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February 24, 1979 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-02-24

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Trackmen roll as hosts
By JOHN LIBBE tempt. He then set his sights on a per- A total of 11 college teams competed
sonal best of 7-3, but was unsuccessful. in the contest, in addition to numerous
The Wolverine men's omdoor track Tim Thomas, the Wolverines' top half track clubs and unattached perfor-
team appeared in fine form yesterday miler, also took honors in his specialty mers.
m the Wolverine Invitational several with a time of 1:51.9. Thomas surged to The Wolverine squad looked par-
performers took firsts the e opening the lead early in the race and withstood ticularly strong in the sprints The team
The Blue mile relay team highlighted several challenges to finally win going had two competitors in the six man
finalBofethe 60ryard dashhand thetBlu
the evening action, as the quartet of away. final of the 60 yard dash, and the Blue
Ken Gardner, Charles Crouther, Ron speedsters won several of the heats in
Affoon and Teddy Dobson qualified for Over 400 entrants jammed into the the 600 yard run. In the middle distan
the NCAA meet with a time of 3:14.02. Track-Tennis Building for the meet, ces, the squad also looked quite strong.
Once again, one of standouts for the which was the main reason for the In addition to Thomas' victory, Gary
team proved to be Mike Lattany. Lat- problems with the drawn-out meet, ac- Hicks flew home first in one of the 1000
tany took top honors in the highjump, cording to Michigan assistant coach yard dash heats in a time of 1:11.4.
clearing a 7-2 on his third and final at- Ron Warhurst. Warhurst commented Miler Dan Heikkinen battled his way to
that large increases in the number of a fifth place finish in an extremely
participants in the meet caused the big tough race, which saw the winner just
en backup in the running of numerous miss the NCAA qualifying mark of
W om en w n preliminaries. 4:05.8.
He also said that next year all The final Wolverine victory in the fir-
preliminaries would be run in the early st six events was recorded by the shut-
first ever afternoon, as in the Michigan Relays, if tle hurdle relay team. They walked
there are as many participants as this away with first place honors in a time of
By SCOTT MUNZEL year. 28.8.
The Michigan women's track
team won its first meet in its two
year history as a varsity sport
yesterday, placing first in the five-
team Michigan Invitational field.
The women displayed their . ...
superior quality over a weak field as
they scored eight firsts out of ten
events to score 56 total points.
Second place Eastern picked up only .
20 points. -1
Coach Ken Simmons was "quite
pleased" with the outcome, making t w<
special mention of several athletes. y '
Debbie Williams broke the 40-foot F
barrier in winning the shot put with .
a 40-812 toss, Michigan's mile relay .
team eclipsed the four-minute mark x
for the first time, 3:59.31. -.
MICHIGAN WAS especially
strong in the relays, winning all
three: the 440-yard in 50.88 seconds,
the 880-yard in 1: 50.68, and the mile 5
Individual Wolverine winners were Yy .
Marianne Dickerson in the mile run :...::.
with a time of 5:11.16; Dawn _"-
Woodruff in the 880-yard run in
2:23.2; and Chris Popp in the high 1 ..
jump with a leap of 5-2. Also taking .
firsts were Cathy Sharpe in the 60- h .
yard dash in 7.02 seconds and Rene
Turner in the 60-yard hurdles with a
time of 8.36 seconds.
Coming up on the Wolverine
~~~~~~~~~~~~..schedue.i............... in.::... ........ ..................:,- :. . ., .
schedule is the Big Ten Meet i Daily Photo by PAM MARKS
.which Simmons plans to enter ten MICHIGAN THINCLAD Marshal Parks extends his lead in the 60-yard high
performers in hopes of improving on hurdles during action at the Wolverine Invitational last night.
last year's eighth-place finish.


The Michigan Daily-Saturday, February 24, 1979-Page 7
Duluth demolishes icers

Special to The Daily
DULUTH-The frozen tundra outside
did not stop Minnesota-Duluth from
declaring open season on Michigan
goaltender Rudy Varvari inside, as the
Bulldogs decimated the Wolverines, 12-
3 in front of a home crowd of 5,436 last
night at Duluth Arena.
Nothing could stop the Bulldogs as they
teared the Wolverines apart in the third
period, scoring seven goals. Duluth's
last period onslaught was led by Bah
Harrington, who scored twice, Dan
Lempe, who notched two goals only 27
seconds apart, and Scott Carlston,
whose last period goal gave the fresh-
man a hat trick..Y
The embarrassing loss was the 16th in
the last 17 games for the cellar-dwelling
Increasing their two-goal lead that
the Bulldogs had at the end of one
period, Duluth sent the Wolverines into
the dressing room down 5-2 after 40
minutes of play.
