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February 10, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-02-10

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In tomorrow'su SU aY nmdazine:___

'U' blacks-coping
with racism in
the 1980s

increased but black
enrollment hits low

meets t.v.
King, and

_ i

r ' -

Tai House
more . .

i I v



See editorial page


3k ~43U


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See Today for Details

Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXxiX, No. 110 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, February 10, 1979 Ten Cents Ten Pags

Iranian troops

hit pro-Khomeini base

From UPI and AP
TEHRAN, Iran - Elite Iranian army
troops loyal to the shah opened fire last
night on a large air force training base
in Southeastern Tehran manned by
airmen who had declared their
allegiance to the Moslem patriarch
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
Tens of thousands of residents
awakened by the crackle of automatic
weapons fire reverberating throughout
the capital, ignored the midnight cur-
few and poured into the streets to con-
verge on Khomeini's home and on the
large Farahabad Air Force base in
East Tehran.
THE SHOOTING at the air base
lasted for more than one hour but died
down abruptly after thousands of
Khomeini supporters surrounded the
base and staged a sit-down to protect
the cadets and junior officers inside,
witnesses said.
Government and military authorities
declined comment "due to lack of in-
Hundreds of air force cadets have
been seen demonstrating in the streets
in recent days in support of Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini, the Moslem holy
man who has vowed to oust the gover-
nment of Prime Minister Shahpour
Bakhtiar and establish an Islamic
EARLIER yesterday, the army chief
of staff announced that a newspaper
photograph showing scores of airmen
saluting Khomeini at a downtown
school in Tehran "was fake."
Experts who analyzed the picture
said it was authentic. It showed
Khomeini receiving the salute from the
uniformed airmen whose backs were
toward the camera.
Fearing that the shootiig signaled
the start of a military coup, thousands
of other Khomeini loyalists converged
on his home in Tehran and formed a

"human barrier" to protect the
Ayatollah in case of an attempt on his
WITNESSES SAID troops trying to
enforce the curfew fired on the huge
crowds, hitting at least five people. The
witnesses said they thought at least two
people were killed, including an elderly
man trampled underfoot when the
troops opened fire.
There were no immediate reports of
casualties at the air base, where wit-
nesses said the shooting died down one
hour and 10 minutes after it started.
Other witnesses reported heavy tank
movements in the capital but said they-
had not joined in the firing.
KHOMEINI'S support in the armed
forces drew nervous attention yester-
day from Prime Minister Shahpour
Bakhtiar and Mehdi Bazargan, named
prime minister of the shadow gover-
nment set up by Khomeini to establish a
"revolutionary" Islamic republic.
The 70-year-old Bazargan told 100,000
persons at a Tehran University mosque
the military faced the "revenge of
God" if it did not abandon the Bakhtiar
government. As he spoke a military
helicopter circled overhead.

He also outlined a six-step plan for
abolishing the monarchy and
establishing a religiously oriented
" Bakhtiar must first resign and
hand over power to him;
" A referendum must be held on the
Islamic republic demanded by
K Iran'smeconomy must be rebuilt;
" A constituent assembly must be
" A parliament must be elected, and
" Power must then be transferred to
the emerging permanent government.
Bazargan gave no timetable for his
plan, but he told his audience he would
ask them soon to demonstrate the
strength of their commitment to
If Bazargan could win the support of
the army's supreme command, there
would be no obstacle to his effort to
sweep Bakhtiar out of power,
diplomatic sources said. But, they ad-
ded, Bazargan obviously does not have
a great deal of support in the highest
military circles.
Western diplomatic sources said
Khomeini has consistently overrated
his support within the army.

January price hikes
worse in four years

Sitting pretty Daily Photo by PAM MARKS
An unidentified student stretches while working out at the CCRB.

xperiential courses reviewed
By JOHN SINKEVICS Committee. Formal approval must be some have cited specific problems ' The total number of cree

dits allowed

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - Inflation roared in-
to 1979 unchecked as wholesale prices
last month climbed at the fastest pace
in more than four years, the gover-
nment reported yesterday.
Prices rose 1.3 per cent in January,
signaling new trouble ahead for con-
sumers and Carter administration in-
flation fighters.
THE GOVERNMENT'S price report
got 1979 off to a dismal start from the
standpoint of inflation. If the trend con-
tinues, the January increase would
mean a year-long rise in wholesale
prices of about 17 per cent, compared
with an increase of 9.1 per cent last
The Labor Department report said
wholesale prices increased by 0.8 per.
cent in both November and December.
The worst immediate news for shop-
pers was that the price of food headed
for supermarkets rose 1.8 per cent,
mainly because of an increase of more
than 13 per cent for beef and veal. That
surely will mean higher at-the-counter
prices for groceries and meats in the
weeks ahead.
BUT NON-FOOD items also
skyrocketed, notably gasoline, home
heating oil, drugs, steel, tires and
Gasoline prices also went up sharply,
rising 3.2 per cent during the month,

