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March 01, 1979 - Image 1

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Eigh ty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom


See Today for Details

Vol. LXXXIX, No. 126 -

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, March 1, 1979

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


Court denies


obligation to


U. S sides
with Egypt
in treaty
WASHINGTON (AP) - The United
States, in its drive to break the
deadlock in Mideast peace treaty
negotiations, is supporting key Egyp-
tian demands in the dispute with Israel,
diplomatic sources said yesterday.
Specifically, the sources said, the,
Carter administration agrees with
Egypt that a one-year timetable be set
for establishing Palestinian civil
autonomy in Israeli-held territories.
UNDER THE U.S. proposals, Egyp-
tian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli
Prime Minister Menachem Begin
would agree to the timetable in an ex-
change of letters that would be part of
the treaty package.
The sources, insisting on anonymity,
said the Carter administration also
supports the Egyptian position that the
treaty with Israel should not have
priority over Egypt's military ties with
other Arab countries.
In' Jerusalem, Prime Minister
Menachem Begin, on the eve of his
flight to Washington, warned against
any "pressure" tactics yesterday, but
said he would consider meeting with
President Anwar Sadat of Egypt after
his meeting with President Carter.
BEGIN RECEIVED secret instruc-
tions from his Cabinet for the trip.
A rift appeared developing between
Jerusalem and Washington over what
Begin called U.S. support for "Egyp-
tian proposals which were totally unac-
ceptable to Israel" presented at last
week's ministerial-level Camp David
Tuesday, Begin and his Cabinet
snubbed Carter's invitation to a three-
way summit with Carter and Egyptian
Prime Minister Mustafa Khalil.
KHALIL, Egypt's chief delegate to
the talks with Israeli Foreign Minister
Moshe Dayan, denied Israeli claims
that Egypt had made new demands and
toughened its stand.
He said yesterday in Alexandria,
Egypt, that Egypt presented nothing
new and nothing contrary to the Camp
David accords reached last September.
He refused to say if Sadat would
agree to join Begin and Carter for a
three-way summit. He said he agreed
with Carter that there are few differen-
ces holding up conclusion of a treaty.
Carter also disputed the Israeli asser-
tion and referred to the new ideas as
"American proposals." He denied
Begin's charges that they contradict
thepCamp David agreements of last

Free education demai

After seven years of legal maneuver-
ing a Washtenaw Circuit judge has
decided that the 1817 Treaty of Fort
Meigs does not hold the University
responsible for providing free
education to the descendants of three
Michigan Indian tribes.
Washtenaw Circuit Judge Edward
Deake, who presided over the non-jury
trial last August, stated in a 16-page
decision handed down yesterday that he
found no evidence to support the claim
made by Paul Johnson, a University
graduate who initiated the lawsuit, that
the University owes a "complete''
education to Michigan Indians.
IN 1971, Johnson initiated a class ac-
tion lawsuit in behalf of "the children of
the Chippewa, Ottawa, and Potawatomi
tribes." In written brief, Johnson's at-
torney, Elmer White, stated it was his
belief that a trust was established in Ar-
ticle 16 of the 1818 treaty between the
three tribes and the U.S. Government
signed at Fort Meigs, then a large
military camp overlooking the Miami
River close to the Michigan-Ohio bor-
Johnson, a Michigan Indian of Chip-
pewa and Ottawa lineage, claimed his
ancestors granted 1920 acres of land to
the "College at Detroit"-the
forerunner of the University of
Michigan-in exchange for the
education of their progeny.
Article 16 of the treaty states in part
that "some of the Ottawa, Chippewa,
and Potawatomi.. . believing they may
wish some of their children hereafter
educated do grant.. . to the corporation
of the College at Detroit for the use of
the said college to be retained or sold
... three sections of land."
THE LAWSUIT charged that the
Regents never provided education for
the descendant of the tribes; further-
more, the Regents sold the land and

