Page 4--Saturday, February 17, 1979-The Michigan Daily DECISION-MAKING A T THE 'U' 'U' factions'vie for piece of Fifth in a series In this, the last of three articles on the University budget, we will examine y the effects of budgetary trends on dif- ferent groups in the University com- munity. Administrative and Maintenance Costs s In times of declining overall real revenue and expenditure, many people s in the University community become concerned about the amount of money spent on administration and main- tenance. The data show that the share going to top-level administration in- creased from .62% in 1968 to .70% in 1974 and then dropped back very slightly to .69% by 1977, while the share going to top-level as well as other ad- c ministration and supportive activities rose from 4.1% in 1968 to 4.5% in 1971 and then started falling. THE SHARE GOING to maintenance personnel increased steadily throughout the whole nine-year period, but the share going to maintenance. supplies fell from 8.7% in 1968 to 6.2% in 1974 and only began to rise between 1974 and 1977. All in all, our figures provide evidence of only a slight increase in the burden of general administrative ex- penses on the University budget over the past decade, but they do show a significant increase in the burden of maintenance expenses since 1974. Administration vs. Faculty Salaries A concern often voiced by faculty members at the University is that too much money has been allocated to ad- ministrators and too little to faculty members themselves. Table 1 shows faculty and administrative salaries as a percentage of the General Fund salary- and-wage budget. The figures show a significant overall decline from 47.4% in 1968 to 43.5% in 1977 in the percentage of General Fund salary and wage expenditures going to faculty members for instruction, and from 55.1% in 1968 to 48.9% in 1977 for instruction and departmental research combined. BY CONTRAST, the percentage allocated for administration has risen steadily during the same period, from 18.896 in 1968 to 23.6% in 1977 for total administrative salaries. This finding does support the contention that faculty. members have been losing ground to other University employees in general-and administrators in par- ticular-in terms of their aggregate claim on unrestricted General Fund expenditures. The Effect of the Budget on Students There are many ways in which the University.budget affects students-as payers of tuition fees, as recipients of instruction, and as beneficiaries of student services. A common perception among students is that they are paying more and receiving less as each year goes by. To explore this subject we present the results of our budgetary analysis which relate to the financial position of students at the University. We begin by looking at the growth of student fees in relation to other sources of General Fund revenue, expressed in terms of dollars per enrolled student. The annual level of fees per student (averaged across all schools and levels at the Ann Arbor campus) more than doubled from $697 in 1968 to $1555 in 1977, while other sources of General Fund revenue per student increased less rapidly. Expressing these current dollar figures in terms of constant 1977 dollars, we note that fees per student rose from $1252 in 1968 to $1555 in 1974 and then levelled off; all other sources of revenue per student were lower in 1977 than in 1968. Over the nine-year period as a whole, the real value of total General Fund revenues per student remained roughly constant; but the real value of fees per student increased by almost 25%. TO GET AN idea of what students are getting in return for their increasing fee payments, we looked first at trends in constant dollar expenditures from All Three Funds for direct instruction (i.e. the fraction of total faculty salaries corresponding to actual teaching). To express these expenditures on a per student basis, we divided them by the relevant measure of the number of students taking courses at each school and level-the number of "fiscal-year- equated-students (FYES)." Our results are shown in Table 2. We find that total expenditure for direct instruction (in real terms) in- creased from $53 million in 1968 to $57 million in 1971 and then leve on a per student basis, declined from 1971 to 1977 an lower than in 1968.I dergraduate and graduat struction expendituresI varied during the nine-year were roughly the same inv were in 1968. For both und and graduate instruction i schools, there was a distinc trend in expenditures perl the period as a whole. It is in note that expenditures on struction per FYES are ro as big in other schools as in they are in both cases1 graduate than undergradua The second basic Univers oriented to students is stud The two activities serving t which most directly bene are student aid and supj tivities (including, for exam counselling services an recreational programs). OUR FIGURES show th. value of student aid from t Fund rose significantly duri