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February 14, 1979 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-02-14

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P4ge 2-Wednesday, February 14, 1979-The Michigan Daily

Khomeini calms turmoil

Third Ward candidates blast

(Continued from Page 1),
nment," one said. "I assume he wll be
tried to find out whether or not he is
Meanwhile in Washington, the United
States said yesterday it is moving
toward a stable relationship with Iran's
new rulers and signaled it sees no
political future for the shah.
Aodding Carter said President Carter's
offer Monday to cooperate with the new
government headed by Bazargan was
received well in Tehran and the U.S.
Ambassador, William Sullivan, expec-
ted to call on members of his cabinet.

"The President indicated he intends
to cooperate fully. I have reason to
believe that statement was well-
received in Tehran by those who
represent the new government," he
"We are in touch at various
levels ... We are moving along toward
a stable relationship," he said.
U.S. OFFICIALS said Washington
had not yet formally told Bazargan that
it recognizes his government as the
successor to that of Bakhtiar, appointed
prime minister, by the Shah before he
left on an indefinite vacation last mon-

Such notice would be the final formal
step toward maintaining diplomatic
relations, but Carter's statement of
willingness to cooperate may serve the
same end, officials said.
Pinch-running specialists Allen
Lewis and Herb Washington got into 12
World Series games for the Oakland A's
without ever putting on a fielder's

What ere YOURcamus "Sore Spots"'7
f you have the inclination to work on these problems, or others, then share
your talents-help MSA bring about CONCRETE IMPROVEMENTS.
*We are now seeking a project organizer for the
Responsibilities include working with administrators and with MSA, assessing
the resources and options available, setting responsible goals, making
recommendations, and working towards implementation. Some commit-
ment to continuity (over 1 semester) desired. Small financiel subsidy for
sincere effort.
*Also seeking a director of the
Plan ahead, devise solutions, insure implementation of a variety of projects
relating to improvement of the campus environment. Commitment neces-
sary. Compensation.
*Preliminary work underway on improvements to the Fishbowl, creating
a research/action option to work/study, campus-.wide recycling, lobby .on
University physical planning decisions. Volunteers needed.
For more information contact:
Special Projects Co-ordinator
3rd Floor Michigan Union

Official Bulletin
Dailv Calendar:
CEW: Pauline Stone reviewing "The Black
Woman in America" by Robt. Staples and "Sexual
Racism: The Emotional Barrier to an Integrated
Society" by C. Stember: Pendleton Rm., Union, 2
Indust. and Op. Eng.: Seminar "Interaction Bet-
ween Nurse Staffing Policies and Their Costs,"
Walton Hancock, 229 W. Eng., 4 p.m.
Physics and Astron: General Colloquium, J. Hop-
field, Princeton Univ., "Genetic Proofreading," 296
Dennison, 4p.m.
Volume LXXX IX, No. 113
Wednesday, February 14 1979
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12
September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail,
outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published Tuesday through
Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann
Arbor; $7.00 by mail outside Ann Arbor.

(Continued from Page 1) program f
less government over the people, the work in 197
better." As for his decision to seek the As for t
Third Ward seat, he said, "I wish all said, "I wc
people were more concerned with their the level of
government." In respor
Curry criticized "the American "roadwork
public's head in the sand attitude" of something
prefering "to ignore problems than replied "W
face them." He considers this potholes w
"dangerous in a democracy which something1
depends on the intelligent choices of the CURRY
electorate." waste remi
SENUNAS' "OVERRIDING con- streets" a
cern" is "how to live with the period of his gener
fiscal austerity brought on by cilman-"
Headlee." specific a
One of the consequences for Ann Ar- lies" rathe
bor government now is general problem.
obligation bonds, for example, must be Curry at
approved "by an electorate who may or in challeng
may not see City Council's wisdom (in with parti
its prior passage)." cerning th
The conflict, according to Senunas is and stree
"how to maintain quality basic services that recen
as well as reasonable social goals. The ning thes
cutbaks are coming and how do yon proposed
deal with competing needs for dwin- 1983-84 "h
dling resources?" As a concerete believe it
example of this problem, Senunas that the mi
refered to the recent federal cuts in these prob
CETA and CDBG funds. Ann Arbor it is "spent
residents who consequently are no The str
longer receiving various health -and brings to (
welfare benefits from these programs the Chrys
"are now coming to the city (for these
programs) and it's getting very dif-
ficult." iI
BOTH CANDIDATES resolve this
conflict by a heavy emphasis on the
city's role in providing services. n,
Senunas regards as his "major accom-
plishment" of his first term the
"spearheading the Republican- (

