Page 4-Friday, February 9, 1979-The Michigan Daily Ohio farm workers face fight against canneries On Thursday, January 25th, the beginning of a boycott of Libby's and Campbell's products was marked by a picket-line locally and several press conferences across the nation. This boycott is part of the struggle of far- mworkers in Ohio to bring about a change in their living and working conditions. The boycott was organized by the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOG), a union representing Ohio farmworkers that was star- ted in 1968. The boycott is directed against Lib- by's and Campbell's because they are the two largest canneries in the areas where FLOC is organizing. In order to more fully support the boycott and the other efforts of the far- mworkers, it is useful to understand the history and the present dynamics of their situation. Farmworkers are among the most oppressed of all workers in this country, and certainly among the poorest. The fact that the Ohio far- mworkers are migrant workers, traveling bet- ween Texas or Florida and Ohio, means that they are only in Ohio for several months of the year. This makes it especially difficult for them to organize effectively. THE FARMWORKERS in Ohio are currently paid 19-24t for a 33 lb. hamper of tomatoes, which barely makes minimum wage when picking is good, and doesn't account for the times when picking is poor or must stop tem- porarily. Most of the camps the workers and their families live in are far below even the meagre standards of the state of Ohio, with no inside plumbing, flimsy plasterboard and nail con- struction, extension wires for electricity, and totally inadequate sanitation facilities. These camps are supposed to nurture the people, in- cluding children, who do some of the country's By Erica Salzman' hardest labor, and who produce much of our food. Who is responsible for the farmworkers' plight? At first glance it would seem to be the governors, who actually pay the farmworkers and also run and "keep up" the camps. However, the growers are for the most part small or medium sized farmers who have ex- perienced increasing stress as inflated costs quickly outpace the growth in their own in- comes. In addition, the growers don't have all that much control over their-income or the decisions which affect it. They sign contracts with canneries, the most powerful ones being large national or multi-national corporations or subsidiaries of these, such as Libby's (a sub- sidiary of Nestles) and Campbell's. These contracts specify the amount of tomatoes the canneries will buy from eachgr- ower, and the contracts severely limit the growers' option to sell any extra produce, especially to other canneries. In addition the canneries sell the growers their tomato seed, or young tomato plants, tell them when to spray what on the fields, inspect the farmerworker camps, and in general oversee the whole of the tomato operation. So that, in fact, the growers, who are under contract to only grow a certain amount, and to get a certain price for what they grow, must squeeze all their costs within the amount they have contracted to receive. From their point of view the labor and housing costs of the far- mworkers are a major cost of operation, to be minimized wherever possible. Most moderate size growers are not wealthy, or in a position to give the farmworkers what they need and deserve. A breakdown of the gross receipts from the tomato industry shows that 83 per cent of these receipts go to the canneries and retail outlets, whereas farmers get 9 per cent and both the migrant workers and cannery workers only 4 per cent each. The farmer is in a similar position to the farmworker in terms of power and revenue when they are each compared to the cannery. If anyone is in a position to give more, it is the cannery rather than the farmer. A contract between farmer and farmworker which doesn't include the cannery puts the responsibility on the farmer, which is unfair and unrealistic in light of where the money is. ALTHOUGH IT is clear to the farmworkers at this point that they must be included in con- tract negotiations with the canneries and far- mers, the canneries refuse to negotiate or even admit that they have any responsibility for the conditions of the farmworkers. Their position is that they contract with the growers "at fair and reasonable prices" and that that is as far as their responsibility goes. Included in the farmworkers demands, aside from three-way contracts, are such things as a raise in minimum hamper-rate, a minimum hourly wage for when the piece-rate falls too low, minimum work hours guaranteed per week, seasonal transportation costs, some medical coverage, some improvements in housing conditions, and some guaranteed coverage for farmworker crew leaders. Last August, the farmworkers finally decided to strike since their efforts to get the canneries and growers to negotiate had failed. About 2000 farmworkers refused to pick tomatoes throughout the harvest. The