Page 6-Wednesday, February 21, 1979-The Michigan Daily UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES FOUND: Yellow spiral MEAD notebook on S. Division. No name, notes are from women's history class. 995-4889 around 62p.m. dA222 REWARD for return of 24' gold chain, tremendous SaING ruuM in large nouse sublet trom May Public Lecture, "ASSIMILATION AND AMERICAN till August, close to Arb and CCRB, parking and JEWRY." Professor Gartner, Tel-Aviv University, use of full kitchen. Price negotiable. Call: 662- Thursday, Feb. 22, 8 p.m. Hillel Foundation, 1429 9807. dC221 Hill Street. Sponsored by Hillel Foundation and Words 0-14 15-21 22-28 29-35 36-42 43-49 1 1.70 2.55 3.40 425 5.10 6.80 2 3.40 5.10 6.80 8.50 10.20 11 .90 3 4 60 6.90 9.20 11 .50 13.80 16.10 4 5.80 8.70 11.60 14..50 1 7.40 20.30 5 add. USED IBM electric typewriter. Just cleaned and in good condition. $275.Suzy-665-6212. 24£3224 FOR SALE-1975 VW van. Motor needs work. Best offer. Call 1-345-3343. 25B228 WATERBEDS ARE BEDDER from A New Dawning .Water Bedrooms. Visit our newly expanded location at 213 S. Fourth Ave. Between Liberty and Wash- ington. 665-0386. cBtc FOR THE BEST IN WATER BEDS rememoer to come see Waterworks Waterbeds at 3066 Packard near Platt. 971-1355. , eBtc IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY One bedroom and two bedroom apts. Now available. Furnished. Includes heat, water and parking. Across from U of M Stadium. 2 blocks from campus bus stop. Sans Souci Apts., 1036 S. Main. 994-3955. cCtc ''Distinctive Living' with MODERN APARTMENTS Now accepting applications for Fall 79 rental Featuring * On & Off Campus Locations * Security Systems * Furnished * Heat & Water Paid * Air Conditioned * Disposals * Laundry Room "Storage ' Balcony" * Parking For best selection/call now !! 668-6906 663-3641 _erte Program in Judaic Studies, Univ. of Mich. cF222 7.00 10.50 14.00 17.50 21 .00 24.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 AVAILABLE NOW-Furnished bedroom in friendly house. Great location-across from Campus Cor- ners: $90/month. Call Ron after 4 p.m., 662-0397. 20C223 TAKE OVER LEASE in townhouse starting in May. Live rent free._Call 995-4384, Keith. 15C224 THREE MALES WANTED for co-ed, cooperative, nonsmoking house for fall. Double and single, less than $110/month. Close to campus, appliances, fire- place. Eileen or Carol, 668-8631. Spring/Summer sublet also. dC225 McKINLEY STREET Furnished 7 bedroom house, available June 1. Eleven month lease, no pets. $1000 plus utilities. 663-5609. cCtc HENRY STREET unfurnished 3 bedroom apart ment, available May 1. Year lease, no pets. $400. Call663-5609 before 5 p.m. cCtc Immediate 31 room, furnished apartment, opposite Rackham. Parking. $280, utilities included. 1-697- 8981. 12C226 LIBERTY STREET *Furnished 5 and 6 bedroom apartments. Available May 1. Year lease-no pets. Call 663-5609 before 5p.M. cCtc * ARCH STREET Furnished 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Available May 1. Year lease-no pets. Call 663-5609 before 5 p.m. Ctc FALL OCCUPANCY Modern two bedroom furnished apts. 2 blocks from Diag. Parking. Also 1 & 2 man furnished apts. in older Campus Homes. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. . 