The Michigan Daily-Sunday, F Page 2--Sunday, February 11, 1979--The Michigan Paily R APIRLINGS/r.j. smith TEL EVISION/ tom o'connell Cashing in on 'Animal Hoi G IMME SHIT. Lay it on the table- I want three helpings. A lot of my friends don't understand my zest for junk, which is alright, because I don't understand my craving for crap myself. And if I did, it would takesome of the fun out of it. Gimme Hostess Snowballs. Let me read reams of Marvel comics (at least until the bastards upped their prices to the ridiculous 40 cents an issue). Pour Hawaiian punch into my veins, flash reruns of Gilligan's Island before my eyes, and then set me free in a shopping mall! I have a lot of grand trashy dreams. "If I had my way," I say to myself, "I'd live out of my car, or with whoever I found that night. And I'd eat Big Macs all days, play miniature' golf, air hockey and watch Richard Dawson on Family Feud in the afternoon, and drink and throw up on everybody all night." That really sounds like the life to me. I mean, I saw the moyie Woodstock for the first time a few weeks ago, and the people were like aliens to me-what was all that stuff they were saying? It was a colossal pig-pen, an assembly of people who got together when it was cool to be empty-headed, "change the world" derelicts. They'll never stack up to Monty Hall or Charles Nelson Reilly. I want to have some fun, and it seems like that's hard to do nowadays. And for anyone brought up in the seventies, there seems absolutely no way to be cool. The kids in the sixties really had it made. I don't want to go into the whole boring- story that's been smugly regurgitated so often before, but a few things need to be said: they were buried under a load of repressions so long, they were over ready to explode. And when the war, and civil rights, and acid came' along, well, Hell, how could we of the seventies ever have a movement like that? And, of course, we don't. We've got a bunch of smug geeks on the one hand sweeping their- arms across a generation and claiming that self- determination, at least for. us, is a lost cause, and proclaiming us lobotomy cases. And on the other hand, what else is there but creeping drek: suburbs and People Magazine and A&W rootbeer stands and, of course, the shopping cen- ters. Yeah, the repression today is harder to suss. Parents supply dope to their children, and they take disco lessons so they can understand "the kids." But I'll tell you one thing: if ever there was a supreme model worth rebelling against these days, it must be has-beens that spout off derogatory statements with the phrase "me generation" in them. WHAT A TRAP: owing it to society -and it is certainly of the Ann Arbor society-to put yourself on the line, a sort of self-sacrifice not unlike what the church lays down on youth. And that's what roots my pop dreams, I think. What could be cooler-what could be more liberating-than embracing so much of what those has-beens disown: if they put down television and drinking and Big Macs, it must have seemed to me, then I am going to love all those things. And there is violence too, because all those hippies hated violence. Never, I believe, have high school vandalism reports been so frequent; in my hometown, some kids ran over a woman because "they didn't fell like honking the horn." Back home, my friend Bill tried to take his mother's house apart with a sledge hammer (the police stopped him), and another time, in the middle of a conversation on his front porch, he walked over to his garage and picked up a bag of golf clubs. He invited me to help him destroy his car with him, a task which took us all afternoon. The last time I went home, I heard what was new with Bill. Driving a car on which he had just paid a first in- stallment, with no license or title, he wrapped it around a tree while driving drunk with a car full of under age frien- ds. Of course Bill is an asshole. But so is everyone who has fought for anything and lost their life in the process, and so is anyone who is growing up now thinking that working to save the whales, or turning off unnecessary lights and pushing solar energy is the only path to self-liberation. And, all things considered, I think I'd rather be like Bill. Or something like him. When I go home and see him, I'm always shocked. I forget how gaunt he is, how he lives in an apartment by himself which he couldn't afford before his roommate left him. He left M.S.U. a year ago, and now works afternoons at Arnold's Drugstore, and nights at Burger King, from which he gets his meals. But dammit, he's taken some action. He's made a choice, and now lets a crazy, violent energy push him around in his daily life. I, however, go to college. I reject the notion of most every vocation I can think of (recently I See RAMBLINGS, Page 8 THE MAJOR networks have each delivered a show designed to cash in on the success