farmworkers plan to strike against the growers again this summer and as long as they need to in order to win their struggle. The sup- port they receive from consumers in boycotting Campbell's and Libby's products is very im- portant in terms of the economic pressure brought to bear on these companies and more importantly in terms of the canneries' awareness of the broad base of public support that the farmworkers have. ANYONE WHO CAN give support to the farmworkers by boycotting Campbell's and Libby's products and by writing to these com- panies to let them know of such actions is making a contribution to the farmworkers' struggle for self-determination. In Ann Arbor, the FLOG support group is affiliated with Science-for-the-People, whose office is in 4104 of the Michigan Union. It is important not to make the mistake of feeling remote from issues like the far- mworkers' struggle. We are depending on their labor to produce much of the food we eat, a vital concern for everyone. If it is hard to em- pathize with the farmworkers simply because most of pur lives are more comfortable, we should remember that our comfort is not "free" and that others such as the far- mworkers shouldn't pay its price through. their own exploited labor. " Erica Salzman is a member of the Ann Arbor Science-for-the-People FLOG sup- port group. -Photo by K. Yih -i ti 4 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Eigh ty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom Advertisers and YOU Vol. LXXXIX, No. 109 News Phone: 764-0552a Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Farmers come up empty W HEN LOBBYISTS converge on Washington, D.C., they usually come by plane, train, or car. This week, members of the American Agricultural Movement (AAM) tried something new. They came by tractor.- . The expressed purpose of the far- mers' tractorcade-which managed to snarl traffic in the nation's capital bet- ter than anything since the last bus diivers strike-was to get added publicity for their pleas for higher crop price supports. The farmers did manage to get publicity, but most of it centered on the demonstration itself, and not the reasons they went to Washington in the first place. #This is a pity. There are about 2.2 niillion farm owners in this country, who must feed the nation's over 200 million mouths. And while food prices have been rising, most of the farmers hAve not been seeing those increases, s' ce they have been eaten up by nianufacturers and middlemen. -Many farmers, especially the agribusinessmen, are doing better now than they were last year, when AAM first marched on. Washington. But many others are still having trouble keeping their heads above water, and need and deserve help. Their tactics, however, while ingenious, seem to have hurt their cause more than they helped it. After Monday's traffic fiasco ahd some un- fortunate clashes between angry far- mers and policemen, the group of far- mers was herded unceremoniously in- to an enclosure on the Mall in front of the Capitol like so many cattle. Another problem is that the farmers seem to have spent more of their time deciding which strategic traffic ar- teries to block than they did in preparing their case. An angry Agriculture Secretary Robert Bergland Wednesday said he would not give in to the farmers, citing, among other things, their failure to get their acts together. Clearly, many of the nation's far- mers are getting a raw deal. But with 20 months until the next election, and Congress faced with a session devoted to tightening the belt, the AAM would be better served by developing a strong case than by blocking traffic. Americans aren't hermits. People like to converse, play guitars, eat, and even care about other humans. Even at the Un- dergraduate Library, where students supposedly go to pursue individual academic interests, in- teraction among students is more the rule than the exception. But judging by advertisements in today's magazines, Americans are caring, concerned in- dividuals-but only about them- selves. Magazine ads encourage the narcissistic aspect of human behavior. WHETHER IT be for an an- tacid or a guitar, the message is a self-centered "you" message. Advertisers are obsessed by it. In the copy of a widely used Xerox ad the word "you ismentioned a noticeable ten per cent of the time. Americans are, of course, more concerned about the personal image they relay than they have been in the past; personal uplif- ting has become popular. People are running, exercising, eating selectively, getting their faces lif- ted, and even counseling them- selves. But it seems like the ads have taken the "me, only me" at- titude too far-to the point where people are expected to feel superior and condone greed. Granted, advertising agencies- are trying to make the most out of the "me generation." But in playing up self-centeredness, they are only perpetuating it. IT'S EASY to find ads telling people they deserve only the best. The strategy in such ads is that they compliment the