335 E. Huron 663-4101 - cCtc GEDDES OBSERVATORY AREA Two bedroom modern furnished apts. for fatl, parking, separate kitchen, laundry facilities. Campus Management, Inc. 663-4101 FALL 1979 CAMPUS We are currently leasing efficiencies, 1 & 2 bed- room modern, furnished apartments for next fall. Stop by or call Dahimann Apartments, 543 Church,' 761-7600. Daily 9-5. eCtc MODERN MANAGE MENT OFFERS "Distinctive Living" Clean, well managed apartments in modern build- ings and houses with character located on & off campus. Furnished/Semi-furnished/ Un-furnished, Now Leasing for Fall 79 ,668-6906 663-3641 WHAT ARE YOU DOING TONIGHT? Meet us at THE SYMPOSIUM ON HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE USSR, 7:30. Rackham Amphitheatre. THEME-The Soviet Perspective on Dissent. 53F221 This game needs to be checked out-Last year over 25,000 billiard games were played at the Union. Open 10 a m.cF221 pee Rea din earn p reading/study skills. Regis ation Wed. & Thurs., Feb. 21 & 22. UM Reading Center, 764-9481. 78F222 TOMORROW, Saturday, Feb. 25, Ann Roth will explain her preparation of a screen and the loom and demonstrate silk screening on a warp, at the Wild Weft (415 N. 5th Ave., in Kerrytown I1). Call 761-2466 for further information. cF224 COPIES: 31,,z each, overnight. Lowest Prices! Fastest Service! Accu-Copy, 524 E. William, 769-8338 cFtc MAKE LOVE! -NOT WAR It's good for our business) Austin Diamond 1209 S. University 663-7151 Specializing inwcustom engagement & wedding rings cFtc OFFSET AND XEROX FAST LOW COST DUPLICATING COPYQUICK-769-0560 1217 S. University cFtc A JEW SPEAKS OUT AN EVENING WITH MEIR (MICHEL) ABEHSERA (An author of the best seller microbiotics cooking books) Come and hear a thirty year odyssey spanning three continents, from the mystics of Morroco, the Sorbonne in Paris, despair in America. From Zen to Chasidus, Meir Abehsera is a true light to every thir- sting and want-filled soul. COME AND EXPERIENCE ABEHSERA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1979 MICHIGAN UNION PENDLETON ROOM 8:00 p.m. DIAL 99 LEARN or 769-3078 cF22l INVESTOR WILL PAY $200 reward for information leading to purchase of house or apartment building on or near campus. 995-0335. cFtc WHAT IF SOMEBODY asks you about bowling at the Union, what will you say? cF223 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 .34 .33 .31 .30 28 .27 .26 ..24 .23 .31 .30 28 27 .25 26. 27 .26 .24 23 21 .20 6 9 12 15 2.10 2.05 2.00 1.95 1.90 1,85 1.80 1 75 1.65 1.60 1 55 1 .50 18 1.90 1.70 1.45 over 18 1.80 1.65 1.40 24 18 23 .22 17 .16 DAILY LINE CONTRACT N.B:. Each group of characters counts as one word. Hyphenated words over 5.characters count as two words (this includes telephone numbers) 8 lines equals 1 inch, 7 words per line Number of Weeks line/week 13 26 39 Number of Weeks inches/week 13 26 39 TRAINING INTERVIEWERS Full or part time, no experience needed. Pick your own daily hours, 25-40 hrs. weekly. First raise after80 hrs. with good bonus plan. Short training program for door interviews. No selling guaran- teed. Salary plus bonus to good producers. Testing applicants now. If 18 yrs. or older, apply in person. R.L. Polk and Co., 201 S. Main, Rm. 408, Ann Arbor. Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F. 85H227 TYPISTS The Word Processors, a professional commercial service has full/part-time positions open. Skills required are minimum 65 wpm and background in at least one of the following: transcription, type- setting, or computerized word processing equip- ment. Pleasant working environment, pay com- mensurate with skills and experience. Call Suzanne, 662-3969. cHtc LICENSED NURSES DENTIST WANTED-Full time salaried position. Model Cities Dental Clinic. Please pick up appli- cation at office, 2nd floor, 704 Spring, Ann Arbor. 