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February 16, 1979 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-02-16

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_____________________The Michigan Daily-Friday, February 16, 1979-Page 9

INa pp e n ings

For the Week of
February 16 to 22

0 0

February 16
tAmacord (Old A&D, 7 and 9:30)
iPellini reminisces over his youth
through the various goings-on in a little
1talian town during the rise of I Duce'
"Through all the playfulness;=the pranks,
the adolescent romanticism and lust
rises the specter of Fascism-treated
with an oddly nostalgic affection.
, The, Ninth Ann Arbor 8mm Film
Festival' (Schorling Aud., School of
Education 2, 7, and 9 p.m.) This annual
competition, features new work by
some of the best new filmmakers from
the U.S. and Canada. Each showing
features a different selection of films.
One of the most exciting events of the
Ann Arbor film scene.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
(Nat. Sci., 6:30, 9 and 11:30). A queerly
lovely, plausible account of the first
contacts between extra-terrestrials and
human beings. While the government
struggles to cover up the aliens'
presence, a few ordinary people, in-
cluding Richard Dreyfuss and Melinda
Dillon, are haunted by their encounters
with the beings. The film will alsobe
shown February 17. .
Love and Anarchy.(MLB 4, 7 and 9)
In fascist Italy, a peasant, played by
Giancarlo Giannini, gets involved in an
anarchistic plot to assassinate
Mussolini. Lina Wertmuller directed
this comedy In Italian, with subtitles.
The Big Sleep (Hutchins Hall, Room
100, 7 and 9) Philip Marlowe (Hum-
phrey Bogart) is hired to investigate
the blackmailing of a spoiled, wealthy
nymphdomaniac (Martha Vickers).
Murder and intrigue follows, and
Marlowe gets involved with Vickers'
older sister, played by Lauren Bacall
(who else?) ,
-Two fullilength WC Fields flicks,
The Bank Dick (7) and Never Give A
Sucker an Even Break (10:20 p.m.,
1VLB 3).d Dogs and small children ad-
mitted at their own risk.
Also at MLB 3, an omnibus showing of
three short films by the king of silent
comedians, Charlie Chaplin, at 8:40:
The Adventurer, The Immigrant, and
Shoulder Arms.
February 17
The End of the World in Our Usual
Bed in a Night Full of Rain (Old A&D, 7
and 9:05) Giancarlo Giannini and Can-
dice Bergen star in Lina Wertmuller's
comedy about a couple whose marriage
is going up in smoke;

The Ninth Ann Arbor 8mm Film
Festival (Schorling Aud,, School of
Education, 2, 7 and 9) See listing for
Women in Love (MLB 3, 7 and 9:15) A
technically adept adaptation of II. H.
Lawrence's novel by Ken Russell,
whose recent work has degenerated in-
to the bizarre and alienating. With
Glenda Jackson, Oliver Reed and Alan
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
(Nat Sci, 6:30, 9 and 11:30) See listing
for Friday.
Chelsea Girls (Aud A, 7 only) Cinema
II touts this as "one of the few genuine
Warhol films." An omnibus film about
the various goings-on in a New York
hotel. The film is about 3% hours long,
and is shown on two screens. Ondine,
one of Warhol's stars, speaks on the
film and answers audiences' questions.
Jack Johnson (RC Auditorium, EQ,
midnight) A documentary about Jack
Johnson, the legendary black fighter
who held the heavyweight champdion-
ship title from 1908 to 1915. Narrated by
Brock Peters, with a score by Miles
Bel Ami (100 Hutchins, 6, 8and 10) An
erotic film based on Guy de
Maupassant's novel.
Hunchback of Notre Dame and Phan-
tom of the Opera, shown in Markley
Hall, at 8 and 10, respectively.
February 18
Tom Jones (Old A&D, 7 and 9:15) A
randy young man travels through the
english countryside, meeting the usual
farcical characters with funny names,
and a lusty wench or two. With Albert
Finney and Susannah York.
The Ninth Ann Arbor 8mm Film
Festival (Schorling Aud., School of
Education, 7 and 9) Tonight, the win-
ners of the festival are highlighted.
The Man in the Glass Booth (Aud. A, 7
and 9:10) Maximillian Schell stars in
this highly-acclaimed drama about a
man, ostensibly a Jewish businessman,
who may be a former Nazi war
February 19
Ivan the Terrible, Part 1 (Old A&D, 7
and 9:05) Sergei Eisenstein's gorgeous
film about medieval Russian political
struggles, with original music by
Three classic horror films at Aud A,
Angell Hall:
Murders in the Rue Morgue (7 only)

Based on Edgar Allan Poe's detective
story. Bela Lugosi plays a mad genius
with a marauding simian friend.
The Ghoul (' only) stars Boris
Karloff, Cedric Hardwicke and Ralph
Richardson ... what more can be said?
Curse of the Demon (9:30 only) is a
superior horror film about devil wor-
ship, by French director Jacques Tour-
February 20
Mutiny on the Bounty (Old A&D, 7
only) Not-so-hot rendition of the old ad-
venture story. As the classy rebel.Flet-
cher Christian, Marlon Brando is a
ponce with'a funny cartoon voice, and
Trevor Howard does Captain Bligh as a
sort of 18th century Richard Nixon with
the mutiny as his Watergate.
On the Waterfront (Aud A, 8:30 and
10:30) Winner of numerous Academy
Awards. Marlon Brando, the young
rebel-actor, plays a dock worker who
gets involved with gangsters, and pret-
ty Eva Marie Saintis his girl. With Rod
Steiger and Lee J. Cobb.
8% (R.C. Auditorium, East Quad,
9:15 only) Fellini cast Marcello
Mastroianni as a harried, moody film
director, struggling to unify his per-

sonal and creative life in a new movie.
Fellini shows us not only the director's
real-life experiences, but his fantasies,
memories of the past and artistic
February 21
The Letter (Old A&D, 8:30 and 10)
Based onrSomerset Maugham's play, in
which every other word the jaded
characters utter is "God!" Bette Davis
plays the guilty adultress who murders
her lover.
Beware the Blob (Aud A, 8:30 only) A
remake-spoof of the old Fifties kitsch
classic. The huge, omnivorous amoeba
returns to munch its way into your
Eaten Alive (Aud A, 10 only) A
Southern innkeeper (Neville Brand)
possesses an alligator with a taste for
fresh human meat. By Tobe Hooper,
the director of Texas Chainsaw
February 22
Bedazzled (8:30 only) A lovesick
schemiel and short-order cook sells his
soul to the devil for seven chances at
winning, friends and influencing

beautiful women to fall all over him.
This clever trendy British comedy stars
Peter Cook and Dudley Moore.
The Duel (Aud A, 8:30 and 10) Dennis
Weaver plays an innocent man who, for
some reason, is pursued through rural
California by a huge semi-bent on run-
ning him down. Directed by Steven
Wings (Michigan Union -Assembly
Hall, 6:45 and 9:30). The first film toa
deal with the Academy Award for Best
Picture. About two American pilots in
WWI who both fall in love with a French
lady, played by Clara Bow (the in-
famous "It Girl"). Directed by William
Wellnan, one of the great "Social.
Realism" auteurs.

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