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February 21, 1979 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1979-02-21

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na proposal circulates
WASHINGTON (AP) - The chair- a way acceptable to the people on both tity, the congressional sources said.
man of the House Foreign Affairs sides of the Taiwan strait. They said the Taiwan proposal wa
Committee is circulating a, China "ANY ARMED attack against written only after Zablocki consulte
proposal which declares that military Taiwan, or use of force to prevent with key members of the panel. As
or economic moves against Taiwan Taiwan from engaging in trade with result, it appears the major resistanc

The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, February 21,.1979-Page 7
Chinese invasion continues'I

(Continued from Page 1)


"would be of grave concern to the
United States."
The proposal - drafted by Rep.
Clement Zablocki (D-Wis.) - seems
certain to win the reluctant approval of
President' Carter if passed by the
' Congress. Congressional sources said
the idea already has been accepted by
the administration.
CARTER HAS said he would veto a
Taiwan bill if it jeopardized the
agreement under which the United
States has established diplomatic
relations with Peking.
The Zablocki draft proposal falls far
short of any explicit pledge of U.S.
Military assistance in the event of any
attack on Taiwan. Instead, it says:
"The future of Taiwan, including
issues relating to its autonomy, must be
determined through peaceful meansIn

other nations, would be a threat to the
peace and stability of the Western
Pacific area and of grave concern to the
United States."
It further pledges the United States to
provide defensive arms to Taiwan and
requires the President to promptly in-
form Congress of any danger, to U.S.
interests "arising from any threat to
the security of Taiwan.".
The security proposal is included in a
general China bill requested by Carter
to implement this country's new, less
formal relationship with Taiwan. Un-
der the new arrangement, the United
States would deal with{Taiwan through
a private American Institute.
Foreign Affairs Committee dislike the
name American Institute, the Zablocki
draft refers only to a "designated en-

to Carter's new China policy may be in
the Senate.
A much tougher Taiwan amendment
under consideration by the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee would
commit the United States to keeping
military forces near Taiwan to resist an
armed attack.
ADMINISTRATION sources have in-
dicated the Senate vertion would be
vetoed by Carter, in part because it is
modeled on the 1953 defense treaty with
Taiwan, which will be terminated un-
der the President's new China policy.
In the Senate, the issue also has been
complicated by the process by which
lawmakers are being asked to confirm'
the nomination of Leonard Woodcock as
ambassador to Peking.
Both the House and Senate commit-
tees are scheduled to begin work on the
Taiwan legislation today.

Khomeini denounees march by
anti-religious leftist guerrillas

Tehran's streets were quiet yester-
day - and schools reopened as
Khomeini's government continued to
consolidate its control. But new
political trouble loomed for the 78-year-
old leader of the year-long anti-shah
rebellion and his provisional gover-
nment under Prime Ministe Mehdi
MEANWHILE IN Washington, the
United States yesterday announced it
was temporarily closing down its con-
sulates in three Iranian cities due to the
dangerous situation there.
The State Department . said
operations were being suspended tem-
porarily in the Tabriz, Shiraz and
Isfahan consultates. But the embassy in
Tehran would remain open.
Spokesman Hodding Carter told
reporters it was "too dangerous for the
time being" to keep the consulates
THE PEOPLES Fedayeen guerrillas,
a Marxist group that lost hundreds of
fighters in years of struggle against the
shah, announced it would organize a
protest march tomorrow to dramatize
its demand for more participation in
the revolutionary regime.
Spokesmen for the guerrillas said
they would march, despite Khomeini s
ban on demonstrations. The holy man
himself had frequently ordered demon-
strations despite orders by the shah's
government to halt all but public
Khomeini said in a radio statement
last night that the planned march was
"anti-religious" and the work of com-
THE FEDAYEEN, an Arabic word
for "warriors," are believed to oppose

