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February 04, 1979 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1979-02-04

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See Editorial Page



See Today for details

Vol. LXXXIX, No. 105

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 4, 1979

Ten Cents

Ten Pages plus Supplement

Ann Arbor Police are investigating a
series of check-cashing frauds in-
yolving thousands of dollars in checks
stolen mostly from University students.
Police and local bank officials
refuse to discuss details of the case,
pending investigation. However, one
police official admitted there has been
a "rash" of such incidents in recent
ERIC SPRINKLE, a 24-year-old
University student, claims he was a
victim of such a scheme last week. The
incident involving Sprinkle is one in the
series of frauds, police officials said.
"It was kind of exciting," Sprinkle
said. "A nuisance, though, but it wasn't
The plot unfolds when the forger
inquires into an advertised room in an
apartment. The person agrees to rent
the room and pays a small deposit.
When the other tenants are away, the
bandit takes several checks from an
unsuspecting tenant's checkbook. The
forger then writes a check, stolen from
someone else, to the tenant. Depositing
the check at the tenant's bank, the
forger withdraws a smaller amount of
cash from the victim's account. The
bank teller, having the larger check in
hand, approves the transaction.
THE BANKS are responsible for the
See THIEF, Page 2


Daily Photo by LISA UDELSON
PARTICIPANTS IN Sigma Nu's "Dance for Diabetes" demonstrate some fancy foot-work during the 30-hour disco marathon,
held in the Union Ballroom Friday and Saturday. They made up some new and bizarre dances like this one to pass the time.
Sophomores Jeff Burke and Diane Shatusky lead the floundering group.
Dancers boogie for 30 hours
to aid in fight against diabetes

From Reuter and AP
TEHRAN - Ayatollah Khomeini said
yesterday he would ask the Iranian
people to wage a holy war if the shah's
appointed government refused to make
way for an Islamic republic.
The threat brought no immediate
response from Prime Minister Shapur
Bakhtiar, chief political foe of the fiery
Moslem revolutionary leader.
BUT IN AN interview he gave Friday
to a Paris newspaper, published
yesterday, Dr. Bakhtiar said he would
order the arrest and possible execution
of "those who call for civil war and the
taking up of arms."
The 78-year-old Khomeini, who was
hailed by millions when he returned
home on Thursday after 15 years in
exile, told his first press conference
that he had not yet declared a Jihad, or
Moslem holy war.
"But if these people refuse to resign
we will be obliged to ask the people to
take up arms, to wage a holy war," he
HE SAID HE had formed a
revolutionary council, drawn up a con-
stitution and would "very soon" an-
nounce a provisional government for
the planned Islamic republic.
"The present government is illegal

It was a picnic.
Frisbees and footballs flying. Lots of
card playing, eating, and general
milling around. They were dancing
while they did all this, though - they
had to.
THE SETTING was Sigma Nu's third
annual "Dance for Diabetes," a 30-hour
effort which kept only nine area couples
on the move for charity, fun, and a shot
at a free vacation. New dances were in-

vented to pass the time, including a
"bus stop" done while reading the
paper, as well as one called the
"alligator," in which couples l4terally
rolled on the floor. They said the
alligator maneuver bore a close resem-
blance to a janitor cleaning up.
"Anything you can think of, we've
done," said Literary College
sophomore Diane Shatusky. The antics
brought relief for swollen feet and
ringing ears under the pounding beat of

"YMCA," "Rubber Band Man," and
"Let's Dance," at the marathon held in
the Union Ballroom this weekend.
At 5:30 yesterday afternoon the five
remaining couples began their
boogying for the final four-hour stint in
the 30-hour marathon dance held to
raise funds for the American Diabetes
Four couples had given up since the
beginning of the marathon at 6 p.m.
See SIGMA, Page 7

'K' still
Last month a defendant accused of
armed robbery was denied bail, held in
jail for three days, and only then sent to
a circuit court for trial. This was the
first time that Proposal K, the "no
bond" law, was invoked in Washtenaw
Proposal K was passed by a large
majority in last November's election
and grants judges authority to deny bail
in cases involving violent crimes. A
person accused of murder, treason,
armed robbery, criminal sexual assault
in the first degree, or kidnapping for ex-
tortion can be denied bail if the court
deems the prisoner a danger to the
community. The law also covers
anyone who has been convicted for two
crimes of violence in the last 15 years.
PRIOR TO K's passage bail could
only be denied to persons accused of
murder or treason.
Although 14th District Court Judge
Robert Fink invoked the law last mon-
th, the effective date for the law has
been a source of misunderstanding, ac-
cording to the State Court Ad-
nrinistrative Office in Lansing. A letter
was sent to all Michigan judges stating
May 1, 1979 as the effective date. Fink
defended his denying a prisoner bail by
citing Article 12 of the state con-'
stitution. "If a referendum is voted for
by the majority of the electorate, it
shall become law 45 days after it's
voted upon," the judge quoted.
The American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) is presently involved in deter-
mining if the constitution takesa
precedence over house legislation or
vice-versa. The proposal was sponsored'
in the House, which passed a resolution
setting the effective date for May.
Court cases are expected to evolve to

