Ike Ann Abr Film Coepeat a 1presents at MLB 3: Friday, February 16, THE BANK DICK (Edward Clne, 1941) 7 ONLY-MLB 3 The inimitable MR. FIELDS at his very best. Come see why many consider Fields the best American film comic, despite Mr. Chaplin. "Ah, yes CH APL IN SHORTS 8:40 ONLY-MLB 3 Before Chaplin, silent comedians were content with one or two gags per reel. Chaplin made sure the audienee laughed at least once a minute. The three films shown tonight represent Chaplin's quantum leap from being the funniest man in the world to being the great filmmaker as well. In THE ADVENTURER, Charlie plays an escaped convict breathlessly on the run from the cops. Charlie tries to make his way in the New World as THE IMMIGRANT. .' In SHOULDER ARMS, Charlie is a WWI I soldier hilariously trying to stay alive-while shin-deep in trench mud. "Chaplin can make you laugh help- h l lessly."-S. G. Sthlitz. NEVER GIVE A SUCKER AN EVEN BREAK (Edward Cline, 1941) 10:20 ONLY-MB 3 In his most unusual film, W.C. Fields plays-W.C. Fields! Trying to convince studio bigwigs to produce his screenplay, Fields fades into the story of how he jumps off a plane in pursuit of his whiskey 'flask, lands on top of a mile-' high mountain, and meets the notorious Mrs. Hemoglobin and her gorilla... Tomorrow: Ken Russell's WOMEN IN LOVE a 1 .,OUTHFRI & SAT a ;" A E1E - I 7:30 & 9:30 * .SUN. NOW SNOWING! s:30, 7:30 & 9:30 * c oc 1kt Franco Brusati's * r ®You'll Laugh' Till Your Heart Breaks . r "BEST FOREIGN FILM OF T HE YEA R!" .34 -Archer Winsten. NY Post -- .. .- . MIDNIGHT SHOW ~ " ALL SEATS! FRIDAY & SATURDAY! -PLUS! 2nd Hit!- - "HIGH ON THE RANGE" Page 8-Friday, February 16, 1979-The Michigan Daily .. FOCUS ON RESEARCH ACTIVITY ISR centers: Dollars and sense x (Continued from Page 1) no pay-off (in discoveries), or all of a sudden hit something big," Withey says. SRC TAKES up two-thirds of ISR with a staff of 200 to 300, in addition to 300 field interviewers throughout the country. The oldest study within SRC, presen- tly conducted by University Economics Prof. Richard Curtin, investigates con- sumer attitudes and expectations. "We are interested in this change becasuse consumers today have great influence on the aggregate force of the economy which influences employment and income," Curtin says.. THE CONSUMER project is unusual .because, unlike almost every other project at ISR, its funding is 80 per cent from private sources, with only 20 per cent fromthe government. Forty interviewers work on the project, in addition to a research staff of six. Curtin's job is to analyze and then write a report on the data.. "W're eager to tell people the limits of survey research as well as our, results. We are eager to show people that any one survey question can't determine reality. Part of this is caused by poorly-worded questions," states Curtin. Another major SRC study concerns organizational behavior, which in- cludes a national study on the world of work. SRC ALSO studied "Youth in Tran- sition," a five-year project 'in- vestigating the major causes and con- sequences of dropping out of high school, and whether or not some high schools are better at helping students. The,results indicated that many dif- ferences linked to educational attain- ment are already evident as students begin tenth grade. Spin-offs of, the study included research on drug usage and related at- titudes, which revealed that high schoolers have doubled their daily use of marijuana in five years, but have not shown any increase in the use of hard drugs.' SRC also includes interviewing and methodology departments which con- duct sampling, field work, coding, tly into the computing services of the' Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) and are thus made readily available to the scientific community. "You can find hundreds, literally, thousands, of scholars from around the country who use the results in their work," says Jennings. CPS Administrative Manager Rayburn Howland notes that the November election survey results will be in the hands of scholars by April,. ____ 'The thing about research is that we can do a lot with no pay-off (in discoveries), or all of a sudden hit something big. -Stephen Withey, SRSC Director computer, and telephone interviewing. THE-YOUNGEST member of the ISR center family is CPS, which began in 1970 as an offshoot of SRC. The oldest research theme within the center are the biennial studies of national elections, which began in 1948 and have run in a continuous