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February 04, 1979 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-02-04
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The Michigan Daily-Sunday, Febru

Page 2-Sunday, February 4, 1979-The Michigan Daily

RAtRLINGS1 Julie rovner

JAZZ/r.j. smith
W hat happened to jazz, in .A

P ERHAPS I should have majored
in anthropology. Or chemistry.
Or economics. But definitely not
political science.
That decision is now behind me,
however, and since I need only eight
more credits to finish my major I sup-
pose it's too late to switch. My qualms
have nothing to do with intellectual in-
terests, or even the worth of the Poli Sci
Department here.
The problem can be summed up quite
simply: The Anthro department offices
are located on the first floor of Angell
Hall, the Chemistry and Econ offices
on the- first floor of their respective
buildings, and the Poli Sci offices just
happen to be in Haven Hall-on the six-
th floor.
So, you might ask, what difference
would something like that make to
anyone? Well, it makes the difference
ito me, because of a certain affliction I
have. I suppose there is a scientific
name for it, but in layman's terms it is
known as Fear of Elevators.
In my case the fear, is of most
elevators in general, and especially the
ones in Haven Hall, whose doors are
Juie Roner i co-editoria/ ldirec-
torc if the Di/.

rumored to have chopped people in half
and other such atrocities. Actually. I
really wouldn't know too much about
them, because they and I keep different
company. What this means, though, is
that every time I have to see a
professor, pick up a paper, or get an
override signed, it entails walking up
six long flights of stairs.
Not that I've never used the Haven
elevators. I am a veteran, having been
in them twice in my three years here.
On one occasion a professor had me in
tow. What was I supposed to
say-"Sorry, I'd rather walk seven
flights: I'll meet you at the top?" The
other time I was with a friend and sud-
denly possessed by a courageous whim.
I escaped from both rides unscathed.
though also unnerved.
It's hard for me to explain just what it
is I'm afraid of, .although I've tried
numerous times. I'm not. like most
elevatorophobes, afraid of falling. Nor
is it claustrophobia, since I don't mind
in the least being one of eight in a VW or.
anything like that. I think it has more to
do with getting stuck for some eternal
length of time and not having anyone
miss me. On the other hand, no one ever
claimed these fears were rational.
Anyway, this kind of thing tends to

change one's outlook on life. I tend to
avoid tall buildings at all costs. Any
restaurant called Top of the *** is
automatically out.
(I have, however, been to the top of
the Ren Cen, although hardly volun-
tarily. In a rather inebriated state'my
companions took advantage of me and.
shoved me into that glass tube which
passes for an elevator. Seventy-two
floor later I emerged, jubilant at having
not passed out.)
IT'S NOT VERY hard to avoid
elevators here in Ann Arbor, be-
cause there aren't that many tall
buildings. Big cities, though, including
my hometown of Washington, D.C., are
quite another story. Sometimes being
closed up in a little box for a vertical
ride is unavoidable.
-If you were to get into an elevator
with me. you'd probably never suspect
what is going on in my mind. I mean. I
don't pray out loud or break into a cold
sweat and start to shake all over or
anything. Generally, though. I don't
talk much, or if I do it's just a bit too
fast. I try to take my mind off where I
am by fixing my eyes on anything in
sight, whether it is a sign on the wall,
the inspection certificate, or the
monogram on someone's briefcase.

I don't want to exaggerate the horror
of my experience, though. I'd certainly
rather be in an elevator than under a
stampede of elephants. Or at a nudist
convention at the South Pole. And there
are assorted advantages to elevator
avoidance. For one thing. my fear has
given me' great compassion. As a
lifelong Democrat, I was thrilled when
Senator Bob Griffin lost his re-election
bid last November. But my joy turned
to empathy when I heard on TV that he
was stuck in an elevator at the Ren Cen.
I think I suffered more in that*hour than
did many of his supporters, who were
downstairs waiting for his concession
My condition also keeps me in very
good shape. During an average week. I
must climb about 100 flights of stairs. I
can also do the six flights in Haven
without stopping to catch my breath.
There are even more advantages. I
keep informed by reading all the little
flyers posted in stairwells. And you
never have to stand and wait for the
stairs to come. All of you out there may
.get where you're going a little faster for
the time being, but when they ban
elevators to save energy. I'll sure be

sunrdalwyi magiazine AmiOr~e PUZZLE



A 5 E E 7
N 76 J 77 O 70F 79I
V 10 C1I102

x 60
E £t0



L 17

J 18 A 19 K 20 D 21
0 2r -Br i

[-""1 Y 5,t

0 72
' Kr68

Y 7
S 6 9

z 81 V

n .s x r
S 97 H 98

no s
T 134


K o8A11°

V 14 145B1 Y 46

119 s 3 X

IV150T15 I A16 F1 1016
618 C18]A184 M18BB

S1 W461410jO142N13
B 16jD1641C16 Vi6E
ca isjxl88ojla 0 19C

P191 D 192


L 204 B20 Y 201A 2 0

A.Wonders in mind
B. Feeling blue; in the dumps
(3 words)
C. Extreme dryness of the mouth,
often caused by smoking
Clue H (Path)
D. Supple: flexible
E. Exhibit; testimony
F. The Letters by William
- Burroughs & Allen Ginsberg
0. Form of professional wrestling
(2 words)
H. SeeClueC
I. Inner reality: vital
J. Depressant
K. Profane expression; curse
L. Flattened at the poles
M. Disorderly crowd; mob