MICHIGAN'S second goal came as
Wolverine Bill Wheeler took a Dan Lerg
cross ice pass and fired it past Bulldog
netminder Billy Perkl on his stick side
at 7:40.
Hard play on both ends of the rink in-
tensified as the teams exchanged near
misses that brought the crowd to its
For example, on a one-on-one
situation, Bulldog Gary DeGrio made a
Napalmed nets
Scoring: 1. M-Richter (Bourne, Manning)
4:22; 2. UMD-Henrickson (unassisted) 6:46; 3.
UMD-Carlston (unassisted) 15:04; 4. UMD--Olek-
suk (Hendrickson. Harrington) 18&56.
Penalties: UMD-McCulloch (interference)
4:13; M-Mars (interference) 4:48; M-May (slash-
ing) 16:56.
Scoring: S. M-wheeler (Lerg, Brandup) 7:40;
6. UMD-DeGrio (Giles) 12:17; 7. UMD-Kulyk
(Lemnpe, Giles) 17:42.
Penalties: M-Brandup (roughing) 8:00; UMD-
Lempe (holding) 13:41; M-Blum (high-sticking)
16:19; UMD-Madsen (roughing) 18:02.
scoring: 6. UMD-Carlston (Harrington, Olson)
6:37; 7. UMD-Olson (Harrington, Carlston) 7:47; 8.
UMD-Herrington (Kulyk) 9:13; 9. UMD-Lempe
(DeGrio, Henrickson) 13:09; 10. UMD-Lempe
(DeGrio, Rothstein) 13:38; 11. UMD-Knauf (Hen-
drickson, DeGrio) 13:55; 3. M-Hamnpson (Mars,
Richman); 12. UMD-Cariston (Lempe, Hendrick-
son) 15:38.
Penalties: M-Todd (high-sticking) :22; UMD-
Giles (tripping) 8:56; M-Mars (interference)
14:14; M-MIier (hooking) 14:37.

move on Rudy Varvari only to have the
Michigan goalkeeper stop him with a
stick save.
Moments later, DeGrio scored as he
pulled Varvari out of the crease at
12:17. Still knocking at the door of the
Wolverines, Glenn Kulyk challenged
Varvari, as he shot the puck past him at
17:42 on a power play to up Duluth's
lead to 5-2.

STRANGELY enough, Michigan
scored the game's first goal on a Dave
Richter power play score. Taking a
pass from Roger Bourne, Richter shot
the puck past a surprised Perkl.
But Duluth quickly came back with
three goals to close out the stanza with
a 3-1 edge. Varvari had his problems its
the period, twice mishandling shots
that eventually ended up in the goal.

full court
Crisler crowd quietest .. .
Splayers like-noise
W ISCONSIN 66, MICHIGAN 65-the score says it all. The Badgers
limped into town at 2-12 in the Big Ten, losers of their last ten games.
In coach Bill Cofield's words, they'd almost forgotten how to win.
But the amnesiac Badgers regained their memory in Crisler Arena,
which proved an unusually hospitable place for two reasons. First and most
obvious, nearly forty minutes of sustained lethargy by the Wolverines.
Second, an equally lackadaisical crowd, a Crisler Arena specialty.
Though the Wolverines this year may be strictly a .500 team in the Big
Ten, their fans are the worst.
When the Wolverines make a good play-make that a spectacular
play-the crdwd reacts. Anything less and it's strictly Dullsville.
There's none of the sustained madness in Crisler which accompanies the
games of even the second division Big Ten teams, excluding of course, Nor-
thwestern's fans, whose lethargy is understandable.
After a period and a half of sitting on its hands, Thursday night's crowd
finally came to life when a Phil Hubbard jumper pulled the Wolverines to
within two, 53-51. The first half was seemingly played in a vacuum. Why?
The obvious explanation is to point to the team this year, saying it hardly
merits avid crowd response.
Okay, but I can go along with that line of reasoning only so far. Check out
the crowd response at other arenas around the Big Ten. Hey, Crisler in com-
parison is a funeral parlor, and to a degree it makes it more difficult for the
players to play to their maximum potential.
"The fans don't realize how much it helps you," said guard Marty Bod-
nar. "It's a great lift. Like when I'm getting tired, I just have to tell myself to
suck it up. But when the crowd makes noise you want to do something to
make it louder."
Crisler's soft seats make it sort of like the quiet of a movie theater and
who can go wild in such a comfy place? On the other hand, there's Jenison
Fieldhouse in East Lansing-the pit. That's where you're liable to go nuts,
rather than stay sitting the whole game on those luxurious bleachers.
