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February 08, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-02-08

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See editorial page


Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom

iI au

High - mid teens
Low - near zero
See Today for details

u,. - . 9 ,

Vol. LXXXIX, No. 108

Anon Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 8, 1979

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

2reactsto Carter inflation guidelines



Inflation has certainly caused Washington politicians and
economists anguish, but where it really hurts is in the wages
and prices of local businesses.
Although Ann Arbor's city government is working to
remain within the inflation guidelines suggested by.
President Carter, area businesses are not making much of an
effort to comply because, they insist, "we have to cover
CARTER'S VOLUNTARY guidelines attempt to curb in-
flation by asking businesses to limit their wage increases to

seven per cent and hold price increases to one half of one per
cent less than they were in 1976 and 1977.
Managers of focal stores such as Borders Book Shop,
Discount Records, and White Market, say they can not afford
to comply with the price guidelines if costs continue to in-
crease: They explain that this is because retail stores operate
on a slim profit margin.
The store managers said they are equally reluctant to
abide by the seven per cent limit on wage increases. Pat
See CITY, Page 2

The University will comply with President Carter's wage
and price guidelines calling for limited salary increases of no
more than seven per cent, if the Board of Regents next week
pass a resolution included in their February agenda.
University Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer
James Brinkerhoff, who authored the recommendation draf-
ted Tuesday, said the University must stay within the
guidelines if it hopes to secure at least one federal grant this.
year for over $5 million. One such request has already been
submitted to the-government.

The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that the General
Accounting Office (GAO) said President Carter's plan to
deny federal contracts to companies that do not comply with
the voluntary guidelines lacks legal authority and is filled
with inconsistencies. It is unclear whether the University
qualifies as a "company."
UNDER CARTER'S plan, all salary raises are to be held at
or below seven per cent beginning February 15. Last year,
University faculty raises rose 6.5 per cent.
See 'U', Page 2



Khomeini supporters

control c
By AP and Reuter
TEHRAN, Iran - Backers of Ayatol-
lah Ruhollah Khomeini were reported
in control of several city governments
yesterday on the eve of demonstrations
intended to drive home the religious
leader's claim to the reins of this
troubled nation.
Meanwhile, in Washington, Energy
Secretary James Schlesinger told the
Senate Energy Committee that the
Iranian crisis and subsequent Iranian
oil shutdown has caused world
problems and more woes are expected
next winter.
SCHLESINGER said that the Iranian
situation could leave American oil in-
ventories "dangerously low" next win-
ter and force controls. But he said he
does not anticipate gasoline rationing.
Iran sold about 900,000 barrels of oil a
day to the.United States before strikes
hobbled production last fall. Oil
engineer Mehdi Bazargan, named by
Khomeini to form a provisional gover-
nment, announced he will outline his
program and possibly name ministers
on Friday.
Khomeini's rival government to the
shah-appointed administration of
Prime Minister Shahpour Bakhtiar got

ity gov'ts
support from striking civil servants in
the Justice Ministry and in Bakhtiar's
own office and from the staff of the of-
ficial Pars news agency yesterday.
said the provisional government will
try to operate with civil servants loyal
to Khomeini. The provisional gover-
nment is to arrange a referendum on a
constitution that would make Iran an
Islamic republic.
In New York, Andre Young,
American ambassador to the United
Nations, predicted American-Iranian
relations will be "on a pretty good keel"
within two years.
He told a meeting of government and
political reporters that he doubts
Khomeini can develop a fundamentalist
Islamic state in Iran because Western
ideas already are widespread there.
"I THINK we're going to have a
rough year or so, but ultimately, they
are going to turn to the United States,"
Young said. "I don't think the ayatollah
is aware of the forces he has control
Cities where administrative and
some police functions now are run by
Khomeini backers included Isfahan,
See IRAN, Page 5

f ection.
Soviet exhibit
on to OSU?


