S S ~ S S - Page 8-Sunday, February 18, 1979-The Michigan Daily model cities (Continued from Page 5) But the true test of any program or policy is in accomplishing the original objectives. The main goal of Model Cities was to coordinate all federal ur- ban porgrams in a comprehensive long- term effort to revitalize 150 selected Model Cities neighborhoods, replacing the city or county-wide approach. This deviated from the aims of earlier com- munity action programs, which focused on short-term objectives of quickly im- proving the delivery of services to the poor. The hope was that city gover- nment would be closely associated with funding, thereby giving them a stake in the program's success. In Ann Arbor, this direct community involvement in the program went one step further. From the drafting of an application to the creation of a citizens' board, the Ann Arbor residents who were directly affected by the program were intimately involved with its operation. According to Ezra Rowry, the former chairperson of the Model Cities policy board, "The main ob- jectiVe of the program was to create an impression that by using federal funds in an impoverished area, black poverty could be eliminated." But with the emergence of CDBG at the federal level and the election of a Republican City Council locally, people began to loose sight of the program's original objectives. "Nixon said that improvished people didn't know how to take care of things-so let the experts do it," explained Rowry. But the "ex- perts" proved to have little grasp or understanding of the problems faced by the poor. Under the auspices of Republican Mayor Robert Stevenson, the program began to run 'into problems: "Stevenson wanted more of harvard (continued from Page 6) texts, particular professors and administrators, and a number of repor- ts and speeches to support his wholly believeable contention that post-war Yale was quite a bit bigger on New Deal economics than God. His premises were clear, however ob- jectionable one might find his con clusion that 1) the Yale alumni are responsible for the governance of the private 'college; 2) the alumni group is overwhelmingly religious and capitalistic in belief; 3) the educational overseer has the right (really, the obligation) to give impetus to values held to be true; 4) and, therefore, the only "fair approach" would be to in- culcate the desired faith and motivation in the classroom by hiring, well, just the right sort of instructors.Q.E.D. Less impressive is LeBoutillier's shorter imitation. Where. Buckley restricted his points to Yale, and recor- ded only facts and impressions gathered in New Haven from 1946-1950, his follower has Chosen to rove about the nation and through time, at one point tracing his roots back to the cheever (Continued from Page 6) writes as his characters would speak in their more elevated moments. His people are neither profound thinkers nor notably creative; they are middle- aged dentists and advertising men, climbing the corporate ladder, coping with loneliness, aging, and lost oppor- tunities. These stories have profound emotional impact, not lasting philosophical meaning; like Wordswor- th's poetry, they offer a sharp and pain- ful focus on the precious things inevitably and unavoidably lost.. a city operation than a citizen par- ticipation program," said Wheeler. "Controls became a lot tighter and Stevenson set up a Model Cities com- mittee dominated by his kind of people-not blacks and poor people." WHEELER'S administration (1974-1977) was able to put Model Cities back together again, but this time he designed a program that combined both physical and social improvements. "If you only build houses and grow trees, but don't give the people the opportunity to grow within themselves,, it is only a piecemeal job," Wheeler said. Since Belcher and his Republican majority assumed office in April, the Democrats have constantly charged them with poor management of CDBG funds-too much support for short-term pothole repair at the expense of social services. Street repair, not social ser- vices, was Belcher's principle cam- paign promise. In 1975, Wheeler proposed a $450,000 CDBG-funded Model Cities multi- purpose center that the Republican- dominated Council shelved before it ever reached the drawing boards. Upon his installment as mayor, Belcher promised Wheeler no massive cutbacks in social service funding, in effect assuring him that his concept would be realized. Then Belcher called on city bureaucrats to find $450,000 to repair the streets and called Wheeler's brain- child the "Taj Mahal." Ex-Councilman Ronald Trowbridge took it a step further and compared the proposed facility to the pyramids of Egypt, the Arc de Triomphe, and Ronald McDonald's golden arches. Diversification and expansion of city services means that Model Cities has had to compete for scarce resources and, ultimately, for outside support. But the program has nonetheless sur- vived, because the original input came from the citizens whom it directly touched. It grew out of well-defined community needs. Although the finan- cial strains are clear, there can be little doubt that these programs will con- tinue-political reality alone precludes the possibility of their failure. The quality of that existence remains a question, for the present attitude is evidenced by property tax slashing amendments and a return to self, not civic interests. Ann Arbor's diversion of funds to physical services is typical and less drastic than many other cities its size. It is one of the few Michigan cities that has not been reprimanded for such shifts by HUD. But the press for funds is not likely to be alleviated; neither will the persons to fill human needs. '4 I I U russell (Continued from Page 3) President forever. It was five year's, and we forgot him overnight." Russell's peculiar position in the world of comedy often allows him to lampoon someone