Page 4-Friday, February 2, 1979-The Michigan Daily 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom Jerry Brown aims east By Doug Willis Vol. LXXXIX, No. 103 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan HealthCare-a plan with problems-but a plan THE ASSOCIATED PRESS reveal- ed Wednesday that the Carter Ad- ministration is considering a national health insurance plan that would guarantee every American basic protection against illness, either through a private insurance policy or a government-run program similar to Medicare. The plan, called HealthCare, would require everyone to carry a standard benefit package that would pay at least 75 per cent of the cost of all hospital bills, physician's fees, prescription drugs, outpatient, laboratory and X- ray services and treatment for alcoholics, drug addicts and the men- tally ill. Families participating in the federal plan would have to pay 25 per cent of all expenses up to a limit of $1,500 a year. They would, however, be billed by their insurance company or a com- pany handling HealthCare's claim processing rather than by their own doctors or hospitals. The rates paid to the participants in the plan would be established annually by the HEW Secretary and a special rate negotiating board comprised of providers, consumers, and insurance companies. HEW Secretary Califano said earlier this week the president had not yet committed himself to the plan which is the product of the options under study by the administration for nearly two years. Although the tentative proposal falls somewhat short of Senator Edward Kennedy's progressive :plan which would make government totally responsible for providing health care insurance to the American people, we urge President Carter to adopt the plan. HealthCare symbolizes the ad- ministration's first sincere effort to watch over the health of its citizens. In the past, poor citizens have been too of- ten denied adequate health care because of the tremendous costs. This plan is a beginning step to do away. with expensive health care treatment. But the pl an is not without some faults. First, it still requires families to pay for a, quarter of the program up to a maximum $1,500 annually. While it's true that Carter's plan helps soften the heavy burden of health care costs for poor families, these families still have to pay a significant sum to receive the benefits, a sum which could con- ceivably rise in coming years to ac- commodate rising inflation. In other words, there should be no cost for these benefits. Poor families who can't afford the present expensive health care casts are still going to have to bear a heavy burden to pay for 25 per cent of the new plan's expenses. Second, Carter's plan would allow underprivileged families to pay their bills over an extended period if they can't meet the costs during the par- ticular year. This provision is a good idea but should be expanded so that ex- tensions can be granted easily to those unable to meet the 25 per cent requirement. Also, the proposed phase-in scheduled to begin in 1983, means that the full implementation of the plan might take years. Carter should make the necessary adjustments in the 1980 fiscal budget and start the program now.'Health care costs are rising daily and four years may be too lath for some. HealthCare may not go far enough in providing sound health care for all Americans, but it's the best we've heard so far from the present ad- ministration. SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Jerry Brown, carrying an increasingly conservative banner no longer uses the word "remote" when talking about a run for the presidency in 1980. Instead, the California gover- nor says he's giving a lot of thought to challenging President Carter in the primaries but an announcement would be "premature." SOME OF his actions, though, seem beyond the "thinking" stage. -Recently he won nationwide attention with his endorsement of a convention to require a balan- ced federal budget. -He is strongly criticizing Car- ter on inflation. -He has asked a national labor leader what his chances of an AFL-CIO endorsement would be. At the same time, the 40-year- old Brown has stopped talking of an "era of limits" - his phrase for the need to save the environ- ment and resources. And gone, too, are references to Zen and other counter-culture trappings that made the nation notice this odd Democrat. It is time, he says, for America to get back to balanced budgets, less government, less meddling in the affairs of distant nations, and more belief in the country's. fundamental soundness and future. "AMERICA RIGHT now is not building for the future. It is stealing from it," says Brown, who defeated Carter in three 1976 primaries and challenged him in two others. "What we're seeing today is decline abroad and decadence at home." And Brown comments, "I'see a lack of faith in the future on the part of people about to retire, I see frustration at the super- market. And obviously it's time for some kind of change." This all has a, populist ring reminiscent of the anti-gover- nment exhortations of Huey Long, George Wallace, Howard Jarvis and - on occasion - Jimmy Carter. And it is the sort of talk Brown has used since his political debut on a Los Angeles school board 10 years ago. AT A DECEMBER meeting with labor leaders, which Brown says labor requested, he says he asked Al Barkan, national political director of the-AFL-CIO, if organized labor would support him or Sen. Edward Kennedy. He said he had no commitment from Barkan. Meanwhile, he works away at the issue he believes can be used to challenge both Carter and Kennedy. That is the proposal he embraced in a January speech for a constitutional convention to draft an amendment requiring a