"comingled the trust funds with other
monies and used the funds for pur-
poses other than those specified in the
The plaintiffsrasked the court to do
three things : force the Regents to ac-
count for the trust funds; relieve the
Regents of their position as trustees;
and order the University to provide the
children of the tribes with a complete
education including tuition, books, sup-
plies, food, shelter, medical and dental
care, "and such other expenses in-
cident to being a student."
The University denies that any, trust
exists and claims further that the land
conveyed to the fledgling college was a
gift. Further, the University maintains

nd refused
that it a trust did exist, it was abrogated
by subsequent treaties. Moreover, the
University General Counsel Roderick
Daane holds that the tribes were guilty
of laches, that is, had forfeited any and
all rights they may hve had because
they had waited too long to claim their
IN THE STRONGLY worded decision
Judge Deake stated that the case, was
"exceedingly complex and difficult..:
because of the voluminous historical
documents presented to the court."
But after six months of deliberation
Judge Deake reached a decision: "(The
Court) has determined that there is no
See 'U', Page 7

Search groups

The student, faculty, and alumni
advisory committees in the presidential
search are just finishing up their initial
review of nominees-but they aren't
quite sure what to do next.
The next move is up to the University
Regents, whose vague selection
procedure needs clarification before
the advisory groups continue the task of
paring down the list to approximately
200 candidates.
"OUR CONCERN as a committee is
what happens in this mystical little
process now," said student committee
member Carolyn Rosenberg. "We have
no idea what the next step is."
The student committee completed its
game of catch-up with the other com-
mittees by finishing its first evaluation
of possible permanent successors to

Reg ents'
Robben Fleming Monday night.
In accordance with instructions from
the Regents, the committee classified
nominees into four groups-qualified
and preferred, qualified, needing more
information, and not recommended,
committee member John Powell ex-
plained. Committee Co-chairperson
Jeff Supowit said about one-third of the
names were put into the last category.
Supowit also said nominees were not
ranked within the four classes.
Krugliak said he is confident his group
will finish its first review by Saturday
night when the alumni holds their next
meeting. Krugliak said the committee
will also rank nominees in the
categories suggested by the Regents.
But the faculty advisory committee
See SEARCH, Page 7

Health budget cuts reduced,
but 'U' nursing still hurt

University student nurses and
doctors who thought they were in im-
possible financial trouble when
President Carter recommended a $236
million cut from the health and
education sections of his budget were
encouraged last Thursday, partially
due to sfforts by Congressman Carl
Pursell (R-Michigan) and the Labor-
HEW subcommittee.
IThe subcommittee moved to restore
nearly $162 million to the budget,
resulting in a net cut of $74.3 million.
But even this cut will hurt the Univer-
sity's School of Nursing in such a way,
professors and nurses said, that the
school's faculty, enrollment, and
research will be seriously impaired.

NURSING SCHOOL members said
the future of two graduate
programs-which presently grant
tuition and monthly spending scholar-
ships to over half the students in the
program-are in jeopardy. Also expec-
ted to come to a halt with the end of
federal funding on April 1 are three
research projects that have been in ef-
fect for a number of years.
With a research allotment of $500,000,
the University program is always
susceptible to cutbacks.
"The U. of M. has more research
grants than any other school," said Dr.
Carol Patton, assistant professor in the
Nursing School. "We have the most to
PURSELL SAID an important factor
in the subcommittee's decision was the

fact that students and schools had
already made plans for the fall based
on 1979 funding. "We felt it was
generally wrong to pull the rug from
under" persons who had planned on the
Thecuts affect money already ap-
propriated for nursing research projec-
ts, advanced nurse training projects,
traineeships, and pre-doctoral
Nursing scholarship allocations of $9
million were to be cut completely, but
Pursell, along with Rep. Edward
Roybal of California, managed to put
$5.5 million back into the scholarship
ALSO, THE newly-passed $32.5
million Career Education Incentive
See BUDGET,. Page 10

Foreign, domestic issues addressed
Two speakers caught students' attention on campus yesterday. A man
calling himself "Mr. Albert" (top) spoke about the persecution of Jews in
Syria. And yesterday evening, Viewpoint Lecturer Elaine Noble (above)
told students they had a responsibility to be politically active. See stories,
Page 10.

