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February 27, 1979 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-02-27

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Page 2-Tuesday, February 27, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Diggs votes despite
Repubican warning

Skirmish closes N.C. KKK exhibi1

Charles Diggs (D-Mich.), voted on
legislation yesterday and said he will
continue to do so, despite a request
from several Republicans that he ab-
stain pending a decision on his appeal in
a payroll kickback case.
It was Diggs' first recorded vote sin-
ce the start of the congressional
session, and his decision to continue
means some Republicans are almost
certain to seek a full House vote on his
Diggs is appealing the three-year
prison sentence he drew as a result of
his conviction last October, and the
House ethics committee is trying to
decide what to do about him in the
Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), and
several other new GOP House mem-
bers had asked Diggs directly not to
vote until the case is settled. But Diggs
told Gingrich he intends to exercise all
his rights as an elected member of
Gingrich said that if Diggs refused to
abstain, "Those of us who are concer-

ned about the standards of the House
would have no alternative but to offer a
motion of expulsion."
He noted Diggs has obtained a two-
month extension in the deadline for
filing his appeal, and now has until
April 2 to make his move, leading some
observers to say the process could con-
tinue through most of his two-year term
in office.
Gingrich has focused his efforts
against Diggs on one specific vote that
is scheduled for Wednesday in the
House - whether to raise the national
debt ceiling.
In a letter to his colleagues, Gingrich
said, "There's a distinct possibility a
convicted felon will be voting on in-
creasing the national debt for each
man, woman, and child in the United
States by $174."
He said that if Diggs votes on the
measure, he will "promptly" offer the
motion to expel Diggs - possibly within
a day or two after the debt limit vote.
Diggs won re-election from his
Detroit district despite his conviction
last year on charges of payroll padding
and mail fraud in the kickback scheme.

exhibit of Ku Klux Klan materials
closed 45 minutes after it opened last
night-an hour and 45 minutes earlier
than scheduled-when a shouting
match developed between blacks and-
some whites who were wearing Nazi,
About 200 people had packed the tiny
auditorium of the Forsyth County
Public Library to see the display.
A WHITE MAN identifying himself
as David Burtt of Greensboro, who said
he was with "the United National
Workers Organization," shouted,
"What we ought to do is rip this stuff off
the wall-the Ku Klux Klan is a damned
trick to set blacks against whites."
Tempers flared and four young white
men wearing beige uniforms and red
and white Nazi armbands suddenly ap-
peared and began shouting, "White
power, white power."
Burtt and his supporters began
shouting, "Ku Klux Klan, scum of the
land," and the chant was picked up by
blacks in the crowd.

POLICE MOVED in and separated
the shouting factions.
One of the men wearing a Nazi ar-
mband would only say that he and the
other uniformed men were members of
"the regional unit of the National
Socialist White People's Party."
Outside, officers worked to separate
Klansmen-including two wearing
white robes, one carrying a Con-
federate flag and the other waving an
American flag-from blacks.
AT LEAST four people were taken in-
to custody but it was not known whether
charges would be filed. Authorities said
several blows were exchanged among
those in the crowd, but no one was hurt.
. Klansmen left the area shortly after
the library was closed.
The Klan's display consisted of robes
hung on the wall, Klan publications and
pictures and other items such, as six-
.inch statuette of a hooded Klansman.
THE EXHIBIT was designed as a
white "version of Roots," according to
exhibit organizer Vernon Logan, head
of the local Knights of the Ku Klux

Klan. "Roots," a book by Alex Haley
about a black man retracing his an-
cestry to Africa, has been the basis for
two popular television miniseries.
Logan said the exhibit contained no
offensive material.
"Hell, anything they put in there is of-
fensive to me," declared Patrick Hair-
ston, president of the local chapter of
the National Association for the Advan-
cement of Colored People.
Hairston, three fellow NAACP mem-
bers and a college professor had begun
a protest walk outside the library with
protest signs in the afternoon.
"We're not trying.to keep people from
going in and out, we're trying to draw
attention to the fact the Klan is an
outlaw organization. I don't think it's
needed in America," Hairston said.
THE LIBRARY, meanwhile, set uD
its own exhibit on the Klan in a glass
cabinet in the lobby. That exhibit con-
sisted of newspaper clippings about
local Klan activities in recent years and
history books dealing with the Klan.
Library director William Roberts III
said that exhibit was set up in reaction!

to the Klan exhibit.
"The library board said we ought to
have something up there a little more
unbiased, and it sounded fine to me,"
Roberts said.
library's scheduling of the Klan exhibit
as an exercise in free speech and of Fir-
st Amendment rights.
"To me, it's historical, if you want to
know the truth," Roberts said of the
Klan display. "It's no different from the
local Black Panthers group. If the Pan-
thers wanted to use it, they certainly
could. It's not up to us to pick and
SOME LIBRARY officials, including
Irene.Hairston, chairman of the county
library board, criticized Roberts for
scheduling the exhibit without bringing
the matter before the board. She is no
relation to Mr. Hairston.
But Roberts said it was standard
procedure to schedule -any group that
wanted to make use of the library
without consulting with the board.