series since, 1952. "It's hard to imagine the center without them," says Acting CPS Direc- tor M. Kent Johnson. "We have recen- tly received a long term five-year grant from the National Science Foundation for the election surveys. They have become consistently larger and more complex over the years," he continues, "and so have become potentially more productive." THE SURVEY results are fed direc- Lina Wertmuller's LOVE AND ANARCHY with GIANCARLO GIANNINI and MARIANGELA MELATO A fast-priced comedy involving a shy, awkward peasant who arrives in Rome and heads directly to a brothel, where living quarters are provided by his underground anarchist contact. There they try to keep his presence innocent and inconspicious while they finalize plans to assassinate Mussolini. TONITE at 7 & 9 MLB 4 ALTERNATIVE ACTION FILM SERIES "Love and Anarchy builds gently rising to a final crescendo' of anguish and fury It is a film of extraordinary vigor and force, possessed of boldness and ferocity". New York Daily News which he calls unique for such a large project. ICPSR, a cooperative effort between CPS and over 220 member universities, is "a one-of-a-kind enterprise," in Howland's words. Since its conception in 1962, the Con- sortium has provided services and facilities for an international com- munity of scholars which no single college or university could provide. IC- PSR does business in the neighborhood of $1 million per year. "Changes are part and parcel of growth within the center," remarks Jennings, who expects to see more research'on tile topics of media, inter- national organizations, and non- American concerns in the future. "ONE THING for certain," he says, "is that we won't become any less diverse and retrench.". Howland is especially enthusiastic about prospects for increased cooperative research with institutes abroad. Since the early 1970's, the ad- ministrative manager says he has noticed a visible increase in cross- national cooperation in research.. "THE KEY WORD is collaboration," Howland emphasizes. "There is an equal flow of information going both ways between the people here and our foreign equals." A third area within the Institute, the Group Dynamics Center, concerns it- self with cognitive psychology, that is, the way in which individuals perceive things, according to newly-appointed Director Phillip Brickman. Groups are studied in the Center's laboratory, ob- serving real-life groups, and collecting information from respondents. A twelve-year study at RCGD of 5,000 families around the country revealed that of the temporarily poor, 67 per cent: were white and 33 per cent black. OL long time poverty-stricken individuals" 75 per cent were black. ACCORDING TO Director Donald' Pelz, the Center for Research o0 Utilization of Scientific Knowledge (CRUSK) was established 15 years ago as a result of concern about puttin social research findings to practical" use. "Instead , of seeing products of the- research, ending up in academid publications," he recalls, "we hopedA that they would affect the operation of social institutions and all institutions ofV society." However, that concerti hasn't always been shared by funding agent cies. "There are not too many sources of- funding that are interested in the use of,: knowledge in the abstract," Pelz says:. "Potential sponsors, are in the market for specifics." Most of the center's research proposals are generated by staff mem! bers, Pelz says, and each study has -,s different size budget. The total CRUSI( budget last year was near $900,000sand next year's sum will be similar. Pelz is involved in two research, projects himself. One study, in conjun- ction with the School of Nursing;;' assesses the ability of' the University. .Hospital'sdepartment of nursing td- research patient care and then improve. it. The other study looks at innovative health care centers. CRUSK is looking for a new director. since Pelz's five-year term ends i a July. "We would like to bring. id someon from outside the smoe ,fo ousd thorganization," he says. "Someone who could look at the center from a new per ' spective." (Tomorrow: Research from the. researcher's point of view - a close look at the senior research- staff at, ISR.) ESTES SHOW WASHINGTON (AP)-the exhibi- tion "Richard Estes: The Urban La64 dscape" is on display ,at, the Smithsonian's Hirshhorn Museum ofy Sculpture Garden through April 1. The show includes 30 paintings an five silkscreen prints by the Afnerican artist.; v a W.mu t, h2 & Aft- - L- I