- - - - - -- - - -- - - -
5 19 39 73 110 137 168 184 207 195 176 160
_ _ - _ - - - - - ---
44 61 115 15 30 40 53 69 128 138 145 163
180 186 205,
136 65 87 101 108 123 132 165 165 196 183
2 21 119 148 164 192
6 7 34 177 80,91 103 114
161 157 79 6.4
11 29 56 67 99 125 203
41 54 66 70 98 124 131
8 16 36 43 81 169 135
18 47 59 77 107 120
118 1 20 68
204 178 14 37 86 17
96 104 13 185 3 112

N. Incentive:pick-me-up

O. Takes too much; does to
P. Spume; foam
Q. Mushroom psychedelic
R. Symbols: badges
S. Dravidian cove temple in
T. Without preparation: impromptu
(2 words)
U. "Iamthe ,ohtheyore"
from the Beatles' MagicolMystery
V. Objects seen while engaging in
Clue A
W. Make calm or peaceful
X. Not permitted: unauthorized
Y. Worth a pound of cure
(3 words)
Z. English philosopher and
mathematician 1642-1727

51 62 76 200 181 172 85 143 130
78- 22 42 57 27 122 162 147 190
191 63 154 52 84
45 24 88 126 142 75 173 94 199 153
10 194 106 127 149 197 175
97 170 140 46
31 60 72 159 134 174 117 152 90 179
95 9 189 182 25 151
89 144 12 158 33166100201 82
4 48 71 105 109 133 141 171 187 112 202
49 38 208 92 35 129 83
32 74 93 50 23 58 116 139 102 150 146 198
156 167 206 193 188

Uopyt11 N 7!
Guess the words defined at the
left and write them in over
-their numbered dashes. Then,
transfer each letter to the cor-
responding numbered square
in the grid above. The letters
printed in the upper-right-hand
corners of the squares indi-
cate from what clue-word a
particular square's letter
comes from. The grid, when
filled in, should read as a
quotation from a published
work. The darkened squares
are the spaces between words.
Some words may carry over
to the next line. Meanwhile,
the first letter of each guessed
.word at the left, reading down,
forms an acrostic,*'giving the
author's name and the title of
the work from which the quote
is extracted. As words and
phrases begin to form in the
grid, you can work back and
forth from clues to grid until
the puzzle is complete.
Answer to last week' s)Uzle:
"Scientists are the most
confu/sed and irresponsible
humnan heings flow a/iv'e,
Thei' layv eggs and the
businssmaen se/i the egfs to
the politicians led t /e
po/iticians Scraml/ or drop
or easv over those eggs as
we hurtle to ward oblivion, "
uckministerh Fuller,
Utopia or Ohliv-ian

ISTORY IS MADE by all kinds of
people, even 28-year-old drug-
addled undergraduates.
"I feel like I've participated in
making some history. It was a small-
time, itty-bitty piece. But it was a little
piece," exclaims Michael Grofsorean,
shaking his fist.
"What is history? History is the
recording of human events, and I did
some things which were recorded. And
I have now had the opportunity to see it
from the inside, the doing end of it, and
I really find that quite interesting. So
now, when I read history, I read it much
differently, because I have participated
in the creating of it..."
Those are bold words-and a perfun-
ctory look at Grofsorean at home might
lead one to write off such words as pipe
dreams. To say the least, the house in
which he lives is run down. Painted
urine-yellow, identified only by the
sheet of paper tacked up over the door
on which the address is written, it
doesn't come off as the sort of place a
mayor, or businessman, or similar
local history-maker would live. And in-
side, there are scattered posters from
jazz concerts of two years ago on the
floor, and numerous books and papers
covering what surface area there is to
the living room, already dominated by a
bed which takes up most of the space.
But in a very real way, Grofsorean
has left -his mark on the Ann Arbor
community, not as a legislator, nor as
an organizer, but as someone who has
br'ought us our culture.
In the last few years. jazz has come to
Ann Arbor in two ways: through local
clubs, and by the efforts of the student-
run Eclipse Jazz organization. Grof-
sorean has been instrumental in both
areas. He has been a co-director of
Eclipse, and was music director at
the Earle, Ann Arbor's most ambitious
music club, that was soon to become
Ann Arbor's most disappointing club.
He has also had jazz programs on the
radio station WCBN, and has broadcast
a weekly show of experimental music
from WDET in Detroit.
THUS, IT SEEMED appropriate to
see Grofsorean and ask what has
happened to the state of jazz in Ann Ar-
bor. Odd things have happened lately to
the quality and abundance of jazz
locally. In a single term Eclipse Jazz
has, at least for the moment, greatly
altered its goals. Once, there was a
strong emphasis 'on jazz as an
educational experience, and Eclipse
tried to shed new light on quality jazz,
displaying it as something other than
music for would-be bohemians and
fakes. Jazz, they were saying, didn't
have to be big, or hip. But in order to
recoup from big losses from a
monumental fall festival, Eclipse has
had to hike ticket prices and aim at
booking salable, lowst common
denominator acts such as the forth-
coming Bob James show.
In the past, it seemed, everything
was secondary to the music. But now,
from whatEclipse spokespersons have
been saying (and which a single look at
the banal posters pushing the James
show reinforces), a new priority is
dominant: the power of promotion, the
effectiveness of hype.
R.J. Smith is' co-editor of the
Daily Arts page.