balanced federal budget. Federal deficits, Brown says, are not a root cause of inflation. Although Carter's 1980 budget proposal trims the deficit to $29 billion, Brown says it is still in- flationary and unacceptable. BROWN IS A late supporter of this convention, which has been endorsed by 24 states and needs 10 more states to be convened. But Brown is in the battle just as the proposal is gaining momen- tum. This campaign also allows Brown to use the same tactic both he and Carter have used suc- cessfully in the past - to align himself with frustrated voters against government. "The fiscal excess by the federal government is recognized by 75 per cent of the American people.. ." he says. "So the only people who can't recognize this seem to be a rather limited group of experts that dwells in Washington." CARTER CALLED a con- stitutional convention on the budget proposal a "dangerous" idea that might open the door to other amendments restricting civil liberties. Brown says this is a "scare tactic." "I had never thought that balancing the federal budget was an unusual idea, or even a radical. proposal. But given the reaction in Washington, it was as though I'd proposed a different form of government. Perhaps I , had," Brown says. Reaction in California to Brown's maneuvering is mixed. Some liberal Democrats are enraged by his adoption of a cause championed mostly by aEXPR TATSON'S OUR L/IrTS,~ conservatives and by the tigh state budget he unveiled i January. "THIS MAN thinks he ca ,become president of the Unite States by having Herbert Hoove capture the Democratic.Party," said David Roberti, Democratic floor leader of the state Senate. And state Sen. Barr Keene, Democrat allied with Brown i the past, adds that he cannot sup port a candidate "who rides int the White House on a con stitutional crisis . . . he has per petrated." Some newspapers also hav had critical editorials. The Los Angeles Times termed Brown's call for a constitutional conven- tion "a clumsy grab for national attention." The Washington Post said it "dispelled any lingering suspicions . . . he might be fit for national leadership." BROWN, MEANWHILE doesn't act as if he is bothered by the criticism. He goes along prac- ticing his favorite approach - moving both left and right, seeking support from liberals and conservatives, He opposed Proposition 13's property tax cuts until its lana dslide adoption by voters. Then, during his successful re-election campaign for a second term, he embraced it as the will of the people and declared himself "a born-again tax-cutter." Brown hopes to sell the balan- ced budget idea toliberals. If President Johnson had been for- ced to balance his budget, he says, Vietnam would have been avoided. And today's budget deficits finance foreign aid that props up repressive governmen- ts. .BROWN USED THAT argument at the liberal- dominated state Democratic Party convention. He was greeted with boos, but by the end of his 45-minute address, e received a standing ovation. It was another example of the balancing act between left aid right that the bachelor, governor had used throughout his political career. Brown described it in his calm paign: "People ask me, 'Are ybu a liberal or conservative?' I think you can do both." Doug Willis is an Ass'bciat d Press staff writer. Progressive change ADA's goal AATA on right track M ASS TRANSPORTATION is one of the most important attributes of any metropolitan area, large or small. A good system gets people where they want to go with a minimum of inconvenience and waste, and help- s to bring an area a stronger sense of community. A poor system, on the other hand, is not only a drain on the taxpayers, it hinders the community by closing areas off because of poor access. For years, the Ann Arbor Transit Authority has fallen under the second category. Incomplete routes coupled with an inefficient though well- conceived dial-a-ride system provided the city and the surrounding areas with a system too cumbersome to be useful to the public. Horror stories, especially about long waits for the Dial-a-Ride vans, were the rule rather than the ex- ception. All that may be changing, however, and not a moment too soon. After an exhaustive four months of re- examining their goals, the AATA board Wednesday night finally decided to aim more towards fixed routes and main-line buses, and to phase out gradually part of the Dial-a-Ride system. ,The AATAS board, however, wisely realized that what took a long time to do would also take a long time to undo, and their plans to phase Dial-a-Ride out gradually seem to be well con- ceived. The board has taken great care to see that the gradual phase-out of rush hour dial-a-ride service for the non- elderly or handicapped will not cause undue trama to persons and areas affec- ted. Board members at the meeting used phases such as "reliability of ser- vice" and "least disruptive as possible," when discussing the service cuts. Dial--Ride is an essential part of the AATA system. For many elderly and handicapped citizens, Dial-a-Ride is their only tie to the rest of the com- munity. For many others, who seek to use Dial-a-Ride as a convenient alter- native to fixed route buses, though, the great expense cannot be met. Of course, some people are bound to suffer from the cuts. The Board, though, in its decision making, has realized the one most important thing about managing mass transit. That is the fact that they are moving not cargo, but people. This realization is an important first step towards allowing AATA to realize its goals. Have you been libeled for being liberal? Did you find the "tax revolt" revolting? Do you think that conglomerates cooperate rather than compete? Do you believe that progressive social change is important? If