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February 24, 1979 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-02-24

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In tomorrow's suniday im azdii"e:

SAFE housing
for battered

Is this
Robert Altman's
long goodbye?

war with Herman
Wouk and more .. .

r F I

See Editorial Page

Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedomn

at i

See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIX, No. 122 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturdav. Februnrv 94 1979

Tn Cents

Finh Pri.

y , a ien enia cignrrages

Members of a "last resort" faculty grievance board are
criticizing the University for its failure to heed their recom-
mendations in tenure and promotion cases. Several members
have threatened to resign if the committee is not granted
more clout.
The Senate Advisory Review Committee (SARC) reviews
cases in which faculty members claim to be victims of
procedural injustices in either school or department. But sin-
ce its inception a decade ago, only one of eight SARC
decisions favoring the grievant has been implemented.
THE TWELVE-MEMBER committee, headed by Prof.
Frederick Bartman of the Engineering School, has reviewed
twelve cases.
The major obstacle confronting SARC is "the tremendous
feeling of autonomy in the schools and in the departments,"
according to Prof. Wilfred Kaplan of the Math Department
and president of University chapter of the American
Association of University Professors. "This makes it very
difficult for anyone to exert influence," he explained.
Several members of the committee have expressed disap-
pointment in the lack of influence SARC has had thus far.
PROF. JOSEPH BAUBLIS of the Medical School, who has
served on SARC for a year, said he is still optimistic about
the board's future, but added he would resign from the com-

'grievance board
airs its own gripes

mittee if he "felt our opinions were of no value."
"I guess I have an inclination that within a year, if I don't
see some indication . . . of an effort (on the part of the
University) to be aware of the recommendations SARC has
made ... I would figure there's not much point in my ser-
ving on the commmittee," Baublis said.
Committee member Prof. Lewis Cooper of the Music
School, said he may also leave SARC if conditions don't im-
"IF I COME to the conclusion that all this wofk is for
naught ... if I see that I'm just flushing all these reports
down the toilet, then I might seriously think of resigning
myself," Cooper said.
, SARC members yesterday slammed the slight influence

they have as a group among department heads and deans of
"None of the cases in which we have favored the grievant
have been listened to by the University. In cases in which we
favor the University, they listen very well," said SARC
member Robert Gray, a professor in the Public Health
"They (University officials) just say, 'Tough, we were
right in the first place,' " Cooper added.
TO COMBAT its weak status, SARC Members have con-
sidered various changes in the committee and its procedures.
According to Cooper, the group has rejected a plan calling
for binding arbitration between SARC and the University.
That idea was rejected "because it would need acceptance

of the total administration of the University," Cooper said.
COMMITTEE MEMBER James Wight also disapporved
of the suggestion to make SARC decisions binding for
University departments and colleges.
"If we do become more binding, the administration would
want a seat on the committee," heexplained.
Instead, SARC is considering a plan to exert pressure on
departments by mobilizing the faculty Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) and the Faculty
Senate Assembly to endorse SARC decisions.
KAPLAN DESCRIBED a plan outlined by Bartman at
Monday's Senate Assembly meeting, under which SARC
would ask those faculty groups to review decisions depar-
tments fail to implement.
"If the whole Assembly endorsed the verdict, it would be a
form of censuring the college that was not obeying," Kaplan
But Literary College Dean Billy Frye warned that pressure
by faculty groups would not be well-received.
Frye said in "cases pertaining to promotion and tenure, I
think it would be highly inappropriate for SARC, SACUA, or
anyone else to try to intrude or bring pressure to bear on the
units. To have it go beyond advice to actual coercion or
authority would be ill-advised," he added.
See BOARD, Page 2

U.S. calls for
in Indochina

THIS PHOTOGRAPH, released yesterday by the official Chinese news agency occupied by the armed Vietnamese personnel for, one year and was recovered by
Hsinhua, carried the following caption: "Chinese frontier guards keep constant Chinese frontier troops."
vigilance on the Tinghao Mountain, Chinghsi County, Kwangsi, which had been

S peedi
Students in Speech 427 were confused
this week by the incomplete ex-
planation for the reassignment of a
teaching assistant (TA) for the course.
Marion Kinney, the TA who had been'
teaching the course with Prof. Edgar
Willis, chairman of the Speech, Com-
munication, and Theater Department,
had refused since the beginning of the
term to follow course grading
guidelines established by Willis
because she disagreed with them. She
is presently awaiting probable assign-E
ment in the English Department.1
EARLIER THIS week, Willis told the
class only that "(Kinney) had been
assigned by the English Department to.
teach in the class and she was just

I TA puli
merely reassigned," according to
Jillayne Pautsch, a Litterary College
(LA) junior.
Yesterday, however, Willis ex-
plained, "Basically, she didn't want to
do what needed to be done in the course.
I asked that she be reassigned."
For each writing assignment, Willis
requires that the class be divided exac-
tly into top, middle, and bottom thirds.
All papers receive either a "1," "2," or
"3" according to their quality.
"THE NUMBERS are data which are
eventually used in grading," but are not
the sole criteria used to evaluate
students, Willis said. "For example, a
'1' doesn't necessarily mean an 'A'."
Tom Niemann, an LSA senior and
student in the class, said he dislikes the
system because it is confusing as well


from class

From Reuter and AP
States last night called for an im-
mediate cease-fire in Indochina and
suggested that Secretary-General Kurt
Waldheim undertake efforts to resolve
the causes of conflict.
Addressing the U.N. Security Council
as it began debate on the Southeast
Asia crisis, U.S. Ambassador Andrew
Young said China had no more right to
attack Vietnam than Vietnam had to
overrun Cambodia.
"IN BOTH CASES, the obligation of
China and Vietnam was to involve the
mechanisms for peaceful settlement
provided by the U.N. Charter," Young
"If we cut through the rhetoric,
propaganda, charges and counter-
charges of those involved," Young said,
"we are left with simple, but ominous
facts: over 100,000 Vietnamese troops
remain engaged in heavy fighting on
the territory of Cambodia, despite all
efforts of the international community
to bring an end to this conflict."
ON JAN. 15, the Security Council
voted 13 to 2 to call for the withdrawal
of foreign troops from Cambodia, but
one of the negative votes was that of the