Iranian students' home ties
weaken; crisis draws near

As the days before a conclusive con-
frontation between Shahpour Bakhtiar
and Ayatollah Khomeini appear closer,
infrequent telephone calls home
provide ,the only source of com-
munication between Iranian students
here on campus and their families.
While these conversations reveal the
political- events' effect on the in-
dividual's families, they provide
minimal information about the fabric of
the crisis as it unfolds daily. "Even if
something had happened, they wouldn't
tell me because they don't want to
worry me," said an Iranian student
who asked not to be identified:
STUDENTS-ARE reluctant to discuss
their political beliefs concerning Iran.
With Bakhtiar still in power they are
wary of SAVAK, the dreaded secret
police force of the Shah's regime.
"Life in Tehran is grim," said,. a
spokesperson from the department of
Near. Eastern Studies. "Banks are on
strike, children are out of school, and
most men are not working."
Iranian students here are having

financial problems because banks in
Iran are on strike. And while some have
returned to Iran due to lack of funds,
others have gone back to their
homeland out of a deep concern for
their families.
point out that their:opinions are subjec-
tive and are reluctant to serve as sour-
ces for inside information about Iran.
One man who recently returned from
Iran said that it is unclear to Iranians
whether riots - particularly the riot of
November 4 that prompted the military
coup of Tehran - are incited by
military agents or actual demon-
strators. It is also unclear, he said,
whether the coup was engineered by the
Shah or the military.
The clergy is the only sector of the
society that has a network for rapid
communication. According to the
recent visitor, a 'communique from
Khomeimi can be transmitted through
the clergy's telephone and radio system
within hours. Moslems gather weekly
at their mosques to hear prepared
See IRANIANS, Page 2

When the Soviet government decided
to withdraw a collection of native art
from the University ntussian Arts
Festival two days ago for political
reasons, the two Soviet curators in
charge of the exhibit wanted to find a
new audience.
So they boarded a'plane and headed
south, to Columbus.
THE SOVIET officials yesterday af-
ternoon flew to the Ohio State Univer-
sity campus to investigate the
possibility of displaying the "Russian
Art, 1800-1850" exhibition there.
The exhibit was cancelled here
because University officials refused to
call off a proposed poetry reading by
Soviet defector' Josef Brodsky and
withdraw a quotation by dissident
Alexander Solzhenitsyn from the
brochure publicizing the festival.
Robin Wilson, associate provost at
Ohio State, acknowledged the two men
had arrived in Columbus at 5:15 p.m. to
inspect the school's museum facilities.
He added, however, that no decision
has been made as to whether Ohio State
has agreedto exhibit the Soviet art.
"We haven't as yet made a final
determination," Wilson said. "The
decision is still pending. However, I
hope to make a final decision within the
next 48 hours." Wilson added that Ohio
State would be delighted to show the 150
paintings, graphics and art works
because "It's a splendid exhibit."
OFFICIALS HERE meanwhile con-
firmed that the decision to cancel the
exhibit is official.
"All we are trying to do at this point is
to get the art out of our hair," said Bret
Waller, director at the University Art
Museum. "They're of no use to us. We
can't unpack them. They're in our
way,"'he added. °
"Unfortunately, we are through with
the art exhibition," said Harold
Shapiro, vice president of academic af-
fairs. "I have no idea what is going to
happen with the exhibit now. As far as
we're concerned, the art exhibit is
But although they were sad and
dismayed at thehRussian decision to
cancel the art exhibition, University of-
ficials said they felt they acted properly
by not asking Brodsky, the University's
poet in residence since he was forced to
" Carter's "voluntary" wage
and price control guidelines
won't work without public
cooperation, according to a top
administration inflation fighter.
See Page 2 for details.
" A group called the Honesty in
Government Association con-
fronted Mayor Louis Belcher in
his office today to discuss a code
of ethics for city officials. See
story on'Page 5.
" Georgia Gov. George Busbee
has renewed his order that Gary
Thomas Rowe return to Alabama
and stand trial for murder. See
story on Page 12.
" Michigan's wrestling team
takes on the intrastate rival
Michigan State Spartans tonight