year period as a whole; th increased threefold from $ 1971 to $15 million in 1974, be back by about 20% betwee 1977. There is little doub dramatic increase betwee ever-shrinking pie lled off; but 1974 was largely a consequence of the as it was in 1968. As a percentage of it actually Black Action Movement strike of 1970, student fees, expenditures on suppor- nd ended up discussed earlier this week. tive activities from All Three Funds LS&A un- declined steadily duringJ he whole nine- e direct in- Subtracting to General Fund figures year period, from 17% in 1968 to 13.4% per FYES from those of All Three Funds, it is in 1977. r period but clear that the real value of student aid We conclude that the risein student 1977 as they from the Designated and Expendable fees (in both current and constant lergraduate Restricted Fund has declined very dollars) between 1968 and 1977 has not n the other seriously, from $23 million in 1968 to $13 been matched by any commensurate t downward million in 1977. The same trends in rise in expenditures on instruction or on FYES over student aid show up slightly more ad- student service. The only type of teresting to versely on a per student basis, since student-oriented expenditure that has direct in- total enrollment at the Ann Arbor cam- increased significantly in real terms is ughly twice pus increased slightly during the nine- student aid from the General Fund. But LS&A, and year period. As a percentage of even this increase was more than offset higher for assessed student fees, student aid from by a decline in student aid from the te courses. All Three Funds has declined steadily Designated and Expendable Restricted ity function since 1968, from 57.6% that year to Funds. ent service. 43.9% in 1977. Moreover, since 1974 the trend in all his function It should be noted that an increase in student-oriented expenditures has been fit students the availability of student loans in downward in real terms. Underlying portive ac- recent years has mitigated to some ex- the financial crunch on students, which ple, student tent the effect of the declining real has become especially strong in recent id student value of student aid. Moreover, many years, is the fact that hikes in student students receive assistance from sour- fees have had to make up for iat the real ces other than the University. inadequately growing other sources of the General revenue. ng the nine- iey actually 5 million in efore falling en 1974 and bt that the m 1971 and SUPPORTIVE ACTIVITIES for students increased in terms of real ex- penditures from both the General Fund and All Three Funds from 1968 to 1974, and then fell back somewhat by 1977. The real value of such expenditures per student was virtually the same in 1977 Table 1: Faculty and Administrative Salaries as a Percentage of Total Salaries and Wages (General Fund) Table 2: Expenditures for Direct Instruction, By School and Level (All Three Funds) Percentage 1968 1971 1974 1977 Year: Faculty Salaries Departmental instruction ........................... Departmental research ... . ....................... Total departmental.... ................-...-- ' - Administrative Salaries Top-level administration........ .............. Other administration ................................ Total administration........................ 47.4 7.7 55.1 1.2 17.6 18.8 44.8 7.1 51.9 1.2 19.4 20.6 43.3 6.4 49.7 1.3 22.2 23.5 43.5 5.4 48.9 1.2 22.4 23.6 Millions of 1977 $ School level / Year 1968 1971 1974 1977 1. LS&A undergraduate 13.8 14.2 14.3 14.2 2. LS&A graduate......6.8 6.1 5.8 5.3 3. Other undergraduate 10.5 12.2 11.7 11.9 4. Other graduate.......21.6 24.5 25.5 25.8 5.. Total direct instruction .......... 52.7 57.0 57.3 57.2 1977 $ per FYES 1968 1971 1974 1977 971 963 1007 972 1378 1473 .1343 1395 2007 2233 2076 1927 2526 2396 2306 2289 1600 1647 1626 1595 TOMORROW: The real role of the Regents This series of articles on decision- making at the University has been adapted from a research report titled "Conflict, and Power on the Campus: Studies in the Political Economy of the University of Michigan," written by Andy Brown, Harley Frazis, Jim Robb, Mike Taylor, Eitan Yanich, and Tom Weisskopf. This article was written by Mike Taylor. U , i U 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom -Health Service Handbook-Gail Ryan QUESTION: What is hyper- may also be dryness of the maintain i ventilation and what causes it? mouth, a feeling of there being a u n plea s a ANSWER: To answer your lump in the throat, sleeping resulting it question I have consulted with problems, and blurred vision, refers to as Dr. Kenneth Robbins, a and in more severe cases, fain- of the syndr physician on the staff of the. ting, blackouts, and even oc- Should a1 Health Service. casional seizures. medical tr Hyperventilation, as the two What can cause the hyper- bins belie parts of the word imply, is- ventilation syndrome? Accor- physician i caused by breathing too much: ding to Dr. Robbins, anxiety is are many