was over $100,000 less any builder's ap-
praisal of the job's cost.
So the owners went ahead with the
construction, said Grofsorean, even
though they were behind from the start.
And now, a little over a year since they
opened, the owners have finally decided
to do something to stop losing money:
some sold their portion of ownership,
and such things as the lunch menu and
Grofsorean's salary have been axed.
"I feel like I was used. I feel like I was
abused, badly," says Grofsorean. "But
I can't blame them- I stood there and
took it. I recognize I was responsible
... what I realize is that owners are
owners, and they always have their
with these guys, just trying to
figure out what they wanted . . They'd
be displeased, or they'd be pleased, you
couldn't get any consistent criteria. The
January schedule, I think, was getting
a lot closer (to Earle patrons' requests)
because I finally got it through my head
what it is that they wanted from dance
bands. But one guy would say he wan-
ted a heavy funk band, and another guy
would say he'd want a forties dance
band. And I'm having-to direct traffic
with all these crazies."
At the Earle, the.reasons for the

And downtown at the Earle the jazz
program, which has brought in such
people as McCoy Tyner, the Thad
Jones-Mel Lewis big band, and Dexter
Gordon, has been cancelled. By the
time you read this it will only
sporadically book local musicians, and
will book no major ones. And they-have
fired Grofsorean. According to Grof-
sorean, a major problem at the Earle
was that the four owners of the club did
not have enough capital to 'cover the
original architect's estimate for last
year's renovation of the building, which

failure of the jazz program are fairly
simple. Primarily, it was not a failure
of the community's jazz audience or of
Grofsorean booking shows people here
would not support. Perhaps it was a
failure of the audience to realize they
were seeing a show in a club and not
Hill Auditorium. 'Perhaps if -more
people had bought food and drink, the
program would have been prolonged.
But ultimately, it would have taken a lot
of consumption to fill the gap between
the owners' anticipated and actual
upkeep costs.

Daily Phc
The Earle (pictured above) recently ceased programming jazz following a year of diverse and pr

the four-day fes
seems driven to
term. Perhaps i
pessimism, but
strongly comme
they have dedi
worry that the c
exhibited in pro
more esoteric ar
created the Brig
bringing lesser-ki
intimate audiene
ted that such go
and we will end u

With Eclipse, the fact that making a
profit has never been a terminal matter
has only made this year's problems all
the sadder. Eclipse is a student group
with a phenomenal record of success. It
has sponsored seminars and artist
residencies. it has brought numerous
worthwile artists many promoters
won't touch because they aren't
salable; and a tasteful mixture of
promotion and radiant urgency helped
forge a large following for such artists.
A forceful expression of their growth
was last fall's Duke Ellington festival.
"The festival, with weak bookings,
came off because of a fantastic
promotional pitch," says Grofsorean.
"But I think it was an honest, straight-
ahead, non-jive push, none of this call-
to-our-question-no garish stuff.
"Y OU KNOW HOW hard it -is to
sell Duke Ellington? Duke El-
lington, man?," Grofsorean asks.
leaning forward to emphasize his point.
"He didn't play to a full house the last
time he was in Power Center, in 1971.
And there was a festival for the man,
seven years later, that does $77,000 wor-
th of ticket sales. And he couldn't fill
Power Center, the man himself;" -
But ambition, unfortunately, was not
enough. A 'large deficit resulted from

'ms of Bob James
Report concerts,
concerts, or...).
But that rema
aspects of-the
mistakes: going
show, with five sl
was too long. But
tend, should be
student groups.]
not one which ins
and it did not
anything: simply
Still, there is a
of a lack of suppc
reasons why thi
have had such p
something we co
cry. Ultimately,
there is never
main failures o
should not be disl
has been suppo
For while a grea
may be unpleasi
better scenes arc
In one case it
bullshit that mad
boy of the music
thusiasm prove
sibility. And i
anyway) enthusi
tainly can-afford

26 111 155 55 121 28

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