See Editorial Page
. E
Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 114
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 15, 1979
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
Iranian rebels
raid U.S.
By AP and Reuter Wire Services
TEHRAN - Urban guerrillas stor-
med the American embassy yesterdays
forcing the surrender of the U.S. am-
bassador and about 100 staff personnel,
including a detachment of Marines,
before they were routed by Islamic
One Marine was reported injured and
four Iranians killed during the assault.
THE GUNMEN, in full combat gear
and wearing black gasmasks, invaded
the embassy as snipers poured
automatic fire on the red-brick chan-
cery building. Ambassador William
Sullivan immediately telephoned for
help to the headquarters of the Islamic
revolutionary leader, Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini. A short while later,
armed pro-Khomeini men appeared
and drove the insurgents from the
badly damaged compound in a 3 -hour
gun battle.
Reporters said fighting was going on
in 21 areas in Tabriz and that there had
been a major battle for control of the
local radio station. The reports said
military aircraft had been sent to the
city, presumably to take part in
When the embassy was attacked,
most of the Americans took refuge in
Sullivan's office and a top-secret com-
munications center, while Marine
guards fired into the air and tried un-
successfully to stop the attackers with
tear gas, officials said.
DURING THE attack, embassy
technicians burned or blew up an
estimated $500,000 in communications
and coding equipment. They set fire to
a number of secret documents. But
some classified material was believed
to have been left behind in offices
penetrated by the attackers.
Sources in Washington said the Car-
ter administra
new mass ev
from Iran this v
At the heart
was the refusa
ters of Khom
political group
now that k
movement has
power. The Khi
embassy attack
who asked not
,had received ri
bassy attack
were making
American hon
tion planned to launch a cities and confiscating personal proper-
acuation of. Americans ty.
weekend. Iranian reporters in Tabriz, 330 miles
of major new violence northwest of the capital said several
al*by rebellious suppor- hundred persons had been killed in the
eini, a widely diverse fighting there involving pro-shah
, to turn in their arms troops, SAVAK secret service agents,
Khomeini's anti-shah Marxists and separatists demanding
s succeeded in gaining, independence for the province of Azer-
omeini camp blamed the baijan, which includes Tabriz.
k on communists. The reports could not be confirmed,
E source in Washington but Khomeini aides here said there had
to-be identified said he been many casualties.
eports that after the em- Both the conservative Moslems and
"revolutionary police" radical leftists had grown uneasy with
random searches of each other in recent weeks as political
nes in several Iranian victory neared.
Ambassador to
Afghanistan shot
NEW DELHI, India (AP) - The
American ambassador to, Afghanistan,
Adolph Dubs, was fatally wounded
yesterday during a shootout between,
police and Moslem gunmen holding him..
hostage in a hotel room in the Afghan
capital of Kabul.
Official Kabul Radio said the four
kidnappers shot Dubs when police
charged into the room, reportedly after
officers fired automatic weapons for 60
seconds through the door and from
across the street.
U.S. DIPLOMATS in Pakistan said
-.. Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
The Institute for Social Research building, located at 426 Thompson, houses the largest university-based operation of its
kind in the nation. The institute works with an annual budget of $13 million and employs over 500 full time staff mem-
ISR: aven of relsearch
on the fringe of te 'U'
LSA SG appoints
three reps to MSA
the kidnappers, who were not ide-
tified, sought the release of three Shiite
Moslem clergymen who were recently
arrested by the leftist Afghan gover-
The, station said Dubs was in critical
condition when police reached him and
he died in the embassy dispensary. The
station also said all four kidnappers
were killed, but an American who wit-
nessed the hssault said one kidnapper
was captured.
"He was brought down the stairs
fighting and kept trying-to raise a leg to
kick one of his captors in the groin,"
said Sandy Stiebel of Highland Park,
Ill., in an interview.
police fired into the windows 'and
through the door for a full minute
before rushing in.
"It was a demolished room after-
ward, filled with gunsmoke with a lot of
blood on the floor," he added.
President Carter and his wife,
Rosalynn, telephoned Dubs' widow in
Washington from Air Force One to ex-
press their .sympathy. Carter issued a
statement saying, "Thesact of brutality
which took his life has deprived' our
nation of one of its most able public ser-
vants." The President was en route to
KABUL RADIO gave this account of
what happened: The kidnappers,
See U.S., Page 6
Director F. Thomas Juster describes its kn'ception as
an "historical accident."
