FARMERS See Editorial Page P Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom f ailg FROST-BOUND High-15 Low-10 °below See Today for Details Vol. LXXXIX, No. 109 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 9, 1979 Ten Cents Fourteen Pages Egypt will attend revived peace talks From AP and Reuter Egypt has accepted an American in- vitation to take part in ministerial-level peace talks aimed at breaking the Mideast deadlock, and Israel is expec- ted to agree to attend. The talks probably will be held at Camp David, Md. later this month. The likely participants are Egyptian Foreign Minister Mustafa Khalil, Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan and Secretary of State Cyrus Vance. EGYPTIAN President Anwar Sadat accepted the invitation delivered in Cairo by American Ambassador Her- mann Eilts yesterday. The Israeli Cabinet met to consider the invitation, but put off a decision until its regular meeting Sunday. Israeli officials said Dayan almost certainly would attend the talks. Eilts said the date and place of the meeting will not be disclosed until Israel an- nounces whether it will attend. HOWEVER, Israeli officials cautioned against high expectations from the further round of talks with Egypt. They said Israeli government teams were drawing up position papers to be presented at the meeting, but that the success of the talks depends upon changes in Egypt's position. "If Egypt does not agree to com-; promise on the disputed provisions in the proposed peace treaty, there won't be any progress," one official told Reuters. Another official expressed disappoin- tment over a report yesterday by the state-run Cairo Radio charging Israel with basing its policies on "Zionist and imperialist ideologies." THE RADIO report urged the United States to "act forcefully" to halt what it termed Israeli stubbornness. "This is a blatant call for the U.S. to lean on Israel and somehow force us to accept Egypt's new demands," the of- ficial said. "This is an old tactic and Cairo should know by now it just won't work." He said Israel had "steadily shown its flexibility even during the visit last month of special envoy Alfred Atherton - and both the U.S. and Egypt know this. The Egyptians now must show the same spirit of compromise." ANOTHER government official said the chief stumbling block remained Egypt's insistence on linking the proposed bilateral peace treaty with future developments in the Israeli- occupied West Bank of the Jordan and Gaza Strip. The official agreed with Egypt's ac- ting foreign minister, Boutros Boutros Ghali, who told the Egyptian parliament's foreign relations commit- tee on Tuesday that the differences with Israel were "profound and political" and not simply technical or legalistic. The negotiations have been stalled since November and shuttle diplomacy by roving Ambassador Alfred Atherton last month failed to get them going again. Each side has dug in its heels on what the treaty would mean to prior Egyp- tian defense pacts with Arab nations and whether the treaty should be linked to progress toward Palestinian autonomy in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. EGYPT SAYS the treaty must not bar it from honoring previous commit- ments and favors linking the treaty to Palestinian autonomy. Eilts told reporters yesterday he could not predict whether a ministerial meeting at Camp David could lead to another summit of the type held by President Carter, Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin there last fall. Meanwhile, Israel's cabinet yester- day approved tough economic measures designed to control a 48 per cent inflation rate. The proposals were made by Finance Minister Simcha Ehrlich, who has been criticized recently for not holding down Israel's cost of living. Daily Photo by CYRENA CHANG DAVID HORROCKS,,a senior archivist at the Ford Papers Project, examines some of the ex-president's papers which he is helping to process. The papers will be available for research purposes in 1981. Archivists sift Ford papers Bakhtiar faces anti-shah mobs By JOHN GOYER Somewhere inside the hundreds of boxes piled in a warehouse near Crisler Arena'lie the ship's wheel from the SS Mayaguez, a landscape painting from the Emperor of Japan, and a vase from the People's Republic of China. These gifts, along with 15 million pieces of paper and a mass of audio-visual material, record the career of Univer- sity graduate andformer President Gerald Ford. ALL THE MATERIALS will eventually be roused in the Ford Library on North Campus. Construction of the two- story, brick and glass structure began last month and is scheduled to be completed in 1981. According to Bentley Historical Library Director Robert Warner, the building will be "compatible in external and internal appearances" with the Bentley Library, which is adjacent to the new building. The Ford Library's construction is being financed through a private fund-raising campaign. The campaign will also provide money for a Ford museum in the former President's hometown of Grand Rapids. The library, the seventh presidential library in