Wage 4-Wednesday, February 14, 1979-The Michigan Daily DECISION-MA KING A T THE 'U' BAM strike: Behind the move that shook the 'U' Second in a series The importance of generating ts in the cla widespread support for a strike cannot them "our kin Was the BAM strike a success? be overemphasized. As Yates put it, "It them for refu There is no question that the strike wasn't so much students missing and long-hair here is profn q ton the sie- classes that put pressure on the Univer- that day, du had a profound impact on the Univer- sity, but the fact that so much of the stopped his sity. The University community was University constituency came out University i Silted opprtuniies for blac k st uenr strongly behind BAM. The faculty and hood, and said limied opportunisrtiefo blckstiuents student support of BAM was perceived here. The adminstration continually as being surprisingly strong." For claimed they supported BAM's goals example, Regent Gerald/)unn felt that but opposed its tactics and insistence about 75% of the University supported that something be done immediately. BAM. Most of the people we interviewed All of our sources agreed that the think the strike was successful. Among strike was a success, and garnered as members of BAM, there was very little much support in the University as it th dissatisfaction with the outcome. Ac- did, because BAM's demands were cording to BAM member J. Frank perceived as being morally right. to Yates, although a few of their minor K demands were rejected, "BAM wasn't BAM'S PRIMARY tactic throughout i *too .bothered by these shortcomings ; the strike was to picket key University they did get everything of substance buildings. But their key tactic, accor- they wanted. The Regents naturally did ding to many of the people we inter- b not want to capitulate on everything." viewed, was to force the faculty to take d In fact, two of the "rejected" demands, viewed wa toe te faut to take the black suetcneadnoa stand on the strike. From the start, j student center and no BAM worked to enlist the support of reprisals against strikers, were essen= other groups, particularly the Univer- tially satisfied. One year after the sity AFSCME chapter and student ac- m a strike, the Regents established Trotter tivist groups. Until the faculty voted to House which remains in 1979 an active provide monetary support out of their is black student center on campus. And departmental budgets, the ad- there were no reprisals against strikers ministration claimed it could not afford as the administration probably realized the BAM demands. Sthat it had nothing to gain by reprisals o which would have kept the issue alive. on BAM employed a few other tactics that merit attention. On March 20th, w ALTHOUGH THE administration someone 'lost' a contact lens in front of 1 had already been moving in the general the Union at the intersection of State R direction of increased funding for and S. University. Traffic was snarled trouble." Soo 'minority enrollment, they had been for about an hour while a group of BAM stopped in the '.moving quite slowly. If BAM had not supporters crawled around on their hoods up, and threatened a class strike, the ad- hands and knees in the intersection. To asking byst ministration would surely never have dramatize the conflict, three BAM anything abou come up with a proposal for increasing members dressed in KKK garb, en- Throughou black enrollment to 10% by 1973. tered a class and applauded the studen- ministration 11- Glbe AIIUtIIan vBailj A20 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIX, No. 113 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan :sLongr bus hour's welcome ss for attending, calling nd of people" and thanking using to support "niggers red communists." Later ring rush hour, a student car in the State and S. ntersection, opened his d that he was having "car ted the BAM goals, but that the Univer- sity couldn't afford to fund them. Where then did it get the money? According to President Fleming and others, funding for black enrollment up to 7% came primarily from student fees through a tuition increase. Additional funding to achieve 10% black enrollment was to "The lesson that we think is ear from the BAM strike is Oat the only way for students get the University iinistration to m ake ad- n'ajor udgetary committments for a rogram is to demonstrate assive support. A class strike evidently an effective way to o this and possibly the only ze readily available to students." towayd black student support and financial aid. Also, a rapid increase in the last couple of years in federal funds for post-secondary education and financial aid has made it highly unlikely that any funds will ever have to be diverted from academic budgets for financial aid. THE LONG-TERM outcome of the BAM strike might lead one to question the strike's overall effectiveness. Black enrollment increased from 3.5% in 1970 to 7.3% in 1973, but It has since then remained near the 1973 level-and it ac- tually dropped below 7% in 1977-due to a relatively high black attrition rate. BAM no longer exists-and in the ab- sence of a powerful force such as BAM it is uncertain whether the University will continue to work to achieve 10%. black enrollment. The administration's announcement last month of a new black recruitnent program