of the movie Animal House, and all are sufficiently bad, I suppose, to insure their survival in the situation comedy wasteland. Having been assigned to watch and write about all three by a pair of unusually sadistic editors to whom I shall never speak again, r have had to endure a total of an hour-and-a-half, of numbing boredom, broken only by the anguished pleas of housemates begging for a change of channel. The series officially derived from Animal House-ABC's Delta House-is the best of the lot, being merely dull, while the enormous pit currently being dug next to the Law Library is the only accurate metaphor to use in describing just how abysmal NBC's Brothers and Sisters and CBS' Coed Fever really are. The main problem with these last two is that they don't take advantage of the fact that they are set at colleges. Take away the characters' student IDs and you could stick them, along with the shows' plots, into any other series on television. College life is a fertile field for satire, but neither Brothers and Sisters nor Coed Fever make much of an attempt to exploit it. Instead they rely on well-worn situations left over from Three's Company and third-rate slapstick that was a bit too inventive for Laverne and Shirley. Both shows contain too many charac- ters laboring to be cute; there are no objects of true derision and hence there is none of the vicious comedy which made Animal House so entertaining. If nothing else, colleges contain an ex- cessive number of assholes, and assholes invariably make excellent centerpieces for satire. You say you have never seen an asshole? Then walk past the fraternities on Washtenaw some Saturday night. Brothers and Sisters and Coed Fever, however, try to tell us there are no true assholes .at colleges. At worst there are persons of moderate assholishness who nonetheless have a good heart. With just one or two assholes-targets for jokes whom we could truly despise-these shows might have a chance of succeeding. Former Daily Magazine editor Tom O'Connell believes he is not an asshole. I.V \ I!- IF" ! = . ~ ' Sunday mddziner CHSIC FPiZZLE A 2 G 3 3 4 K 21 22 0 23 - I - ! - P - I E 6 Ix 8IG N 29 772L13 R I R251T 26F 27 :A8 M 39 40 D 41 N 42 N 29 0 30 N 31 ,,4811, 49 1 50 '1 51 10 321 p 441J 451K 46 a , 47 3 52 1 5: J 58 F 59 A 6o B 61 H 62 641 V 6 5 ? ' 66 69'M701771 U 76 T 96 77 P 78 F 79 D, 99 N 100 B pD 1I -f- i - i i 8210 a4 1 51 q9jJ 9) 1c 102 U 103 G 1041 1i^ I i l - F - 1 - L 109 N A. Infant 2 162 144 12 60 B. One of the four sub-units of RNA strand C. Cripple a sailing vessel D. Spherical or rod-shaped granules occuring in the cytoplasm of certain cells E. Russian biochemist who first postulated absence of free oxygen in early stages of Earth's history F. Trails againĀ° G. Cell with a nucleus H. Protein found in the aoons of the nerve cells J. Batters J. Inner relatively fluid part of the cytoplasm K. Anxieties; worries 80 118 1 54 61 52 49 37 43 91 152 86 98 23 30 41 56 81 99 111 121 116 153 163 168 38 167 6 134 115 164 27 59 63 79 68 87 124 36 3 83 104 9 74 53 95 145 154 18 112 157 137 7 44 62 19 50 82 161 67 101 108 24 45 58 123 151 71 140 119 90 46160 113 117 21 L. Thin, hollow connection between the head and body of a horse (Comp) M. Israeli language (2 words) N. One of the four sub-units of the DNA strand 0. Disparaging or abusive words or phrases P. Perches; settles Q. Applies too much make-up R. Extremely conspicuous S. Solicitors; barristers T. Abnormality; anomalousness U. Trolls; costs V. Facial ridges with hair growing on them 13 8 85 155 97 169135 39 48 57 64 70 138 106 170 131 29 110 125 31 42 129 100 16 32 40 72 109 130 156 142 33 126 133 11 78 28 148 15 34 47 150 75 69 93 105 128 136 25 5 14 165 84 149 147 94 4 22 143 132 92 158 17 - - - - - - - - - - 26 55 66 73 96 107 102 89 114 120 122 141 76 103 35 146 159 166 20 10 65 51 88 127 139 77 BY STEPHEN J. POZSGA I Copyright 1979 INSTRUCTIONS Guess the words defined at the left and write them in over their numbered dashes. Then, transfer each letter to the cor- responding numbered square in the grid above. The letters printed in the upper-right-hand corners of the squares indi- cate from what clue-word a particular square's letter. comes from. The grid, when filled in, should read as a quotation from a published work. The darkened squares are the spaces between words. Some words may carry over to the next line. Meanwhile, the first letter of each guessed word at the leftreadingdown. forms an acrostic, giving they author's name and the title of the work from which the quote is extracted. As words and phrases begin to form in the grid, you can work back and forth from clues to grid until the puzzle is complete. Answer to Previous Puzzle All the vegetable seda- tives and narcotis, all the euphorics that grow on trees, the hallucinogens that ripen in berries or can be squeezed from foots; all without exception have been known and systematically used by human beings from time immemorial. Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception Due to a mix-up in scheduling, last week's Acrostic also ran in a Novem- ber issue. Coed Fever is the worst of the lot. The timing of its debut indicates that even CBS realized it had a dog on its hands: 10:30 on a Sunday night is the morgue slot of TV scheduling, and is often the" kiss of death for a new show. The net- work's apparent forebodings were justified. Coed Fever is terribly scrip- ted and screechily overacted, with a laugh track that is intrusive even by sitcom standards. The names of the principle actors shall be posted here in case they attem- pt to sneak onto other shows and catch unwary viewiers by surprise: David Keith, Alexa Kenin, Cathy O'Neill, and Chris Nelson. The Detroit Free Press's "TV Book" description of the show's premise-"a women's college becomes a coeducational institution with hilarious results"-is so deceptive that it constitutes sufficient grounds for a subscription cancellation. The show is as "hilarious" as a death camp. F Brothers and Sisters is not quite as bad as Coed Fever, it's not for lack of trying. The show centers around a group of horny frat rats and their sorority sisters next door. The mem- bers of the cast were apparently sup- plied with amphetamines in order to compensate for their poor timing and delivery, and they zip randomly across the screen at a manic pace, seemingly without purpose. The show has an over- generous sprinkling of sterotypica sit- com characters, among them the inevitably overweight black cook whose sole purpose in the show is to waddle out of the kitchen and scream "honky" and "sucker" at the fraternity brothers whenever the'action slows down. These lines consistently bring down thun- derous peals of canned laughter. Most of the other attempts at jokes involve brassieres, a comedic topic exhausted by Bing Crosby and Bob Hope 30 years ago. If the show has a saving grace, it's that the cast doesn't seem as self- consciously aware of its lack of talent as the principles in Coed Fever are. Delta House, though a poor show, is still a masterpiece by comparison. Unlike the 1 high school troop acros and Brothe actually do formers wi the scripts, whole thing over from switch to te on (portra: McGill ("I (Flounder) Delta Ho storyline degenerate their stand face of op Omegas a: Wormer. T another re superior t Omegas an assholes, exaggerati real life a Omegas t business s< real Worm ministrati( them as N pathize w directed ag However too mild Belushi's House. De weak sigh only some the part of bers bring tability. An its comedi Lampoon'., bad taste. House mus nocuous, b no attem medium's much less f There's They're pr king (continued from Page 3) time at all you'll be-strangled by the walking dead." It takes a writer of King's caliber to offer New York as a city silent with death, and make it real. King's capacious gift for character is at its best here: he creates Harold Lauder, a fat, pimpled boy of sixteen shunned by his peers who turns instead to books and affects the speech of an English gentleman; and Lloyd Heinreid, a dull-witted killer who blew away a liquor store owner and who is left to starve in prison, lone survivor of the superflu, until he is rescued by the Black Man just as he contemplates eating a dead cellmate. Perhaps best of all is the Trashcan Man, a pyromaniac so dubbed because of the garbage cans he set on fire during his childhood, who in the aftermath of the superflu, runs from city to city setting oil tanks on fire, gleefully watching the explosions, until the Walking Dude calls him to his side to serve. The secondary evil, Flagg and his followers, is vanquished in an exquisite scene fraught with social comment, but at the cost of several leading members of the Free Zone. But the primaryevil, civilization, begins to make a comeback: An armed police force is created inthe Free Zone, more and more people come in, and finally some of the first settlers of the Zone decide to leave. King makes a sweeping social statement in the following exchange: "Frannie," he said, and turned her around so he could look into her eyes. "'What, Stuart?" "Do you think. . . do you think people ever learn anything?" She opened her mouth to speak, hesitated, fell silent. The kerosene lamp flickered. "I don 't know, "she said at last. She seemed unpleased with her an- swer; she struggled to say something more; to illuminate her first respon- se; and could only say it again: "I don't know." Without ever coming close to sound- ing pedantic, King says that external evils may be vanquished, but the inter- nal evils of human beings which cause man to create and destroy can be th- warted only momentarily. The great cycle goes on and on. And perhaps that is the most terrifying evil of all. ..I I N4L lUUMV" J