Assistant Director James Wessel likens its operation
to that of a large non-profit organization.
Stephen Withey says: "You have to understand that
the organization is a little weird."
Whichever way you look at it, the Institute for Social
Research (ISR), which stands six stories tall on Thom-
pson St., is a unique University-based institute, which
has grown from a relatively unnoticed beginning 33
years ago to a $13 million yearly operation today.
The Institute, according to Wessel, is the largest
organization of its kind in the nation, or for that matter,
the world. It boasts a regular Ann Arbor staff num-
bering over 500, and a monthly payroll of over 800 is not
SOCIAL SCIENCE research is the sole concern at
ISR, and it's all done within four areas: the Survey
Research Center (SRC), the Center for Research on
Utilization on Scientific Knowledge (CRUSK), the
Research Center for Group Dynamics (RCGD), and
the Center for Political Studies (CPS).
"ISR will always have about 100 different projects
running concurrently at any given time," Assistant
Director Wessel says, "and there is a tremendous daily
pressure to run a financially sound and scholarly
ISR is in a unique position. It is considered an in-
tegral part of the University, but subject to key dif-
ferences with which no other University department
has to deal.
One immediate distinction is the institute's financial
See JSR, Page 9
The Literary College's Student
Government (LSA-SG) selected three
students last night to represent it at the
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA).
The three candidates appointed to
MSA are junior Bill McNee, and
sophomores Marc Breakstone and Vic-
tor Kay. They will be joining present
,LSA-SG representative, junior Bianca
FIVE FINALISTS were interviewed
last night after previously being
questioned by a special LSA-SG com-
mittee earlier this month.: LSA-SG
called the candiates back for final in-
terviews last night, after postponing a
formal decision at last week's meeting.
During the interviews, all the can-
didates cited tenure, particularly the
Joel Samoff case, as a major problem
facing the University. Other problems
mentioned by candidates included
divestment from South Africa and the
low minority enrollment at the Univer-
argued over interviewing procedures.
One member accused others ofeusing
pre-determined guidelines in selecting
the candidates.
THE CANDIDATES were asked what
they would do if their opinion on an
issue before MSA conflicted with that of '
LSA-SG. All the candidates said they
would make their own decisions, but
some said they would talk to' LSA-SG
members first.
Also at the meeting, junior Doug
Steinberg was officially removed from
his LSA-SG seat, Pecause he missed
four consecutive meetings.
I NvSI[),E 1051
Thu rsdla
* Mexican President Lopez audience during the boom of punk
Portillo, hosting President Carter rock in Britain several yea#k ago,
in Mexico City, called for an end the group presents a large dose of
to the Big Brother relationship fundamental rock power. For a
between his country and the U.S. review of their Tuesday night
Instead, he called for a relation- show in Cleveland, see Page 6.
ship of "reciprocal dignity and
respect." See story, Page 6.
" The critically-acclaimed
British rock group The Clash is
currently making their first Rood the Today
American tour. , Gaining an column, Pag.3
(This is the first in a four-part series describing
the Institute for Social Research - the people who
work there, the work they do, and the changes to
come. Today's article is devoted to the funding
and overall operation of the Institute.)
The decision-making was
because several LSA-SG
computer replacement likely
The University Computer Center next
month will likely replace its present
computer system used for teaching and
research and install a model with a
larger capacity, University officials.
said yesterday.
Vice-President for Research Charles
Overberger said the Amdahl 470V/6
computer currently housed on North
Campus is inadequate to satisfy the
growing demand for the Michigan
Terminal System (MTS).
"The history of the whole computing
system is partly responsible for our
commanding position in teaching and
research," Overberger said.
on in computing. . . hardware is
changing very rapidly," Overberger
According to Vice-President and
Chief Financial Officer James
Brinkerhoff, the move should not be
operated much like the present system.
HOWEVER, Gerstenberger added
that "both the machines (under con-
sideration) have capacity about 50 per
cent greater than the present system."
The Amdahl 470V/6 presently holds
about 25,000 accounts for University, as
well as supplying 260 terminal outlets.
Either of the two new systems under
consideration would allow for a 50 per
cent increase in time, which would in
turn allow for more individuals to use
the system.
'There's a minor revolution going on in computing....
hardware is changing very rapidly.'
-Research Vice-President Charles Overberger
: x ...