Page 4-Sunday, February 18, 1979-The Michigan Daily DECISION-MA KING A T THE 'U' Regents bow down to 'U' administration Last in a series The real role of the Regents The Board of Regents, is the official decison-making body of the University. Their most visible role is to hold mon- thly meetings, which are open to the public except when a strong legal case for privacy can be made. Most of their official business is conducted at these meetings which are attended regularly by all of the executive officers and oc- casionally by other members of the University community. The agenda for these meetings is prepared by the executive officers, although individual Regents , oc- casionally exercise their right to raise an issue; the University president ser- ves as chair (without a vote) at each ieeting. About a week in advance, edch Regent receives a huge file of reports and documents that relate to the agenda of the upcoming meeting. At the meeting itself, various announ- cements and reports are officially en- tered into the record and decisions requiring formal approval by vote of thie Regents are discussed and voted uion. MOST OF THE issues requiring a vote are presented to the Regents in the form of a recommendation by the executive officers with the responsible vice-president representing the ad- ministration's position and answering any questions from the Regents. Other members of the University community may speak on an issue (by advance arrangement with the secretary), and there is also some time devoted to "public comments" during which people can address the Regents on any subject relating to the University. We studied the record of Regents meetings since 1970 to determine how often there was any open conflict bet- ween the Board and the administration. We found that the overwhelming majority of recommendations by the executive officers were approved exac- tly as recommended, or with only very minor modifications by a majority (of- ten unanimous) of the Regents voting. In fact, we found only three instances in which the Regents actually rejected the administration's recommendation. In 420 Mayn SEigli -Nine Vol. LXXXIX, No. 117 Edited and managed h, the Regents insisted on stric- ter regulations governing the use of funds by the Student Government Council. In the other two, the Regents voted to rebate to students an unan- ticipated $3.75 million surplus of tuition revenues and rejected an increase of 3 per cent in housing rates. ONE INSTANCE of temporary con- flict between the Regents and the ad- ministration involved not an official vote but a confidential personnel recommendation which was leaked to the press and subsequently received a lot of publicity. In January, 1975, a majority of Regents selected Dr. Jewel Cobb, a black woman from Connecticut College, as their first choice among three candidates presented to them for the deanship of LSA, although it was apparent that some of the executive of- ficers favored another candidate, Professor Billy Frye of the University ,Zoology Department who had been ser- ving as acting dean. When it turned out that the relevant Department in the college (ironically, zoology) would not grant Dr. Cobb ,tenure, the Regents agreed with the executive officers that the position should go to Professor Frye. The lack of open conflicts between the Regents and the administration does not necessarily mean that the executive officers can operate completely in- dependent of the Regents. The ad- ministrators and Regents that we in- terviewed all emphasized that the Regents' real influence surfaces in the informal meetings and contacts that take place around or between the for- mal Regents meetings. The executive officers are then able to find out where the Regents stand on most issues, what actions they are likely to approve or reject, and how far they can be pushed in a certain direction. Indeed, the ad- ministration tries to put its recommen- dations in such a way that they will receive strong Regental consent. THERE ARE a number of inherent limitations on the power of the Regents. In the first place, the Regents are paid only for their expenses by the Univer- sity and they all have other jobs that require their primary attention. Rarely can any one of them spend as much as onethird of their time on University af- fairs, including whatever reading and information-gathering they do as well as their attendance at formal Univer- sity meetings and functions. The executive officers, on the other hand, are full-time employees with large ad- minsitrative staffs to rely on for infor- mation and analysis. Thus they are inevitably far better informed on all of the issues that arise for decision- making. Sometimes the Regents' attention is drawn first by other groups on campus who may disagree with an ad- ministration stance. But here too the executive officers have the greatest president-has the final say and ultimate responsibility. They meet very frequently during the course of their work and, perhaps most importantly, their jobs as top-level administrators in a University setting seem likely to generate among them similar attitudes about how the school should be run. A third significant factor that works to the advantage of the executive of- ficers in any potential conflict situation with the Regents is that the Board is generally reluctant to confront and an- tagonize the executive officers because they depend so extensively on their managerial and administrative abilities. Two Regents we interviewed "Rarely can any of the Regents spend as much as one-third of their time on University affairs, including whatever reading and information-gathering they do as well as their attendance at formal University meetings and functions." the administration. During the BAM strike and the other two conflict situations we studied in depth, the con- cerned parties did present their case against the administration directly to the Regents, both publicly and privately. Our research suggests that such a strategy can be effective only if the aggrieved people can demonstrate widespread support for their position among those members of the Univer- sity community who are most affected by the issue. The Board of Regents as a whole is otherwise unlikely to exert its power against the administration, even though individual Regents might offer sympathy and rather ineffective sup- port for particular groups in opposition. The Regents' actual power is much less than might be inferred from their formal position of authority over the University. Most