FIREWOOD. 761-4300. 52B121 VALUABLE NORETAKE CHINA' 80 pc.; silver goblets and sherbets, set of 6 each: electric guitar with case. 973-2586 2488 Dalton Ave. dB Custom t-shirt business. 40,000 students potential customers. Good will and training period included. $9000co mlete R.' your own hoss 65-5S nORR 119 Male East Quad double for sale or trade'Call Vince764-5619. 80C114 Looking for friandly house? One person room, Catherine near campus. Kitchen, parking, cheap. Grad or working. 665-0825. 96C109 Non-smoking, friendly, relatively unrowdy female wanted to share 2-bdrm apartment with same. $180/mo. plus utilities. Prefer grads. 665-5540, evenings. 970112 Female sha're 2 bdrm campus apt. with grad student. $132.50/mo.. 995-3182. 810113 ROOM SPACE available at Friends International Co-Op for foreign women students. Close to campus. Call Jean or Cecile. 761-7435. 02C110 Couple needed for room in 6 member, cooperatively run house. 995-8901. 94C114 Apt/rooms at a Jewish rooming house. Low prices. 995-3276, 769-3078. pcCtc Room: $140/mo. negotiable. Optional meal plan $110/mo. 1501 Washtenaw.995-4258. 82C112 Apt/rooms at a Jewish rooming house. Low prices. 995-3276,769-3078. pcCtc ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED APT. $260/mo. Lawrence St. Beg. Dec. 21st. Call 996-0379. 32C1209 FALL CAMPUS AREA APARTMENTS AND HOUSES WELL FURNISH)ED UNITS IN MODERN BUILDING AND UN IQUE OLDER HOMES STOP BY SOON FOR COMPLETE INFO AND BEST SE LECTION CAMPUS RENTALS SOUTH UNIVERSITY AT WASHTENAW WOMAN TO SHARE modern two bedroom apart- ment one block from U Hospital. Well furnished, AC, dishwasher, balcony. Available immediately. Call collect,1-336-4881. 79C107 BILEVEL TWO BEDROOM campus apartment. Unexpectly available. Jan. thru Aug. lease. Ideal for four. Campus Rentals,665-8825. cCtc SUNNY, PRIVATE ROOM. Close-campus. $95 in- cluding utilities. Duncan, 995-8406; 665-4517. 71C111 NORTH THAYER 2 bedroom furnished apartment available im- mediately. 4 month lease or longer. No pets. $350. Call 663-5609 before 8p.m. cCtc 3 BEDROOM APT. available immediately. Huron Towers (heat included). $380. View of arb, 11 bath. 668-7391. 76C112 HENRY STREET Unfurnished 3 bedroom, 2 bath apartment avail- able immediately. 4 month lease or longer. No pets. $400 & utilities. Call 663-5609, before 8 p.m. cCtc LIVE-IN HANDY PERSON needed by gentleman farmer for cooperative living situation in beautiful 100-year old home on 25 acres. Decorator's delight. Horse facility if you have horses. Mature profes- sional couple or female(s) preferred. Rent nego- l iable. P.O. Box 402, Chelsea, MI 48118. p33C114 FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE, $500/mo., plus utilities, Old West Side. Call 665-6314 daytime, 769-0280 eve- nings. 56C112 LOOKING FOR FEMALE to Share Modern Furn- ished 1 bedroom apt. $125/mo. Call 995-8913. 40C109 ROOM FOR RENT, $125 per month 665-4925 or 481-1397. Campus bus service. 41C107 AVAILABLE-Share comfortable home, co-op style, $165/month. Female grad preferred. 971- 8813 evenings. 38C107 FURNISHED, ONE-BEDROOM APT., washer and dryer, dishwasher. heat and water included. Extra sharp, $285/month. No lease required. 663-6910. PRE-MED STUDENTS interested in sharing con- cerns about personal and academic experiences in pre-medical studies with others in similar situa- tions should call Tod Sloan at the Counseling Center, 764-9466. Must have Tuesdays, 5-7 p.m. free for several weeks to come. 55F111 COPIES: 31/1each, overnight. Lowest Prices! Fastest Service! Accu-Copy, 524 E. William 769-8338 cFtc: Win NBA ALL STAR TICKETS Pick-up your official entry form to win 2 great seats for the NBA All Star game in Pontiac, Feb. 4th. Also check out our copying, typing and print- ing-super quality and service, open 7 days. The WORDPROCESSORS 211 S. State St. 662-3969 cFtc HILLEL BELT Midrash class registration Jan. 8-12, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Jan. 10, 7-9 p.m. For further infor- mation 663-3336 and watch for details of courses. cF0109 MATURE PROFESSIONAL MAN seeking liberated woman to share beautiful large home in country. P.O. Box 402, Chelsea, MI 48118. p32F114 JEWISH STUDENTS- 11 a.m. Sun., Jan. 7; per Sandwich/Side. -There will be an open brunch at Hillel, 1429 Hill St. $1.50 cF107 SHARE ROOM. North Campus Co-op Room-Board $165/month. 