: ,, .{ F :. 6 i f' I I i S YM SEE * A W E' CALL W )ALY Primate promotion While the American public has been beseiged the last few years kitei slick advertising campaigns which feature slinky models and generally appeal to prurient interests, a new Ann Arbor disco has opted for a more grass roots approach to attrat customers. A gorilla wan- dered through. Nikels Arcade yesterday morning, offering bananas and probably scaring more than one chid. The bananas were em- blazoned with stickers that claim "Ann Arbor is going Bananas!" The primate routine was part of a promotional gimmick for Bananas, a new disco on Jackson Road, due to open Thursday. The gorilla wasn't real, though - it was just a man in gorilla's clothing. No one knows how old gorillas must be to legally drink in Michigan: Garbage cans and bottles Although the city of Detroit may have noticed a decline in the volume of garbage collected since people have been cashing in bottles and cans for small change, Ann Arbor has experienced no such decline, according to Ulysses Ford, Ann Arbor's director of solid waste. "We haven't noticed any appreciable difference," said Ford. "We had to caution our collectors - since bottles and cans have become instant money - not to separate bottles and cans," added Ford, which happen to be thrown out with other materials. Apparently, there's silver in them thar garbage cans. Econom iCat jazz When the Universi.ty's Jazz Band needed money to join the Rose Bowl festivities in California last month, one person raised $8500 in a matter of days. The Jazz Band was a hit - it was even asked to per- form in Hollywood - and Jon Diamond, the fund-raiser, made a big splash, too. Diamond said "I hit everybody I knew" and he managed to dredge money from all corners of the University. All the University vice-presidents donated funds, and even former President Robben Fleming coughed up $500. At the last minute, Diamond had two hours to raise $2000 and he managed to squeak past the deadline with help. from Music School Dean Allen Britton. And although the Michigan Student Assemble donated $1200, and UAC gave $500, the Literary College's student government refused to finance the trip because, ac- cording to Diamond, the excursion was not "educational." Diamond now is turning his efforts towards raising $25,000 for the Jazz Band's anticipated trip to the jazz festival in Montreux, Switzerland. Diamond, an honors economic major, created his own course, which he calls "Orchestra Management," incorporating his interests in music and in economics. The course gives him four credits for his fund-raising activities. Diamond said he plans to try his hand at music promotion once he secured his MBA. Take "ten A Northwestern professor, Howard Becker, came to Angell Hall on Feb. 6, 1969, witri the message that "schools are a lousy place to learn anything in." The sociologist advocated an apprenticeship system in place of the liberal education now dispensed. Schools ultimately suc- ceed only in "Giving examinations and ultimately training people to take them:" Becker said universities should be places in which people can experiment, monkey around, and learn as they choose. When a person is ready, he or she can enlist as an apprenticeship in the most appealing field. Happenings FILMS Ann Arbor Public Library Film Series - The Georges, 1:30-2:30, 7:30-8:30 p.m., Fifth and William. Cinema Guild - Great Expectations, Old Arch Aud., 7, 9:15 p.m. Ann Arbor'Film Co-op - A Man Escapes, 8:30 p.m.; The Married Woman, 10 p.m., Aud. A, Angell. PERFORMANCES School of Music - Trumpet Students Recital, Recital Hall, 8 p.m. LECTURES Ecumenical Campus Ctr./International Ctr. - Dr. Charles Olson, "Remote Sensing - An International Point of View", International Center, noon. MARC - C.A. Patrides, "Monuments of Unageing Intellect: A Preface to Byzantine Civilization," Aud. A; Angell, 4 p.m. Bioengineering Seminar Series - Prof. Peter Albrecht, "Future Directions for Biomedical Engineering Research," 1042 E. Eng., 4 p.m. Great Lakes and Marine Waters Ctr. - Farrell Boyce, "Exchange of Hypolimnetic Water Between Central and Eastern Basins of Lake Erie," 165 Chrysler Ctr., 4 p.m. Thomas Cooley Lectures - Norman Dorsen, "The Burger Court and the First Amendment: Toward a Maximum Protection Theory," 120 Hutchins Hall, 4 p.m. Law School - Bill Goodman, counsel for the Wayne State 5: Law School, rm. 132, 4 p.m. Hillel - Prof. Ephriam Torgovnik of Tel Aviv University, "Israeli Party Factions and the Peace Negotiations," Hillel, 1429 Hill, 8 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS Wesley Foundation - "Bonhoeffer: A Life of Challenge," Pine Rm., 602 E. Huron, 