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February 18, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-02-18

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K, No. 117

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 18, 1979

Ten Cents

Ten Pages olus Sonlemnt

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Chinese launch

Vietnam invasion

ISR to grow
over decade

Back in 1946 when they worked
out of the basement of the old
University Elementary School on
the spot where the School of
Education now stands, the founding
fathers of the Institute for Social
Research (ISR) never imagined how
fast their project would grow, nor
the immense prestige, fame and
world-wide recognition the name of
their organization would bring.
"When the first five of us came
here from government service after
the war," recalls Charles Cannell, a
Survey Research Center (SRC)
program director, "we never had
visualized that the staff would num-
ber more than 15."
AFTER A SPELL of relocating,
spurred by fires and lack of space,
the Institute finallydsettled into its
present site at 426 ThompsonSt.
In the past 33 years, the ISR staff
has multipled 100 times to its present
size of 500 workers. This figure in-
dicates just one of the vast changes
the Institute has undergone-'
"An organization like ISR must
inevitably grow, or else it runs the
risk of becoming stagnant," Can-
nell says. "We, are constantly on the
watch for new ideas, or ideas on how
to apply knowledge to different
ONE OF. THE new applications
(This is the last in a four-part
series describing the Institute for
Social Research - the people
who .work there, the work they
do, and changes at ISR. Today's
article is devoted to things to
come at ISR.)

involves the introduction of com-
puter assistance into the telephone
interviewing process, a develop-
ment Cannell says would improve
data accuracy and possibly lower
"Any institute that is involved
with ongoing surveys will be doing
these kind of studies. They cannot
afford not to," Cannell says. "It
(social science research) is
equivalent to quality control."
"Change is gradual in a place like
this," explains ISR Director F.
Thomas Juster. "In 1946 ISR started
with a corp of social psychologists
who were studying public approval
problems generated during World

From AP and Reuter
Chinese infantry units.
backed by artillery, tanks and
fighter planes launched a
"large scale war", against
Vietnam yesterday, .crossing
the Sino-Vietnamese frontier
along a 450-mile front, Radio
Hanoi reported.
Peking's official Hsinhua news agen-
cy confirmed the fighting but called it.a
"counterattack to defend the country's
borders" against repeated "armed in-
cursions" into China by Vietnamese
Last night, Hsinhua quoted Peking's
Communist Party newspaper as
saying, "We don't want a single inch of
Vietnamese soil, what we want is a
peaceful and stable frontier. After hit-
ting back at the aggressors as far as is
necessary, our frontier forces will turn
to guard strictly the frontier of our
RADIO HANOI said Vietnamese
troops "fought back and killed many
Chinese, destroying many tanks,',' but
did not mention the size of the Chinese
invasion force.
In a dispatch from Bangkok, Japan's
Kyodo news agency quoted a Thai
military source as saying Vietnam has
about 100,000 troops on the Chinese bor-
der while China had concentrated
200,000 men and 700 warplanes along
the frontier.
Kyodo, quoting an unnamed Chinese
government source, said China had not
declared war on Vietnam.
THE SOVIET UNION, which signed a
mutual defense pact with Hanoi last
year, reported the Chinese invasion in,
its official press, but there was no in-
dication it would go to Vietnam's defen-
se. Moscow warned Peking on Feb. 8
against "overstepping the forbidden
Differences over the borders are not
the major reason for the Chinese at-
tack. The chief irritant is the Soviet-
backed Vietnamese conquest of Cam-
What is not immediately clear is
whether Peking expects that its


War II. Those founding fathers will
soon all be retired, and probably,
within the next ten years will have
all left.
"THIS SECOND generation of ISR
is now in mid-stream," he adds. "Its
impact is hard to predict, but the
nature of ISR certainly won't
Juster says the major points of
research growth - are minority
studies, women's studies and studies
of non-household units such as
businesses and public bodies.
Another area of increasing ac-
tivity over the next decade will be
research on the degree of bias and
the reliability of survey data,
currently being conducted by
Nathan Caplan, research scientist at
ISR's Center for Research and Uliti-
zation of Scientific Knowledge
See ISR, Page 7

military action on Vietnam's northern
frontier will force the Vietnamese' to
withdraw their divisions from Cam-
THE STATE Department condemned
the fighting and urged China to with-
draw its troops from Vietnam and the
Vietnamese to pull their forces out of
Within hours of the receipt of news
accounts of the Chinese penetration of
Vietnamese territory, the State Depar-
tment contacted China and Vietnam,
said department spokesman Hodding
At a hastily called midday -briefing,
Local Asia watchers were not sur-
prised by the Chinese invasion of
Vietnam, but feared the conse-
quences of a prolonged conflict.
See the back page for the story.
he announced that the U.S. has urged
Vietnam to withdraw its forces from
Cambodia, a Chinese ally. Spokesman
Carter also said the U.S. has urged
restraint on the Soviet Union, an ally of
"WE ARE committed to the
territorial integrity of all nations," he
said. "The United States is critical of
any use of force outside one's own
The State Department spokesman
said President Carter "is being kept
closely informed on a regular basis,"
but added that he knew of no plans for
the President to cut short his weekend
stay at the Camp David, Md. mountain-
top retreat.
Spokesman Carter also said
* A "good ole time" was had by
all at "the Natural Resources
Club's revival of the Paul Bunyan
Ball Friday night. See story,
Page 5.
* A'University professor uses
hypnotism to produce' some
mind-spinning results. See story,
Page 2.
Read the Today
column, Pog. 3

