/ The Michigan Daily-Saturday, February 3, 1979-Page 5 I1ZLJZZD7~ iLLL~ ... N a- Corkers ragged but Br ge 1j - - _ 3 . 'r " riir - rRri rrrwn riw r ri ir+.rr. i - r1r..+ f Apathy is a dangerous and rapidy growing trend on campus today, one that threatens to make students even more politically impotent than they already are. Fortunately, there remain a few of the terminally disgruntled who take the time to grace local walls with messages of social importance. Of course I'm not referring here to mindless dogmatics who scribble swastikas or "Down with the Shp!" Trained monkeys can do as much. Nor do I have any patience for those exchange students who insist on discussing their domestic politics in their own language. As one annoyed English- speaking student wrote in reply to a lengthy indecipherable diatribe on the walls of MLB: "Let's see visas and passports right now." No, the kind of things I like to see are clear, easy to read expressions of cogent and controversial opinions dealing with sensitive topics like religion, politics, and sex. SOME SQUEAMISH TYPES might complain that this leads to remarks which display "bad taste," that persistent nemisis of all college students. Yet is not taste a totally subjective thing? It may be difficult to defend scrawls like East Quad's: "Gas Jesus, '78," but there is a certain aura about such undisguised hatred that seems to transcend the bounds of taste com- pletely. In any case, such evil sentiment is really not all that common: Religious remarks, for example, are usually limited to things like: "God didn't create the world in seven days; he screwed around for six and then pulled an all-nighter." (Courtesy: Grad Library) Political comments tend to be equally gentle, perhaps a result of the general lack of interest in the general student population. It must be admit- ted that East Quad is dense with cries for anarchy, but then one must con- sider the source. Elsewhere, the political graffiti that exists tends to relate to specific issues such as Joel Samoff, nuclear energy, and whales. Possibly it is the issues themselves which account for the relative scar- city of current-events related items etched on the walls of our favorite buildings: Few people, it seems, are capable of spelling "Divestiture!" correctly. This brings to mind the question of grammar and graffiti. How; can a major university be proud of its reputation when the scribblings of the. student body suggest that many enrolees fall a shade short of literacy? The examples are legion, but you need only read the summer-sublet posters in the Fishbowl this spring, and you'll see what I mean. CONCLUDING THIS WEEK is the question that all of us have been wondering about: What is the meaning of "Joe Licks Taint?" This cryptic and omnipresent phrase has never been satisfactorally explained, and any information as to the deeper significance of this puzzler, no matter how inaccurate, will be gratefully accepted. So, until next time, as they say in East Quad, have "Fun, fun, fun, 'till they take our magic markers away.'' By ERIC ZORN Long before musicians like Vassar Clemens plugged his electric fiddle into fifty-thousand dollar sound systems in order to blast "The Orange Blossom Special" to as many thousand listeners as would crowd behind the stacks of speakers, groups of men and women gathered on porches, in living rooms, and in front of fireplaces to play music for each other and enjoy an evening together. At its Pest, music is a very personal form of communication which provides joy and satisfaction on many levels, and that sort of communication is perhaps best offered in a straight- forward and sipcere performance from a musician or group of musicians who have lived their music all their lives. If any group ever looked as if they just hopped off a tractor or a semi-truck to pick up their instruments, it is the Cork Lickers, the association of six good-ol-boys who brought their three fiddles, guitar, banjo and bass to the Ark on Thursday night for an evening of old time string band music. Live and just barely rehearsed, the Cork Lickers come from the mountains of North Carolina where they hve learned a great number of old tunes which set toes to tapping and feet to stomping. IT TAKES A brave group to saw three fiddles at once: Even two fiddlers tend to go out of tune with each other Sid Vicious found dead NEW YORK (AP) - The nude body of punk rocker Sid Vicious was found in a Greenwich Village apartment Friday and police said he apparently took an overdose of heroin at a party celebrating his release from jail. Police said a syringe, a spoon and "what was probably heroin residue" were found nears the body when it was discovered at about 12:30 p.m. by the