BUS HOURS See Editorial Page Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom I i1Q HEATWA YE? High-32° Low-teens See Today for details Vol. LXXXIX, No. 113 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 14, 1979 Ten Cents Ten Pages Bond sale ballot includes street improvement plan I THIRD WARD FOURTH WARD IBALLOT ISSUES I 1 I By JEFFREY WOLFF The Third Ward Republican primary between incumbent Louis Senunas and challenger Gerald Curry is marked by the current national rhetoric attacking big government and its "wasteful" spending programs. Curry cites his dislike for "the inefficient bureaucratic way this country is being run" as the main factor prom- pting him to challenge Senunas for the leadership of this predominantly Republican district. "Somebody has to do something about it and I'm more than willing to be the one," Curry said. This attitude is the product of what Curry's "philosophical" belief that "the See THIRD, Page 2 By AMY SALTZMAN Leroy Cappaert likes to think that there is a legitimate reason for holding a primary next Tuesday. The Fourth Ward Democratic candidate-who is, for all practical purposes, running unopposed-contends that the $20,000 being spent by the city to run the primary is going to a worthy cause. "The open primary provides citizens access to the electoral process," Cappaert said. And Cappaert admits, if nothing else, "the primary will be a good testing ground for punch card voting." Cappaert did have an opponent until Democratic precinct captain Mel Grieshaber withdrew from the race. However, since the formal withdrawal dead- See DEMOCRAT, Page 2 By ELISA ISAACSON In the final draft of the bond sale ballot proposals, City Council added a major street improvement plan to its previous list of projects to be put before the voters this April. In a maneuver in part designed to make the proposed $3,500,000 garbage shredding and landfill equipment package more attractive to the voters, coun- cilmembers also moved to separate these two items on the ballot. TO ALLEVIATE the worries several councilmembers expressed earlier con- cerning the likelihood of approval of the $525,000 to $800,000 street reconstruction plan, council decided to spread the repayment of the borrowed money over five See BOND, Page 10 New Iranian Ohio St. decides no Soviet art exhibit BY JOE VARGO After several days of debate, officials at Ohio State University (OSU) decided Monday night not to exhibit the Soviet art collection that was cancelled here last week by the Sbviet government. Robin Wilson, associate provost at OSU, confirmed that OSU officials can- celled plans for showing the collection. Wilson said Soviet officials never made a firm commitment to the Ohio school that would have permitted the exhibition of 150 paintings, graphics and art works. "ALTHOUGH ALL parties seemed interested in showing the exhibit here, at no point did any official spokesman - say this was approved. It got to the point where we couldn't wait any longer," Wilson said. According to Wilson, OSU became .eligible as a possible alternate site for exhibiting the "Russia: 1800-1850" art collection after Soviet officials in Washington cancelled the scheduled month-long showing (Feb. 16-March 16) here.' The exhibit was cancelled because University officials refused to call off a poetry reading by dissident Josef Brodsky, the University's poet-in- residence since 1972. After the exhibit was cancelled in Ann Arbor, Wilson said the two Soviet curators traveling with the exhibit visited Columbus last Wednesday af- ternoon. After approving the museum facilities, the curators called the Soviet embassy in Washington, which in turn contacted Moscow, where the final decision was to have been made. "That decision never came," said Wilson. "I DON'T know if it was a bureaucratic mix-up, but the Russians never made a decision," Wilson ex- plained. Wilson expressed disappointment. about not being able to obtain the exhibit for OSU. See OHIO, Page 7 gov't By AP and Reuter TEHRAN - Iran's new leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, cracked down yesterday on illegal arrests and looting by the young Islamic revolutionaries who swept him to power last weekend. In a television and radio broadcast, he ordered them to turn in their guns, warning that it would be a sin to disobey. WHILE THE Ayatollah used his authority to restore calm and order, provisional Prime Minister Mehdi Bazargan announced the formation of a cabinet. Two key appointments to Bazargan's government were Foreign Minister Karim Sanjabi and Labor Minister Dariush Forouhar. Both were long- standing opponents of the shah. Forouhar will be responsible for rebuilding the economy, crippled by strikes launched in the campaign to bring down the monarchy. AN OFFICIAL spokesman said the strikes would end quickly and that air- ports would reopen soon. Western diplomats said the selection of leading NationalFront figures in- dicated that Bazargan, a human rights activist and former Front member, was seeking to broaden support beyond the religious community that had been at the forefront of the anti-shah struggle. "I think it represents a broadening of the government and gets in other more diverse elements," said one diplomat. FRONT LEADERS have generally espoused what could be considered moderately leftist views, but the new government is certain to avoidmilitary ties with either major world power. The government, now widely recognized abroad, also announced that it had arrested Shapur Bakhtiar, who resigned on Sunday as the shah's last egrns premier amid bloody Street tigning between the army and the Ayatollah's followers. BAKHTIAR was arrested yesterday by armed guerrillas. He was taken blindfolded to Khomeini's headquarters and was reported to have been under protection of Bazargan, after raiders ransacked his home on the outskirts of Tehran. Khomeini aides said they did not know what charges Bakhtiar would face. "He is a prisoner of the gover- See KHOMEINI, Page 2 Black enrollment Continues to decline By SARA ANSPACH University black enrollment con- tinued to decline this Fall term while total minority enrollment on all University campuses remainedstable, according to the recently-released an- nual minority enrollment report com- piled by the Office of Academic Affairs. The report, which will be presented to the University Regents at their monthly meeting tomorrow, indicates that although minority (Asian American, black American, Hispanic and Native