk that this
historical landmark might be torn down
and replaced by a large apartment
building. .

The Historic District Commission
was created in 1969 in response to a
growing fear that homes like Kempf
House would soon meet their demise
without protective measures to prevent
their demolition.
"In the 1960s, apartment houses were
going up like mushrooms all over town..
Many of the older neighborhoods now
have apartment houses here, there, and
everywhere. We lost a great deal," said
Louisa Pieper, the staff director of the
Ann Arbor Historic District Com-
BUT WITH the creation of the com-
mission has come an increasing
knowledge and appreciation of the
historical value of many of the cities'
neighborhoods. Since the nine-member
commission was set up, four areas have
been designated historic districts -
Division Street, the Old West Side,
Liberty Street, and most recently, the
Northern Brewery - adopted by City
Council last December.
"The Historic District Commission is
generally charged with creating

historic districts and fostering the
cause of historic preservation," said
Pieper. In the case of Kempf House,
such historic preservation was accom-
plished by turning the home into an
historic museum. But, Pieper ex-
plained that this is not the standard
method of preservation.
"Preservation is sometimes done
with museums, but far more often it is
done with neighborhood conservation,
adaptive reuse land general public
education - this is the kind of thing we
do today," said Pieper.
ALTHOUGH EACH historic district
has a different set of standards that are

designed specifically for that district,
there are general protective guidelines
by which historic district residents
must abide. These guidelines primarily
apply to exterior changes.
If a person lives in an historic district
and wants to enclose the front porch of
his or her modified Queen Anne Vic-
torian, he or she must first be granted
permission by the Historic District
Any renovation performed on historic
landmarks is done with great care in
order to preserve the historical value of
the houses, according to Pieper. One
See CITY'S, Page 5

Although Shaprio said the Office of
Academic Affiars has already decided
to fund the committee's projects, exact
budget figures have not yet been for-
mulated. UCSA member Porter,
however, said the committee's
allocation "looks like a sizeable
THE COMMITTEE, whose office will
be located in the Center for
Afroamerican and African Studies, will
likely sponsor four "series of events: a
policy issues series, a conference
series, a research program, and selec-
ted curricular activities."
Except for one of two possible
speakers who may be contacted before
the end of this semester, the commit-
tee's programs will not be implemented
until next fall.
One of the first tasks before the
committee is to select a faculty mem-
ber to coordinate UCSA's activities for
the 1979-80 school year. The committee
will be reviewed after the next
academic year to evaluate its effec-

THE COMMITTEE'S activities will
focus gn the problems and issues in
Rhodesia, Namibia, the Republic of
South Africa, and the Frontline States.
The same six professors had com-
prised a study committee appointed
last November by former University
President Robben Fleming and
Shapiro. The group's purpose was to
see what measures could be taken to
ensure students get a better understan-
ding of the situation in southern Africa.
UCSA will carry out those recommen-

Brown in Detroit,
blasts Carter budget

Special to The Daily
DETROIT - 'California Gov. Ed-
mund "Jerry" Brown brought his
budget-balancing act to the Detroit
Economics Club yesterday, blaming
deficit spending for the "erosion of
public confidence" and assailing the
Carter budget as fiscally irresponsible.
And, as the most frequently-men-
tioned i of Jimmy. Carter's prospective
1980 challengers, the 40-year-old two-
term governor deftly evaded the
inevitable qgestions on his own political
future. Brown made clear in his noon
speech, and in his follow-up press con
ference, that his coast-to-coast cam-
paign for a constitutionally-imposed

balanced budget is not a drive to the
White House.
BUT TO MANY observers Brown's
fervent attack on the administration's
deficit budget - complete with charts
and graphs - casts him as a likely op-
ponent to Carter in next year's
"We see that deficits have been
growing, growing at an unprecedented
rate," Brown said. "It's led to un-
precedented decline in productivity,
unprecedented weakness in the curren-
cy, and unprecedented decline in con-
fidence in the American political
"It's not an accident that in 1978, 38
per cent of the people went out to vote.

. -. >2.z ;D orm food
y University dorm dwellers consume
u k'22,300 gallons of soft serve, 124,000
dozen eggs, 139,000 pounds of cottage
cheese-all sandwiched by 110,000.
loaves of bread in just two terms. An
entire ton of roast beef is devoured in
only one meal.
Although collectively dorm residents
manage to eat impressive amounts, one
favorite pasttime of dorm diners is
complaining about the menus and the':
x.n'"food's quality.
SO, IT MAY come as a surprise that
almost half of' the students who an-.K
swered a written survey indicated that
they didn't really mind the food served
Daily Photo by PAM MARKS in their own dorm. In a survey conduc-
ted during fall term in Couzens,.
it o u t and Alice Lloyd dorms, between 39 and:
83 per cent of the students rated "'ac-
ham," Otis announces seriously, then ceptability of food" in their own
breaks up with laughter. residence hall either "good," "very:
nTIQ V. mTI I I.V hnca. .o,, 1n nn1 y,

OTIS GULLEY serves up a plate full.
Mo-Jo's Otis can dish


See BROWN, Page 9

By PATRICIA HAGEN baked chicken, fried fish and liver and
Titeam Otis nons.
_ Through a cloud of steaOLT g eTa niece nf ofhiren


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