of the powerful cards are held by the executive officers, and-especially if they are skillftully played-they are usually decisive in the relatively infrequent cases of potential conflict between the Regents and the administration. Conclusions Students certainly have good reasons to be angry about their role in the University decision-making process. The executive officers effectively rule the University, with important inputs coming from the Board of Regents and the faculty, but not'students. The Regents' actual power is much less than is widely believed, for they have neither the time nor the infor- mation to develop positions indepen- dent of the executive officers, and they. are sometimes divided among them- selves. Moreover, they are generally reluctant to oppose the administration lest they endanger the "good working relationship" they cherish. Still, the executive.officers cannot push policies that are sharply at odds with the Regents, especially if the Regents feel there is public support for their position. Confrontations are usually avoided because the ad- ministration sounds out Regents' opinions as policies are being for- mulated. The faculty has considerable power to influence basic priority decisions because they perform the two main functions of the University-research and instruction. Faculty members are represented on various advisory com- mittees. More importantly, Regents and the top-level administrators cannot afford to alienate many of them. Students, on the other hand, have lit- tle impact on University decision- making. They have no formal authority (save for the Michigan Student Assem- bly and representation on scattered ad- visory committees); their interests are diverse; they have limited amounts of information, expertise, resources, and time; they depend on the University for academic credit and (often) financial support; and they come and go each year. The University is supposed to be for students, yet they are at the bottom of the power hierarchy. We think this is wrong. Ironically, the University seems to force students to take extreme ac- tion, such as a class strike, in order to increase their power. Petitions, public comments at Regents' meetings, and letters to the Daily are ineffective unless they are accompanied by evidence of deep commitment and widespread support. We were angry to, find that the Univesity forces students to pay an in- creasing share of total costs eachyear, while expenditures on instruction and student services have been declining in recent years. Students have every right to demand that the University find ad- ditional sources of revenue or im- mediately increase funding for teaching and student services. s This series of articles on decision- making at the University of Michigan has been adapted from a research report titled "Conflict and Power On The Campus: Studies In The Political Economy of the University of Michigan, "written by Andy Brown, Harley Frazis, Jim Robb, Mike Taylor, Eitan Yanich, and Tom Weisskopf. This article was written by Mike Taylor and Eitan Yanich. resources to draw upon in defense of their own position. A regent may initiate a proposal, but it is unlikely to get very far unless the executive of- ficers can be persuaded of its merit. A second limitation on the power of the Regents is that there are eight of them with often differing views on various issues. The Regents we spoke with agreed that there were significant philosophical differences that could divide them. The executive officers, on the other hand, are much more likely to be united on most issues. They are part of an administrative hierarchy with clearly defined areas of responsibility; one person among them-the emphasized the "good working relations" that prevail between the Board and the executive officers and indicated that they would hesitate to present a view that might jeopardize those relations, so important are they to the smooth operation of the University.- -WHEN GROUPS of people on the campus find themselves in conflict with the upper echelons of the ad- ministration, a common strategic choice is to bring their case to one or more of the Regents. By contacting privately some of the Regents, or by speaking publicly at Regents meetings, they try to persuade the Board to exert their informal or formal power against itbajan imai4j ard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Years of Edil orial Freedom News Phone: 764-0552 by the University of Michigan THE WEEK IN REVIEW /I City Primary Choices AMES KENWORTHY receives our endorsement for Democratic can- didate for mayor. Kenworthy, besides addressing in his campaign what we feel are salient issues, has already proven himself to be a sensitive and well-informed representative during his four-years on City Council (1974- 78). Kenworthy possesses the political savvy his opponent, John Mon- tgomery, sadly lacks. Montgomery, an unknown to local politics, says he feels. the mayor should have more contact with his or her constituents, offering such absurd solutions to lack of funds and inadequate snow reroval as paying the citizens out of his own .pocket and clearing highways himself. Montgomery refuses to substantiate with examples his attacks on the current system, and he admits he N THE THIRD WARD, voters can cast their ballot safely for a man indifferent to their needs, or they may vote for one less experienced, but who also lacks strong identification with the party line. We go with the newcomer, 26-year- old Gerald Curry in the Republican primary Monday. Curry claims to be motivated by a belief in his civic responsibility. Such statements do not smack of campaign thetoric, for he also seems knowledgeable of ward needs. His at- titude is especially refreshing when contrasted to that of his opponent, Louis Senunas. L In his two years on Council, Senunas has seemed to ignore the needs of his would have to meet with present Mayor Louis Belcher and several citizens before deciding what course to take as city leader. He claims to run on the Democratic, ticket because he thought he had a better chance of beating Kenworthy than if he had tried to unseat belcher in the Republican primary. Kenworthy is refraining from making unrealistic blanket promises, instead trying to convince the citizens that they themselves have a stake in the future of the city. One of Kenwor- thy's major concerns is the character of Ann Arbor, and he favors downtown construction and renovation over. developments dispursed throughout the city. Therefore, we endorse