Soviet Union. Its veto thus killed the
"And now we find thousands of
Chinese troops engaged in military ac-
tion on the territory of Vietnam,"
Young said.
"the blood of soldiers and innocent
civilians is being shed on all sides.
These actions have wide and dangerous
implications for the peace of Asia."
SPELLING OUT what the Council
now might do, Young said it should call
for an immediate cease-fire between
forces in conflict, withdrawal of all
foreign forces from Vietnam and Cam-
bodia and a commitment by all parties
to settle their differences by peaceful
Practical diplomatic processes to
that end should be initiated, he said.
The Council should call also for "in-
ternational efforts to assist the parties
in reaching a more lasting resolution to
their dispute, perhaps under the
auspices of the secretary-general.''
the United States welcomed
Waldheim's offer to make his good of-
fices available. "We believe that during
our discussions, the Council should ex-
See U.S., Page 2

as unfair, since it predetermines that
the students fall into three arbitrary
categories. "The grades don't mean
something specific, which is sort of
ambiguous, because at the same time,
they're supposed to mean something."
"Willis says 'The numbers don't
mean anything,' but how are you sup-
posed to take it if you get a three?"
Niemann asked.
NIEMANN explained that Kinney
" The convicted murderer of a
University custodial supervisor
on North Campus last September
was sentenced to 15-to-40 years in
prison yesterday. See story, Page
" A State Senate subcommittee
and the state Department of
Education held a public hearing
in town yesterday to discuss Gov.
Milliken's budget proposals for
the agency. See story, Page 3.
" Dorm residents will probably
vote in early April on whether
University food service should
boycott Nestles', Libby's, and
Campbell's products. See story,
Page 8-.
Read the Today
column, Page 3

refused to divide the class into equal
thirds. "Out of 25 papers, she was
maybe giving six '3s'," he said.
Kinney said she didn't agree with
Willis' evaluation system, and noted, "I
was well aware of the fact that if I
didn't conform to the system, I would
be released.
"The numbers do in fact have a direct
relation to the grades that the students
get; otherwise, (Willis) wouldn't be
See TA, Page 2

Marxists demand quick reforms,

State Senate to vote
on lenient pot bill

cha lenge
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Fift
thousand Marxist guerrillas demand
quick radical reforms in Iran yesterda
in a strong challenge to Ayatolla
Ruhollah Khomeini's revolutionar
Khomeini condemned the Fedayei
guerrillas as "communists ar
enemies of the revolution" in what-a
peared to be a complete break with tt
leftists after the two groups had foug
side by side to bring down Sha
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
THE MARXIST'S demands we:
made in a rally on the campus
Tehran University, ,a frequent stagii
area for bloody street protests th


ran7 s new government
eventually led to the end of the Pahlavi a theater fire that killed 337 persons last
monarchy. September in the southern city of
State Department spokesman Abadan was executed early Friday,
Thomas Reston announced in Iran's state radio reported.
Washington that the evacuation of
Americans fro an ha ende. He It said the captain, identified as Mir
said threw rany86aericasd.hriHhadbeen convicted- by an
said there were only 186 Americans -Islamic revolutionary court, and that
aboard a Boeing 747 charter flight he also was accused of killing three
Friday and a scheduled flight today young persons participating in an anti-
was canceled for lack of demand. i m nbn he b'c
sh*ahl deosrto beforeJZ the~J sh h'~01~1



A bill that would lighten the punish-
ment for private use and possession of
100 grams or less of marijuana has been
introduced in the Michigan Senate by
Sen. Jerome Hart (D-Saginaw). It
would not decriminalize pot.
Rhett Johnston, Hart's ad-
ministrative assistant, said he thought
the bill would have clear sailing in the
state Senate, but would face a rougher
time in the House.
THE BILL, introduced more than two
weeks ago, is similar to one defeated in
the House by one vote lash December.
Hart's bill, however, contains a new
section allowing 'marijuana use for
therapeutic purposes, and ups the
weight from one ounce to 100 grams.
nn hundrd crams is three-and-2-

MARIJUANA LAWS in this state are
under the Controlled Substances Act.
The new bill would amend sections of
the act dealing with marijuana and
change the penalties so that:
* Manufacture or delivery of less
than 100 grams, with remuneration,
would go from $2,000 and four years in
jail to $1,000 and one year in jail;
See MORE, Page 2

Some 4,000 Americans were
evacuated during the past week, and
about that many have chosen to
IN THE CASPIAN Sea city of Rud-
sar, a police captain accused of setting

Spokesperson for the Fedayeen said
the primary purpose of the rally was to
make Khomeini realize that "not all
Iranians want an orthodox Islamic

Police prol
From staff reports
Ann Arbor Police are investigating
the assault of a female resident near
Alice Lloyd Thursday evening.
As the woman approached the rear

)e slashing
tim as white males approximately six
feet tall, both wearing blue coats and
blue hats.
"To say the kind of crime that oc-
cured last night is infrequent is an un-
derstatement," said David Foulke,

January prices jump .9%;
purchasing power declines

WASHINGTON (AP) - Led by the
sharpest increase in food prices in nine
months the enst nf ilinci imnad

The January increase, also marked
by escalating prices for gasoline, cars,
mwada1 , r nd nin i nnan.

- ss.h,'

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