12:10 p.m. UAC - Mini-courses: "Basic Investments," Assembly Hall, Union, 7-10 p.m. Canterbury Loft - Auditions for "The Anita Bryant Follies," 332 S. State, 7: 30 p.m. EMU Intermedia Gallery - opening reception for Ypsilanti artists Ron and Judy Botan, Fred Engelgau, Sherry Rhee, and Linda Wilkins, 7:30 p.m. Look again Look magazine graced the newsstands across the country for the first time since Oct. 19, 1971, joining the new version of Life in a revival of photojournalism. The 128-page Look featured interviews with Chinese Vice-premiere Teng Hsiap-ping, Patty Hearst, and the late Nelson Rockefeller. The issue also included an interview with the late Marilyn Monroe, conducted with the actress just before her death in, the 1960s. Over one million copies were distributed at $1.25 each. Copies sold west of the Rocky Mountains had Hearst on the cover; those pandered in the East featured Rocky. "We believe that our world is both a panorama and a carnival," said Daniel Fili-acchi, Look's board chairman, "and photojournalism is the best instrument to record the triumphs and tragedies, the great events, and the in- timate moments, the famous and the little-known personalities of our time." The original Look magazine first published in 1937. The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, February 6, 1979-Page 3 aywlkserspin Ap: accidenats do happe~n Undergraduate Political Science Association Invites all to aw Graduate School Seminar "Straight Talk From Students" from Law/Bus. Ad./Poli-Sci/Econ and much more '~ By BETH PERSKY Imagine yourself leaving your political science lecture in Angell Hall on any given day. It's 3:00 p.m., you're worn out from a day of classes, and you have one last-stop - the LSA Building across the street, to pay your psychology lab fee. Now there is the LSA Building, direc- tly in front of you across State St., the central street on campus where the traffic is especially heavy. But you look down to the traffic light, thirty feet away, and decide in a moment of ex- treme laziness to take the shortcut. You have heard the pedestrian has the right of wayin Ann Arbor, anyway, so you trudge drearily across the State from between two parked cars, thinking about the party Friday night . BAM! "The kids on campus are most susceptible to pedestrian accidents," said a spokesman for the Ann Arbor police department, who asked not to be named. "They tend to forget'that the cars are there - the kids think they can't get hit. They cause car accidents, but that doesn't show up on the report." Ann Arbor has a city ordinance allowing a pedestrian to legally walk against either a,red light or a "Don't Walk" signal, as long as he or she is not interfering with traffic. At a crosswalk, traffic is supposed to stop if a pedestrian is crossing. It is even legal in the city for a pedestrian to cross in the middle of a block, if the crossing can be completed without interfering with traffic. But it's not only the pedestrians who are unaware of the laws - most drivers, and even the Washtenaw County .Sheriff's office seem at a loss when asked to explain the laws regarding jaywalking. Pedestrian accidents in the city are rarely reported - maybe a half dozen every year, according to the police spokesman. A lot of bumps are never reported at all,, especially on campus, he said. However, the Ann Arbor Police Departnent's fiscal report (July 1977- June 1978) shows a total of 53 major pedestrian accidents for the year, along with 80 major accidents involving bicycles. The most dangerous intersec- tions reported by the police, for both motor and pedestrian traffic, are: Washtenaw and Huron Pkwy., Washtenaw and S. University, Huron and Glen, State and S. University, and Packard and Platt. Says one officer, "Fourth and William is not so bad - the buses cause problems. Buses take up both sides of the street, double park, and triple park - they're inconsiderate of other drivers. They cause accidents daily. Pedestrian accidents? Not that I can recall." A.nn Arbor pedestrians, when questioned about their own view toward and experiences with Ann Arbor traffic, gave varied responses. "Well, I saw something by the medical center," one witness recalled. "A taxi almost ran down a pedestrian. He rolled down his window and yelled while making a right turn - he thought he had the right of way.' Said another: "I almost got hit by a guy going through a yellow light. I think drivers should be more considerate to pedestrians." There are those who sympathize with those on the other side of the fence. "I feel sorry for the drivers," said one man. "I don't think pedestrians pay at- tention to the lights. In California, they