American) enrollment on all three campuses remains steady at 9.5 per cent, enrollment on the Ann Arbor See MINORITY, Page 7 Dily Photo by ANDY IFREEBERGi WHEN DEMOCRAT CARL LEVIN was still a candidate for the Michigan Senate seat last fall, he stopped off at the law quad here on campus to pose ponderously in vest and shirtsleeves before one of his campaign posters. SENA TOR COMPLE TES FIRST MONTH IN OFFICE Levin reviews Taiwan break By AMY DIAMOND Freshman Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) says he would not support any security guarantees for Taiwan against a Chinese attack if the guarantees would bind the United States to military intervention. Levin also said the recent normalization of relations with China, occurring in advance of a SALT It treaty, will have a major effect upon our relationship with the Soviet Union. LEVIN MADE HIS comments in an exclusive interview with the Daily last weekend after his first month in office. Levin, who was recently appointed to chair the Subcom- mittee on Oversight of Government Management, is a for- mer Detroit City Councilman who served on the council for two terms, including one term as president. Levin defeated 12 year veteran Robert Griffin in the election last November. Last week, Levin had an opportunity to hear China's Vice Premier, Teng Hsiao-ping, speak at a luncheon. "He's a very good politician, I'd hate to run against him," said Levin. LEVIN WILL SOON have to vote on Carter's nomination of Leonard Woodcock to be the new U.S. ambassador to China. Levin said he would support Woodcock "110 per cent" for the position. Levin said that opening ties with China was inevitable but that it should have been done differently. "The public got the impression that we broke a treaty," said Levin. According to Levin, the U.S. treaty with Taiwan contained a clause which said the pact could be cancelled, but President Carter neglected to state this in his first statement concerning our relationship with Taiwan. LEVIN SAID "it hurt American credibility at home and abroad." He added, "We're less of a solid ally after that." Levin said he would probably support Senator Edward Kennedy's (D-Mass.) and Senator Alan Cranston's (D-Calif.) resolution to reaffirm U.S. concern for Taiwan because, "it's reassurance without committing the U.S. to another war," See LEVIN, Page 10 MSA discusses mnmority funding Shoppers jam stores for Feb. 14 By BETH PERSKY While cash registers clanged in- cessantly and clerks tried frantically to keep lines moving, customers jammed Ann Arbor gift shops yesterday in hopes of buying those last-minute presents and cards for Valentine's Day. Campus valentine plans ranged from Valentine blind dates to singing valen- tines. Students in several dorms opted for the "secret valentine" system (similar to the December "secret San- ta" ritual) to surprise their friends. DRAKE'S CANDY shop attracted an enormous crowd and their new con- sumer contribution for this holiday was a huge pair of red foil-covered lips made of solid milk chocolate. Drake's also featured inflatable valentines, along with a colorful array of different sized heart-shaped candies. A Caravan Imported Gifts employee reported that business was about the same as last year, although their Valentine selection was quite different and has affected prices, which range from 35Q to $1.50 for the basic valentine. Not all Valentine's Day customers' turned to cards or candy. The Univer- sity Florist Shop was constantly plagued with phone calls while others waited patiently in line to place their order. But many potential customers left disgustedly from the crowded stores when they found the lines too ap- palling. Carl Bay, owner of Bay's Arcade Jewelers, noted that "I love you" still prevails as the most widely-used in- scription on Valentine gifts to sweethearts. One valentine's shopper concluded that the holiday was definitely "a Hallmark festival." By JULIE ENGEBRECHT' The Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) last night discussed statements made at last week's meeting by MSA Budget Priorities Committee (BPC) member Jeff Coleman regarding the funding of student minority groups. Val Mims, an Alice Lloyd Minority Council representative, presented a draft of a letter addressing Coleman's comments, which asked that Coleman resign from his position or be removed Sam off discusses possible suit by the assembly members who appoin- ted him. LAST WEEK Coleman complained that too much money was being spent on minority activities, particularly in conjunction with Black History Month. At that same meeting, assembly mem- bers reacted negatively to Coleman's comments and contended he was being unfair and biased in his statements. The assembly discussed the budget matter further last'night, and after a resolution was introduced by assembly member Joseph Pelava to -request that Coleman resign in light of the con- troversial nature of his views. The motion was tabled until next week, where the steering committee will discuss the issue. See MSA, Page 7 Wednesc,,day * Internationally-acclaimed French film maker Jean Renoir died yesterday at his home in Los Angeles. The artist, son of pain- ter Auguste Renoir, was 84. See story, page 5. " When you bite into your next hot dog you may end up spitting By JOHN SINKEVICS Assistant Political Science Prof. Joel Samoff met privately with several at- torneys and students early last week to discuss the possibilities of bringing suit against the University - if appeals procedures in Samoff's tenure case fail io result in his favor. According to Samoff, the session was called only to examine whether he had any grounds to sue the University Guild House; Attorneys Jean King, Gerald Lax, and Staughton Lynd; and several students from the Samoff Student Support Committee (SSSC). "I wanted to know if there was a basis for a suit," said Samoff, "and the lawyers said I had a substantial case." THOSE attending the meeting also discussed the possibilities of procuring assistance from the American Civil Urin c .n nn (ACLU)mifr en ;. Kate Rubin, a Michigan Student Assembly representative and SSSC member, said no official action has been taken by any group on the matter, and that a number of alternatives exist. "WE DISCUSSED different legal strategies with Samoff and the other at- torneys, but nothing has officially hap- pened," said Rubin. "If we do ever take on a case, the lawyers said it would take $10,000 to do it. So, -we would have to ,. v