is a step in the right direction-but it fails to ad- dress the problem of the high black at- trition rate. And, in the words of George Goodman, Director of the Opportunity Program, "More important than in- creasing the number of minority students is improving the retention rate." The lesson that we think is clear from the BAM strike is that the only way for students to get the University .ad- ministration to make major budgetary commitments for a program is to demonstrate massive support. A class strike is evidently an effective way to do this-and possibly the only one readily available to students. With BAM the administration made some minor concessions before the strike, but it took a strong show of student and faculty support, including the class strike, before the administration was willing to accept the BAM demands. From this perspective, it is in- teresting to consider last year's ongoing controversy over the Univer- sity's financial links to South Africa. The administration has made minor concessions toward the ' demand for total divestiture of holdings in cor- porations with investments in South Africa. But untiland unless the suppor- ters of total divestiture are 'able to demonstrate much stronger and broader support than they have so far-support which can probably only be shown through a class strike-the administration is not likely to make any further concessions. It is almost as if the decision-making apparatus at the University of Michigan were inten- tionally set up to frustrate students and encourage them to organize class strikes! TOMORROW; The making of the budget This series of articles on decison- making at the University of Michigan has been adapted from al research report titled "Conflict and Power On The Campus: Studies\In The Political Economy of the University of Michigan, " written by. Andy Brown, Harley Frazis, Jim Robb, Mike Taylor, Eitan, Yanich, and Tom Weisskopf. The two articles on the BA M, strike were written by Eitan Yanich. on there were five cars intersection all with their thedrivers milled around, anders if they "knew ut cars." ut the strike, the ad- claimed that they suppor- come from school and departmental budgets. However, the University has not followed through on its commitment. Black enrollment hasn't exceeded 7% so the University has presumably not yet had to divert any academic funds 'U' needs student regent SL AST WEEK, the University decided to fund extension of three more late night bus runs to North Campus with the last bus leaving Washtenaw each night at 2:15 a.m. in- stead of 12:30. We enthusiastically support this extension because the later hours give students on North Campus more time to spend on Central Campus activities. Students living on North Campus have always been confronted with the University-imposed curfew which has been discriminative by forcing them to leave central campus by 12:30 a.m. This extension gives greater flexibility to students planning weekend activities with friends on Cen- tral Campus. Students also face safety risks while walking late at night when a bus to North Campus is not available. While we applaud this move, we feel K it is long overdue. In fact, it is clear that without the strong lobbying efforts -t - a.,. V r 9 'a -.4r of the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA), the University would not have considered the extension. MSA made many contacts with transportation and administration officials and provided $900 for a trial extension of hours from Nov. 13 to Dec. 15 last term. The administration should also be congratulated for cooperating with MSA by providing one-half the funds during the trial period. Now the University is subsidizing $3,000 for the extension which will provide services temporarily until April 27. We strongly urge that the service be extended for the whole school year, and be made a permanent part of the Transportation Services budget. While the extra hours 'increase University bus service by 15 per cent, they would add only two per cent to the Transportation Services budget. We hope that future University decisions will follow this example and meet the needs of students. Three and a half months ago, several of my "liberal" friends and I were discussing the can- didates for the November statewide election. We were discussing the pros and cons of the incumbent Regen- ts, Paul Brown (D-Petoskey) and James Waters (D-Muskegon), when one of my friends in the group strongly suggested that a student should be given a spot on the board. "BLASPHEMY!" I cried.'