City Council vetoes

MSW's and BSW's needed now in Israel's
urban centers and developing towns.
Community workers especially sought.
Orientation programs, retraining,
courses, pilot trips planned. A real
opportunity to live a quality Jewish life
wh i l e making a meaningful
contribution. Interviewers coming from
Israel this month. Arrange now to speak
with them.

(Continued from Page 1)
downtown renewal.
The partisan nature of the two
economic development strategies was
clearly evidenced as Council rejected
the DDA and established the EDC in
July, both votes along strictly party
EDC supporters justify the cor-
poration in strictly economic terms of
widening the tax base and increasing
employment. Belcher explains his
commitment to EDC as a means of
bringing "economic, stability" to Ann
Arbor, furthering an overall strategy of
"trying to make Ann Arbor as recession
proof as possible.".
an economic device that, with sufficient
citizen input, as stated in its founding
provisions, is accountable to the public.
They also say EDC is necessary to en-
courage business in Ann Arbor because
over 110 Michigan communities have
established similar corporations since
the State Legislature approved EDC
guidelines in 1975.
Since the Ann Arbor EDC's founding,,
it has presented two plans to Coun-
cil-last week's Elias Brothers project
and a few weeks earlier, a preliminary
approval of expansion for Bechtel Cor-
poration's existing operations. In both
sessions, Democrats urged that criteria
other than strictly financial be used in

approving EDC bonds. The arguments
voiced were similar to those of last
summer's controversy over the
creation of EDC and DDA.
Councilman Earl Greene (D-Second
Ward) said some of these non-financial
concerns should be: "The need of the
corporation (for EDC financing),
desirability-is it needed in the com-
munity," and certain "minority
guarantees" concerning the company's
personnel policies.
GREENE STRESSED the need for
Council guidelines to ensure some of
these non-economic factors are in-
cluded in decisions on EDC projects.
Such criticism has led Belcher to
remind Council, "EDC is not a finan-
cing arm for marginal companies and it
is not for helping small business
operations (but) is a conduit of sale of
bonds for strong companies who have
the ability to back up the bond sales."
Belcher's view is evident in the EDC
guidelines which prohibit consideration
of any project seeking less than $250,000
in bonds and those up to $1 million are
strongly discouraged. EDC counsel
Peter Long cites the $650 EDC ap-
plication filing fee as a further
deterrent against requests from
"marginal" companies. The emphasis
on "strong companies" is further
guaranteed by requiring the company
to clearly demonstrate it will not have

first EDC proposal
any trquble finding a buyer for its bon- it is a chain-store which would be coin-
ds; often the bonds have already been peting with three locally managed 1ig
pre-sold, as with the Elias Brothers Boys already operating in Ann Arbor(
project. THE RESULT is that Democrats
THE ELIAS BROTHERS project, remain unjeasy with EDC and its
which was to be constructed across the guidelines, considered by many Council
street from Win Schulers on Plymouth members to be sufficiently vague :to
Road between US 23 and Green road, "justify any firm on those criteria,"
contained specific characteristics according to James Cmejrek (R-Fifth
which led several Council Republicans ward). -
to join the generally anti-EDC Belcher, however, insists "there will
Democrats in rejecting the proposal. be projects killed at EDC." He pointed
Consequently, Belcher, who is also an to the other projectsapproved, and un-
EDC board " member, said the vote der review, by EDC as evidence "we
merely "indicates to EDC that Council are not grovelling for business (but)
isn't going to be too much in favor of are in a position to pick and choose
restaurants." Similarly, Greene inter- carefully." In addition to Elias
prets the vote as a "philosophical Brothers, the EDC board has already
statement about fast foods, and beyond approved the Bechtel expansion, a
this I don't think there's going to be major reisearch center for Research
much opposition on future projects." Park, and the $10 million renovation of
In addition to the nature of the Big Arborland. Projects under review in-
Boy's operation, opponents argued that clude a large downtown office building.
Daily Offical Bulletin