769-5495 or 663-9283. 41E110 FRATERNITY now accepting non-member board- ers for 2nd semester. Room and all meals, $900. Call 761-7104. , 06E1211 Speed Rea din Learn eed reading/study skills. Regis ation Wed. & Thurs., Jan. 10-11. Cost $25. U-M Reading Center, 764-9481. 77F111 [)ELECTABLE DELI-6-7 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 7. Special deal-12 price. Only 75¢ per plate. New York style. Plus 2 flicks-W.C. Fields and Laurel and Hardy at Hillel. 1429 Hill St. cF107 PRIMAL/FEELING THERAPY - The Personal Growth Center, 403 Miller, 971-0102. cFtc PRIMAL/FEELING THERAPY-The Personal Growth Center, 403 Miller, 973-9764. cFtc MALE SEEKS liberated male companion. Call Chuck. 485-8490. 53F107 PRE-MED STUDENTS interested in sharing concerns about personal and academic experiences in pre-medical studies with others in similar situa- tions should call Tod Sloan at the Counseling Center, 764-9466. Must have Tuesdays, 5-7 p.m. free for several weeks to come. 55F111 OFFSET AND XEROX FAST LOW COST DULICTING COPYQUICK-769-0560 1217 S. University cFtc DEGREED PEOPLE WITH COMPUTER EXPERIENCE Engineers, (M.E E.E., Chem E. etc), Physi- cists, Mathematicians, Chemists, Computer sci- entists, Economists, Accountants, Business ma- jors, Writers, Teachers, Managers, Salespeople. No matter what your background, if you can specify. write, document, sell or teach about computer programs, one of the many companies in the area offering jobs through us might be interested in you. We fill permanent and temporary jobs in a wide variety of computer applications. With our own staff's diversified background, we've been able to work successfully with many whose computer skills opened opportunities for them to apply much of their non-computer training. If you're interested in seeing what we might have for you, call us at 994-0044. SOFTWARE SERVICES 320 N. Main, Ann Arbor 66H110 RESIDENT ADVISORS for FRIENDS INTERNA- TIONAL CO-OP to serve beginning summer 1979. Preference will be given to couples who have had ex- perience in group living situations, who have some Quaker interest and background or have relevant international contacts. Interested married student couples'without children or pets should call 761-7435. 01 H110 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR RN'S AND LPN'S FOR CHARGE NURSES. Call Parkview Extended Care Convalescent Center, 483-6125. 49H118 Kitchen help, $3.00 per hour at sorority. Call 663-5331. 90H118 Breakfast cook, 5 days per week at sorority. Call 663- 5:331. 88H118 AIDES AND ORDERLIES, new beneifts available, all shifts. For more information call 483-6125. Park- view Extended Care Convalescent Center. 45H118 Pizza Drivers Telephone Kitchen Must be 18. Full or part-time, 10-40 hours/week. We supply car. Apply in person only after 4:30 p.m. Omega Pizza, 101 Washtenaw Place. Across from Couzens Hall. 59H116 COLLEGE STUDENT WANTED to assist handi- capped man and help with inside and outside house tasks, Will trade for room. board and loving family. 995-8855. 46H 112 PART-TIME SALES. Call anytime for recorded message. 478-8237. 57H 112 NIGHT AUDITOR-Two nights a week. Apply Weber's Inn. 3050 Jackson Road. 769-2500. 68H109 DISABLED WOMAN needs aid with meals, dress- ing, etc. Huron-State area. 662-2734. 6711111 Excellent opportunities for responsible, hardworking students are available with The Michigan Daily. Monetary sowpensation is small,. but the experience is invaluable. Applications are now being taken for business staff positions. Apply in person, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, MWF afternoons 12-3, see Stan 'or call 764-0560. dHtc SEAMSTRESS will do sewing and alterauns. Reasonable prices. Call after 6 p.m.: 763-1932. 