ANTI-NUKE GIFTS See Editorial Page (jib LIEP i1 MELTING. *High -360 Low -- Mid.20s to low 30s See Today for details Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom "Vol. LXXXIX, No. 119 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 21, 1979 t Ten Cents Ton Pnnahc . Cart~er warns,'SAL TI is necessary .. i 7 70~ V due to tense world situation ATLANTA (AP) - President Carter said yesterday that the turmoil in Iran and Southeast Asia demonstrates dramatically the need for a new U.S.- Soviet arms treaty, and vowed he will not let peripheral issues stand in the away of agreement on the pact. In a major pitch for the nearly com- plete Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, Carter again cautioned the Russians against meddling in Iran's in- ternal strife or taking actions that would widen the conflict between China and Vietnam. However, the President stressed that he will press for agreement on the new arms pact .-SALT II - despite these trouble .spots. "IT IS IN OUR national interest to pursue it even as we continue com- petition with the Soviet Union elsewhere in the world," Carter told a friendly audience at the Georgia In- stitute of Technology in his home state. In. a speech billed in advance by presidential aides as a major foreign policy address, Carter repeatedly and strongly rejected demands by conser- vatives for a foreign policy that would link progress on arms negotiations with the Soviet Union's conduct around the world. bulence in Iran, Southeast Asia and elsewhere increase rather than diminish the need for an arms agreement. At the same time, he said,, direct or indirect Russian interference- 'it is in our national interest to pursue (SALT II) even as we continue corn- petition with the. Soviet Union elsewhere in the world.' -President Carter intervention on behalf of their Viet- namese allies, might have "unforeseen and grave consequences for nations in the region and also beyond." The President reiterated, however, that the United States won't intervene in Iran or in "conflicts between Asian communist nations" in Southeast Asia. Carter was dressed in academic robes as he received Georgia Tech's first honorary doctor of engineering degree. He said the globe "is still a world of danger ... of change and tur- bulence" today as it was in 1942 when he attended the institution for a year. THE PRESIDENT ,said agreement has been, reached on most of' he com- ponents of the SALT II treaty, but gave no indication when the pact might be signed. The Soviets puat off a treaty- signing summit scheduled for last mon- th after Carter extended diplomatic' recognition to China. The arms talks have been in limbo since then. Confirming earlier reports, Carter said the emerging treaty would for the And he told the audience of some 7,000 persons that the emerging SALT II ac- cord "will make the world safer and more secure" "THEREFORE, I will seek both to conclude this new SALT agreement and to respond to any Soviet behavior which adversely affects 'our interests," he said. Carter said disturbances and tur- in Iran "will have serious consequences and will affect our broader relationship with them." The President also said the United States is continuing to express "deep concern" over Vietnam's incursion into Cambodia and China's punitive in- vasion of Vietnam. CARTER SAID any widening of that conflict, which could result from Soviet AP Photo Carter, War continuies on Chi na-Vietnam border Executions Continue mian By AP and Reuter TEHRAN-Four more pro-shah generals were executed in Tehran yesterday and the country's new military chief said the purge of monar- chist officers h~ad not ended. Meanwhile,~ in an Atlanta speech, President Carter warned the Soviet Union that any interf~rence in Iran "will have serious consequences and affect our broader relations with them." IRAN'S FOREIGN Ministry officials issued a statement yesterday vowing to hound exiled Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi until he can be brought back to Iran for trial. The Tehran newspaper *Ettelaat reported a committee had been formed to kidnap the exiled monarch. Khomeini aides brought out three men they said were the shah's ex- bodyguards-who told reporters they were willing to help in the abduction. The shah has been in Morocco since shortly after leaving Iran Jan. 16. THE FOUR GENERALS were executed by firing squad at 2 a.m. on the roof of 'Khomeini's headquarters, five days after four other generals were shot. Those executed yesterday were Gen.. Parvis Amin Afshar, the former commander of the shah's elite Imperial Guard; Brig. ,Gen. Maunuchehr Malek, the infantry commander in iQazvin; Gen. Nematullah Motamadi, military governor, of Qazvin, and Gen. Hossein Hamadanjan, chief of the SAVAK secret police in Kermanshah. When asked if more executions were . to come, a Khomeini aide said that the shah's political .opposition has estimated that 65,000 people were killed in the past 25 years of his rule and they "4were not killed by just eight men. All the others responsible will also be punished." At least 15 other persons are believed to be under death sentences. See KHOMEINI, Page 7 Casualty figures high By AP and Reuter, Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG As a result of the turmoil in Iran, mail service between the United States and that country has- been suspended, demon- strated by this sign in the Nickel's Arcade post office. 'U' Cellar employees fight back BANGKOK-Both China and Vietnam said yesterday their forces were still battling one another four days after Peking laun- ched its big attack on Vietnamese territory 'near their common border. The Vietnamese said Chinese troops had occupied many districts in the frontier areas of northern Vietnam but that 1,50 Chinese had been killed Monday alone. CHINA SAID ITS men were "continuing to hit back at Viet- namese aggressor troops" and it denied that its forces were with- drawing to the frontier. It gave no casualty figures. Vietnamese emb assy sources in Peking said Hanoi's forces: had laun-gi ched a counter-offensive with air 'at- tacks destroyinig the Chinese "in- C o .t e frastructure." .Striking behind a heavy. artillery rgCieetop atrdte t r t s h big Vietnamese border town of Lao Cai yesterday, but Vietnamese defenders routed some Chinese units elsewhere in invasion 01 the mountainous border country, ac- ' cording to reports in Bangkok and Hanoi. Vi etnam THE SOVIET news agency Tass, in a dispatch from Hanoi, reported the fall of Lao Cai, 175 miles northwest of thed Vietnamese capital. By GREG GALLOPOULOSn Thai intelligence sources in Bangkok A group of University students and said the Chinese had thrust as far as 10 local