Page 2--Sunday, February 25, 1979-The Michigan Daily R AMBLINGS/erie zorn M Y ROOMMATES think I'm kid- ding when my tape recorder is blasting the nasal strains of those old- timey singers who are either dead or sound as if they ought to be, but I'm quite serious. Honest. I have a peculiar predeliction for songs on those horrible, scratchy recordings of the Carter Family and the Louvin Brothers - that music which hardly anyone can stand - and I really do prefer it to all the Kansas, Allman Brothers, and ELP which is pounded at me from all sides. Since I didn't grow up in the moun- tains with a spittle-covered Grandpa to learn me tunes, or a radio over the fireplace which could only tune in the Opry, then what is my excuse? How, given the many opportunities which modern massamedia provides to im- merse myself in the precise harmonies of Seals and Croft or the slick multiple tracking of Steely Dan, did I come away with a taste for music which is simple, imprecise, barely codified, and boasts lyrics like: I'm going home with Sally Ann Yes, I'm going home with Sally Ann I'm going home with Sally Ann? What can I say? This music is rich with the traditions of our country and of my own past: it's accessible, solid, and durable, and the only songs which always remind me of good times with good friends. Most music recalls images and stirs my memory in some way: "Yester-me, Yester-you, Yester-day," or whatever that Stevie Wonder song was called, reminds me of a sickening crush I had on "Judy" back in sixth grade, and how I moped beside the radio and wished I were older and cooler. That song "Woodstock" by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young brings back, in all its ner- vous splendor, the night in ninth grade I took it personally when one of my very first girlfriends got drunk and threw up. The relationship was never the same. I dassn't forget "Seasons in the Sun" and its companion images of high school basketball: Riding for hours on miserable buses to play in front of hostile crowds, and theig not scoring enough points to look good in the papers. And what of the Bee Gees and Fleetwood Mac, artists I cannot hear without thinking of those bittersweet dorm years? So it goes. Those old songs, thQugh. They are sturdy companions: "Dark as a. Dungeon" and "Irene Goodnight" are the lean years in New Haven when I was very young and myyparents' frien- ds got together for hootenannies. When I was lucky, I'd get to stay up and listen for awhile. Dad sang me to sleep with "The Wabash Cannonball" in those days and he sang my sister to sleep with "Amazing Grace" in 1969 when we lived in Boulder. I N ANN ARBOR, my father and his friends formed an old-time country- gospel band, The Bloodwashed Throng, and sang in our living room every month on Sunday night. Years later, when I learned the songs, I would get those men back together and play "Canaan's Land" with them as I had listened to it years before. And once I heard a Kingston Trio record in ninth grade and became determined to learn to play the guitar; Dad and I practiced together in his study for an hour every night. If we ever got a song down right, we'd go where Mom was reading or studying and play for her. So what if we're not much good and occasionally set the dogs to howling? Better enthusiasm than staid excellence, in my opinion. Haying been inspired by records, I learned the mandolin and banjo, and af- ter a time was able to make myself a further pest at my parents' parties, which, to the dismay of those guests with real musical tastes, have always generated into jam sessions. Then came Fire on the Mountain, blush to tell, a ne'er do well bluegrass band which we' formed during our senior year at Ann Arbor Pioneer and which somehow weasled a few dates at Mr. Flood's Party. The music wasn't great, but oh, those hot summer nights after work when we'd all get together and practice: Jokes, stories, and "On My Long Journey Home." I can't even think of old time and traditional music without remembering the celebration every year in Berea, Kentucky during the last weekend of October. Musicians of all ages get together with the friendliest people in the world and crank out lively, power- ful, and sincere songs which have been in those hills for generations. Each time down we've danced and sang late into the night. A certain atmosphere and com- munity spirit arises when you've got music that's beautiful and yet easy enough for almost anyone to play. There's nothing impossibly com- plicated about the techniques and lyrics, and anyone can get ahold of the- little melodies which start to run in your blood after awhile. Old time is not aggressive. Almost all music is interesting and has a charac- See RAMBLINGS, Page 8 I Pressures ease for area. lesb sundd' ymdazine ICKESTIC PUZZLE rMI k F' 20 S40 *159 M 2 3A 4M 5 a 21 P 22 B 23 Q 24 L 25 S 41 Q 42 43 E 44 F J 60 T 61 G 62 L 63 D 7 80 Q 81L 82 F 61G 71M 81H 94 710N 11 R 12 B 13) 0 14 jU .... .r ..... -....... -I.-I-I.r .r..... 26 45 64 - I - I '~~ IN 281I 29H 301 I 31 321B 332T i I i1 &i K 46 R65 J 47 IT L 501 U 51 1P 521 H 53 r__66 (T 67 J 6$ L 69 4 70 7-71 i v - i - i 83 4 85 b 86|OF 88 89 1S 901T 91 ID 921 L 98 99 c 10 10lot 117 118 Q 119 S 120 J 137 P138 U 1391 .. i - i - &F - } C 102 0 1031I 104 D 105 R 106 N 107 P 108 B 109 F 1 111) U 93 I 112 D 113 A 131 R 132 F94 P 114 p 76 IM 77 95 B 96 115 135 H 97 T 116 S 136 $23 J124S 125 127 N 128 v 12jB 30 T 133 K - . - I F 1 i--- --i---- I 141 N 142 U143t1 156 157 01i58 J 145 F16 N 165 s 146 A66 D 147 U 167 r J'a 148 11 149 T 1! K 168 =1 B1 1511I 1527 1531F 154C 155 U 172 11 1731Q 1 714 - * - a I - C - I - . ..