leave the Soviet Union in 1972, to call off
his planned poetry reading.
"THE RUSSIANS were wrong to
cancel the exhibit," said University In-
terim President Allan Smith. "They
were unduly sensitive." Smith-who
had earlier said that festival planners
had asked for trouble by including the
objectionable quote and poetry
reading-said yesterday, "If I had been
choosing the quotation, I might not,
have chosen one like that. But I don't
think our people were playong politics
and I don't want to give that im-
pression. This festival was scheduled to
further cultural exchange and I think it
would have been further served if the
Russian art had been allowed to stay
"The University certainly acted right
if you believe in academic freedom and
not in censorship," said Martha Mehta
of the Center for Russian and Eastern
European Studies, the 'group which
sponsored the now-contr.oversial
Russian Arts Festival. "Josef Brodsky
is an American citizen. It's obvious that
this whole event (the proposed poetry
reading) was planned as part of the art
See SOVIETS, Page 2




AP Poto
Stars and stripes forever
A farmer wraps himself in a flag to keep warm "during Wasoington's
heaviest snow storm all season. The farmers continue to protest low food
prices at the Capital. See story, Page 6.

MSU cagers win court support

Author Michael Harrington said last
night that although there are no simple
solutions to the problems of Third
World under-development, the
education of Americans on the realities
of the impoverished nations would be a
first step toward eliminating the "cruel
innocence" of the American peo.ple.
Harrington, a'featured speaker in the
Viewpoint Lecture Series, condemned
the system under which he says the un-
der-developed nations of the world are
confined to that statds by the attitude of
"corporate priorities" he said exist
here and in other modernized countries.
people in the Modern Languages
Building Aud. 3, the, chairman of the
Democratic Socialist - Organizing
Committee said the "injustice done to
the Third World is systemic and in-
He asserted that the manner in which
foreign investment is used in the under-
developed countries of the world tends
to "destroy their coherence" and ac-
tually benefit only a small portion of
their population. The foreign-backed
developing industries tend to be too
capital-intensive to employ the vast
numbers of impoverished citizens in the
poorer nations, he said.
Part of the support for the system
which Harrington said condemns the
Third World to permanent under-
development comes from the "op-
pressed" woikers of the first world
Workers, as well as the corporate

The sex discrimination case being
pursued by the Michigan State Univer-
sity (MSU) women's basketball team
took a new twist Tuesday when a
federal court ruling ordered MSU to
provide the same meal money and
sleeping accommodations for its
women's varsity basketball team that it
now provides male players.
A temporary, restraining order issued
by Federal Judge Noel Fox requires
MSU to provide the women cagers with
a $16-a-day food allowance and two-to-
a-room, one-to-a-bed sleeping
arrangements. This is the same food
allotment and sleeping arrangement
allotted for the male team.
A COMPLAINT filed Monday by the

will travel to Bloomington, Indiana this
weekend to participate in the Big Ten
Basketball Championship.
"All complaints up to now have either
been internal grievances with MSU or
complaints issued with federal ad-
ministrative agencies. As far as the
court is concerned, this action was
enacted to forestall injury that might
occur in the course of travel," said Jim
Piggusch, clerk for Judge Fox.
DESPITE THE urgency of this par-.
ticular situation, the restraining order
represents the first court action taken
against any public institution since the
implementation of Title$ IX by the
Department of Health, Education, and
Welfare (HEW).
Complaints of MSU women basket-

ACCORDING TO a spokesperson for
the team, little action has occurred in
the past ten months, and of the 12
original complaints only three have
been totally satisfied.,
New lockerrooms have been con-
structed for the women's use and
provisions have been made for ample
practice time. In addition, much-
needed repairs were made to the gym
floor. The existing restraining order
temporarily takes care of two ad-
ditional complaints.
Under the terms of the restraining
order, MSU is ordered to give the
women the same treatment it gives the
men when they travel for away games.
It is also required that the women
cagers post a $500 bond.

"I am glad that the girls are
going to get things they need,
but I would have hoped that
things. could have been dealt
within a rational manner and
it wouldn't have been neces-
sary to go to the court."
-Phyllis Ocker, Interim

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