the nation, is unique in that it will not serve as a museum. War- ner speculated that this arrangement will "discourage the trend of placing these- papers in isolated, non-research oriented environments." THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES and Records Service will fund the processing of the papers. Library staff and main- tenance will also be paid for by that agency. William Stewart, head of the National Archives' Ford Papers Project, said that the project and its employees will be in effect "tenants in perpetuity" at the Ford Library. According to Stewart, the project's function includes the. "arrangement, description, and review" of the Ford materials in order to make them accessible to the scholar and to the general public. As for "the undergraduate student who wanted to write a thesis or paper, this collec- tion would be as- available to him as it would be to a See NAT'L., Page 14 m - COULD FACE 90 DA YS, $100 FINE: Disabled Diag peddler convicted TEHRAN, Iran (AP)-Hundreds of soldiers marched with a million other Iranians yesterday in a show of support for an anti-shah revolutionary gover- nment. But Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtiar held his ground, vowing he will not surrender power to a "mob." The leader of the "transitional government" trying to oust Bakhtiar was quoted as saying that Washington has "indirectly" expressed a desire to establish good relations with a future revolutionary regime. MARCHES HERE and in other Iranian cities were generally peaceful but new political violence flared in two provincial towns. In Gorlgan, on theCaspian Sea, nine persons were reported killed and 26 others wounded when troops opened fire on anti-Bakhtiar protesters setting fire to banks, shops and other buildings, the state radio said. Opposition spokesman said that in the town of Koi, near the Turkish border, a group of mullahs-or Moslem preachers-was attacked and badly beaten by a rival faction while en route to an opposition rally. State radio said more than one million people took part in a Tehran march in support of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's designation of a rival government headed by Moslem nationalist Mehdi Bazargan. KHOMEINI, WHO returned to Iran last week after leading the anti-shah movement from exile, wants the Bakhtiargovernment to resign, the monarchy to be abolished and a religiously oriented Islamic republic to be established. The well-disciplined marchers recited in unison from slogan sheets, "Bazargan, Bazargan, you are our prime minister," and "Bakhtiar Bakhtiar, you take orders from the U.S.A." Among them were more Iranian ser- vicemen in uniform than had been sepn before in such demonstrations here, 'raising new questions about the loyalty of lower-ranking troops to the Bakhtiar government. Khomeinj spokesmen said between 2,000 and 3,000 soldiers took part. Reporters on the scene counted at least 200 airmen in blue uniforms. DEMONSTRATORS CARRIED five fatigue-clad soliders on their shoulders, chanting "The army must obey Bazargan!" and tossing flowers at them. The allegiance of the armed forces is expected to be the key to a resolution of Iran's political crisis. Most commanders are believed loyal to the Bakhtiar government, which was appointed by Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi before he left Iran for an in- definite stay abroad Jan. 16. But some analysts say the military is unsure of the loyalty of the lower ranks and believes it cannot impose its will on Khomeini's broad-based and powerful oppositidn movement. State-run television quoted Bazargan as saying he was "optimistic" about the outcome of the crisis. He also said that "indirectly"- the United States has ex- pressed a desire to establish friendly relations with the new regime. By KEVIN ROSEBOROUGH Yvonne Duffy, a severely disabled Ann Arbor resident, faces up to 90 days in jail and a $100 fine after being convic ted in 15th District Court yesterday of selling imported clothes and sea shells on the Diag without a permit. Duffy, 28, was confronted on the Diag on Sept. 23 by Ann Arbor Police Officer Deborah Cutsy, and asked to produce a permit to sell the imported shirts and shells she had on display. According to testimony, Officer Cutsy had spoken to Duffy, a polio victim who is confined to a wheelchair, the week before about peddling without a permit. OFFICER CUTSY testified that she informed Duffy on that occasion that a permit was required to peddle items within Ann Arbor city limits. Cutsy told the court that she repeated this to her on September 23, as well as informing her that peddling on University proper- ty is against University regulations. "I never heard of any law requiring a permit," said Duffy, who graduated from the University in 1973. "I've seen people out there (on the Diag) selling things since I came to Ann Arbor in 1970. All I was frying to do was sup- plement my income." Duffy said that she lives on a total of $491 per month in aid from the state. When Duffy told Cutsy that she wouldn't move, the officer called University Security and