96H221 WA NTED TO BUY | WANTED TO BUY: Folk guitar, $50 or less. Call 995- 0209. 11K222 I am interested in buying GOOD used drafting materials and instruments. Call persistently 662- 5111. dK224 BUSINESS SERVICES PROFESSIONAL TYPI1NG and WORDPROCESSING The WORDPROCESSORS. We specialize in dissertations, manuscripts, resumes, legal and term papers. Rackham quality guaran- ieed. Also copying, printing and binding, open 7 days. .211 5. State St. 662-396w c.Jtc FOR SALE-1967 Chevelle. $250. Call Sandra, 662- 6346. 08N221 '69 Volkswagon Van. New battery, brakes. No heat, 764-1618 early mornings or late nights. 05N223 ROOMMATES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY-A spot for female in luxurious 4 person Maize and Blue apt. Campus location. Dishwasher, laundry. air. $115. 995-5132. 18Y225 FEMALE, GRADUATE STUDENT (non-smoker) needed to share modern 2 bedroom apartment located on Geddes. Call 994-0485 (Barb). 14Y222 Female Roommate Needed-Nonsmoker, Quiet, Own Room. $125 plus utilities. 665-7294 after 7p.m. 04Y225 One bedroom available in male apt. HERITAGE HOUSE. Carpeted, AC, balconies, lots of room. Call Jonathan or Randy at 995-3981. dY222 MAN OR WOMAN roommate needed. Own room at Packard & Cross. $130/mo. 665-7292 evenings. .p28Y220 MAN OR WOMAN roommate wanted. Own room at Packard & Cross. $130/mo. 665-7292 evenings. p28Y220 SUBLET-As close to campus as they come, for two people, male or female, one with fall option. Call 665-9524. dU309 OWN ROOM in nice 2 bedroom apartment avail- able now for quiet, non-smoking female. Call 995- 3193. p07U221 FALL OCCUPANCY Need 3 to 4 women to fill beautiful 6 bedroom house with washer and dryer and two baths., Excellent location, great rent. Isn't it amazing? Call 995-0925. 73U225 MAY-AUG. 2 Bed. Apt./ Air Con./ LAND FAC/ Excel local. Also Avail.-RMS. in Beaut. 6 Bed. hs. w/2 Baths. Excel.local. Call 995-0925. 71U222 .2 OR 3 BEDROOM apartment, furnished, parking and laundry -facilities. Rent negotiable. 995-9452 89U221 iLPETS A ND SUPPLIES AKC NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND PUPS. Good watch dogs, good with children, loving disposition. Call 483-5973 evenings, before 11 dT MUSICL MDSE., R ADIOS, RE P AIRS WANTED-Used Gibson, Martin, Fender, etc., etc. Guitars, and Gibson Mandolins. All in any condition. Immediate cash paid. 1-851-8570 any time, 1-546- 6446 days. dX309 I4: M; Fall 1979 4 and 5 Bedroom Apartments Newly remodeled apartments in Centennial House. Tastefully decorated with new furniture, drapes,- carpet, dishwasher, disposal, and air-conditioners. 6 bedroom apartment currently being renovated, will offer same features. For more information: Campus Rentals 1335S. University 665-8825 eCtc BROALDVIEW APARTM ENTS NEAR NORTH CAMPUS-Immediate occupancy. 1Ibedroom, $270/ .mos. No pets. 769-2256. 32C221 RN-LPN KELLY / i THE SECRETARIAT THE MOST COMFORTABLE chairs in the Union are at U-M Stylists on the ground floor. Open 8:30a.m. Mon.-Sat. cF222 HEY YOU-- You-a know we-a still gotta Jolen here-a, in case-a anybody still-a care. We-a gotta her-a hostage, and we ain't-a heard-a yetra from-a nobody. Any- body wanna pay to getta Jolen back? Contact Box-a Numero Uno at the Daily. Don Vito dF223 _ - HEALTH CARE Academ ic W riting Has varied assignments available, all shifts, full Sharper your overall writing skills. Registration and part-time. To enhance your career, please call: Wed. & Thurs., Feb. 21 & 22. UM Reading Center, 973-9010. p75H224 764-9481. 