con- sumer-everyone likes being told they have high standards. But what advertisers are doing is coaxing consumers into spending more money for higher-priced products. Consider a Yamaha guitar ad: "It takes two to make a great guitar. You and Yamaha. You demanded only the world's best woods." This ad is effective because it immediately com- municates with "you"-the in- dividual reader-and the guitar manufacturer. Realistically, however, how many people really care about having the best woods in their guitars? But the ad tells readers that they should care because they aren't just ordinary people. More cigarettes ads aren't any less "you" directed than Yamaha ads: "We offer you More. You'll By Richard Berke never accept anything less." That ad justifies snobbism-it takes for granted that readers wouldn't dare stoop to a lower class cigarette. These ads play up to peoples' need to feel extraor- dinary . IT IS INTERESTING to find Many of the ads show healthy, good-looking people who eviden- tly don't know or, care about can- cer; they want only to please themselves. People identify with these ads and thus are able to rationalize their smoking. Ohly in cigarettepads isbthe everpresent "me"~ replaced by the more self- N public (not to mention televison) cannot help but to reinforce peoples' perceptions ofa society where only the individual is im- portant; a modern "survival of the fittest" generation where the idea of working together is ob- solete. WHILE THERE is no harm in having confident, self-centered people, magazine ads promote only that sort of behavior. It's not fair for ad agencies to determine values for the public, especially since profits are the sole motivation behind the peddling of morals. How can anyone feel truly secure about :heeding the words of an ad that is designed to cater to millions of individual people all at once? Holiday; Inn says it exists to "please you." But pRhaps people should begin realizing that Holiday Inn has but one motive: to 7%nknif lf hi nf nfinom n v that within the "you" framework, various manufac- turers have found niches where specific approaches are most ef- fective. Among automobile com-. panies, for instance, materialism is emphasized. Ads urge con- sumers to spend money because it's time they do something for themselves. In essence, if you respect yourself you should spend money on yourself. A Chrysler ad tells readers to forget about everyone else and think about themselves: "Now put yourself in the picture when you buy or lease a new Cordoba." And Chevrolet comes right out and insists that the readers are special people: "You're unique. Special. You're you. So why not break away from the crowd in a new Monte Carlos." These auto companies are pushing readers into spending money by playing up the fact that' they should get the very best-even when it means shelling out an extra few thousand dollars. Only by down- playing costs and telling readers they must purchase a luxury car are auto companies able to sell their wares at such high prices. JUST AS THE car manufac- turers use a persuasive formula to get people to pay thousands for their merchandise, cigarette producers use a common theme to sell their product and over- come the fact that they are promoting a hazardous habit. The approach in cigarette ads is one of self-satisfaction and greed. serving and individualistic "I": s eing ui "I earned this smoke," says a spending cus Real ad. "Salem gives me the flavor I wanit," says another. "I smoke because I enjoy it," states RichardL a vantage ad. "If it wasn't for Managing Winston Lights, I wouldn't today, this smoke. And the list goes on and on... ten by men This bombardment of "you" senior staff and "I" on the magazine reading Friday. Akr r y attracting money- stomers. Berke is the Daily's Editor.. Starting column, to be writ- ibers of the Daily's , will appear every a i i ..- LETTERS: Dorm resident blasts staff on Prop D - - . To the Daily: It is amazing to me that the Markley resident staff challenged the Daily over their coverage of the effects of Proposition D (see letter dated Feb. 6-story in Sunday Magazine) in the dormitories. It is first of all very clear from the article that the 'Daily is quite found out some things from your reporter. On top of that, the fear was expressed that this nosing around had not only made the strict enforcement of the rules a greater possibility, but that jobs were on the line. It's nauseating to read the staf- fers as they publicly kiss ass: tal to Zorn's article, it is an ad- denda: The new law has created a whole new market for deception and hypocrisy. -Markley Resident Animals To the Daily: We are unhappy with the thought. Comments like "you're going to be sorry you didn't zap our friends Pixie and Dixie" and "I say'fry 'em and have 'em for lunch" try to make something cute out of suffering, and they are no more acceptable as humor than jokes made at the expense of human victims of torture. As you noted, "No animals were present a I 'd% M In " ' . ...._~