and prices in all major categories rose
by one per cent or more, the first time
this has happened since 1974.
Price increases at the wholesale level
usually are passed along to consumers
in higher retail, prices. This is
especially true for foods.
FOR THE administration, the
January price report dealt a stu ning
blow to its anti-inflation program,
aimed at reducing inflationrat the con-
sumer level from the nine per cent rate
of 1978 to about 7.4 per cent this year.
"Frankly, it's hard to see rays of
hope in numbers like these," said John
Layng, a Labor Department economist.
Layng said beef and veal costs
probably will taper off. The January
beef prices surge was caused by
diminished herds and bad weather in
the Middle West, he said.
"Right now," Layng said, "the area
of most concern is non-food items
because of the broad-based nature of
the increases."
Alfred Kahn, Carter's chief inflation-
fighter, called the wholesale price in-
crease "terribly widespread and
He said some of the prices, such as
for beef and fuel, are "largely out of our

Formal lectures, required readings,
and comprehensive tests don't satisfy
the broad expectations some students
have for an education at the University.
So, many of these students seek out
"experiential learning" courses
through Project Community and
Project Outreach, where they can work
with various agencies to learn and at
the same time help ease problems in
the community.
Experiential courses, however, are
now facing the possibility of major
revisions. The University's Curriculum
Committee is reviewing these
programs and a decision on practical
actions may come within a month.
THE LSA Psychology Department's
Project Outreach and Sociology Depar-
tment's Project Community are only
two of 14 courses labeled "experien-
tial" which will be affected by recom-
mendations brought by the Curriculum
* An Ann Arbor police officer
was arrested and arraigned
yesterday in connection with the
rapes of two teenagers. See story,
page 3.
" Harry Chapin gave a so-so
performance for a Hill
Auditorium audience Thursday
night. See story, page 5.
* Michigan's women's gym-
nastics tenm Cmneted in the Ria

made by the LSA Executive Commit-
tee. Although these courses integrate
varying degrees of academic work, all
are based on the concept of "learning
through experience."

which they say exist in the structure of
these courses:
" There is not enough emphasis on
the academic side of experiential cour-
ses. Some committee members said

If credit for Outreach were dropped, "the whole pro-
gram would come to a crashing halt, and the students
and the community would be miserable.
-Ass't Prof. Shulamit Reinharz,
Project Outreach director

for experiential courses, 12, is too high.
Suggestions have been made to reduce
the number of credits granted for
Project Outreach, thus limiting the
number ofutimes a student may register
for this course.
Assistant Prof. Shulamit Reinharz,
Project Outreach director, said she
would be opposed to reduction in the
credit ceiling.
"THE' PROJECTS are of sufficient
variety to allow students to gain new
experiences each time they register for
the course," she said. "Also, I think you
should let a student decide what

The committee has spent several
months examining experiential cour-
ses, speaking with project directors and
reviewing the benefits of such
programs. Although most committee
members agree experiential learning is
important to a student's education,

specific readings and papers should be
" Too few faculty members are in-
volved with such programs. Many sec-
tions in Project Outreach for example,
are coordinated by undergraduates,

Sun, balmy, breezes beckon

Students to head South

'U' seeks sick students
to help test flu drug

You can read about it on signs all
over campus. "Needed: Young Men
With Flu.".
The School of Public Health is testing
a new drug, ribavirin (also called
virozole), on willing students to deter-

has also been tested on persons in
England, some Latin American coun-
tries, and on 100 persons in California
where no harmful side effects have
been reported, said Dr. Arnold Monto,
University professor of Epidemiology
and director of the experiment.,

Though it doesn't begin for
another three weeks, many
students are just waiting for the
arrival of Spring Break to break
loose. Some anticipate only a trip
home to the slushy suburbs of
Detroit, or worse yet, to the
crusted snow drifts of the Upper
But for the resourceful, the ob-
ject of anticipation lies ap-
proximately 1,100 miles to the
south-in Florida, the Sunshine

Fort Lauderdale, authorities
have reported an exceptionally
brisk reservation busines. A
spokesperson for Daytbna Beach
police said the department ex-
pects an influx of vacationers
well over the 625,000 recorded
last year. The Fort Lauderdale
Chamber of Commerce is expec-
ting at least 150,000 visitors
during the seven-week rush.
"The kids have always been
just super," said Tommy Mercer,
a Fort Lauderdale Tourism and

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