Ut '

Group tries full-time criminals

Serious matter for local clinic

For some, crime is a full-time job.
And for a year-and-a-half the task of
prosecuting the most hard-working
professional criminals who pass
through Washtenaw County courts has
fallen to a four-member group-the
Career Criminal Unit.
TWO ASSISTANT prosecuting attor-
neys, an investigator, and a secretary

"are realizaing that a disproportionate
number of crimes are being committed
by a few people," according to Neil
Juliar, one of the lawyers.
The experimental Career Criminal
Program, funded by a federal grant
solicited by the state's Office of
Criminal Justice Programs, is curren-
tly being tested in 11 other state coun-
ties, including the home of Detroit,

China, Vietnam battle
for strategic positi on

Wayne County. Preliminary statistics
show the local program has been a suc-
"We take the most severe cases of
repeat offenders," said Albert Blixt,
another of the attorneys who deals with 1
habitual criminals. {
"WE'VE SET certain thresholds that
a criminal must meet before we even
consider their case," Blixt said. "We
will look at the case if there have been
two prior felony convictions, or five
previous felony arrests." In their first
year of existence, the average defen-
dant in the 95 cases they handled had
been arrested seven times, with 3.6
" The Michigan Student
Assembly indirectly dictates
management policy for the
University Cellar, and Tuesday
evening it voted to look into the
question of a negotiated set-
tlement for the dispute between
workers and management. See

"In our first year of operation, 73 per
cent of the criminals we prosecuted
committed the crime while on bond or
parole for a previous felony," said
Blixt. The two attorneys managed a 93
per cent conviction record.
"One man, who was recently senten-
ced to 15-to-30 years as a habitual
criminal, had eight previous larceny
convictions. In exchange for a promise
not to prosecute him further, he agreed
to clear up some of our unsolved cases.
He cleared up between 75 and 100
breaking-and-entering cases. This is an
indication of the number of crimes that
these habitual criminals commit." '
See GROUP, Page 10

Popping aspirin relieves the
annoying pain of a simple headache
for most, but for more than 30
million people in the United States,
it's not enough. They suffer from
particularly excruciating pain, and,
until recently, finding specialized
care and emotional support has been
for them a real headache.
However, people like Dr. Joel
Saper are taking headaches very
seriously. Last November he opened
the Michigan Headache and
Neurological Institute in the city.
The clinic is devoted to helping those
people who suffer from recurring

headaches and the accompanying
social and emotional disruptions,
through what is termed, "a per-
sistent, committed approach."
"MOST PEOPLE with headaches
can be helped dramatically by
making a correct diagnosis and ap-
plying the science that already
exists. We're willing to keep trying
until we succeed in helping these
patients.. . until we find the effec-
tive therapy," said Saper.
After taking an "extensive
headache history," Saper and his
staff design individualized treat-
ment programs employing a wide
variety of techniaues. Biofeedback,
See HEADACHES,' Page 7


From AP and Reuter
BANGKOK, Thailand - Vietnam
claimed yesterday to have put 1,600
Chinese troops out of action in a north-
western province where analysts
believe the armies are jockeying for
position prior to one of the most
decisive battles of the 11-day-old border
The Voice of Vietnam said its troops

withdraw its troops from northern
Vietnam and both warned for the first
time that the conflict could spread.
In the midst of the conflict, the United
States and China will complete the
process of establishing full diplomatic
relations today, with the two sides
deeply divided over ,the wisdom of
China's invasion of Vietnam.

Weekend gas may be curtailed
From the Associated Press ward adjustment in the light of their prevailing circumstan

Energy Secretary James Schlesinger said yesterday the
government may have to force service stations to close on
summer weekends, and the Organization of Petroleum Ex-
porting Countries (OPEC) approved price hikes announced
by several members taking advantage of the supply squeeze.

On the home front, Schlesinger also raised the spectre of
mandatory temperature controls in public buildings and $1-a-
gallon unleaded gasoline "within a year or so."
ALICE RIVLIN, director of the Congressional Budget of-
fice, told a Senate hearing the Iranian crisis could trigger a

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