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February 11, 1979 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-02-11

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Page 2-Sunday, February 11, 1979-The Michigan Daily

Students (
A unique opportunity awaits under-
graduate and graduate students in-
terested in securing internships in
business and economics.
The International Association of
Students of Economics and Commerce
AIESEC if the French
acronym-operates a reciprocal intern
exchange' program, through which,
qualified students can obtain summer
jobs in Europe and South America.
countries include jobs in computers,
finance, and managements.
In exchange for participation in the
program, companies in each com-
munity must provide jobs for foreign

interns. One of the responsibilites of
each AIESEC chapter is to contact
businesses and interest them in the
A company deciding to hire an intern
pays AIESEC $400 to cover the costs of
a reception program, computerized
selection of the intern, and the gover-
nmental paperwork necessary to allow
the student to work there.
AIESEC, FOUNDED in 1948 by
French students concerned about in-
ternational relations, is based in
Belgium. There are 66 chapters of the
organization in the U.S., all affiliated
with universities.
To fulfill placement requirements,
the internship applicant must have an

educational background in business or
economics and have some foreign
language proficiency.
There are currently 13 applicants
from the University for internships
abroad, three of whom have been
assured of summer employment.
Applications are available through
Mary McClellan, membership director
of AIESEC-Michigan, or by contacting
personnel in room 380 of the Business
Administration Building. The deadline
for this year's applications is Feb. 16.
Two local companies, Ann Arbor
Bank and Trust and Sarns, Inc. are
currently considering employing
foreign interns. Often the interns are of-
fered permanent positions after com-
peting their internship.


New look for A 2 transit


(Continued from Page 1)
For last year's operations, less than
25 per cent of AATA's 2.1 million
riders were on DAR, yet approximately
55 per cent of AATA's- $5.86 million
budget went for DAR. Consequently,
each DAR passenger ride was costing
AATA $6.26 but the cost was only 88 cen-
ts for a fixed-route passenger. Such
figures make a continued reliance on
DAR impractical, because AATA plan-
ners are talking in terms of an annual
total ridership of over five million by
The underlying factor which explains
wide cost discrepencies between DAR'
and fixed route buses in AATA's embat-
tled financial situation, highlighted by a
deficit last year of $479,536. Actual
farebox revenues are expected to
provide less than ten per cent of
AATA's $6.4 million in costs for this
fiscal year. In addition to the $2 million
from the Ann Arbor millage, an ad-
ditional $2 million is expected from
federal funds and over $1 million from
state funds.
THE RESULT is a board outlook
generally supportive of present board
Chairman Ed Pear's contention that
"money is the key problem-we're
spending more than we've got."
Although all the proposed long-term.
plans carry with them annual budgets
of over $10 million, the accepted
proposal has the lowest cost per
passenger-$1.27 compared to the

present $2.43.
Board decisions defining the role of
public transportation must also be seen
in the context of AATA's existence as a
city agency and not as a private enter-
prise. Consequently, AATA performs a
function of providing a service whose
magnitude and focus is responsive to
the wishes of Ann Arbor taxpayers.
A MASSIVE 1978 survey conducted
for AATA by the Institute of Social
Research (ISR) found that "students,
workers, older people, non-whites,
females, and lower income people were
the individulas most likely to have used
public transit." For example, the sur-
vey found more than two-thirds of
frequent and occasional users of AATA
were female, who especially took ad-
vantage of DAR, while men were
proportionately more likely to use
fixed-route buses. Also, nearly one-
third of frequent users had annual in-
comes below $5,000, while only 12,8 per
cent had annual incomes over $25,000.
The conclusion is: "'As income rises,
the incidence of frequent use of public
transit in Ann Arbor declines."
The proposal selected by the board
was described by its architect
the Ecology Center, as keeping this
focus through "retaining the skeletal
midday portion of the DAR component
to serve those in the community who
are truly transit dependent: the poor,

Housing Reapplication Drawing
For Students Presently Living In The Residence
Halls Who Wish To Return To The Residence
Halls For The Academic Year 1979-80

the unemployed, single-parent
families, and non-auto-owning
This proposal was approved
unanimously by the board, because it
was regarded as fulfilling both th*e
system's economic and non-economj
roles. Willie Horton and Joel Samoff,
the board's only regular AATA riders
and former members of the now defun-
ct Citizens Advisory Committee (to
AATA) tend to view decisions from the
perspective of the riders. The reasoning
of Horton, Samoff, and other rider-
oriented board members in approving
the push for a reduction in DAR is that a
system based on fixed-route buses cab
provide a more reliable, a higher
capacity, and a more comprehensive
system to this constituency.
THE RESULT was an informal
alliance with the more fiscally-orientd
board members. However, as AAT)X
begins to fill in the specifics of this
general long-range plan, it remains to
be seen whether the perspecties of the
taxpayer and of the AATA rider wil
continue to be so compatible. As an ifi-
dication of things to come, the decision
was nearly forestalled by last minute
debate over the possibility over two
policy issues: maintaining DAR all tie
time, but at premium prices; and the
fate of the heavily-subsidized DAR set-
vice for the handicapped and elderly,
which has so far been treated as a
separate issue.
Bus service
more hours

WED., Feb. 21

- 7:30p.m.

Housing Reapplication
For Students Who Win In
Their Drawing,:
Monday through Friday
March 12-March 16

Collected Works
down t he Steps at
309 East Liberty
Valentine Heart Throb Special
20% off all hearts including

' 1

(Continued from Page 1)

Questions Should Be Directed To
Hall Or To The Housing Information
dent Activities Building, 763-3164.

Your Respective
Office, 1011 Stu-

14 kt. earrings, Chinese needlepoint
heart boxes and other hearts galore " I
" Come discover the new version of our Chinese cloth
shoes. They are finely embroidered with 'exotic
" And for your hair, just in . . . lovely painted brass
and sculptured silver combs.'
" Don't forget our 100 % cotton long sleeve t-shirts
and turtlenecks, $7-8.


and officials have estimated costs far
one year at $10,000, adding only two per
cent to Transportation Service's
budget, and will increase Universiy
bus service hours by 15 per cent.
"I'm really happy, and glad things
worked out," said Pace, who has been
working for North Campus bus service
extension since October. "The aa-
ministration was really helpful, and ii-
terested in what we were doing."
Pace also said that MSA will ke
publicizing and posting new bus service
schedules, along with schedules for
commuter bus services. He said he
hopes more knowledge about the hours
will make the services more useful and
effective for students.


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