Tom Staton, who's not above motioning the crowd to react, offered fur-
ther explanations. "On the road, we do get intimidated. The students are up
closer on the road. It seems the older fans are nearest the court here,"
Staton said.
"They're louder and more into the game away," said Alan Hardy.
"When I go away, I see more students. I see more hair."
Even Phil Hubbard and Mike McGee become talkative when crowd
reaction is brought up.
"At Michigan State, they were saying all sorts of stuff to McGee," said
Hubbard. McGee broke in, imitating the rabid MSU fans, "Hey McGee, you
gonna get 25 tonight?" they asked him at MSU. "You gonna do it tonight
Granted, crowds like this can get out of hand. The Wolverines experien-
ced such an audience when they visited Dayton this year, where flying toilet
paper punctuates the Flyers' successes.
Yef the fact remains, the more enthusiastic the crowd, the more of an
edge the home team has. Crowd enthusiasm can degenerate into a
dangerous situation. But when it remains enthusiasm, like the type of
craziness that prevails at Indiana, Michigan State, Purdue and the rest, it
works decidedly to the benefit of the home team.
And of all the home court edges in the Big Ten, Michigan's wins the prize
for dullness.

By ALAN FANGER Ponto's squad in
Specialto The Daily position. Three
MOUNT PLEASANT - Michigan arounders, Colleen
State continued its dominance of and Teresa Ber
women's state gymnastics last night by devastating spills
outdistancing Michigan and four other from the bars, and
teams for their fifth straight SMAIAW by Flom (8.45) cou
crown. score on the bars
A consistent State squad rolled up a (30.85).
132.75 score while the Wolverines, Michigan came
despite turning in their finest score of balance beam and
the season, finished in second place by then the undeh
with 129.90 points, accumulated a sa
MSU's rather easy victory over- eventual victory.
shadowed many outstanding individual Ponto was never
Michigan tumbling efforts. Four his team's perform
Wolverine all-rounders brought home was a super job,'
awards, the most notable being Sara three very good e
Flom, who won the individual all hurt by all those fal
around title. The first year m
But gymnastic meets are not won by cede defeat after
individual prowess alone, and a MSU had fallen off
disastrous team performance on the more times, we wo
uneven parallel bars left Coach Scott in it. But they'r

the bridesmaid's
Wolverine all-
Forrestel, Mia Axon
toncin, each took
on their dismounts
only an heroic effort
ild keep the tumblers'
s within mediocrity
back strong on the
floor exercises, but
feated Spartans had
fe margin for their
theless pleased with
mance. "All in all, it
" he said. "We had
vents, but we were
Als off the bars."
entor refused to con-
the bars event. "If
the beam a couple of
ould have been right
e a very consistent



Flom's refreshing bar routine was
good for first place as was her floor
exercise effort (8.7), which featured
strong tumbling and expression-laden
Forrestel topped the field in vaulting
(8.4) and took third on the floor with an
8.6. Axon, despite her frightening fall,
earned a 7.9 and fifth place on the bars.
Bertoncin rounded things out with a
fourth-place showing on the beam.
The tumblers were somewhat disap-
pointed with the team result. "We wan-
ted to beat them (MSU) so much," said
Axon. "At least we kept it all together
in the other three events."
On the State side, Coach Mike
Kasavana was not surprised by his
squad's showing. "We knew that if we
hit the bar tricks, we would have won.
We did make a few mental errors, but
we should be able to get rid of them."
As for the Wolverines, Ponto sees his

team getting an at-large bid to the
AIAW Midwest regionals next month.
"I don't see any trouble there, and I
think State will be the team to beat."

Senior cagers look.back

-the en
in ea
ine na
final r

Iowa favored in Big Ten meet;
hurella leads Wolverine mat bid
By PETE LEININGER for the top spot, with Michigan, Michigan State and Min-
some of the Michigan wrestlers, this weekend's Big nesota fighting for the next three positions.
Tournament jn Iowa City will be a stepping stone "We have one major problem," said Bahr. "Jim Mathias
ds the NCAA tournament, while for others it will mark (118 pounder) hurt his back (probably a sprain) yesterday
id of a long, hard season. and will spend the weekend in the hospital."