Kenworthy as a responsible candidate for the mayoral seat this spring. ward constituency, while instead following the traditional party line. He considers his main accomplishment to be his role in spearheading the 1978 Republican program to improve Ann Arbor roads. Such a commitment to party policies, and the fact that he believes street repair is his main accomplish- ment, shows exactly where Senunas' allegiance lies. Senunas has been uninvolved with current attempts to preserve the Kim- berly Hills nature reserve, the most important issue to Third Ward residents. Voting for a man with little ex- perience is not easy but in the Third Ward, it should be done. We have already seen what Senunas has done. As a long-time resident of the so- called "swing ward", Cappaert over the years has become knowledgeable about the various needs of his const- Interview, rights, ,When the student group which advises the Regents in the search for a new Universitypresident handed in to the board on Thur- sday its summary of the future needs of the University, Jeff Supowit, a co-chairperson of the committee, said he expected that the major obstacle between student leaders and the Regents - the right to interview can- didates for the University's top spot - would fall the next day. Af- ter five months of debate - during which time the students threatened to boycott the selec- tion process - he predicted the Regents would be more reasonable and reverse their stand. The Regents went along with Supowit the next day, so that three faculty members, two students, and two alumni will now have a chance to meet face- to-face the final eight or nine candidates for the president's job. THE UNIVERSITY will even foot the bill for travelling expen- ses. The Regents present said Regent Robert Nederlanders(D- Birmingham) would have to ap- prove any communication bet- ween the advisory groups and candidates, but allowed each ad- visory group to determine for it- self which members will inter- view each prospective president. "They couldn't have-done any less," said Michigan Student Assembly Special Projects Coor- dinator Joseph Pelava, "If they had done any less than that it would have been unacceptable." Also on Friday, the Regents themselves pointed out the qualities they'd most like to see in the new president. THE 19 GUIDELINES were in a large part vague (the president should be scholarly as well as a good executive), though there were a few specific goals (he or She ug 'ht to hbe able to stav here a MSA Budget If you're a Literary College student, you get hit twice in the pocketbook for student gover- nment: first, $2.92, for the IVchigan Student Assembly (MSA); and a second time, a mere 50 cents, for the LSA College's Student Government (LSA-SG). Those fees create a pool of $75,000 for MSA each year and something over $4,000 for LSA-SG. Where does it go? WITH MANDATORY funding in effect for the first time this year, MSA has been able to satisfy a broad range of groups and interests. Two-thirds of the budget goes to student organizations and their projects. The rest is eaten up by internal expenses. LSA-SG is a bit less structured in the area of allocations, with no rigid criteria for its expenditures. The Council seems pleased with a fairly "liberal" reputation on spending. LSA-SG President Bob Stechuk said - revenues are divided in a smaller way in his group: office expenses and group funds. Word has gotten around -U-- T Y0 A Pr ....J.... is nncin f time again in Ann Arbor, but it's not the candidates who will be getting the spotlight at the polls. In fact, if the city's punch card voting system wasn't premiering tomorrow, the primary would be a dull one at that. City Council voted last May to switch from lever voting machines to punch card balloting, even though problems of overvoting, slow returns, and computer tampering are cited as drawbacks to the new procedure. JEAN CRUMP, chairwoman of a, city committee to examine punch card voting, says it was a matter of weighing the advan- tages of the system against the disadvantages. "City Council's judgment was that in the long run it would be a better system," she states. But in recent weeks, city of- ficials have conducted programs to educate voters and clerks on the punch card system in efforts to avoid a foul-up tomorrow. As for the candidates, no sur- prises are anticipated tomorrow. In the GOP Third Ward Council and Democratic mayoral primary races, the party favorites-challenged by mavericks-are expected to carry the day. THE CONTEST in the Third Ward between incumbent Louis Senunas and challenger Gerald THE REGENTS are shown here during Thursday's meeting. On Fri- day, they granted interviewing rights to students, faculty, and alumni committees in the search process for a new University president. (the) Headlee . tax limitation amendment." City Democrats are offering former Council member James Kenworthy as their preferred mayoral choice. But John Mon- tgomery, a laid-off Chrysler em- ployee, and self-proclaimed mid- dle-of-the-road independent, hopes to defeat the popular Ken- worthy with his more conser- vative issue stances. Mon- tgomery says he is concerned with "the foolish waste of money in the city,"while Kenworthy is focusing much of his campaign on land use in the city. The Fourth Ward, contest is even more yawn-provoking than the tworothers. Democrat Leroy Cappaert is running unopposed. Cappaert, a former Council member, did have an opponent until Democratic precinct cap- tain Mel Grieshaber withdrew from the race. So now, the city is spending $20,000 to run a one-man primary. But Cappaert says the money isn't being wasted. "The open primary provides citizens access to the electoral process," he con- tends. With no surprises expected,, tomorrow should be a relatively calm day at the polls. That is, if all goes well with the punch car- ds. Samoff. suit The tenure situation of Assist- ant Political Science Prof. Joel Samoff took a different turn as the professor met with suppor- ters to discuss the possibility of bringing suit against the Univer- sity if appeals procedures in his' tenure case are unsuccessful. Samoff, a South African specialist, has gained campus- wide attention after having twice been denied tenure by his depar- tment's tenured faculty. Now he's appealing his denials to the Literary College. Samoff said his session with supporters does not necessarily mean he will actually bring suit against the University. Acknowledging that he is W E ENDORSE Leroy the Fourth Ward primary. Cappaert in Democratic