Secretary of State Cyrus Vance "has
been in close contact," and that the U.S.
missiorn to the United Nations is con-
sulting with other nations there.
pealed to U.N. Secretary-General Kurt
Waldheim to take "appropriate
measures. :. to force Chinese
aggression troops -to withdraw from
At the same time, the Chinese news
agency Hsinhua distributed a Peking
statement calling on both sides to
"speedily hold negotiations" and
saying the Chinese forces "will strictly
keep to defending" their border after

WeCHINA Chi nghsi
THIS MAP SHOWS the area between Lang Son and Lai Chau in Vietnam where
Chinese forces, backed by tanks, fighter planes and artillery, have moved -to
Vietnam. A Japanese news agency first reported that Vietnamese guard posts,
power plants, shops, and farms were being attacked by the Chinese.

"counterattacking" the Vietnamese.
Vietnam did not ask for an immediate
meeting of the 15-nation U.N. Security
VIETNAM'S U.N. ambassador, Ha
Van Lauinmet with Waldheim and later
with the. Security Council president
Ambassador Abdalla Yaccoub Bishara
of Kuwait. Each meeting lasted a half
hour. Both U.N. officials also. met
separatel.y with China's U.N. am-
bassador, Chen Chu.
Emerging from his talks with the
council president, the Vietnamese am-

See CHINA, Page 2


'U' official cleared o

University officials are "satisfied"
that University Associate Housing
Director John Finn is clear of any
wrongdoing in connection with his year-
long access to a furnished North Cam-
pus apartment last year.
A confidential auditor's report, com-
pleted. earlier this month, was handed
down last week to the University
Regents and other high-ranking
University officials. The officials
discussed the matter at a private din-
ner meeting at the Ingliss House last
"WE MADE judgments and we are
satisfied with our judgments," said
Henry Johnson, vice president for
Student Services. "I am confident in

Mr. Finn."
Johnson refused further comment
and labelled the report a "personnel
matter." Auditor A.B. Hicks, respon-
sible for the report, refused to discuss
the investigation.
In the fall of 1977, Finn was given the
key to a Northwood apartment at 2241
Hubbard Rd. For nearly one year, Finn
had access to the $2,000 a year one
bedroom residence. During that time,
Finn said he offered the dwelling rent-
free to disadvantaged University
students until they were financially
stable. Finn said he made his own
selection of residents and told no other
,University officials of the-apartment
arrangement. The Northwood' apar-
tment is intended for married housing.

f charges
Housing Director Robert Hughes
asked University auditors to' in-
vestigate the matter in early January.
Hughes said the auditors were called in
to "clear up" allegations that Finn used
the apartment for private purposes.
OFFICIALS WOULD not say if any of
the accusations were substantiated by
The timing of the auditor's report was
crucial, University officials said. Finn
was already officially -promoted to his
new administrative position in early
January when Hughes asked the
auditors-to investigate. University of-
ficials, including Johnson, Hughes and
former University President Robben
Fleming, knew of the apartment
See REPORT, Page 7

Jumping forjoyDaily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Michigan State's rabid basketball fans display their satisfaction with the happenings on the court, as the Spartans thoroughly
trounced the Wolverines, 80-57, yesterday in East Lansing. Spartan Greg Kelser set the all-time MSU record for career points. -
See Page $ for the story.R

Mayor Belcher discusses his philosophy for A


Lay the foundations now for long-range projects

In 1971, a 31-year-old Republican
businessman named Louis- Belcher
campaigned for his party's nomination
for mayor, blasting the incumbent
Democrat's embrace of the city's $5

below his collar and his speech is pep-
pered with colorful cliches like
"falderal" and "can-of-worms."
AND IT. was Belcher who led City
Council in December to enact the
lenient $5 fine for'young violators of the
state's new drinking law.
Belcher's opponents attribute his

side service center as too expensive -
like an Ann Arbor "Taj Mahal."
BUT ONE T HING is certain -
Belcher is using the mayor's office to
lay out a general plan for the future of
Ann Arbor. He is concentrating on long-
term projects, and molding the city's
future growth according to his own

sells bonds to raise money for
businesses that wish to come to Ann
THE CORPORATION has been op-
posed by several Democrats who con-
sider the city financially healthy and
question the -need for a commercial
stimulant in Ann Arbor. Belcher,

one-half of one per cent of all its bond
sale revenues. The corporation has
already made about $200,000 which can
now be reinvested for city restoration.
During the past year, the mayor and
his Council have been "locking the
city's borders." By signing "peace
treaties" with neighboring townships,


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