would be ticketed. People just walk off the curb. The students are usually in a daze - not thinking about where they're going. I'm surprised more haven't been hurt." Not every pedestrian in the city is as lucky as most. One victim of Ann Arbor, traffic related the following story: "I was walking towards Crisler on a dark, rainy night, going to a concert. As I recall, there were a lot of cars and people crossing - a traffic jam. I was about to finish crossing when I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw a car coming. It hit me on my left side. I got up. They asked me if I was okay. I had about thirty stitches - mostly from my face hitting the cement, and some bruises from the car - not as bad as the stitches. "I don't think I crossed at an inter- section," he confessed. "The hospital called the police, and they said it was my fault. I don't know how fast the car was going. It was hard to tell - there were no witnesses." The plight of the Ann Arbor pedestrian is best summed up by ,the following pedestrian: "I didn't know pedestrians had the right of way. I think that most people don't. I guess it's kind of 'catch as catch can.' Things will stay the same until the law changes." l Wednesday Feb. 7-7:30 PM Kunsel Room Michigan Union For more information call UGPSA 763-2227 SECOND CHANCE & WIQR present *TONIGHT, George Thorogood AND THE Destroyers 0; GEORGE THOROGOOD FOOTLOOSE TWO SETS: 10:30-11:31 Daily Official Bulletin. 12:30-1:3C 8:45-9:45: r 'I'iiesd(a x. 'ebi'iia ry 6. 9! Daily Calendar: Bioenginerring: Peter Abbrecht Future Direc- tions for Biomedical Engineering Research. 1042 E. Eng., 4 p.m. Great Lakes and Marine Waters Center: Farrell M. Boovee. Exchange of Ilypolimnetic Water Bet- ween Central and EasternB asins of Lake Erie. 165 C'hryslier ('r.. 4 pm. Physics! Astronomy: C . Baltax olumaUV 'The Experimental Status of Weak Neutral Curren ts.' 296 Dennison. 4 p m. SUMMER PLACEMENT :32O0SAlt-763-4117 Announcements: U.S. Dept. Labor. Washington Summer Intern Program for juniorslseniors and up. Required majors, Ind. hygiene/environmental health, chemistry, biology, economics. Further dtails available. Defense Logistics Agency. Cleveland, Ohio. Ac- countant, Financial Analyst Computer Specialist and Ind. Engr. positions open in Cleveland. Grand Rapids, Detroit. Further details available U.S. Dept. of Agriculture' li-I Summer Intern Program in Minneshita for Engr. 'Technician GS-5:- Further details available, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Wash I.Opening for Management Analyst or Program Analyst GS-Sor7. Further details available. THE MICHIGAN DAIL Y Volume LXXXIX, No. l(W Tuesdaylebruaryf C ;1979 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. News phone 764- 0562.Scond class postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Pubisjhed daily Tuesday through Sunday morning during the University' year at 420 May nard St reet. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12 September through April (2 semesters) ; $13 by mail. outside Ann Arbor. Su mirsession published Tuesday through Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $6 50 in An Arbor: $7.00 by mail outside Ann Arbor U S. Dept. Interior, Fish & Wildlife Div. Wash.. D.' Opening in field of Biological Science i En- vironmental Education ).Furtherdetailsavailable. U S Dept of Agri. Food & Nutrition Service. Wash.. 1 ) C GS-9. Statistician opening. Further details available. Office of Personnel Management, Wash., .C. GS 7 position Students in economics. public admin., or late Furtiei details available. Also, fields of human i,U r' e dev elIopm ent ori'ei I ca Iion technology. Advance tickets available for $4.50 at the Michigan Un and Second Chance. $5.50 AT THE DOOR FOOTLOOS 516 E. LIBERTY You must be 18 to, attend 994-5350 , . momw ( Where can you get a six pack that costs as little as84 a day, and will last a whole week? Off' '" C C Just subscribe to the MICHIGAN DAILY, and you'll find out what value is all about. ti "Some Do is to The Womens Boom what Ruyut Jungle was to Catcher Sthe Ee-Gu's week in Rye!' TiME:' The late Sixties. PLACE: Berkele, Cailiforna. SCENE: A battleg mund eruptinig with the politi( al, erotional, and spit- ittil tfpheaval of tihe decade. CIHARACCt ERS: Seven voing Wm0t11( wh tIlcame to CaliIfornia looking for moral ieaning in a world that ,Appears to have none. "Some Do is a wickedly intelli- "Arichadil novelSgent comedy.... Women, gay A r ichian iirm novel, 4Some and straight and all of the I)o is part remembrance, part shades in between are spoof, part analysis of those DeLynn's real subject ...she nirobale I te Sixties when obviously knows and loves their