officer Thomas Szabo was dispatched to help convince Duffy that her actions were against University regulations. SZABO TESTIFIED that he informed Duffy of the code, and that he and Cutsy offered to supply a University or city vehicle to move her belongings and drive her home. Szabo said that she still wouldn't move and was issued a code violation by Cutsy and her property was confiscated. Under cross examination by defense attorney Paul Berry, however, Szabo admitted that Duffy said she wanted to wait for her helper to assist her in moving.. In her closing statements to the jury of five men and one woman, Assistant City Prosecutor Adele Laporte said that the issue was whether Duffy had been peddling, and that Szabo and Cutsy "acted in good faith in trying to be as accommodating as they could, in view of Ms. Duffy's disabilities." The jury deliberated for 40 minutes before returning a unanimous verdict of guilty in the case. Judge S.J. Elden referred the matter to the probation department, and set March 9 as the date for sentencing. 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We learned from our experience," Lebow added. ACCORDING TO Melanie Potash, who works on publicity for the Union Programming Committee, the extra space in the Union will ensure that Michigras '79 "won't be as crowded or chaotic as last year. There's going to be explicit signs everywhere," to help par- ty goers maneuver through the car- nival, she said. The two major problems with Michigras '78, explained Lebow, were a lack of space and a lack of experience. Last year's Michigras was the first in a decade. 'We were as organized as we could be, but it was the first time we'd done it," said Lebow. "We didn't have enough workers. We didn't get enough room." MICHIGRAS BEGAN in the early 1900s as a Mardi Gras celebration at Yost Field House. The old-time Michigras included a homecoming parade and a carnival, and lasted for two days. Michigras '78 was the first revival of the event since the late 1960s, and was "incredibly successful," ac- cording toPotash. "We hadn't expected the large number of people that atten- ded," she added. Over 5,000 people attended last year's Michigras, said Lebow. "We had bands and dancing, a small carnival and casino, 43 kegs of free beer, five or six prizest and movie shorts. We had a number of people show up in costume, or with painted faces," Lebow said. Alcohol this year will be restricted to beer served at "The 21 Club," a change necessitated by the approval of a 21- year-old drinking age by Michigan voters last November. Additions to the See EXPANDED, Page 9 By AMY SALTZMAN In a new development in the so-called "Black English" case, the attorney for the Ann Arbor School Board - a defen- dant in the case - filed a motion yesterday alleging that an amended. complaint, submitted by lawyers for a group of 15 black school children, does not comply with the judge's orders. The suit charges that the children, all residents of the Green Road Housing Project and pupils atthe predominately white, upper-middle class Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School, have a "Black English" background which has hampered their ability to learn standard English. ACCORDING TO school board attor- ney John Weaver, the suit, which U.S. District Court Judge Charles Joiner or- dered amended last month, is not ac- the language problem and that it has failed to delete the discussion of' "social, economic, and cultural bias," as ordered by Joiner. According to Weaver, the complaint also failed to comply with the judge's order not to' refer to the 15 plaintiffs because four of the 15 had moved out of Ann Arbor and no longer are viewed as relevant to the case. Weaver said that the complaint does use the word "plain- tiffs" and therefore ignores Joiner's order., WEAVER ASSERTED that the suit, which was originally filed in July, 1977 and has now been amended twice, should be dismissed. "After having three bites of the apple and still failing to comply, the whole case should be thrown out," Weaver said. In response, plaintiff lawyer Gabe Knimnwitz_ said tha t the a mended .:.:::.................................................:.......;......;;..:..;................................. . . . .. -Friday " Ohio State University offi- cials are awaiting word from Moscowon whether theRussian art exhibit will be shown in Columbus. The show was can- celled here by Soviet officialson Tuesday, and the artworks remain in their crates at the University's Museum of Art. See story, Page 14. * Members of the Committee Woodcock nomination tied to Taiwan 's security From AP and Reuter WASHINGTON - The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 12- 1 yesterday for confirmation of Leonard Woodcock as the first U.S. ambassador to China since 1949. Denmite the vote eommittee mem- Senate until the Taiwan security issue has been settled by the Congress. Under Senate tradition, one senator can put an indefinite hold on consideration of an ambassadorial nomination by the 99 other senators. Senate leaders can override any delavy but rarely exercise II I - .