under debate

determine when the proposal actually
does become effective.
OPPONENTS OF the law say that
denial of bail is punishment before trial
and is an obstacle for a defendant in
aiding in his defense if he is locked up in
jail awaiting trial.
Jean King, an attorney long opposed
to the proposal said, "Proposal K takes
a right away. Bail is extremely impor-
tant for a defendant if he or she is to aid
in working with lawyer to develop a
Jerome Farmer, chief assistant
prosecuting attorney in Washtenaw
County disagrees. "Clients don't do
much to prepare for trial. That
argument is a straw argument," he
Farmer added, "There are many

good aspects of the bill to protect the
community. Before (Proposal K) the
judge was bound by the (Michigan)
Supreme Court to release everybody on
personal recognizance."
baum, the sponsor of the house
resolution to put the proposal on the
ballot was unable to be reached for
comment, but in a release prior to the
passage of the amendment, he said the
proposal focused on individuals with a
history of violence. The idea of
Proposal K is to keep persons in jail
while awaiting trial who "have demon-
strated a propensity for committing ac-
ts of violence while on bail."
The Michigan Council on Crime and
See PROPOSAL, Page 7

anu nas to step aside," he told repor-
ters. "If it does not, it will be respon
sible for the consequences."
Diplomatic sources said they
believed the next three days will be
crucial in determining the attitude of
the armed forces and whether Iran will
move toward a bloody confrontation.
The military has the key to power, and
most or all of its top commanders are
believed loyal to the shah and Bakhtiar.
The sentiments of the rank-and-file
soldiers are less certain.
THE SOURCES, who asked not to be
named, said the armed forces "must be
hoping for a compromise" to maintain
unity within their fragile ranks.
Last month City Council passed at
first reading a zoning ordinance for the
Cranbrook Village housing develop-
ment, igniting an issue that may prove
to be volatile in the upcoming city elec-
tion. The Council vote would replace
a multi-family unit- apartment,
townhouse, or twofamily house -
zoning with a single-family house
Spurred by former Fourth Ward
Councilman Ronald Trowbridge's (R-
Fourth Ward) comments on a radio talk
show ten days ago, city Democrats
claim Republican Mayor Louis
Belcher's advocacy of single family
residences in the area is intended to
keep the GOP in power.
TROWBRIDGE told the radio
audience that people who live in apar-
tments tend to vote Democratic.
Several Democrats say the
Republicans on Council are probably
See ZONING, Page 10
" If you thought University's
boundaries ended at city limits,
read about property the Regents
own in Cerro Tolo, Chile, Jackson
(Wyoming), and Kitt Peak, Az.
Page 2.
* In a test of union strength,
the Steelworkers strike against
the world's biggest shipbuilder in
Newport News entered its fourth
day yesterday. See Page 10.
- After charges of fraud, the
State Theater agreed to a refund
for patrons who attended yester-
day's showing of a Jimi Hendrix
movie. Expecting to see two
Hendrix films, the irate patrons
were treated to less than one
complete movie. The theater
denied advertising two movies.

Musicians sing for
j ailed demonstrators

With plenty of folk, country, blues,
and rock, a host of local musicians sang
into the early morning hours at East
Quad Friday night to help raise funds
for 14 demonstrators jailed following a
nuclear protest late last year.
The Arbor Alliance Benefit Concert,
attended by a moderate crowd, helped
raise funds for costly legal fees for the
demonstrators jailed on trespassing
charges during a sit-in at the Big Rock
Nuclear Plant near Charlevoix last

ner of social protest, the concert was
highlighted by musicians such as Dave
Shettler and the Clams, "Banjo" Betsy
Beckerman, the Blue Northern Country
Band, and Paula Amam's singing of
"It's the Nukes That Must Go, Not Me."
The NoMads, as the defendants call
themselves, originally started as a
group of five persons active in the 1977
Seabrook nuclear rally in New Ham-
pshire. After several other nuclear
demonstrators, the l\'oMads soon
staged similar rallies at Petoskey and
Traverse City.
See FOLK, Page 5

Vaily rhoto by LISA UDELSON
MICHIGAN'S MIKE MCGEE looks for a call as teammate Alan Hardy tumbles 1
out of bounds in yesterday's game. This type of action on the floor was common
in a rugged contest. Michigan prevailed in the end, 74-65, over the Fighting
Illini. See story on Page nine.



Iran tumult, tuition costs top student concerns

Concern about the explosive crisis in
Iran, rising University tuition, and a
general lack of awareness about the
search for a new University president
highlighted the responses from Univer-
sity students.
Approximately 200 students were
asked four questions regarding Univer-
sity problems, the presidential search
and national/international issues. The
questions were:
* What do you think is the most im-
portant University issue today?
* Who is the current University
* Are you aware of any plans to
replace the current president?
" What do you think is the most isn-

a dismal second with only 18 per cent of
the total, while 13 per cent thought
Robben Fleming was still head of the
A significant number of students had
some notion that Fleming had left the
University, but were unsure who had
succeeded him. Twelve per cent of
those questioned knew Fleming was no
longer president but were unsure of
what had happened following his
WHILE A healthy majority of those
polled, (61.5 per cent), knew the
University was making some effort to
find a new president, most students
showed only a vague awareness of the
details of the search. Many mentioned a

This article describes the results of a Dail'
telephone survey conducted vesterdaY.
Names and telephone numbers of ap-
proximatelv 200 students were selected at

randomf trom the Student Directory, and
although the poll is limited statistically, every
effort was made to reflect the attitudes of the

Student Responses

Most important

Who is the
current University

Are you aware
of presidential

Most important
University issue?
I don't know. 33%

Most important
not./ world issue?



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