musician's mother, Anne Beverly. Mrs. Beverly had gone to the Bank Street apartment to awaken her son for his required daily check-in at a police station, Detective Richard Houseman said. The 21-year-old British citizen, whose real name was John Simon Ritchie, had been released from jail Thursday on $50,000 cash bail. He was accused of killing his long-time American girlfriend, Nancy Spungen, last Oct. 12 by stabbing her in the stomach. Vicious had been freed once before on bail, but it was revoked after he was accused of hitting Todd Smith, brother of rock singer Patti Smith, in the face with a beer mug during an early- morning fracas in a nightclub. Vicious, bass guitarist with the now- defunct Sex Pistols band, was bailed out again Thursday and left jail saying he wanted a slice of pizza. Houseman said Vicious went to the Greenwich Village apartment, which was rented by out-of-work actress Michele Robinson, for a party to and fight for dominance, and three will only add to the problem unless everyone has good taste and manages to stay out of each other's way. The Cork Lickers exhibit not so much tact and taste as enthusiasm, and their en- semble of gut and string is alive with momentary harmonies and exciting flights of fancy above first position which sound a lot like a parking lot jam session. In a way the whole point, of old time southern-traditional music is that the fiddlers .aren't always in tune, that the band members wear undershirt and overalls and dirty down vests, and that they hollar the choruses in unison rather than attempting the harmonies one finds in the old time country groups like, say, the Delmore Brothers, The Blue Sky Boys, or Ray and Ina Pat- terson. Sure, The Cork Lickers could af- ford swifter stage apparel, could fade in and out of solo breaks, and, judging by their individual voices, could croon a few fancy harmonies: These trappings would only get them further away from the point of their music; from the essential beauty of everyone playing with fire-on-the-strings abandon. THURSDAY'S PERFORMANCE was not sloppy, though, by any means. The square dance tunes were alive, especially the syncopated screeching in "Cacklin' Hen," and the infectious rhythms of songs like "Molly Put The Kettle On" and "Black Eyed 'Susie." Typical of the vocal selections was "Little Brown Jug," which was highlighted by a chorus which simply continued the "ha ha ha!" theme all the way through to everyone's delight. As if their flannel shirts and baggy jeans weren't enough to convince you that the Cork Lickers are not Renaissance men, their stage show closed the case. For example: ."The other day it was so dry, I saw two trees fighting over a dog," was probably the best joke of the night, with the restof the pattercoming across as charmingly insipid at best. Lead fiddler Casey Morell has a disarmingly effective 12: 3A M 0 ~~3,Io 1 works}o p & the. C ae r6 u "Th Tme, 1'i overe t .,aIhlproviSo~riorl' BEST OF BROADWAY presents HERMIONE GINGOLD POWER CENTER FEB. 2-4 Fri.-Sun. 8pm with 2pm Sun. Matinee Tickets are availble at The Power Center 763 3333 Sat. 1 5 & 6-8 and Sun. 12-5&6-8 In C elebrat ion, A PLAY BY DAVID STOREY JAN. 31- FEB. 3 TRUEBLOOD THEATRE 8PM UNIVERSITY SHOWCASE PRODUCTIONS TICKETS $2 AT PTP OFFICE IN THE MICHIGAN LEAGUE 7640450 i HatikvaliCampaign (UJA) upped its 1979 pledge UP' TOURSI' stage presence, and, though he plays the drunken rube part louder than most of his band, he's the only one you'd want to bring home to meet Mom and Dad. The wooden floors of the Ark were pounded by a collection of eager clog dancers during the performance, but it remains to be seen whether this sort of musical "electricity" can be captured on a ,record. The Cork Lickers first album, on which, Morell says, "There's a few tunes we really want to learn," is due out soon. Typically, ,string band recordings lack most of the guts of a live performance, and do not even come close to capturing the exuberance with which most of these bands play. Return your pledge card today The Ann Arbor Film Cooperative present at MLB 3 Saturday, February 3 FANTASTIC ANIMATION FESTIVAL 7 & 10:20-MLSB3 Sixteen fabulous cartoons from around the world that demonstrate what animation is capable of-from humorous and fantastic to the suggestive and macabre. Among the outstanding artists are Canada's PAUL DRIESSEN, France's BERNARD PALACOIS, MAX "SUPERMAN" FLEISCHER, noted under- ground filmmaker Jordan Belson, and Oscar winner Will "CLOSED MONDAYS" Vinton. SUPERSHORTS 8:40 only-MLB3 One of the most consistently hilarious, engrossing and entertaining programs of short films ever assembled. Titles include EAT THE SUN; THE DOVE; QUASI AT THE QUACKADERO; HARDWARE WARS; RUNNING, JUMPING, AND