Khomeini's insistence that the new
government be basically "Islamic,"
although Khomeini has not defined
what he means by this.
A committee of the National Front
political coalition, whose members
make up much of Bazargan's cabinet,
issued an open letter urging that the
Fedayeen and leftist intellectuals get a
bigger role in the new regime.
Khomeini spokesmen said 17 mem-
bers of the shah's entourage escaped
from Morocco aboard the monarch's
personal Boeing 707 jet and turned the
plane over to Khomeini forces. It was
not clear whether that figure included
the three bodyguards who spoke with
reporters or not.
shah gave the entourage permission to
go back to Tehran, but informed sour-
ces said the crew took off on an osten-
sible training flight, apparently without
the shah's approval, and then left
Marrakech without a flight plan.
The bodyguards, whose names were
not revealed and who refused to be
photographed, told a news conference
that the shah is now guarded by several
thousand Moroccan troops and only,
four Iranian military officers, one of,
whom is currently hospitalized.
As an indication of the continuing
unrest that has plagued the country,
state radio announced that the
Mahabad military barracks along the
border between the provinces of Azer-
baijan and Kurdestan "fell to the
revolutionary forces of Khomeini
yesterday." The radio gave no details
of the fighting in the northwestern
IN A RADIO speech, Khomeini
vowed to continue his revolution until
"the hands of the United States, the
Soviet Union and Britain are out" of the

country. He warned , without
elaboration that "traitors are seeking
to demolish" the revolutionary
The new chief of'staff of the Iranian
armed forces, Gen. Mohammad
Gharani told newsmen that about half
the country's military men have retur-
ned to their barracks following mass
desertions during the revolution.
General Gharani indicated the
vulnerability of Iran's military
machine by saying the armed forces-
were not self-sufficient and needed
foreign technicians to service the vast
armory of sophisticated weapons
bought by the shah.
"FOR THE TIME being we are not
having anything to do with foreign
military advisers. It is up to the gover-
nment to settle their accounts. But the
fact remains that we do not have self-
sufficient armed forces. We need
foreign technical staff, especialy to
maintain aircraft," he said.
The Iranian armed forces are largely
U.S -equipped, but a large number of
'U.S. defense contract workers have
pulled out already and more are
leaving since evacuation was recom-
mended after last week's attack on the
U.S. Embassy in Tehran.
Fear that a reconstituted army might
stem the revolution haunts the left and
urban guerrillas have so far refused to
hand in their arms.
IN OTHER developments,
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, who
flew on a religious pilgrimage yester-
day to Mashhad, Iran's Holy City near
the northeastern border with the Soviet
Union, will travel on to Tabriz, a gover-
nment spokesman said.
The spokesman gave no reason for
Arafat's visit to Tabriz.
ARAFAT MONDAY inaugurated the
new , Palestinian Liberation
Organization(PLO) office in what was
formerly the Israeli commercial
mission in Tehran.
In 1974, Defense Secretary Robert
McNamara announced the closing of 95
military installations in 33 states and

REPORTS OF A withdrawal cen-
tered on what the dean of the
diplomatic corps in Peking, Am-
bassador Elie Boustany of Lebanon,
was told in a meeting with a Chinese
Deputy Foreign Minister Ho Ying.
The Chinese have not said when they
will pull their troops back across the
The Yugoslav news agency Tanjug,
quoting Chinese sources in Peking, said
the Chinese plan a withdrawal with no
pre-conditions. China will not link its
withdrawal with a pullout of Viet-
namese troops from Cambodia, the
sources reportedly said.
ally, has warned the Chinese to get out
of Vietnam "before it is too late."
President Carter, in a major foreign-
policy address in Atlanta, said yester-
day the United States had "consulted
directly with leaders around the world"
about the Vietnam situation. He ,was
believed to be referring to contacts'with
Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev and
China's Vice Premier Teng Hsiao-ping,
apparently made in an effort to head off
a confrontation between the two com
munist powers.
In New "York, U.N. officials continued
private consultations with represen-
tatives of the 15 nations on the Security
Council about a possible council
meeting to deal with the conflict. Such a
meeting was not expected until today at
the earliest.
army units on the Soviet border were
put on alert, from Sinkiang in the west
to Shenyang in the northeast, the
Japanese news service Kyoto reported.
It said the sources also reported that
Chinese civilians had been evacuated
from some sections of the Soviet bor-
The Soviet Union was reported Mon-
day to have canceled all military leaves
and put its military on alert.
open talks
WASHINGTON (AP) - Egypt and
Israel open another round of secret
peace negotiations today at snow-
covered Camp David, with prospects
for completing a Mideast peace treaty
complicated by recent events in Iran.
The shift of Iran from a somewhat
neutral observer to an ardent supporter
of the Palestinians and opponent of
Israel is likely to make Secretary of
State Cyrus Vance's job even more dif-
VANCE WILL JOIN Egyptian Prime
Minister Mustafa Khalil and Israeli
Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan at the
presidential retreat today after they
stay overnight in the isolated setting
that President Carter believes may
facilitate an agreement.
The Palestinian issue is the chief
stumbling block to completing the
treaty sketched out at Camp David last
September by Carter in a summit
meeting with Egyptian President An-
war Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister
Menachem Begin.
Egypt wants the treaty linked in clear
terms to self-rule for the 1.1 million
Palestinians living on the Israeli-held
West Bank of the Jordan River and in
the Gaza Strip.
OnG' the eve of the start of the new
talks, Egypt said the "situation in the
region is dangerously tense," and
urged the Israelis to realize that a com-
prehensive peace settlement is vital.