- BY- STEPHEN J. POZSGAI Copyright 1979 INSTRUCTIONS Guess the words defined at the left and write them in over their numbered dashes. Then, transfer each letter to the cor- responding numbered square in the grid above. The letters printed in the upper-right-hand corners of the squares indi- cate from what clue-word a particular square's letter comes from. The grid, when filled in, should read as a quotation from a published work. The darkened squares are the spaces between words. Some words may carry over to the next line. Meanwhile, the first letter of each guessed word at the leftreading down' forms an acrostic, giving the: author's name and the title of the work from which the quote is extracted. As words and phrases begin to form in the grid, you can work back and- forth from clues to grid until the puzzle is complete. Answer to Previous Puzzle: "In the experience of initiation through which shaman passes, the mythic images woven into a society 's fabric suddenly become not only apparent but often enacted and made boldly visible and relevant for all." (Joan) Halifax, Shamanic Voices. FROM GERTRUDE STEIN to Kate Millet, lesbians have con- tinued to espouse their sexual preference in a fequently hostile, repressive epvironment. By forcefully withstanding criticism and openly defying stereotypes describing gay women as maladjusted, masculine, or, mentally ill, lesbians have gained respect in society. But the fight-a fight that is far from over-was. not easy. And, unfortunately, respect for lesbians is generally.generated in spite of their- sexual preference, rather than aside from it. In the late sixties and early seventies, Ann Arbor furnished an environment that tolerated alternate lifestyles more than that of most cities. The University recognized that lesbians existed within its community, and the more open climate helped outspoken and "in-the- closet" lesbians alike adjust. Lesbian women often move to Ann Arbor to "come out," and to enjoy the sources offered by a traditionally ac- tivist community. Ann, who graduated from the University last April, ex- plained her reasons for coming here: "I decided I was a lesbian when I was 12. I came out when I was 15. Most people were accepting of it, but I was real lonely about it. Ann Arbor has a reputation for having a real large, solid lesbian community, so I came here, which is what a lot of people do." Rose, a senior, said that she read feminist newspapers and found that the bylines were often from Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor has long been the nerve cen- ter for feminist and lesbian groups, especially during the early seventies. In 1970, a group of .women formed a chapter of the Radical Lesbians. According to Ann, "They took out ads in the Daily and six people an- swered-there are six lesbians in Ann Arbor! They kept putting in the ads and they got to be a community of 25. They were real scared. They needed to be around each other; they needed each other real badly. Now people are like that when they first start. They're really vocal. For a lot of women, being a lesbian was the only thing worth talking about." Ann compared the lesbian movement to a process of growing up. Originally, she claimed, when organizations like the Radical Lesbians weregrowing out of the infancy stage, lesbians felt they had to "be together and dress the same and be radical. "I see it in junior high school now, Marion Halberg is the Daily's women's reporter. By Marion Halberg where they know the cliques are silly, but they don't have the courage to give them up yet." Ann says that when most young women become active in the lesbian community, they "want to be involved in everything. It wears off af- ter a while; you don't need to be in- volved in all that stuff so much. The most politically-oriented lesbians that I see are the 18-to-21-year-old lesbian women." In the late sixties and early seventies, Ann Arbor was a hotbed for the women's movement, and a center of political activism. Last summer, however, a march supporting the Equal Rights Amendment drew the sur- prisingly small turnout of less than 200 people. Ann Arbor's inhabitants are doubtlessly still concerned with the overriding issues of feminism, but the previous achievement of many feminist goals, as well as a generally lax period of protest, have made activism a lower priority. But lesbianism is not simply a "movement"-it is a way of life, and the fact that women choose not to im- merse themselves in lesbian politics is no sign of decreasing concern over the issues at stake. And, in recent years, issues like the Anita Bryant crusade against homosexuals in the shools or the legalities of lesbian motherhood have sparked support from all facets of the gay community. HE LESBIAN community in Ann Arbor has seen its decen- tralization since the formation of Radical Lesbians, but not its demise. There are many lesbians who prefer to deal with their lives away from the public eye, and it is a testament to the gains of the original radical groups that such a lifestyle is now easily possible. "I don't feel are separati the people I with work an selfish to sit how lesbians but so is ev when million In Ann Arb for lesbians. with lesbian closest thing community c Bookstore on unofficially Rubaiyat, a by many str and Canterb concerts for Alcoholics Leaping Les based lesbia by students mation for publishes or and announ lesbians. See I A. Soundness of body or mind B. Hermaphrodite C. Threw in a high arc D. Spiritual enlightenment E. Understood; grasped F. Attractions; resemblances G. Wife of Socrates H. Digressed; veered; deviated . Produce false impressions J. Bordered on; touched K. Occult; enigmatic; obscure 4 131 166 156 21 56 23 13 96 171 109 33 86 130 144 100 31 123 155 57 140 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 113147 32 58 64 76 79 85 92 105 121 17 115 40 44 111 141 157 160 45 88 127 20 74 83 110 154 164 94 7 89 79 28 41 62 49 117 129 43 35 9 30 151 53 97 29 66 149 173 95 104 156 112 118 135 162 47 145 124 55 60 68 137 46 101 80 168 75 134 L. Severely abstinent; oustere M. Tyro; beginner N. Make changes 0. Restaurants P. Utopian; unreal; seer Q. Unearthly; heavenly R. Excellent; huge - S. Type of paved street T. Descriptive anthropology U. Looked over hastily 50 69 82 98 122 25 63 2 5 126 8 36 59 77 84 * 11 27 99170 165 142 128 107 14 153 169 103 87 72 22 52 37 78 108 138 10 114 16 24 39 42 119 70 81 161 174 148 18 65 106 12 132 54 73 38 26 90 102 163 120 153 125 146 159 136 6 3344871 67 98 133 116 61150 51 93 172 139 167 15 143 Daily Ph The Womapspace Bookstore on 4th AVenue carries a variety otilebian-oriented public FAIJW