73J112 EXPERIENCED TYPIST Will quickly type Medical/Legal/Technical Disser- tations. Call Jane at 668-7217. 62J116 PROFESSIONAL TYPING and WORDPROCESSING The WORDPROCESSORS. We specialize in dissertations, manuscripts, resumes, legal and term papers. Rackham quality guaran- teed. Also copying, printing and binding, open 7 days. 211 S. State St. 662-3969 cJtc THE SECRETARIAT Term PapersTheses & Dissertations Typing, Copying & Binding 812 South State Street 994-3594 9-4 Mon.-Sat. c3 i DISSERTATION & MANUSCRIPT TYPING Free spelling, grammar, punctuation and cleanup. RACKHAM QUALITY GUARANTEED Reasonable Rates KATHY BLACK-665-3416 cJtc WRITING SERVICES. Creative, Techni.. Editing, Research, Typing. Experienced Profes- sional. 996-0566. cJl0td. TYPING/BINDING " Dissertations " Theses/Term papers " Business/Letters/Resumes " Legal Judie Birdsall 665-9843 612 S. Forest Suite B cjWc EXPLORE EARTH SPRING SEMES'WR IN THE HIMALAYAS SUMMER IN THE ANDES Join a small group of creative.:independent trav4- lers for a 4-week guided expedition. Call for detain, JOURNEYS. 995-4658. ¢P t is preserved on AVAILAB AT. . ,LACK GRINNELL Spinet Piano. Great for fuj Includes bench. 323 S. Main, Ann Arbor. cX For Sale: Harmon -Kardon 330c Receiver. watts/channel. Excellentcond. 1' years old. $20i best offer. Call 764-6089. SSX1i . C .GIBSON RD GUITARS in stock. Road Fender, Yamaha and Martin brand names included in fine selection. Apollo Music Center, 323 S. Ma. c Take over one bedroom lease in huge furnishm home. Friendly habitants. $117/mo. plus shale utilities. Call 995-5316. 86U Lease for rent. Male graduate student. Bans housing.Approx. $100/month. Call Mike.994-4989. 665-8825 cCtc APARMENT FOR RENT. Immediate occupancy. Village Green, $325/mo. Centrally air-conditioned, carpeted. 663-2995. 580110 MALE TO SHARE one bedroom apartment. Uni- versity Towers. 4 month lease. 995-4618. 60C107 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE A W A Y J A N U S V I E W T AB U O P E R A 0 M R 1 T R I G U P E N D I P I L U N B 0 S S E D D E C O C T S I T A A U G E R S H I L L L A N CAS T E R M O R A L E N O E L A D E A VIV S C 0 N E S N U G R E D S T U D S T U C C O TREATI# S E S S LEE T S C A M P H E A L L A C U N A TERR I B L E I1D0E A B L E A R V E#IN A U N T L E A V E A M 0 N R E T E E A S E D N A N A MEAL CONTRACTS available at Friends International, Co-op. Good meals, conversation, ping-pong, study area, laundry and more. Prefer Grad students. 1416 Hill Street. 761-7435. 99F1 t) Anyone interested in AUDITIONING for the MICHIGAN'S MEN's GLEE CLUB. Please come to 1024 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING between 9 am-5 pm on either Mon., January 8 or Tues., January 9 for further information. 91F109 ADVANCE THE CAUSE OF SCIENCE and earn some money too! Participate in a psychological experiment. Call Rita at 763-0044. 69F109 WE BAKE 'EM AND TAKE 'EM Personalized cake delivered with a musical flair. Create your own occasion. 663-1245. eFtc Academic Writing Sharpen your writing skills. Registration ed. & Thurs., Jan. 10-11. Cost $25. U-M Reading Center, 764-9481. 78 F1 JEWISH STUDENTS-There will be a student UJA open meeting, HATIKVAH at Hillel, 1429 Hill St. at 4 p in. Sunday. Jan. 7. cF107 AFTER THE FALL APPLE JUICE $2.69/GA. WITH THIS AD, LIMIT FOUR GALLONS 407 N. FIFTH AVE. 1978 Volvo: AM/FM, stereo cassetee, air. $6350 or best offer. Must sell to reduce budget. 971-2134. 85N110 Honda Civic, 1973. 50,000 miles, good condition looks nice, stereo fm.971-6299. 87N111 VW BEETLE, '65. Rebuilt engine. Easy-starting, good heater. Basic transportation, $200. Call 663- 7962 evenings. dN109 SUBARU '76, front wheel drive, tuff coated, FM-8 track.low mileage, excellent. 971-4271. 48N107 The Michigan Ddily Student Publications Bldq. 420 Maynard Street AND; ,. ; A DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trude Jaffe Q 1978 Los Angeles Times Syndicate ACROSS; 1 Make quiet ! 7 Campus building! 