STANDING STILL FILM (Peter Sellers); and RAPID EYE MOVEMENTS. Features IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE END: THE TRUTH ABOUT DE-EVOLUTION starring Devo, the De-Evolution Band from OhighO. MONDAY: Edgar Ulmer's BLUEBEARD & MURDER IS MY BEATI rgt If any group could have done it, I thought, it. would have been the Dutch Cove Old Time String Band from North Carolina who camel out with Sycamore Tea in 1978. In concert, Dutch Cove is overwhelming, but in the studio they glossed gracefully over their songs editing out the yelps of enjoyment and, punctuating shouts of "haw! haw!" It doesn't seem that the Cork Lickers could ever be antiseptic: They are ragged but right, sawing away together to bring up North a real taste of a.; Saturday night hoedown or a backporch, songfest. Who needs slick perfection?' Traditional music did not begin with that idea and will not end there. I Ar hoto Punk rocker SisI Vicious is shown with his arm around his mother, Ann Beverly, as they leave Manhattan 7riminal court in New York Thursday af- ter posting $50,000 bail. Vicious reportedly killed himself Friday with an overdose of heroin. celebrate his release. The detective said others at the party told him Vicious was "jovial, happy and contemplating a bright future." He drank beer most of the evening, Houseman said, but at about midnight gave himself an injection of heroin. "About 45 minutes later he went into a seizure, but came out of it," Houseman said he was told. PARADISE ALLEY: I ----- -------------------------.*M: - . I g R 44~I SUMMER I SUBLET SUPPLEMENT I O , I I., I I, NAME _____ ADDRESS PHONE ______________________- I COST: Only $8.00 before. I 5:00 p.m. March 2, 1979. (March 3-March 19, cost is $10.00) I Make checks payable to the Mich. I Igan Daily. Mail or bring in person to 420 Maynard Street. I (actual size of ad) Absolutely no ads Please print or type legibly in will be accepted the space provided, as you after March 19. would like ad to appear. I Supplement will appear 1Sunday, March 25, 1979 ------ Sly goes another round By ANNE SHARP In Paradise Alley, Sylvester Stallone returns to two themes that he worked over in his previous film, Rocky: Prize fighting, and the strange romance of poverty in the big city. In Rocky, also written and directed by Stallone, he portrays a small-time fighter. In this, 'his second effort at writing, directing and starring in a feature film, Stallone plays Cosmo Carbone, a tough, funny street punk with long hair (in 1946, the setting for Paradise Alley, anything over a buzz cut was considered long) and a golden earring. Cosmo makes his living by his wits, which aren't much to speak of. He lives in Hell's Kitchen, an exceptionally sleazy part of New York, with his two brothers, Lenny (Armand Assante) and Victor (Lee Canalito). Victor is a sweet, simple soul who just happens to occupy the strapping body of a Marvel Comics superhero. Cosmo trains for the championship match by punching bloody slabs of dead cow in a butcher's freezer. As Lenny, Armand Assante gives a performance strangely reminiscent of Claude Rains in one of his nastier roles. Lenny abandons his mortician's prac- tice in order to manage Victor's career at the Paradise. At first a quiet, neutral character, he becomes greedy and calculating, making Cosmo, that bum- bling con-artist, look harmless in com- parison. With all the vice and corruption that's supposedly going on, Hell's Kitchen doesn't seem all that horrible, and, in fact, it is somewhat romanticized. Even the rats which festoon the sets don't seem undesirable as such; they hang around the characters' rooms like household pets. Paradise Alley, and the dime-a-dance hall where Lenny's girl works, are rosily lit by neon, giving them a sort of soft-edged glamor. It's the sort of place where Cosmo can Stallone has a way of juxtaposing purely magical elements, such as Vic- tor's astonishing physical powers, with realistic ones, like Lenny and Cosmo's exploitation of their brother. His characters are despicable, yet oddly charming. We don't know how to feel about them, just as in real life we have mixed feelings about a politician, a friend, a brother or sister. Perhaps, in creating his characters, Stallone has been too realistic. That seems like a strange criticism, since most filmmakers are called down for being too artificial in their charac- terizations. Anyway, let's hope Stallone isn't too embittered by the pannings that FISTand Paradise Alley (undeser- vedly, I think) got in their first runs, af- ter Rocky's success, and let's not make another Orson Welles out of Stallone. The man has a lot of talent, and Rocky doesn't deserve to be his Citizen Kane. uni rsi~AcIVlfesCkPi¢r SILVER STREAK U