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thomas aeffensou
to i3akke: race aruo
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(LISPS 344-900 )
Volume LXXXIX, No. 124
Tuesday, February 27, 1979
is edited andmanaged by students at
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday morn-
ings during the University year at 420
Maynard Street, Ann Arbor. Michigan
48109. Subscription rates: $12 Septem-
ber through April (2 semesters) ; $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer ses-
sion published Tuesday through Satur-
day mornings. Subscription rates:
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
(3 days-2 nights)
The Michigan Economics Society
presents a benefit dance and raffle
TICKETS $2 at Fishbowl, 38 Econ.
Building, or MES member.
Disco & Rock 'n Roll

Daily Calendar:
WUOM: Donna Lemerick, "Memories of Eubie,"
reviews this great musical career that spans 79 years
of ragtime, 10 a.m.
English Composition Board: Daniel Fader,
"Editing, Proofreading and Evaluation," Regents
Rm., LSA, 3:30 p.m.
Bioengineering: Alfred L. Nuttall, "Middle Ear
Mechanics and Models," 1042 E. Eng., 4 pm.
Statistics: Robert Keener, M.I.T., "Problems;
Related to Real Valued Markov Chains," 443 'Mason,
4 p.m.
Physics/Astrono'my: S. Girvin Indiana-U.,
"Phase Transitions in Solid Electrolytes," 2038 Ran-
dall. 4 p.m.
Romance Languages: Reading of French play,
"Genes," Pendleton, Union, 8p.m.
Music School: University Philharmonia, Hill Aud.,
8 p.m.
AGraduate Assistantships in Resident Halls
available at Radford College.
Resident Director
Assistant Direct-or
Resident Assistants
Renumeration includes tuition, room and board, and
cash stipend. Application deadline is Apiil 1. Contact
Office of Residential Life, Tyler Hall, Radford
('ollege. Radford, VA 24142 for applications and fur-
ther information.
The Burke Marketing Research Fellowship Award
is availab~le to outstanding students interested in a
career in Marketing Research and Graduate
Business Education. The program combines
graduate study in marketing at the University of
Cincinnati and working on a part-time basis, ap-
proximately 25-30 hours a week. Write to Mr.
Thomas Wagner, Director of Professional Recruit-
ment, Burke Marketing Research, Inc., 1529 Maz-
dison Road, Cincinnati, 045206.
The Graduate School of International Studies, Un-
versity of Denver, offers fellowships fbr graduate
studies in international and comparative studies.
Stipend is based upon merit and need. Applications
and additional information may be obtained by
writing to Director of Student Affairs, Graduate

School of International Studies, University-of Den-
ver, Denver, Colorado 80208.
3200 SAB 763-4117
Institute for Sensory Research, Syracuse Unite
sity, N.Y. Summer research assistantships
juniors who are science or engineering majors'
terested in sensory and brain research. Fur
details available.
Rochester Museum & Science Center, N.
Museum Internship Programwith disciplines sue
as history, natural science, anthropology, o
technology. Further details available.
Midland Macromolecular Institute, Mi. Sum 'e
Fellowship position for research in physico-chemica
lab. Background must be in ;math, computer
programming. Further details available.
Jackson-Hillsdale Community Mental Health
Services, Jackson, Mi. Beth Moser Clinic. Opening
for a student in a master's level program or a
mater's degree in social work or psychology. Fur-
ther details available.
California Tomorrow Environmental Intern
Program. Openings throughout California. Dozens
of fields covered - urban/transportation planning,
policy admin., photo., energy., econ., journalism,
languages, many others. Further details available:
_Cranbrook Institute of Science; Bloom field Hills,
Mi. Openings for day camp instructors in the fields of
geology, lake research, anthro-ology, or-
nothology/entomology.. Further information
North Carolina Internship Program, Dept. of Ad-
min. State governor. and gra-hics, poli. and social
science, statistics, editing, design, many other fields.
Further details available. Deadline undetermined at
this time.
Camp Tamarack. B)righton, Ortonville, Mi. Will
interview Wed., Mar. 14. Openings for counselors,
specialists, supervisors, many other position%.
Register in person or by phone.
Maumee G. S. Council, Toledo, Ohio. Will inter
view Thurs., Mar. 15 from 10 to 2. Positions open
assist. director, bus. manager, health supvr., kitchen
help, waterfront (WSI), counselors - general and
specialists. Register in person or by phone.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28th - 3:45 pm




"In the Matter of Color: Race and
the American Legal Process:
The Colonial Period"
by Oxford University Press
recipient of
National Bar Association Literary Award -Frederick
Douglass Award of the National Association of Black
Journalists *Book Award of the National Conference
of Black Lawyers *other national awards

... ' Y {


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