Big Ten Tournament will feature the top wrestlers "It will hurt us because he might have been third or fourth
each weight class on each team. The top four finishers in his weight class." Because of the time of the injury,
ch weight class will then qualify for the NCAA Tour- Michigan will be unable to send a replacement for Mathias.
nt to be held in two weeks. BAHR FEELS THE 126, 134, 142 and 158 pound classes will
AM POINTS WILL also be registered during the meet. have a difficult time, largely due to inexperience. "In essen-
winners of 30 consecutive matches and ranked number ce, it (the team's performance) boils down to our inexperien-
ationally, is the strong favorite to capture the team title. ced kids and how well they do."
see it as a three-tiered-tournament," said Michigan Bahr did see some promise in the last dual meet of the
Dale Bahr. Bahr feels Iowa and Wisconsin will battle season, a 31-6 loss to third-ranked Wisconsin. "We had some
good matches. Some of our kids wrestled their best of the
M artina, Ruzici winners year, even if it doesn't show on the score."
Bahr is expecting great things from the Wolverine's
in *otn*heavier weights. "Lou (Joseph), Mark (Churella), Steve
in Avon tennis action Fraser, Steve Bennett and Bill Petoskey should all do well,"
By JAMIt TURNER stated Bahr. Churella (two-time NCAA champ and 35-1 this
Specialto The Daily year) should be seeded first, at 167, in the tournament. Last
TROIT--An upset and a blowout marked the quarter year Churella was voted the most outstanding wrestler in the
tcin-Aon championship tennisy last night at country. Bahr feels that "both (Fraser and Bennett) should
matches in Avon caposhp nsplay rlast nightr hat ,, " Tactvpnr F .c. nnw14f)n narpr

It hits some people when they receive
their diploma, others with the end of
their last final, and still others when
they turn in their final tuition payment.
But for this group, it will come this af-
ternoon before the Purdue game when
Howard King leans toward the
microphone and announces, "and now,
here are the seniors who are appearing
in their final game at Crisler Arena.
FOR TOM STATON and Alan Hardy,
today will be the final time that they'
will hear the Crisler throngs and the
final time that they will don the
Michigan home jerseys with number 23
and number 42 across the front and
For Phil Hubbard, it might not be his
last Crisler appearance, since' his in-
voluntary vacation last season has
secured another year of eligibility for
the senior from Canton. Still under his
cloud of silence, Hubbard had no com-
ments on the matter, but he had in-
dicated earlier that he would return
next year so that he could have another
shot at the Olympics. ,
Naturally, this final appearance
holds some special significance for co-
captian Staton, yet it is somewhat
A late starter -
The Wolverines take on fourth
place Purdue, led by Joe Barry
Carroll, today at Crisler Arena.
Tip-off time is 4:05.
filtered. "It is a little less special than if
we were winning," Staton said.
THAT CAN BE expected, for the
unrd frnm Ferndale met with nothingi

te, Indiana-especially Marquette,
because that's the game that gave us
the national title (from the wire ser-
But all highs have their lows, and this
year has provided Staton with more
lows than he wanted. "Losing to Iowa at
the. beginning of the year is probably
my low point at Crisler. That put us in a
hole that was hard to come out of.
"I'VE ALWAYS .been kind of a.
'crowd favorite' here, so I'd like to
thank all those people who have been
good to me over the years," he added.
The high points were not so easy for
Hardy to single out. His career has not
been quite as glamourous as Staton's,

although they have been on the same
"Pve had a lot of disappointments.
There's been a few good times, and few
bad times that I will always remember.
"I'm glad that I was fortunate to get
this far. There are a lot of people in high
school who don't get the chance to play,
and I'm glad that I did."
This season has been one of more
than a few downs for Hardy, but a grin
did flash across the Detroit senior's
face as he reminisced.
"Believe me, there'll only be one City
Al to come through here," he beamed,
holding his clenched fists above his

Women face Oakland
in tourney warm-up

Michigan's women cagers have two
more opportunities to add another
measure to a season's worth of ex-
perience before heading into the state
tournament early next month.
The first of these tune-ups will be
against Oakland University today at
Crisler Arena at 12:30 (originally
scheduled for6:15).
"ALL AROUND, we've improved,"
said Assistant Coach Margo Plotzke.
"We're starting to run our offense a lit-
tle better and have played some good
The Wolverines have progressed
from a limited defensive team and are
nn mnre versatile -eneein11 dinw'

"WE'RE WORKING for consistency
in that area," said Plotzke, referring to
the offense. "If we play well in these
next games, it will carry over to the
Leading the Blue offense are fresh-
women Diane Dietz (17.1 ppg) and
Katie McNamara (15.6) and sophomore
Abby Currier (12.8).
Oakland will counter with Helen
Shereda, who is averaging 23 ppg, and
Kathy Hewelt, who averages 16.
As only the top finisher in the state
tourney goes on to the regionals, the.
cagers will have to remember this
season's lessons well when they come
up against the other tough intrastate
teams in the approaching tourney.

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