as big, i
or greatly expanding road-
8." -
this coming year, Senunas
ould like to at least maintain
roadwork of last year."
nse to the question whether
C" meant filling potholes or
g more major, Senunas
le're at the point of having
ithin potholes. We have to do
basic about roads."
SAID "I'd concentrate on
noval system and,, secondly,
s part of what he presents as
ral strategy as a coun-
'to concentrate on these
reas where my knowledge
r than trying to follow every
.tributed his original interest
ging Senunas to his concern
cularily these matters con-
e shredder, sludge disposal,
t repair. He acknowledges
nt Council decisions concer-
e matters as part of the
spending progrms through
ave put the money where I
should be." However, now
honey has been 'allocated for
lems" Curry wants to ensure
t wisely and fairly."
rengths Curry believes he
Council is as an engineer at
sler Chelsea plant, he "is

trained to solve problems."
SENUNAS BOASTS of a similar
background as Reliability Manager at
Ford Motor Co., with an Engineering
and Business Adminittration degree.
Senunas sees this as a major asset
enabling him to bring to Council "my
business orientation on financial and
budgetary programs." He charac-
terizes his views and perspectives on
these financial matters as "hand-
Neither candidate claims to be con-
ducting a particularly intensive cam-
paign. Senunas characterizes his ac-
tivities as "low key," with expenditures
of "several hundred dollars" largely
due to mailings and a few adver-
tisements in the Ann Arbor News. He
says his main campaign objective is
"just getting the Republican vote out."
Curry's campaign is based on "per-
sonal contact." 4
Curry says "it is rough going against
an incumbent," but said he had "no
basis for making a judgment as to his
chances of victory.
One possible source of support, which
Curry alluded to, -a fairly common An-
nArbor Phenomenon, is voters of the
opposing party, in this case,
Democrats, seeking to defeat the in-
cumbent by crossing over in the

mocrat Cappaer,
opposed in primary

Continued from Page 1)

line had passed, Grieshaber's name
still appear on the primary ballot. '
And Cappaert is not particularly
worried about an upset.
not unheard of in this town, Cappaert
said that it is unlikely that any
significant number of Republicans will
vote out of their party for Grieshaber.
"Youy can lay back so much as not to
encourage anyone to vote," said Cap-
paert, who has been conducting a "door
to door" campaign for the past month.
the former city councilperson who
represented the Fifth Ward from 1964-
70, is making his seventh run for council
after losing last year's election for the
Fourth Ward seat by a mere 58 votes to
Republican David Fisher. But Cap-
paert said that he doesn't think a great
deal about the "win or lose thing. I just
work like hell." t
And since past races in the Fourth
Ward have traditionally been quite
close, if Cappaert is successful on
February 19, he may have to build up a
sweat in order to beat incumbent E.
Edward Hood (R-Fourth ,Ward) in
THE FOURTH WARD-the city's
largest with some 3000 more voters
than the next biggest ward-has come
to be known as Ann Arbor's "swing"
The heterogeneous Fourth Ward has,
in the past, been a good indicator of the
outcome of the city's mayoral races. If
the winner of the Fourth Ward contest
is a Democrat, according to past trends
Democratic mayoral candidate Jamie
Kenworthy or John Montgomery will be
conducting City Council meetings next
Cappaert, the principal of Abbot
Junior High, and the consensus choice
of active party members in the ward, i
confident of his chances in the coming

primary and his ability to represent the
Fourth Ward. Running in a diversified
ward consisting of students, professors,
wealthy business people and public
housing residents, Cappaert is focusing
his campaign on the "general area of
ethics in government."
"I think that it is essential to bring
out the talent and ability of everyone
who lives in the city," said Cappaert,
who explained that broad attitudes in
government are themselves an issue.
Cappaert is also emphasizing a num-
ber of specific issues. One current isue
that particularly concerns Cappaert, is
the problem of a landfill. "I call it a
garbage dump," said Cappaert, "and it
is a real problem. Most people want it
picked up,. but no one wants to put
CAPPAERT SAID that recycling ef-
fQrts and the purchase of a shredder,
are stepsin the right direction.
The junior high! principal is also
placing emphasis on the broad area of
traffic safety. "If 'the city were more
honest, the 'Don't Walk' signs would be
changed to 'run like hell.' We're afraid
to slow down traffic," Cappaert said.
Cappaert, however, has a solution.
He plans to personally go out and time
the traffic lights. "With the facts to
support me, I will insist that changes be
made," he said.

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