. "What is all this craziness? I then went into a long, rambling speech about how nice it would be to have a student among the eight top decision-makers in the University, but how impractical the whole idea actually was. For instance, a student would never be elected on the statewide ballot. And besides, he or she would be responsible for absorbing very complex issues, such as budgeting and long-term plan- ning for the University. "Could a mere student, among businessmen and lawyers, possibly understand all the technical work to be done?" I pleaded. But the group overruled me, and insisted that a student regent is viable. NOW, LONG after the election and many regents' decisions later, I have changed my mind on the issue. After reviewing thousands of pages of infor- mation on questions to be faced by the Regents, I agree that it is, indeed, difficult for laymen to understand the facts and figures presented to the board. It may take longer - but it can be done. It would be nice if all the By Mitch Cantor Regents were equally well- conflict with student interests. versed in law and business For example, despite strong jargon, but to trade that for student support for divesting student representation is for- corporate funds from South feiting fairer decisions. Africa, the Regents have still Unfortunately, there is a group kept the investments there. "The regents have too often adopted policies which directly con- flict with student in terests. For example, supportf funds fr despite strong g student corporate for, divesting University issues, and has access to all the information, but who doesn't get a vote. This would certainly be an im- provement, but why settle for a compromise? There is no reason why a student Regent shouldn't have a full, and equally strong voice into all matters. Those who strongly oppose a student board member could say that such a position is' acceptable should the person be elected. But this is a clear denial of the realities of our political system. It's highly unlikely that either the Republicans or the Democrats would nominate a student for the office. IN RECENT decisions, several board members, in discussing the University issues (like the Union renovations and the mass dining hall) said they voted the way they did because they remember what it was like when they were students. It's all too obvious that this viewpoint is overlooked too often. The student shouldn't be em- phasized in only certain issues, but all of them. Under the present system of regental selection - statewide election'- a student voice isn't likely to ever surface. The only hope is that University ad- ministrators will someday be fair enough to suggest one or two of the eight posts be reserved for a student. But of course the recommen- dation will have to be passed by the Regents. Mitch Cantor is a, Night Editor and covers t/be Regents for the Daily. 4om South Africa, the regents have still kept ments there." the invest- of 45,000 students in this state who have no representation on the board. It is this student group which is most drastically affec- ted by the Regents. '. IT SEEMS that all too often the board's main concerns are alum- ni or administration interests. Too often, it's forgotten who this University is for: the students. The Regents have too often adopted policies which directly The board has shown the same insensitivity to student opinion with the search for the new University president. Unwilling to make a firm commitment to the 'students, it seems that the Regents are attempting once again to silence the student voice in a vital campus issue. THERE ARE those who suggest the possibility of having a student regent who has input into LETTERS: Ignorance To the Daily: The level of student ignorance on the U-M campus is becoming atrocious. The Daily's recent poll of 200 students suggests that 55 per cent of the student body does not know the identity of U-M's in- terim president. Another 13 per cent are not even aware that Robben Fleming has left! And we call ourselves educated and the cream of the crop. What an ab- surdity! But why should I bother to ad- dress this problem. Only those literate enough to read a newspaper will ever see this let- ter. The rest of you will go blithely on in your ignorance. It's too bad there isn't a grading scale "Cashing in on 'Animal House'," exemplifies the igorant commen- ts that one often notices when reading the Daily's Sunday Magazine. I am a member of a fraternity on Washtenaw, and I believe that I am not an asshole, nor do I believe that any of my fraternity brothers are. The im- plication that many frater- nity members are assholes shows an uninformed, prejudiced point of view (although I do not deny the existence of an unusually small minority). The Greek System contributes a tremendous amount to the betterment of this University and the Ann Arbor community. I wish to say nothing more about Tom O'Connell besides that he seems ignorant about fraternities. The undeser- ved "frat-rat" or Tom O'Con- Perhaps in front of the Student. Publications Building,.. -Peter J. Petesch, Chi Phi Fraternity Nestles To the Daily: N Thank you for your Feb. 10 story on Doug Johnson and the INFACT boycott against Nestles. One major correction-the World Health Organization (WHO) conference coming up in October was not asked for by Nestle. Rather, WHO officials responding to Sen. Kennedy's urgings have decided to review the matter. Also, the chief WHO nutritionist has indicated that the October meeting will not be an of- ficial conference but rather a get together of scientists, public health officials and other people in countries ill equipped to properly use it continues to ad- versely affect the health of newborns who would survive bet- ter on mother's milk. Until Nestle responds more ap- propriately, the boycott should continue on Nestle's brands-in- cluding Stouffers, Crosse and Blackwell, Swiss Knight cheeses and others. -Clair W. Matz Visiting Scholar Institute of Public Policy Studies Editorials which appear without a by-line represent a consensus opinion of the .cif . / - , JOW