too deeply and too rapidly, with the most common cause. could caus the deepness being the most College students are subject to ptoms, eith important factor. an increased amount of stress, bination. If and, even though they may niot cludes that BREATHING accomplishes be aware of it, may express the caused by1 two major tasks: it takes in anxiety in altered breathing to anxiety, oxven and removes carbon patterns. program is Vol. LXXXIX, No. 116 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan' ~ba HE CARTER Administration fin- ally conceded Thursday that the rnation's 44-year-old Social Security :System "discriminates against women" and hasi become outmoded. While this realization is long overdue, it must be quickly backed up with in- Ecreased federal spending to give vomen equal benefits. s Currently, women lose protection gainst disability benefits if they take "ime out from paid work to bear and 4ear children. They also receive seduced Social Security benefits when :they reach 65. In addition, a man and yrife who both work receive less from :social Security then a couple in which -only the husband works, even if, the :total earnings of the two couples are .identical. In a 323-page report released by the b~epartment of Health, Education and :Welfare (HEW), it was stated that the :ystem established in 1935 reflected athe time in American society when -amen worked all day while women took sare of the home. But America has changed, with A t 4, I Cial Security' women now occupying 47 per cent of the nation's jobs. Therefore they deserve equal benefits at whatever cost. But that's the problem. HEW Secretary Joseph Califano said to equalize the present system would require increased funding or else reduction of other benefits. Since cut- ting other benefits would remove essential assistance in other key areas, the only alternative is for the federal government to spend more on the Social Security System. Already, however, the ad- ministration has proposed in its budget for the 1980 fiscal year, to cut back sp- proximately $600 million in Social Security benefits. This proposal is ex- pected to be overwhelmingly defeated by Congress but it's very doubtful that there will be any increases in the system. Realizing that the present system contains some gross inequalities, discriminating against women is a big step toward eventually equalizing it. But it is not enough. It will take federal funds to change the system. dioxide CO, from the body; but breathing too deeply results in an excess of CO2 being removed. Although we think of CO as a "waste product," a certain amount is essential to the system. A deficit of CO2 results in an alteration of the balance of chemicals in the. blood. This deficit produces one or more of a whole list of sym- ptoms. These include headaches, dizziness or light- headedness, tingling sen- sations, especially in the ex- tremities or around the mouth, gaseousness, chest pain, rapid heart,trouble thinking clearly, fatigue, and nervousness. There MANY PERSONS who hyperventilate notice some of the symptoms mentioned above, and, fearing heart disease or some other serious problem, become nervous when the symptoms occur. They may feel as if they are "short of breath" and increase the rate. and depth of their breathing to compensate for this. (This may be noticed by other persons, or even by the person him/herself, as an increased frequency of sighing.) However, athis only serves to further decrease the level of CO, in the blood (and once the level is low, only an oc- casional sigh will be needed to +The first is getting t 'the control Robbins reproduce through breathing f in his offi ptoms, su chest lights bins instrt breathe in bag for anf time. This rebreathe pelling, an CO2 leveli minutes, ti lightness b( THEI t) and increase the nt symptoms, in what Dr. Robbins s the cyclical nature rome. hyperventilator seek, 'eatment? Dr. Rob- eves a visit to a is in order, as there other diseases that se any of the sym- her singly or in com- f the physician con- t the symptoms are hyperventilation due a two-part treatment begun. part of the treatment the symptoms under d of the patient. Dr. has r the patient . the symptoms rapid and deep for 2-4 minutes while ice. Once the sym- ch as tingling and ness, occur, Dr. Rob- ucts the patient to lo a paper or plastic equivalent amount of causes the patient to the CO2 s/he is ex- nd reestablishes the in the blood. Within, he tingling and chest egin to disappear. PATIENT is then educated about the syndrome and is taught how to exercise producing and removing the symptoms. Dr. Robbins usually suggests that this exercise be done daily for at least a month, and less frequently after that. By doing this exercise the patient learns that s/he has the capacity to bring the entire process under voluntary con- trol, and learns to recognize the symptoms early enough to stop them before breathing into a bag becomes necessary. Thessecond part of treatment is the treatment of the anxiety