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CRAFTED., This means that
many of the operations are
done by' skilled hands, much
the same as they were over a
hundred years ago.

The intelligence sources in Bangkok
said the Chinese were on the move
again yesterday after a one-day stan-
dstill to replaze front-line units with
fresh troops.
reported from Hanoi that units of two
Chinese divisions fighting at the
western end of the border had captured
Lao Cai behind a punishing artillery
Lao Cai, a town of 70,000 or more, is
on the Red River, astride the railroad
linking Hanoi with Kunming, China.
Thai intelligence sources said Viet-
namese resistance elsewhere in Muong
Khuong Province, which includes Lao
Cai, was so intense that some Chinese
units had to pull back and regroup.
700 Chinese had been killed in the
fighting for Lao Cai, and 400 elsewhere
in, the province.
The Chinese government said it laun-
ched the invasion Saturday as a "coun-
ter-attack" to put a stop to what it said
were Vietnamese border provacations.
There was speculation the Chinese also
wanted to ease the pressure on their
Cambodian allies by drawing Viet-
namese army units to the northern
frontier and away from Cambodia.

A Vietnamese invasion force -last
month ousted the pro-Chinese Cam-
bodian government of Pol Pot, whose
troops now are fighting a guerrilla war
in the Cambodian countryside.
Vietnamese-Chinese hostility also-
has heightened in the past year because
of Hanoi's alleged mistreatment of
Vietnam's Chinese minority, and
because of Vietnam's new alliance with
the Soviet Union, which China views as
its greatest foe.
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Carter, in Atlanta,
hard- sells SALT II


(Continued from Page 1)
first time allow the Soviets and the
United States to have equal numbers of
strategic weapons. This would erase
the nunerical advantage given the
Soviets in the SALT I pact signed in
The President said the effect of the
new treaty would be to require the
Soviets to cut their missile and bomber
numbers by more than 250, or 10 per
cent, while allowing the United States
to "substantially increase" strategic

agreement, the Soviet Union could have
nearly one-third more strategic forces
by 1985 than with SALT II," Carter
e He said the pact will "specifically
forbid interference" with U.S. efforts to
verify compliance.
The President began the day by wit-
nessing the unveiling of a portrait of
himself at the Georgia state Senate,
where he once was a member.


A Workshop to
Protect Your Rights
"Student's Rights and the FBl"
Barb Kessler, Molly Reno
Attorneys; Student Legal Services
"On Organizing Against Harassment"
Kate Rubin
Vice President, Michigan Student Assembly

St. Mary's Student Chapel
"From Ashes to Liberation"
0 Lenten Lecture Series
Sun. Feb. 25-7:30 pm: Bishop Thomas
"The Meaning of Lent"
Sun. Mar. 18-7:30 pm; Dr. William Stringfellow
"Sensitizing Ourselves to Need:
the Meaning of Fasting"
Sun. Mar. 25-7:30 pm: Dr. Elisabeth
''Responding to Need: Sin and Conversion"

He was in his twenties.
So was she.
Both were Catholic, unmarried,
prayerful, creative.
Both cared about people
and cared for them.
How come he never thought
of the priesthood?
Howcome she never thought
of being a nun?
"No one ever asked me',
they said.
is this your story?
No one ever asked you?
Well, we're asking.
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