in his audience. "If I see someone walk in, hopefully I'll know what went on with him that day, or better yet, if he's made a reser- vation, I'll ask the Matire d' and find out what committee he's on." Russell's dark eyes gleam as he tells about his experiences with Tongsun Park, the South Korean businessman who wreaked havoc on Capitol Hill af- ter allegedly bribing a number of congressmen. "He was like the AMA, he gave to everyone," Russell says. In his act, Russell admits to saying some "meaner stuff" about him. "He was right there," Russell explains, pointing to a spot two feet away. "Oh, he's so cool. He is the inscrutable Oriental, this guy is. He comes up to me afterward and says, 'Good to see you, Mark. I'll be in town several weeks, and I hope to drop in again'." Russell never seems to be at a loss for material,,and shouldn't be with a city like Washington as his basecamp. He admits, though, that there are periods when even the sacred New York Times will leave him empty-handed. During those dry spells he resorts to his safety valves: food, consumerism, or language. Especially language. Republican party of 1850. So we learn little of just what Harvard loves or hates as a group these days. We hear mostly about why the author hates snobs and.liberals. L E BOUTILLIER first came to Cambridge from an all-boys boarding school "naive politically, but quite adamant about preserving the values such as self-reliance, in- dividuality, and self-discipline that my previous school years had- worked to develop." By the time he graduated Magna Cum Laude in '76, the four years had "helped to develop" a bitter feeling about a hippy tutor in History 97 who was the closet son-in-law of a millionaire, about the drug culture which broke down a roommate, "rever- se". discrimination, the snobby "final clubs" of the 'cocktail crowd, and liberal thinking in general ("a basic ideological framework I call the Liberal Mind.").' Harvard, he contends with little more than isolated personal experience as evidence, is hypocritical and anti- American. Hypocritical, since rich students and professors who advocate great distribution of wealth sit on some of the largest bank accounts in the country; and anti-American, since, he, everyone knows Americans don't back the Great Society programs. LeBoutillier says he became known as a good fund-raiser in national GOP circles after he beat the bushes for, the man who ran after George McGovern in the 1974 South Dakota senate cam- paign. Later he scurried around New Jersey for Gerald Ford. But neither par- ty has th'eright formula for national happiness: "We need to realize that the true strength of this nation is measured only by the number f 'happy firesides' across the land."'- To maximize the happy hearths, LeBoutillier suggests a broad range of social programs on an incentive, rather than subsidy, basis, "to place the family much more firmly in control of the government." He plans to be a politician, and has gone to business school because there are too many lawyers in the field-shades of Nash- ville's Hal Philip Walker. Like a president in search of a slogan, he has labelled his plan "The New Homestead." Mostly, though, his solution is simply to vote in politicians like himself who will really look out for all of us, It's a brief book, an hour-and-a-half of reading time. One annoying habit of the author's is his generous use of long quotations from casual conversations held years earlier, a practice that leaves the reader wondering just what is fiction and what is fact.,.His glibly stereotyped characterizations add to the effect. At any rate, Harvard Hates America is reassuring. If this is the best argument. against campus liberalism since Buckley's God and Man, then I'd give the liberal mind a good decade more of life. "Well," he says, pausing momen- tarily as if trying to come up with something "original." "You .know, there are two words in the English language that will soon be extinct. They are 'yes' and 'no.' Both of them have been replaced by 'not really.' The pace was set by athletes and disc jockeys, who never put sentences together." This, clearly, is a purposeful set-up. He launches into character: " 'Hey, you played. a good game today, Spike.' 'Well, not really.' 'You mean you stunk?' 'Well, not really.' It's become sort of a national ambiguity. It really becomes tragic when you look at the final- report of the House Assassinations Committee, which says that the Kennedy assassination was probably a conspiracy. Probably." "That's not really what it says,"-a listener interjects. "That's right," Russell quips back. "The Warren Commission was wrong - probably. Does anyone care? Not really." It wasn't until after Watergate that Russell discovered people outside of the nation's Capitol were interested in the goings-on there. He denies the charge that he has to' water down his material "so it will play in Peoria." "What happens to me is I go to all these towns and play to all these dif- ferent audiences and they all say to me, 'Well, we like you, we understand you, but what about when you -leave Washington?' Now they're asking me this in Kansas. And I say, 'Well, it's okay, it works alright.' " He pauses to take a deep, joke-refueling breath. "Now, I go back to Washington and get the real snobs: 'Well, how about the guy with the can of beer back in Cleveland?' And I say, 'It's alright.' So I go back to Cleveland, and the guy with the can of beer says, 'Well, how 'bout the other people?'" Russell shrugs. He has yet to conquer all of the "other people." But give him. time. J /E.CTE r i ? / o o %/i i y^ '" 4 vR/ 7'. ' Cunda-mdtgazine Co-editors U* inside.: Washington's God and Guy Palazzo ecst kept man at An art secret Harvard 'legacy Owen Gleiberman Judy Rakowsky Cover drawing by Lynne Schneider Supplement to The Michigan Daily; Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, Februaryi18, 1979,