76F222 - ---------- ----- Term Papers, Theses & Dissertations Typing, Copying & Binding 812 South State Street 994-3594 9-4 Mon.-Sat.- cJtc STEREO RECEIVER Kenwood 5400, 35 watts/channel, mint condition. Must sell. $160-great deal. List price over $300. Bob, 769-2336 dX223 GUITAR-OVATION 6 string, excellent condition. $200. Call 481-0856, evenings. 92X222 JEWISH Graduate Students/Singles Oneg Shabbat informal discussion on "BEING SINGLE AND JEWISH." Friday, Feb. 23, 9:00 p.m., Hillel Foun- dation, 1429 Hill Street. Refreshments provided. cF223 I Research Paper Writing Improve your term paper writing skills. Registra- tion Wed. & Thurs., Feb. 21 & 22. UM Reading Center.764-9481. 77F222 PRIMAL/FEELING THERAPY - The Personal Growth Center, 403 Miller,971-0102. cFtc COUNSELORS ASSOCIATION OF INDEPENDENT CAMPS seeks qualified counselors for 90 member camps located N. Eastern U.S. July and August. Cdntact: Association of Independent Camps, 55 West 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10036 (212) 736- 6595. p54H502 OVERSEAS JOBS-Summer/full time. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, $500- 1200 monthly, expenses paid, sightseeing. Free info.- Write: International Job Center WRITING SERVICES. Creative, Technical, Editing, Research, Typing. Experienced Professional. 996- 0566. cJt TYPING/BINDING " Dissertations " Theses/Term papers " Business/Letters/Resumes " Legal SPRING BREAK-Going away? Call Merry Pop- Ins, Inc. (Professional House Watchers) to care DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trude Jaffe @ fl7h Lms Auuels. T~. uIes M Judie Birdsall 612'S. Forest RIDE NEEDED to Mardi Gras, Feb. 23. Free Big Mac on us! 995-4977. 87G217 DAILY REPORTER needs a ride to Missouri to cover a story during spring break. Headed for Springfield area, but K.C., St. Louis, even Little Rock will do. Will share $. Please call Joshua Peck at 663-7981 or 76-DAILY. dGtc Box 4490-13Nre yC v.474 Berkeley, Calif. 94704 665-9843 Suite B cJtc 60H228 ACROSS 1 Simplest ,x elements 5 Expert 10 Syrian city 14 Scene of Samson's exploit with the jawbone of an ass 15 ; acid 16 Important Swedish canal 17 In the twinkling eye 18 Key crewmen 20 - polloi 21 Letters 22 Old Norse poems 23 On the beach 25 Launch 27 Final 28 Socrates' scolding wife 32 Gambol 34 Bout, as in boxing 35 Old musical note 36 English elevator 37 River of Spain and Portugal 38 Literary collections 39 Danish county 40 Minerva's shield 41 Well-known labor name. 42 City of roses 44 Roll, as a flag 45 town 46 Italian rice dish ; 49 One of the Strauses 52 Tuning implement 53 Mississippi food ; product 54 Practice of diffi- cult horsemanship; 57 Poilu's dugout 58 In the matter of: Lat.; 59 Less common 60 Nearly: Colloq. ; 61 Pindaric forms ; 62 Faulty 63 Alliance of powers, 1936-45 19 Sister of Euterpe 21 Evening 24 Hop kiln 25 Places to wash 26 Aware of: Slang 28 City near Dayton 29 Hockey player's punishment 30 Design 31 Untroubled 32 Part of a pocket 33 "Green Mansions" girl 34 In hoc-vinces 37 Athletic gathering 38 Of aircraft 40 Worship 41 Basis of many perfumes 43 Marbles 44 Stokers 46 Stage parts 47 Ankles: Anat. 48 Leaves out 49 Where Sandusky is 50 Grit 51 City on the Honshu coast 52 "- 'm to be Queen'o the May..." 55 Historic period 56 Machine part 57 Eucharistic vessel ATTENTION MUSICIANS Forming a serious band of players with a profes- sional attitude. Needed: lead guitar, bass/rhythm guitar, keyboards, percussionist. Call Tom at 662- 0299. 