residents, calling themselves the miles into Vietnam, four miles beyond "Ad Hoc Committee for Peace in Viet- their deepest penetration reported~ nam," held a meeting at the Michigan Monday. Vietnam's U.N. ambassador union last night to organize protest of said in New York the invaders had ad- the Chinese invasion of Vietnam.' vanced 12 miles into Vietnam. The meeting, which was attended by Hanoi claimed Peking's troops were about a dozen persons, centered on the resorting to chemical welfare, firing preparation of a formal statement of shells filled with "toxic substances.' protest to be made by the group in an VIETNAMESE U.N. Ambassador Ha open letter to President Carter. Van Lau said Hanoi's forces had killed 5,000 Chinese soldiers in the first three AFTER considerable debate, during days of the four-day-old invasion, in- which several participants attempted' cluding 1,500 killed in heavy fighting to broaden the protest to include a Monday. general condemnation of "U.S. and Vietnam has not reported its own Soviet imperialism in Southeast Asia," casualties, but the Thai sources said the group voted to adopt, three basic Vietnam has suffered more casualtiesstemnsc prigispoto. than the Chinese. Both casualty figures stemnsc prigispoto. and battle reports have been difficult to In these statements, the group calls verify independently. for the "immediate, unconditional As battles raged 'along the. 450-mile withdrawal of Chinese troops from Chinese-Vietnamese frontier, there was Southeast Asia," demands that the a flurry of reports that the Chinese United States "immediately normalize were withdrawing or. about to with- relations with Vietnam and carry draw. But the Peking news agency through the terms' of the Paris Peace Hsinhua confirmed that Chinese troops Agreement," and states that "no nation were "continuing to hit back" at the has the riglt to use punishment as an Vietnamese yesterday. ecs owg a. See CHINA, Page 7 By RON GIFFORD The controversy over the proposed restructuring of the University Cellar B~ookstore continued this week as Cellar workers conducted a "sick-in" on Mon- day and met with members of the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) last night to discuss the planned changes. Last Friday the store management posted a notice outlining a new super- visory structure ibi the store that has been approved by the Cellar's Board of Directors. Under the new plan, two assistant managers would be added to the present system of one store manager and one assistant, and super- visors would be appointed to run each department in the stor'e. TO PROTEST the proposed struc- ture, 31 of the employees called in sick Monday, stricken with "Cellar flu." Tudor Bradley, the store manager, said that about 30 employees showed up,, but. according to Fred Chase, an employee in book buy-back, few of the depar- tments were filled with. regular em- ployees. "There was no one at the warehouse, and there wer~e no regularly scheduled employees in the stock, trade, cashier, and desk departments of the store," he said.' Last night about ten employees ad- dressed MSA to seek their support in the issue. Spoke~woman Deborah Filler told the assembly that the "issue was crucial to all employees at the Cellar," and it was "very important the board votes to delay implementation of the structure until the contract could be negotiated." AFTER EXTENSIVE discussion with board president Larry Pulkownik and several of the employees, MSA member Jim Sullivan read a resolution Wedn eday- *AFL-CIO President George Meany says he won't retire. Meany also announced plans to watchdog companies to, make sure they are complying with Carter's anti-inflation guidelines., For the story see page 2. 0 The traditional Mardi Gras festival could be cancelled if a strike continues by New Orleans police. The business usually generated by the tourists is already suffering. For the story see page 5. " The House Foreign Affairs Committee drafted a proposal urging the board to delay the policy im- plementation until the union could negotiate- the issue with the management. MSA passed this resolution. The workers claim these new super-' visory positions will take away their in- put into the decision-making at the store,. Currently each department is run on a collective basis, with all the depar- tment employees involved in the decisions made. This ability to affect the day-to-day operations of the store, as well as the long-range planning, has made the Cellar a unique place to work, accor- ding to the employees. The new plan would "make the store just like Kresge's or any other retail place," said one worker. BRADLEY DOESN'T think the new structure will undermine the workers' .. See 'U', Page 10 k MSA hears 'U' Cellar employees' complaints Experimential courses reviewed By JULIE ENGEBRECHT At last night's Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) meeting, University Cellar employees presented 'the Assembly with a discussion of problems workers have had in the last week with management policy decisions. Larry Pulkownik and Nelson Jacob- son - MSA-appointed students .on the Cellar Board of Directors .- were Se~ral school and college gover- nment representatives were also present at the meeting. Larry Tolley, president of Rackham Student Gover- nment (R-SG) discussed with the Assembly several issues of concern to graduate students.. Decreased aid to students, and in- creased tuition costs are very impor- tant to the students, Tolley said. He also brought up the issue of increased costs By JOHN SINKEVIC~S Although the Literary College's (LSA) Curriculum Committee has been discussing the status of experiential learning courses for several months, only yesterday did the group formally vote on some of the major issues related to' these courses. However, whether the committee decides to drop credit for some of these courses com- pletely is an issue which is yet to be decided. rather than through traditional classroom instruction.. THE COMMITTEE also passed a motion by Associate Prof. Sharon Her-. bert to remove Social Science distribution credit for Project Outreach and instead, move it to a "not excluded' category. This category would restrict students to using Project Outreach courses to "fill up" holes in their distribution requirements rather than being here, they hope to gain future support for other resolutions.. ALTH~OUGH ALL recommendations made by 'the. committee must be for- mally approved by the Executive Committee, John Knott, chairman of the Curriculum Committee, said he ex- pects cooperation from this higher authority. He also said that in an informal meeting last week with the Executive Committee, it appeared that this groupi