itself, perhaps throug visits to Counseling Services or another psychological counseling agen- cy. Whether to undertake coun- seling is, of course, up to the individual, but is something many decide to do, especially after they have become aware of the connection between stress and the onset of the sym- ptoms. Health related questions should be directed to: The Health Educator, U-M Health Service, Division of Office of Student Services, 207 Fletcher Ave., Ann Ar- bor,-MI48109. Letters A ctivists need to ba To the Daily: tions that "students just don't While it is certainly disappoint- care." The problem lies with the ing that only 11 students attended American system and the man- the Open Forum on the Needs of ner in which it alienates citizens, the University sponsored by the and especially young people. Student' Advisory Committee on Systematically denied access to Presidential Selection, to con- decision-making processes and elude that "students just don't confronted by -an ever-growing, care," (Daily, 27 January 1979) is complex, and dehumanizing to paint a very simplistic and bureaucracy, many young people distorted picture of the present hold out little hope for political climate in which studen- meaningful reform in an ts and young people find them- education and socialization selves. There is a variety of process that discourages critical examples of current issues about thinking let alone dissension, and which there has been a great deal stunts creativity. The victims of of student concern and activism: these institutions are left with lit- the denial of tenure to Assistant tle confidence in their ability or Professor Joel Samoff and the even their right to take control of broader question of quality their own lives and education. teaching at the University, The American media constantly declining minority enrollment tells young people that they are and rising attrition rates, apathetic, while it is exploitation University investments in cor- and de-personalization that porations with holdings in South students and young people ex- Africa, intelligence agency ac- perience. In addition to this myth tivities on campus, University of apathy, there is much treatment of campus labor, nostalgia and historical distor- nuclear power, repression in Iran tion of the 60's, such that students and Latin America, Palestinian feel compelled to either live up to human rights, the boycotts of the standards set by 60's ac- J.P. Stevens, Nestle, and Libby tivists, or give up and accept this products, the fate of the Michigan imposed image that they belong Union, and Hill dining facility to the "me generation" of which consoliation, to name a few. Even Anne Sharp and the Daily seem former University President so fond.. ttle student creative, constructive alter- native means of expression, dissent, and change. It is the primary task of current student activists (of which there are in- deed a considerable number) to pursue current alternatives for action, create new ones, inform their fellow students, and provide open access to the larger Univer- sity community. The University itself offers a few outlets for new ideas and programs such as student gover- nments and token positions on University committees. Some ac-_ tivists are currently pursuing these options and attempting to deal with- and transform the bureaucracy from within the in- stitution itself. While these in- stitutional outlets are useful and educational,. they are limited both in number and in their potential to effect fundamental change in the University and in- crease the role of students in the educational process. Hence the need to create constructive, non- bureaucratic means for educational change that can mobilize students from outside of the University structure. This is a difficult and time-consuming task for which student activists are often isolated and sometimes apathy disruption of a minority of leftist groups, while the constructive ef- forts of the majority of student groups are ignored as they are not sensational enough to be con- sidered newsworthy. Students thus find little incentive to become involved when confron- ted with such a situation-they are alienated from the University bureaucracy and from student groups that are working for change because of the dissemination of a variety of myths about the nature of studen- ts and student activists. So it is not the case that studen- ts are apathetic, but rather that the University is apathetic about students. The news media does a great service to the University administration by perpetuating a myth on which the institution depends heavily in order to fun- ction freely in the interest of maintaining the status quo. The myth of student apathy is a means by which student activists are isolated from the student body at large and thus easily defeated. It is particularly.* important that current activists continue to organize and mobilize students in spite of such myths about the futility of their efforts and the