69H222 30 SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE-RESORT NEAR LAKE MICHIGAN. JUNE 1-LABOR DAY. SEND SELF-ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPE TO: Mary C. Ott Sunnybrook Resort South Haven, MI 49090 (616) 637-6596 LOW COST TRAVEL TO ISRAEL. Toll Free 800- 223-7676,9a.m.-6 p.m. N.Y. time. p59P223 QUADRAPLEGIC from Ireland, planning to visit Boston New York, Washington, D.C., possibly California, seeks companion for part or all of trip. Contact Disabled Student Services, 76:3-:000. p84P29 LOW COST TRAVEL to Israel. Toll-free 800-223- 7676,9 a.m.-6 p.m.;N.Y. time. p59P22- FREE! Performances of original plays by RC faculty and students. Thursday and Friday in the Halfway Inni (East Quad) at 7:30. Premiere per- formances of THE BABYSITTER AND THE SIX PAGE PLAY. 16M223 T ICK ETS NOTRE DAME-UM Basketball (March 4) tickets for sale, $2. Mike, 663-3011. 19Q302 Daily Class ifi eds Bring Results 1 2 3. 4: 5: 6 7 8 9 10 DOWN Word of farewell Obscure Skiers' conveniences Misdemeanor Not here Was very fond of (with "on") Does wrong Devout: Sp. Sound of surprise Guinea pig's BABYSITTER in my home. Midnight shift-Arrow- wood off Pontiac Trail. 22225 WANTED-SUBJECTS to do perception test, very flexible hours, the pay is $2.50/hr. If interested call Don at 763-1143 between 1-5 p.m. 1711222 Substitute teachers needed. Previous experience with children desired. Perry Nursery School, 1541 Washtenaw. 662-5591. 10H224 LIGHT~HOUSEKEEPING--Professor's house. walking distance from campus, 5-6 hours week, $3/hr., prefer long-term arrangement. 769-3027, 764- 6435. 01H224 BA/MA in education, English, linguistics or equivalent to work in study of children's writing. 20 hrs/wk. (6-10 weeks). Bob Matz. 485-2000 09H222 PIZZA DELIVERY DRIVERS Must be 18, no car necessary-part or full time, start immediately. Apply in person only, after 4:30 p.m. OMEGA PIZZA, 101 Washtenaw Place, across from Couzens dorm. 0611301 Good pay for dependable person (w/car) to delivgr the MICHIGAN DAILY 6 mornings a week on N. Campus for Winter Term. N. Campus-area resident preferred, but not essential. No collecting. 764-0558. dHtc THE MICHIGAN DAILY is accepting applications for carrier routes. Good pay. 6 mornings/week. Bonus for supplements and no collecting. Call 764- 0558. dHtc CUSTODIAN NEEDED-University Reformed Church, 1001 E. Huron, 15 hours a week. Flexible hours in friendly environment. Basic janitorial and maintenance skills required. Call 662-3153. cHtc CAMP TAMARACK interviewing February 27, Summer Placement, 763-4117. 94H225 COUNSELORS: CAMP WAZIYATAH FOR GIRLS HARRISON, MAINE OPENINGS: Tennis (varsity or skilled players): Swimming (WSJ), Boating, Canoeing, Sailing; Waterskiing; Gymnastics; Archery; Team Sports; Arts & Crafts; Pioneering & Trips; Photography for Yearbook; Secretary; Season: June20 to August 21. Write (ENCLOSE DETAILS AS TO YOUR SKILLS, ETC.) Director, Box 153, Great Neck, N. Y. 11022. 't'elephone: 516-4323. Faculty Inquiries Invited re SUPERVISORY Positions p50H508. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE "Maybe it will goaway" relativev 11 Financial transaction 12 To be: Fr. 13 Go by 5' 7 iT- -""i- 12 17 I', Lt-LI 2 273 33 37 40 r" 1 The five most dangerous words in the English language. A tv'~r ia n 'rr Sc.Vint- 1? I34 AIL EHV E Et K EFR 41$ +I + i -1' ' bond