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February 23, 1979 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-02-23

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, February 23, 1979-Page 3


For love or money
Marty Britsch's. heart was in the right place, but his boss, the Ann
Arbor Transportation Authority (AATA) board, is not pining away for
their employee who has been suspended without pay for one week.
Britsch, an AATA bus driver, was disciplined because he offered free
bus rides to customers on Valentine's Day, despite the fact that this is
not permissible under the terms of his contract with the board. Love
was apparently not enough to keep Britsch, and the board, together.
No vacancy
In the wake of Wednesday night's dorm lottery many students were
perhaps saddened at being denied, at least temporarily, a spot at their
favorite accommodations. But one student was able to maintain her
composure following the confusion. She appeared at the Markley desk
and began frantically searching through a list of names of students
who had been reaccepted into that dorm. Her name was not among
those lucky returnees, probably because the list was only for returning
male residents. But when advised of her "mistake" the young woman
said,swith a smile, that she was aware of the sex of those residents on
the list.
A-V Services - Starphac; Five Minutes to Live, Aud. SPG II, 12:10
Mediatrics - Bahia, Nat. Sci. Aud., 7, 9 p.m.
Cinema Guild - The Philadelphia Story, Old Arch. Aud., 7,9:05 p.m.
Gargoyle Films - Zimmerman's From Here to Eternity, 100 Hut-
chins Hall, 7,9:15 p.m.
Ann Arbor Film Co-op - Anne Hall, 7, 10:20 p.m., Woody Allen
Retrospective, 8:40, Aud. 3 MLB.
Cinema II - Twentieth Century, 7, 10:20 p.m., Holiday, 8:40 p.m.,
Aud. A, Angell.
Guild House - Phyllis Ocker, Associate Director Women's
Athletics, "The State of Women's Athletics at the University of
Michigan," noon, Guild House, 802 Monroe.
Center for Western European Studies - Charles Tully, professor of
history and sociology, "Patterns of Conflict in Nineteenth Century
Britain and France," noon, Michigan League Conference rooms.
Psychology - Psychology Prof. Julian Rappaport and Ed Seidman,
University of Illinois, "The Search for Alternative Conceptions,
Methods, and Interventions," 4 p.m., 447 Mason Hall.
Wesley Foundation - Jay Goldfarb, "An Energy-sharing Introduc-
tion to T'ai C'hi, 7 p.m., Methodist Church, corner of State and Huron.
Saint Mary's Chapel - Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, auxiliary bishop
of Detroit, "The Meaning of Lent," 7:30 p.m., St. Mary's Student
Chapel, 331 Thompson, Sunday.
U.S. - China People's Friendship Association - Robert Williams,
former consultant in the Center for Chinese Studies, "Current Events
in China, 8 p.m., Michigan Union Conference Room.
National Alliance Against Racist and Political Represssion -
Forum on "Human Rights at Home: Repression of Labor in the United
States," Saturday, Feb. 24, 1-5 p.m., Angell Hall, Aud. B.
Men's Indoor Track - Wolverine Invitational: Track/Tennis
Building, preliminaries, 3 p.m., finals 6 p.m.
Residential College Players - Two original one-act plays, The
Babysitter, and The Six Page Play, 7:30 p.m., East Quad Half-Way
Inn, free admission.
Canterbury Loft - Stone, performed by the Radical Arts Troupe, 8
p.m., Canterbury Loft, 332 S. State St.
Williams Baroque Ensemble, Italian baroque chamber music, 8
p.m., St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, free admission.
The Ark - Michael Cooney, something for everyone, 9 p.m., $3.50.
Dance - Student Composition Showcase, Studio A, Dance Building
(behind-CCRB), 4:15 p.m.
Hillel - 6 p.m., orthodox minyan, Hillel, 1429 Hill St., 8 p.m., reform
minyan; 9 p.m., Jewish graduate students/singles, one shabbat and
informal discussion, "Being Single and Jewish," Hillel.
Cobblestone Farm Association and Cobblestone Country Dancers -
Fifth Anniversary Celebration of founding of the organization, 6:30
p.m., St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 306 N. Division.

Wesley Foundation - From these Roots, Pine Room, Methodist
Church, corner State and Huron, noon.
They're only human
While students are often warned about buying term papers, it seems
i professors are offered the same opportunity for scholarly enrichment.
The Society of American Law Teachers, according to the College
Press Service, has instituted an "Exam and Paper Exchange Ser-
vice" for its members. Professors can buy testing materials such as
take-home papers, projects, or drafting exercises from the society. So
if you're taking a class in Constitutional Law, Civil Procedures,
Criminal Law, or Evidence, Contracts, and Property, try calling a
professor at another school to see if he or she has an idea of what
might be asked on an upcoming exam.
Oln fthe jtvidi,

Plans for
Plans to build an experimental
greenhouse for use in therapy and
rehabilitation programs for the han-
dicapped were tabled last week by the
University Botanical Gardens
Executive Committee.
The structure, proposed for construc-
tion south of the Matthaei Botanical
Gardens greenhouses on Dixboro Rd.,
would provide all its own energy needs
for winter heating through a sytem of
heat pumps, windmills, and solar heat
the structure are tentative, Mary Man-
deville, director of the experimental
greenhouse project, said, "I am really
excited about the structure and I think
the University would really benefit
from it."
Plans for the structure are an
outgrowth of the University's Hor-
ticultural Therapy Project, a program
which assists groups and organizations
for the handicapped which utilize hor-
ticulture for therapy.
Among the devices incorporated into
the proposed structure are a computer
to regulate the operation of the win-
dmill, the heat pump, and the solar
energy collector, as well as special
insulation placed between the plants
and the greenhouse windows to reduce
heat loss at night.
Mandeville predicted that within 10
years, the existing greenhouses of the
botanical gardens would have to be
insulated in a similar manner.
BOTAN ICAL gardens administrators
have been trying to conserve energy in
the greenhouse, though the attempts
have been limited mostly to a
rearranging of plants in such a way that
the temperatures in some of the
greenhouses could be lowered.
Dr. William Benninghoff, director of
the botanical gardens, says that
heating the greenhouses for a single
winter is equivalent to heating 15 to 25
small houses.
At one time, according to Mandeville,
a plan to install energy conserving
devices on one of the existing
greenhouses was under consideration.
The plan also called for a measure of
savings of energy and money to see if
further installations would be warran-
ted. The plan, Mandeville said, fell
through. "Nobody's had the time to do
it," she commented.



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