you've answered these questions affir- matively then you may be interested in joining the U of M student chapter of the Americans for Democratic Action (ADA). Many people have heard of ADA but only have a vague notion of what ADA is. ADA was formed in 1947 and first received national recognition in 1948 when it led the fight to place a civil rights' plank in the Democratic Party platform. ADA's goal is to *attain progessive change by working within the American political system. ADA remains ac- tive on a variety of issues relating to both foreign and domestic policy. For example in 1979 the national chapter will lobby for the Equal Rights Amendment, for the SALT II treaty, for a cleaner environment, for economic sanctions against South Africa, against allocating foreign aid to human rights' violators and against wasteful defense appropriations. NATIONWIDE ADA has over thirty thousand members. ADA's newly elected president Patsy Mink previously served in Congress and as Assistant Secretary of State. Its national officers include former U.S. At- torney General Ramsey Clark, Represen- tative John Conyers Jr. (D.-MI), Senator George McGovern and economist John Ken- neth Galbraith. Now more than ever, liberal participation in the political process is needed. As demon- strated by a new and well funded radical right, Congress and State representatives do care about what their constituents think. A sample of the results; Congress has been swamped with irresponsible legislation requiring a balanced budget and twenty-three states have voted to convene a Constitutional Convention to amend the Constitution to require the federal government to balance the budget. It all happened because people wrote their representatives and organized others to do the same. Unless these in-vogue conser- vatives are seriously challenged by an equally active liberal constituency, defense spending will rise while spending for social programs declines, the Equal Rights Amen- dment will fade away along with human rights' legislation, the SALT II treaty will be defeated, and environment protecting measures will be rescinded. THE U of M chapter of ADA is a multi-issue organization that will work on issues related to state and federal government and to the university and its students. The chapter is composed of people who understand that th issues of today are complex and that the s" plistic solution will rarely work. In order to be as effective as possible, w need a large membership of concerne students, because each of us has academi time constraints. We also have a common i terest in political issues thus making th work'both politically and socially rewardin Through our contacts with the ADA Nation Youth Caucus and other campus chapters, w will be able to form an effective coalition t work on national as well as local concern such as tenure reform, divestment fro South Africa, and increased state spending o higher education. A few of the chapter's proposed project are: a teach-in on South Africa; a lette writing campaign on human rights legislation; and a conference to set priorities for the women's movement in Michigan. ADA will hold its next meeting on Thur sday, February 8, at 7:30 in the Lawyers Cliu Lounge in the Law Quad. The purpose of th meeting is to decide the organization's agen da for the coming term. This story was written by ADA members Stewart Man- dell and Bob Gurss. Interested people should call. Letters To the Dead: Hearst I think your editorial position on the release of Patti Hearst sucks. Your appreciation of the fact that prison sentences tend not to be rehabilitative is quite progressive, but how do you ex- cuse not explaining how you feel about how her status affected her fate? Obviously there are a con- siderable number of people who pose very little threat to society in jail. Did you choose not to men- tion them, was it an oversight? We have an increasing list of un- derprivileged, white, influential I SUPPOSE you grow up with fewer opportunities and are relatively used to a low income, perhaps you don't mind serving a full prison term. The psychologicaltrauma of being punished would be much less significant. Power and freedom are won- derful things and jail is crummy. If, as a country, we considerably maintain the power and freedom of the privileged classes than we don't have to spend a whole lot of time considering rehabilitative alternatives to prison. In fact, we will rarely even hear about peaple serving sentences. I hope to God the conclusions I have drawn offend you as much as they do me. Tell me the Daily leaving other nonthreatening law offenders in prison, you ruin your credibility. J3eanie Wylie To the Daily: V C. I am appalled at the conduct of the employes at Village Corners and I will never shop there again. I went into the store to buy a loaf of bread and a candy bar. I wrote a check for these items and the cashier put the bread in a bag but left the candy bar on the counter. I picked the candy bar up and put it in my pocket. Just as I walked out the door an em- ploye grabbed me and dragged me back into the store. He loudly accused me of stealing the candy employe never apologized to mn Village Corners has gottenc siderable business from me in th past four years but because! this inconsiderate an humiliating treatment I wi never shop there again. Wh ever happened to polite e ployees and innocent until proe guilty? -Catherine M. Browntn To the Daily: Product h Your editorial, "Work6 Unite," was typically incoheren Your position seems to be, "He man, let's work slower. It's th militant way." Productivity is the rate -. production per unit of time. Tb slower one worked, the- lower 01 b e M t"b'r b t4g an :43 a iltj Fnanh- ht U.- Co....64 An.. /24it. -A M....i..« 12..11.......