13 Sun rooms' 14 Body of troops 15 Disc jockey's item{ 16 Business of a mid- dleman 17 Hotel charges 18 Mastery 20 VIP's of a sort 21 River into the North Sea 22 Awns on barley 24 Fastens in a cer- tain way 26 Provincial ruler of old India 30 Throw (at) 33 Split - 34 Turkish decree 35 Pastry shell filled with meat, fish, etc. 37 Inhabitants of the earth 39 Outlander 40 Clay deposit 41 Indian pony 42 Triangular cloth insets 43 Worn on the back 45 "The rest is - " 47 1/10th of an ephah 51 Neat - pin 54 Awareness 55 Positive pole 56 Piano solos 58 Apathetic 60 Declare passe 61 Magnitudes 62 Name sakes of a Forsyte 63 Scarcity DOWN 1 Cattle-catching weapons of the pampas 2 Gladden 3 Provides a ban- quet 4 Fine- 5 Word with around or about 6 Hereditary Ger- maf title 7 Top 8 Haiti and the Do- minican Republic 9 Eastern title 10 Language of Buddhism 11 Early home of man 12 Fewer 13 Nimble 23 Western figure 25 Part of a pocket radio 27 Northern Euro- pean 28 Music halls of ancient times 29 Largest 30 Forest denizen 31 Seaport in Hawaii 32 Giant of Norse myth 36 Symbols of in- dustry 37 Distributed 38 Gaelic 40 City in SW Bel- gium 43 Compact 44 Of greater dura- tion 46 Guides 48 Riding horse 49 One of the Bunkers 50 Cardinal and car- mine 51 "0 Lord, renew our days old" 52 A person 53 Wager 55 Broadway initials 57 --Darya, river into Lake Aral 59 Chopper ARTWORLDS Institute of Creative Arts Winter Workshops'79 ART Oil Painting Acrylic Painting Water Color Painting Life Drawing Sketching Graphics Caligraphy Batik Macrame Silkscreen Pottery Glass Blowing DANCE Ballet Modern Creative Dance Jazz Blues & Jazz Afro Dance Ballroom Disco Beledi PHOTO Photo Darkroom Camera/Darkroom Color Printing & Developing Color Slide Developing Cibachrome Printing Lighting & Effects Portraits, Informal Portraits, Studio Figue Photography Fashion/Glamour, Adv. MODELING Modeling for Photography I PHYSICAL ARTS Yoga. Hatha T'ai Chi Chuan Polar Energetics Acupressure ASSOCIATED WORKSHOPS Fencing: Ann Arbor Sword Club Karate: Shorin Ryu INFORMATION & REGISTRATION REGISTER NOW ARTWORLDS-994-8400 21:3 So. Main, Ann ArborMich. 48108 Request Free Catalogues MAKE LOVE! -NOT WAR (It's good for our business) Austin Diamond 1209S. University 663-7151 Specializing in custom engagement & wedding rings 11 .4 I 11 SALE.. Starts today! :,AGNTLEMAN, studying for law, wishes to s blet/ rent a spare room from a private party. Will share help with upkeep/expense/academic assist- ance if needed. Michigan Daily Box 17. 74L112 r r- '1y 1 i. s ?s' Y }'a 9 Graduate Library - Mars 4 Pen Set Contains working stand, 4 pens: 700 030-050 & one bottle of ink. LIST $ 30.00 SALE $18.95 Rotary Lead Pointer Hand-held model. LIST $3.50 SALE $2.80 Lead Holder Economy model: small pointer, with carbide wheel & pocket clip. pcFll4 LIST $1.50 SALE $1.20 14 19 22 Orchestra section Mellow Seed covering 13 2 3 4 ,5 6 13 15 17 18 7 $ 9 10 11 12 78 21 2 26 MEALMEN WANTED Free dinners for hour of your time. Sigma Nu. 761- 3127. 93H114 MEAL JOB at sorority, bussing tables. 663-5331. 95H118 WORK-STUDY POSTION available in 1960s oral history project. Job includes transcription of inter- esting interviews with Ann Arbor figures from Tom Hayden to Robben Fleming. $4/hr. Flexible schedule. Minimum typing skills preferred. Call Bret at 769-2730, day or night. dH108 ALL TYPISTS The Wordprocessors, a commercial typing service has part and full time positions open for mornings, afternoons, evenings, and weekends. Must accu- Superbow Compass Set Compass with interchangeable pen & pencil parts, 6 in. extension bar, 6 in. divider, ruling pen handel & spare parts boxi In velvet- lined "book"style case. LIST $27.95 SALE $22.56 College Compass Set Masterbow 6 in. compass, with same accessories as the Super- bow compass set, with additional 4 in. small pencil bow. Small parts box & hard plastic case. LIST $ 27.95 SALE $ 22.36 Also featuring our rOegu- lar 15% discount on Mars single pens & compasses erasers, scales & inking I 27 25 29 14 -t-t-r-t-ylomd. F11 i' n -1-t E,1